Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2199 Just return the immortal dragon?

"I can crack it." Qi Jia said to Lang Xing. The magic circle set up by Shen Qing was just to guard against birds. The method was not too complicated and she could open it in an hour at most.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Langxing's fingertips send out a burst of spiritual power, and the magic circle immediately collapsed, revealing a light blue igloo inside.

Qi Jia ignored her surprise and quickly looked into the igloo, only to see Shen Qing sitting motionless on the futon, her eyes wide open, filled with a look of fear that frightened her, "Qing'er !" She let out a cry of grief, her legs so weak that she couldn't stand still.

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that she is lost in thought. Don't worry, I can wake her up. Please help me take care of Xiang'er and don't let her come over."

"What?" Qi Jia was so confused that he suspected that he was in a dream.

Lang Xing looked at her with calm eyes and said, "I'll explain to you later. After stopping Xiang'er, you two don't move around. Just wait for me where you are."

Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing and then at the suffering little junior sister, and then slowly flew backwards. Even though she was used to seeing wind and waves, it was difficult for her to stay calm. Her heart was in a state of confusion. If it weren't for Lang Xing's eyes were so calm just now, and she couldn't even keep her footing.

After stopping Bai Xiang who was flying rapidly with the Ning Cui Sword, she grabbed Bai Xiang's arm and asked, "Does your master have the ability to wake up people who are trapped in the sea of ​​meditation?" Although she tried hard to control her emotions and didn't want to scare Bai Xiang, But her tone still sounded anxious.

"What is meditation?" Bai Xiang asked confused. Master had never told her about this.

Qi Jia had no intention of explaining to her, and looked worriedly at the iceberg in the distance but did not dare to use her consciousness to observe the situation of the two of them.

Bai Xiang was sensible and stopped talking, and looked at the iceberg anxiously. It seemed that Master Shen Qing was lost in thought, and that thing must be quite dangerous.

In the silent world of ice and snow, only Bai Xiang's slightly heavy breathing was left. In fact, Bai Xiang had tried her best to breathe softly, but her cultivation was too low, so her breathing still seemed too loud in this dead environment. .

"Be careful of that little bird coming to cause trouble." Bai Xiang reminded Qi Jia with his spiritual mind.

Qi Jia tightened his grip on her arm to indicate that he understood and asked her not to say anything.

Bai Xiang gently twisted her head, looking for traces of the bird. She knew how much that bird could cause trouble. When she turned her head until she could no longer twist it, a frightened scream came from far away. Although the sound was already very small when it reached here, it still startled Bai Xiang so much that he suddenly turned his head back and almost broke his neck.

Qi Jia rushed out at this time, but immediately stopped because she saw Shen Qingzheng trembling in Lang Xing's arms with her spiritual consciousness, and the little junior sister was really awakened! She pursed her trembling lips tightly, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Fifth Senior Uncle..." Bai Xiang called in a low voice without daring to act rashly. She couldn't see that far even if she wanted to use her spiritual sense to see.

"We're awake, don't make a sound yet." Qi Jia was excited and nervous, staring at the junior sister with his consciousness. Most people who wake up from the sea of ​​meditation will lose their minds. Now is not the time to be happy.

Lang Xing was always attentive and considerate, and did not let Qi Jia suffer too much. He soon sent a message from his mind saying, "It's okay, don't worry, just let her take some time off."


Qi Jia slowly sat down on the snow, her whole body seemed to be exhausted, and she seemed to have fallen into a dream that made her feel dizzy.

Half an hour later, Lang Xing came over and said to the two of them, "She needs to be calm again. You can go see her again later."

Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Master, what is meditation?"

"I'll tell you later." After Lang Xing finished speaking, he said to Qi Jia, "I'll explain to you what needs to be explained later. Come with me to see the corpse of the monster first. I don't know what it is. "

Qi Jia really didn't know how to face this increasingly mysterious person. He nodded and asked, "Is your injury nothing serious?"

Lang Xing stroked his still aching chest and said with lingering fear, "It's a good fortune. If I hadn't taken the Golden Body Fruit, I would have been lying down for at least several decades. I just still have a little pain now, but it's nothing serious."

Only then did Bai Xiang know that the master was injured, and he stepped forward and took the master's hand in distress.

"It doesn't matter, go under the iceberg and guard Master Shen." After Lang Xing said that, he took Qi Jia and flew towards the maze.

The little bird lying under the water balloon still looked dazed. When it saw the two flying over, it struggled to fly and made a threatening cry to Qi Jia, but the cry seemed weak and weak.

"I'll appease it." Langxing pointed at the water ball, and then flew towards the bird.

Soon Langxing figured out that the bird was obsessed with money again and wanted to take possession of the water polo. Obviously, the strange water was of great benefit to it.

"Quickly retreat, don't hold on, I'll help you look after this water polo." Langxing spent a lot of effort, half persuading and half pulling the little bird to go to Qihan Hill for retreat. When he came back, Seeing that Qi Jia had taken out the corpse of the monster from the water polo.

"What is this? It looks creepy." Langxing looked at the limp "rope" with a look of disgust. The corpse without the water ball looked even more ugly, and the snake skin turned black.

"Xuanshui Immortal Dragon, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see such a legendary beast, and I didn't expect you to be able to kill it." Qi Jia frowned and looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes.

"Is this a fairy dragon? I feel goosebumps just looking at it, but this thing is really difficult to deal with. What's the point of this water? The little bird seems to think it is a treasure."

Qi Jia saw that he had no intention of telling what method he used to kill the immortal dragon, so he looked at the water ball and said, "This is the so-called Xuanshui. Under the stimulation of the immortal dragon, it has infinite magical effects. It can be said to be miraculous because of its extreme power." It is difficult to get, so there are few records of its use. The relevant sayings I have seen in the classics are only "the fairy water that calms the mind and nourishes the grass and trees. It has great benefits to all living beings. Only human beings cannot drink it." Die immediately. 'That's the word."

"So, it is both a treasure and a poison to us?" Lang Xing squinted at the water polo, and cautiously sent in a ray of consciousness. As soon as his consciousness touched the water, he felt a trance, and he hurriedly Take back your consciousness.

Qi Jia pulled him away a little and reminded, "Be careful, we know too little about it, we have to test it a little bit."

"Okay, you should be careful, I have to pick up a lost treasure." After Langxing said that, he ran into the maze and released small clouds to lead the way to find the Shui Ting Sword. This maze eats people without spitting out bones. Yes, it would be troublesome if the Shui Ting Sword sank under the ice. "I can crack it." Qi Jia said to Lang Xing. The magic circle set up by Shen Qing was just to guard against birds. The method was not too complicated and she could open it in an hour at most.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw Langxing's fingertips send out a burst of spiritual power, and the magic circle immediately collapsed, revealing a light blue igloo inside.

Qi Jia ignored her surprise and quickly looked into the igloo, only to see Shen Qing sitting motionless on the futon, her eyes wide open, filled with a look of fear that frightened her, "Qing'er !" She let out a cry of grief, her legs so weak that she couldn't stand still.

Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems that she is lost in thought. Don't worry, I can wake her up. Please help me take care of Xiang'er and don't let her come over."

"What?" Qi Jia was so confused that he seemed to be in a dream.

Lang Xing looked at her with calm eyes and said, "I'll explain to you later. After stopping Xiang'er, you two don't move around. Just wait for me where you are."

Qi Jia looked at Lang Xing and then at the suffering little junior sister, and then slowly flew backwards. Even though she was used to seeing wind and waves, it was difficult for her to stay calm. Her heart was in a state of confusion. If it weren't for Lang Xing's eyes were so calm just now, and she couldn't even keep her footing.

After stopping Bai Xiang who was flying rapidly with the Ning Cui Sword, she grabbed Bai Xiang's arm and asked, "Does your master have the ability to wake up people who are trapped in the sea of ​​meditation?" Although she tried hard to control her emotions and did not want to scare Bai Xiang, But her tone still sounded anxious.

"What is meditation?" Bai Xiang asked confused. Master had never told her about this.

Qi Jia had no intention of explaining to her, and looked worriedly at the iceberg in the distance but did not dare to use her consciousness to observe the situation of the two of them.

Bai Xiang was sensible and stopped talking, and looked at the iceberg anxiously. It seemed that Master Shen Qing was lost in thought, and that thing must be quite dangerous.

In the silent world of ice and snow, only Bai Xiang's slightly heavy breathing was left. In fact, Bai Xiang had tried her best to breathe softly, but her cultivation was too low, so her breathing still seemed too loud in this dead environment. .

"Be careful of that little bird coming to cause trouble." Bai Xiang reminded Qi Jia with his spiritual mind.

Qi Jia tightened his grip on her arm to indicate that he understood and asked her not to say anything.

Bai Xiang gently twisted her head, looking for traces of the bird. She knew how much that bird could cause trouble. When she turned her head until she could no longer twist it, a frightened scream came from far away. Although the sound was already very small when it reached here, it still startled Bai Xiang so much that he suddenly turned his head back and almost broke his neck.

Qi Jia rushed out at this time, but immediately stopped because she saw Shen Qingzheng trembling in Lang Xing's arms with her spiritual consciousness, and the little junior sister was really awakened! She pursed her trembling lips tightly, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Fifth Senior Uncle..." Bai Xiang called in a low voice without daring to act rashly. She couldn't see that far even if she wanted to use her spiritual sense to see.

"We're awake, don't make a sound yet." Qi Jia was excited and nervous, staring at the junior sister with his consciousness. Most people who wake up from the sea of ​​meditation will lose their minds. Now is not the time to be happy.

Lang Xing was always attentive and considerate, and did not let Qi Jia suffer too much. He soon sent a message from his mind saying, "It's okay, don't worry, just let her take a breather."


Qi Jia slowly sat down on the snow, her whole body seemed to be exhausted, and she seemed to have fallen into a dream that made her feel dizzy.

Half an hour later, Lang Xing came over and said to the two of them, "She needs to be calm again. You can go see her again later."

Bai Xiang asked curiously, "Master, what is meditation?"

"I'll tell you later." Lang Xing finished speaking and said to Qi Jia, "I'll explain to you what needs to be explained later. Come with me to see the corpse of the monster first. I don't know what it is. "

Qi Jia really didn't know how to face this increasingly mysterious person. He nodded and asked, "Is your injury nothing serious?"

Lang Xing stroked his still aching chest and said with lingering fear, "It's a good fortune. If I hadn't taken the Golden Body Fruit, I would have had to lie down for at least several decades. I still have a little pain now, but it's nothing serious."

Only then did Bai Xiang know that the master was injured, and he stepped forward and took the master's hand in distress.

"It doesn't matter, go under the iceberg and guard Master Shen." After Lang Xing said that, he took Qi Jia and flew towards the maze.

The little bird lying under the water balloon still looked dazed. When it saw the two flying over, it struggled to fly and made a threatening cry to Qi Jia, but the cry seemed weak and weak.

"I'll appease it." Langxing pointed at the water ball, and then flew towards the bird.

Soon Langxing figured out that the bird was obsessed with money again and wanted to take possession of the water polo. Obviously, the strange water was of great benefit to it.

"Quickly retreat, don't hold on, I'll help you look after this water polo." Langxing spent a lot of effort, half persuading and half pulling the little bird to go to Qihan Hill for retreat. When he came back, Seeing that Qi Jia had taken out the monster's corpse from the water polo.

"What is this? It looks creepy." Langxing looked at the limp "rope" with a look of disgust. The corpse without the water ball looked even more ugly, and the snake skin turned black.

"Xuanshui Immortal Dragon, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see such a legendary beast, and I didn't expect you to be able to kill it." Qi Jia frowned and looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes.

"Is this a fairy dragon? I feel goosebumps just looking at it, but this thing is really difficult to deal with. What's the point of this water? The little bird seems to think it is a treasure."

Qi Jia saw that he had no intention of telling what method he used to kill the immortal dragon, so he looked at the water ball and said, "This is the so-called Xuanshui. Under the stimulation of the immortal dragon, it has infinite magical effects. It can be said to be miraculous because of its extreme power." It is difficult to get, so there are few records of its use. The relevant sayings I have seen in the classics are only "the fairy water that calms the mind and nourishes the grass and trees. It has great benefits to all living beings. Only human beings cannot drink it." Die immediately. 'That's the word."

"So, it is both a treasure and a poison to us?" Lang Xing squinted at the water polo, and cautiously sent in a ray of consciousness. As soon as his consciousness touched the water, he felt a trance, and he hurriedly Take back your consciousness.

Qi Jia pulled him away a little and reminded, "Be careful, we know too little about it, we have to test it a little bit."

"Okay, you should be careful, I have to pick up a lost treasure." After Langxing said that, he ran into the maze and released small clouds to lead the way to find the Shui Ting Sword. This maze eats people without spitting out bones. Yes, it would be troublesome if the Shui Ting Sword sank under the ice.

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