Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2201 Like a pile of shit

At midnight, Shen Qing came floating in.

"You'd better put Fifth Senior Sister into seclusion." Lang Xing said with a slight smile.

Shen Qing smiled and glared at him and said, "You revealed so many secrets to her, but you were lazy and didn't give any explanation. You left them all to me, which made me keep talking. Before she went into seclusion, she never forgot to ask me to do it." Know how you killed the immortal dragon."

The evil smile on Lang Xing's face broke out.

"What method was used to kill the fairy dragon?" Shen Qing asked after sitting down. She was also very curious about this.

Lang Xing stretched out his finger and poked it in the direction of the window.

"Finally understood?" Shen Qing was very happy for him.

"No, although this trick has saved me twice, and the chance of it being effective is much greater than before, I still feel that I can't understand it."

"Take your time. If you make progress, don't worry about finding clues. What happened the other time?"

Langxing said with a smile, "I finally went to Yuhai. I had no choice. Jiangxiao and Xiyang didn't listen to my advice and sneaked there to find Gongsun Chong. As a result, one was seriously injured and the other fell. I can only I went to rescue him, and when I was fighting against the master of the Jade Sea Palace, Gu Shui Xianzun, I killed him with this move. Don’t be angry. I really have always kept your last warning in mind, and I have never done anything to kill indiscriminately. He only kills when he has to."

Shen Qing nodded and said, "I believe you in this regard. Don't be swayed by my warnings. Never be soft when you shouldn't be. As long as you don't go into the evil path of indiscriminate killing."

"Well, your last reminder was very timely. I have often reflected on this. Although killing people is very enjoyable, everyone will feel bored after killing them. It is really not worth dirtying their hands for those stupid people, just like It’s a pile of shit, it’s easy to crush it, but you have to wash your shoes after you’ve stepped on it.”

Shen Qing smiled and said, "Your metaphor is very appropriate. Thank you for sending Fifth Senior Sister here. Are you really sure that you can heal her injury?"

Langxing pondered and said, "Leave it to me. Last time I told you to kill Zuiqing, Yuanqing, and Tianqing, I only mentioned an immortal treasure. In fact, they have a treasure in Daoqing Palace that can be used to repair the damaged parts." Immortal technique, that technique can resurrect a broken arm, but I can't get that technique yet, but I will definitely be able to get it in the future. In addition, there is another method available. The True Essence Barrel also has a miraculous effect in healing wounds. , it doesn’t matter even if the path of True Yuan Lu doesn’t work, we can use the power of thoughts we have comprehended to repair the meridians. I feel that the power of my thoughts is much stronger than before. I especially want to have a good retreat, but it’s a pity. It’s too much and I haven’t finished it yet.”

Shen Qing looked at him worriedly and said, "What I'm most worried about is that once you get stuck, you won't be able to get out. If you are so busy that you don't even have time to retreat, how can you practice?"

Lang Xing breathed out and said, "It's okay. I'm almost busy. I'll go back to Zixiao Palace to see a few senior sisters. Then I can retreat in peace."

"You come here to retreat, and I will help you take care of Xiang'er."

Langxing was a little guilty, "Once you retreat, it is likely to cause you to fall into a dream. I think it is better to retreat in Nanjingzhou. But the two things about falling into the sea of ​​meditation and the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon make me feel uneasy about your place." ”

Shen Qing looked at him and said, "You don't have to worry about me. I won't study the way of heaven too much in the future. I will focus on improving my cultivation and taking care of the fifth senior sister. As for the invasion of monsters, you don't have to worry. The Fifth Senior Sister and I deduced that the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon should be Bingfeng's old enemy. Now that Daoxing Youcheng has come to seek revenge, even if such an old enemy comes, he may not be able to break through the maze. After all, the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon is extremely rare. Divine beast, there are not many such powerful enemies.”

Lang Xing took out the ice jade sword Gongsun Chong gave him, "This is from Jade Sea. I think it suits you very well."

Shen Qing took it and inspected it, then nodded and said, "It's indeed very good, so I'll accept it. It's just right. You can take my punishment whip away later. I don't want to see it again."

After Langxing was silent for a while, he looked at her with calm eyes and said, "When I went to pick up the fifth senior sister from the Qingyuan Sect, the old immortal had a few words with me alone. The old immortal had already understood something. He said you I have done my best to him and the Qingyuan Sect. He is deeply pleased with your situation, but he does not want to see you again, because it will only increase the concern between both parties. I know the old immortal’s thoughts very well. If we Being able to take good care of Fifth Senior Sister is the best reward for him. It's time for the old immortal to take a rest. Any interruption will be a burden to him. If there is any good news, I will tell him. "

Shen Qing seemed quite calm, took out the God of Punishment Whip and handed it to Lang Xing, saying, "I can understand Master's mood. What you said is right. The only good news that Fifth Senior Sister and I can repay Master with in the future, Master." It's time for you to be pure and pure. He has put in enough effort for Nan Jingzhou and his disciples. He should live for himself without being disturbed for the rest of his life."

"It's best if you think so." Lang Xing didn't want to mention more about Cihang Immortal Lord, and instead said, "I let Tun Tian go on the way to Yuhai, and this kid met a female Tun Tian. God, if you value sex over friends, you have to go with me." He told the whole story.

Shen Qing said happily, "It's good that it has a good home. It's not smart and it's understandable that it favors sex over friends."

Lang Xing felt that she was scolding him through Tun Tian, ​​so he had to pretend not to understand and smirked, taking out a bunch of things and changing the topic again.

"Here, let's take a look. The Golden Body Fruit, the First Origin Fruit, the Immortal Seal, and these materials that can be called heavenly materials and earthly treasures are all newly acquired by me. I went to Shuiqingzhou some time ago. , I got acquainted with several great demon cultivators at the feather level with the Shui Ting Sword. I promised to help them and a few relatives and friends overcome the thunder tribulation. In order to express their sincerity, they gave me many things. Although I tried my best to refuse, they still

You have to accept some, just take what you need. "

Shen Qing looked at those things one by one and muttered secretly in his heart. He had never heard Xun Yi mention any contact with the monsters in Shui Qingzhou before. So, is it the fate of previous lives that has been repaid in this life, or is this kid here? Develop a new fate? No matter which category he belongs to, this kid has climbed to the pinnacle of the cultivation world. He can take out piles of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. It can be said that he has mixed up in the cultivation world. The next step is not to step on Entering the Immortal Sect means turning around and sliding down. Judging from the current situation, Shen Qing dare not be too optimistic. Lang Xing is too busy to have time to comprehend. How does this look like a person who can become an immortal?

"Thank you for opening my eyes, but I don't need these things. Just lend them to me for a few days to gain insights." After she said that, she put those things into her Qiankun bag.

"If you like it, just keep it. It's a waste to eat the Golden Body Fruit and the First Yuan Fruit directly. I'll find someone to make the elixir later and send it to you. There's no use keeping the other ingredients. If you don't want them, I'll give them to you." Others, please be careful when you comprehend the Immortal Seal. It is too old, and the original seal on it is almost gone. The new seal added by the great demon cultivators is very illegal. I am thinking about adding one myself. It’s sealed.”

"Have you made any progress in your understanding of restrictions?" The last time the two met, they spent most of their time discussing restrictions. At that time, Lang Xing was obsessed with studying the science of restrictions.

"There are some, but there is still a big gap between the progress I want." Lang Xing took out a spirit stone and a Nascent Soul Stone, sealed restrictions on them respectively, and then handed them to Shen Qing, "You turn around Let’s take a look first, and then we’ll talk about this. The restrictions on this spirit stone are the strongest techniques I can use at the moment, and the restrictions on the Nascent Soul Stone are something I haven’t fully understood yet.”

Shen Qing explored the restrictions on the Nascent Soul Stone. The restrictions seemed extremely simple, and she couldn't help but look at Lang Xing in confusion.

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