Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2210 The little monkey has grown up too

Langxing's spiritual consciousness could not play a big role here, but he soon used his mental power to sense the little monkey approaching slowly. When he could see the little monkey clearly, he frowned slightly, and the little monkey's body The golden light outside was much brighter than before, and the eyes that were originally spinning around now became calm and gloomy. In the past, those eyes only had the aura of death after the transformation, but now they can do so even without the transformation. Feeling the breath of death, the little monkey has indeed changed a lot. No wonder the little Yuanying complains.

The little monkey stopped thousands of feet away from them, with a look of caution in his eyes. Little Yunduo didn't seem to dare to get too close to the little monkey with this appearance, and circled around it a thousand feet away.

"Now that you've grown up, you don't recognize your old friends?" Langxing looked at the little monkey with a reproachful look. It's just that Tuntian didn't have a bright mind. The little monkey shouldn't be like this.

The scolded little monkey slowly moved forward and let out a low growl.

Langxing took off the rope ring that he had been wearing around his neck, threw it to the ground, and said to the little monkey in displeasure, "If you feel that I am not worthy of being your friend, then we will go our separate ways from now on." Bar!"

Heart-to-heart communication is the best way to express true emotions. There was a hint of flattery in the little monkey's eyes, and it was about a thousand feet away from Langxing. However, it already had the majesty of a great monk and could not return to its lively and cute self. Looks like. .??.??

Little Yuanying curled her lips and said, "What I said is right, look at what it looks like!"

Langxing sighed and continued to say to the little monkey with his heart: "Don't blame me for being unhappy. We are brothers of life and death. Your behavior really makes me feel a little chilled. Even if we can't be as close as before, we won't be so alienated, right? Could it be that you Don’t you believe me yet?”

At this point, the little monkey completely let down his guard, flew to Langxing's side, and gave a spiritual fruit to Langxing in a flattering manner, and then kept gesticulating with his eyes towards the drop of mysterious water on Xiaoyunduo's head, wanting him to Langxing helped it get the drop of mysterious water.

"I only gave you one, I'm getting more and more stingy." Little Yuanying knew that Langxing particularly needed the little monkey's spiritual fruit, so he scolded the little monkey helpfully.

The little monkey immediately rushed down, quickly brought two more spiritual fruits and handed them to Lang Xing, and then with a more sincere look, he motioned to Lang Xing to help it get the drop of mysterious water.

Langxing opened the cap of the small bottle in his hand and poured out the mysterious water inside. The little monkey reached out and grabbed the drop of mysterious water like lightning and ran away.

"That's for me!" Little Yuanying was so anxious that he shouted and chased after him.

"This thing is quite dangerous, be careful!" Lang Xing was also a little anxious, and used the spiritual skills of the Spiritual Clan to chase after him.

Although he could fly here, after chasing down thousands of feet, the rich spiritual energy there had already posed a threat to him, so he had to retreat. Immediately, the little Yuanying came back and said angrily, "It actually followed me." It's teething, if I didn't look at it for your sake, I would definitely teach it a lesson!"

Langxing comforted him, "Don't be too familiar with it. I still have this thing. Please tell me to tell it not to eat it indiscriminately. It's hard to tell whether this thing is harmful or beneficial to it."

"Go and talk to it yourself, I'm too lazy to care about it." Little Yuanying said as he opened his body-protecting divine light and flew down with Langxing.

In a valley more than 20,000 feet deep, the little monkey was looking intently at the drop of mysterious water. The little clouds were leisurely wandering near the little monkey, holding their own drop of mysterious water.

"Forget it, don't disturb it." Lang Xing gave up the idea of ​​telling the little monkey again. Anyway, Fifth Senior Sister said that this thing is only harmful to the human race. Spiritual beasts have super instincts in this regard. The little monkey already has If a very high Tao is practiced, it should know it in its heart.

"I have both of them, but I don't have any." Little Yuanying complained aggrievedly.

"It's indispensable for you, but you are tangible and intangible. The most you can do about this kind of thing is to understand it. There is also a big bottle at the second senior sister's place. I will get it for you later. You can try it first to see if it is harmful to you. If there is no harm, you can try to shrink your body and immerse yourself in it. Little Yunduo has been soaking in it these days, and I can feel that it is extremely comfortable. "

"Okay! You're the best!" Little Yuanying held Lang Xing's arm affectionately.

"Then you have to talk to my disciple and let her see your magic. I really like this disciple."

"Okay! I'll go talk to her right away!" Xiao Yuanying said as he was about to take Lang Xing back to Wuqing Island.

Langxing said hurriedly, "No hurry, no hurry, let's wait for the little monkey. I'm afraid it will get into trouble. Please help me keep an eye on it from a distance. Although it has become a bit different now, it is me after all." Brother, I have to take care of it.”

Little Yuanying said impatiently, "It's really troublesome, why don't you care what it does!"

Lang Xing looked at her calmly and said, "You are all my good friends. If I can leave it alone, I can also leave you alone. You definitely don't want me to become that person, right? Do you trust me?" Just because you think I am trustworthy? The relationship between me and the little monkey is the same."

Little Yuanying thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go and watch it for you right now." She put Langxing on the top of the mountain and went back to stare at the little monkey.

Langxing waited for almost a day and a night, and the little Yuanying finally came back. He held the drop of mysterious water that the little monkey had snatched with his hand with a smile on his face, "It has gone into seclusion. Take little Yunduo away. I want to take a good look at this magical thing." water droplets.”

Langxing felt relieved and coaxed and persuaded him to take Xiaoyunduo to another big mountain to play. Xiaoyunduo was a little unhappy at first. The little monkey and the little Yuanying didn't play with it. Fortunately, it didn't have too much. With his intelligence, he quickly forgot about the two unfaithful friends under Lang Xing's teasing.

After seeing enough of the drop of mysterious water, Little Yuanying followed Langxing back to Wuqing Island. It also showed signs of going into seclusion, but because it had already agreed to Langxing, it still chatted with Bai Xiang patiently for a while.

During this period, Langxing walked around the island with Yuehong. The two of them didn't say a few words in total. Yuehong became more peaceful and peaceful than before. Walking with her made Langxing feel as if she was Walking with a peaceful atmosphere, any words become redundant.

After leaving Wuqing Island, Bai Xiang asked Langxing a series of questions. This magical little Yuanying brought her unspeakable shock.

Langxing didn't answer any of the questions she asked, but he asked her a question in return, "Do you hope you have such a Yuanying?"

Bai Xiang fell into thinking, and she did not think about this issue until many years later. Langxing's spiritual consciousness could not play a big role here, but he soon used his mental power to sense the little monkey approaching slowly. When he could see the little monkey clearly, he frowned slightly, and the little monkey's body The golden light outside was much brighter than before, and the eyes that were originally spinning around now became calm and gloomy. In the past, those eyes only had the aura of death after the transformation, but now they can do so even without the transformation. Feeling the breath of death, the little monkey has indeed changed a lot. No wonder the little Yuanying complains.

The little monkey stopped thousands of feet away from them, with a look of caution in his eyes. Little Yunduo didn't seem to dare to get too close to the little monkey with this appearance, and circled around it a thousand feet away.

"Now that you've grown up, you don't recognize your old friends?" Langxing looked at the little monkey with a reproachful look. It's just that Tuntian didn't have a bright mind. The little monkey shouldn't be like this.

The scolded little monkey slowly moved forward and let out a low growl.

Langxing took off the rope ring that he had been wearing around his neck, threw it to the ground, and said to the little monkey in displeasure, "If you feel that I am not worthy of being your friend, then we will go our separate ways from now on." Bar!"

Heart-to-heart communication is the best way to express true emotions. There was a hint of flattery in the little monkey's eyes, and it was about a thousand feet away from Langxing. However, it already had the majesty of a great monk and could not return to its lively and cute self. Looks like.

Little Yuanying curled her lips and said, "What I said is right, look at what it looks like!"

Langxing sighed and continued to say to the little monkey with his heart: "Don't blame me for being unhappy. We are brothers of life and death. Your behavior really makes me feel a little chilled. Even if we can't be as close as before, we won't be so alienated, right? Could it be that you Don’t you believe me yet?”

At this point, the little monkey completely let down his guard, flew to Langxing's side, and gave a spiritual fruit to Langxing in a flattering manner, and then kept gesticulating with his eyes towards the drop of mysterious water on Xiaoyunduo's head, wanting him to Langxing helped it get the drop of mysterious water.

"I only gave you one, I'm getting more and more stingy." Little Yuanying knew that Langxing particularly needed the little monkey's spiritual fruit, so he scolded the little monkey helpfully.

The little monkey immediately rushed down, quickly brought two more spiritual fruits and handed them to Lang Xing, and then with a more sincere look, he motioned to Lang Xing to help it get the drop of mysterious water.

Langxing opened the cap of the small bottle in his hand and poured out the mysterious water inside. The little monkey reached out and grabbed the drop of mysterious water like lightning and ran away.

"That's for me!" Little Yuanying was so anxious that he shouted and chased after him.

"This thing is quite dangerous, be careful!" Lang Xing was also a little anxious, and used the spiritual skills of the Spiritual Clan to chase after him.

Although he could fly here, after chasing down thousands of feet, the rich spiritual energy there had already posed a threat to him, so he had to retreat. Immediately, the little Yuanying came back and said angrily, "It actually followed me." It's teething, if I didn't look at it for your sake, I would definitely teach it a lesson!"

Langxing comforted him, "Don't be too familiar with it. I still have this thing. Please tell me to tell it not to eat it indiscriminately. It's hard to tell whether this thing is harmful or beneficial to it."

"Go and tell it yourself, I'm too lazy to care about it." Little Yuanying said as he opened his body-protecting divine light and flew down with Langxing.

In a valley more than 20,000 feet deep, the little monkey was looking intently at the drop of mysterious water. The little clouds were leisurely wandering near the little monkey, holding their own drop of mysterious water.

"Forget it, don't disturb it." Lang Xing gave up the idea of ​​telling the little monkey again. Anyway, Fifth Senior Sister said that this thing is only harmful to the human race. Spiritual beasts have super instincts in this regard. The little monkey already has If a very high Tao is practiced, it should know it in its heart.

"I have both of them, but I don't have any." Little Yuanying complained aggrievedly.

"It's indispensable for you, but you are tangible and intangible. The most you can do about this kind of thing is to understand it. There is also a big bottle at the second senior sister's place. I will get it for you later. You can try it first to see if it is harmful to you. If there is no harm, you can try to shrink your body and immerse yourself in it. Little Yunduo has been soaking in it these days, and I can feel that it is extremely comfortable. "

"Okay! You're the best!" Little Yuanying held Lang Xing's arm affectionately.

"Then you have to talk to my disciple and let her see your magic. I really like this disciple."

"Okay! I'll go talk to her right now!" Xiao Yuanying said as he was about to take Lang Xing back to Wuqing Island.

Langxing said hurriedly, "No hurry, no hurry, let's wait for the little monkey. I'm afraid it will get into trouble. Please help me keep an eye on it from a distance. Although it has become a bit different now, it is me after all." Brother, I have to take care of it.”

Little Yuanying said impatiently, "It's really troublesome, why don't you care what it does!"

Lang Xing looked at her calmly and said, "You are all my good friends. If I can leave it alone, I can also leave you alone. You definitely don't want me to become that person, right? Do you trust me?" Just because you think I am trustworthy? The relationship between me and the little monkey is the same."

Little Yuanying thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go and look at it for you right now." She put Langxing on the top of the mountain and went back to stare at the little monkey.

Langxing waited for almost a day and a night, and the little Yuanying finally came back. He held the drop of mysterious water that the little monkey had snatched with his hand with a smile on his face, "It has gone into seclusion. Take little Yunduo away. I want to take a good look at this magical thing." water droplets.”

Langxing felt relieved and coaxed and persuaded him to take Xiaoyunduo to another big mountain to play. Xiaoyunduo was a little unhappy at first. The little monkey and the little Yuanying didn't play with it. Fortunately, it didn't have too much. With his intelligence, he quickly forgot about the two unfaithful friends under Lang Xing's teasing.

After seeing enough of the drop of mysterious water, Little Yuanying followed Langxing back to Wuqing Island. It also showed signs of going into seclusion, but because it had already agreed to Langxing, it still chatted with Bai Xiang patiently for a while.

During this period, Langxing walked around the island with Yuehong. The two of them didn't say a few words in total. Yuehong became more peaceful and peaceful than before. Walking with her made Langxing feel as if she was Walking with a peaceful atmosphere, any words become redundant.

After leaving Wuqing Island, Bai Xiang asked Langxing a series of questions. This magical little Yuanying brought her unspeakable shock.

Langxing didn't answer any of the questions she asked, but he asked her a question in return, "Do you hope you have such a Yuanying?"

Bai Xiang fell into thinking, and she did not think about this issue until many years later.

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