Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2214 It’s all up to you

This time it was Langxing's turn to look at Hanxiang eagerly. He had too many people to take care of, and of course he hoped to get more spiritual fluid.

Han Xiang was overjoyed and put away the large bottle of Xuanshui. She took Lang Xing with one hand and Bai Xiang with the other and flew forward tens of thousands of miles. Then she stretched out her finger and tapped a piece of grass. Immediately there was a simple-looking lamp. The oil lamp flew out.

Langxing frowned slightly, feeling that the oil lamp looked familiar, but he really couldn't remember where he had seen it before. This was caused by the remnants of his previous life. When he brought Yu Chan here to rescue Fairy Jingshui, he killed Concubine Jingshui. After the death of Zhutian Immortal Lord, this candle soul lamp was specially left for Xunyi by Immortal Concubine Jingshui, hoping to give it to him when his cultivation level was high enough. The battle was quite difficult and dangerous, and he hated the lamp deeply at that time, which left a deep impression on him.

"I'll give you a spiritual treasure first. Let's see if it works." Han Xiang handed the lamp to Langxing. This was the instruction left by Fairy Jingshui before she returned to Nanjingzhou.

Langxing sensed it with his mental power, and said happily, "This treasure is too useful, so I won't be polite to you. Thank you, Sister Hanxiang." Anyway, Huaxian can't use this kind of human treasure, so being too polite is meaningless. .

Bai Xiang couldn't help but swallowed when she saw that Master had obtained a spiritual treasure so easily and skillfully. Little did he know that there was a hidden story behind it.

"Can you really use it now? You can't give this thing to others randomly." Han Xiang asked with some suspicion. The candle soul lamp is an unusual spiritual treasure. If it falls into the hands of others, it will be a threat to everyone.

Langxing closed his eyes, but within a moment the lamp wick flashed a dark red light.

"Okay, okay!" Hanxiang pulled Bai Xiang back. This is the spiritual treasure used by monk Huayu. It's not a joke to lose control. Langxing established contact with the weapon spirit in a moment. This His ability is too outrageous.

Langxing happily put away the candle soul lamp and said to Hanxiang excitedly, "Don't worry, I will never give it to anyone else. I need such a treasure so much."

Hanxiang originally wanted to tell him about the function of this treasure, but now it seems that it is redundant.

"You two should stay here for a few days. It will take some time to prepare the spiritual liquid."

Langxing said happily, "Sister Lao Hanxiang, um...hehe, if possible, please prepare one for each of my four senior sisters."

Han Xiang raised her eyebrows and said, "From what you're saying, four servings isn't enough, right? Who else do you want to give it to?"

Lang Xing hurriedly smiled and said, "That's enough, that's enough. It would be great to have four servings."

Han Xiang looked at him with flashing eyes and said, "This gift of Xuanshui is too precious. Logically speaking, I should give you a few more spiritual liquids. Friendship is friendship, and transaction is transaction. Since I regard it as a transaction now , then you can’t suffer too much.”

Langxing said happily, "That's great! I really want to ask for something more from a few of my friends. I promise to make each of them swear to never be enemies of the Flower Clan!"

Hanxiang looked at him deeply and said, "Langxing, I trusted you before, but now I trust you even more, and I realize that you are probably the chosen one. If I can build an alliance of the Flower Clan through you, It is of great benefit to us. Although we have suffered countless losses in this regard, I still want to believe you, but this decision is too important. I cannot make the decision without authorization. The Flower Clan will definitely not agree. , if we want to do it, it can only be done privately by my sister and me.

It's up to both of us to take on this responsibility. "

Lang Xing grinned slightly and said, "You think too highly of me. Although I am willing to do my best to help you, it is only limited to you and the Fairy Concubine. At most, you can also add the Fairy Concubine Tianji. What do you think? It makes me feel like I can't bear the heavy responsibility. I'm not that kind of material. If you are in trouble, I am willing to fight to the end for you, but I can't force my friends to be like me. Sister Hanxiang, I know that saying this will make you I’m disappointed, but I can’t just promise something I can’t do just to get them some spiritual liquid.”

"It doesn't matter, you just need to do your best. I don't ask you to do too much." Han Xiang's smile was sincere and she didn't seem to feel disappointed. She is a flower fairy, and her wisdom is no worse than those of the great supernatural powers of the human race. Here, She understood the matter clearly. As long as Langxing fights to the death for the Flower Clan, those around him will definitely follow. Even if they don't want to fight for the Flower Clan, they will still fight for Langxing.

At this point, she has full confidence. Not to mention that she has repeatedly wanted to fight for Xun Yi, Jing Shuixian Fei, even someone like Yu Chan is willing to fight for Xun Yi. Lang Xing will not be worse than Xun Yi. What happened today She truly understood what this boy's greatest ability was. What was more valuable than all kinds of supernatural powers was his sincerity and kindness, which was a power that made people willing to protect him with their lives.

"If you want to put it that way, I feel a little more relaxed." Lang Xing's eyes flashed with a bright gleam, and he said cautiously, "Is it okay to add four or five more portions?"

Hanxiang said very seriously, "As long as it's someone you can trust, it's fine. But as I said just now, I don't dare to make the decision on this matter alone. I need my sister's final consent. I have to tell you, even if my sister agrees, you can't do it." You must be extremely cautious, especially to monks in the late Nascent Soul and Feather Stages. This level of spiritual liquid must not be given lightly. "

"I understand. I will not betray your trust. I know very well what this means to you. For example, my relationship with my sixth senior brother is deep enough, but I think I can't control him, so I don't I will ask him for spiritual liquid, so you can understand. In fact, I am more worried than you that I will get it to the wrong person. I am most afraid of trouble. I have always been more willing to do less than to do more. If I send less spiritual liquid to him, it will be better. One less hassle.”

"This little devil..." Han Xiang really hopes to bring this powerful person into the camp. Lang Xing's attitude can indeed reassure her, but it is a bit too reassuring. In this way, it will be difficult to build a strong alliance. .

Lang Xing said firmly, "No, he is too strong, and he can do whatever he wants. I really want to bring this blessing to him, but I know it is difficult to grasp it."

Hanxiang nodded and said, "Okay, it's all up to you. I really hope you can advance to become a feather soon. You must take care of yourself. I have high hopes for you."

Lang Xing smiled naively. This time things went so smoothly that he was a little overjoyed.

Han Xiang first prepared a dose of spiritual liquid for Bai Xiang to drink, and Bai Xiang entered a state of seclusion while feeling dizzy.

"My sister left this for you before she left. It's very safe here. If there's no emergency, you can take it and retreat here." Hanxiang handed a small wooden bottle to Langxing.

"There are still a lot of things to do, and I want to meet the fairy concubine. Please give me her share of the mysterious water, and I will send it to her."

"That's fine." Han Xiang gave him a portion of Xuanshui, and then asked, "Who else do you need to give spiritual liquid to? Please explain their cultivation level one by one." This time it was Lang Xing's turn to look at Han eagerly. It smells good. He has too many people to take care of, so of course he hopes to get more spiritual fluid.

Han Xiang was overjoyed and put away the large bottle of Xuanshui. She took Lang Xing with one hand and Bai Xiang with the other and flew forward tens of thousands of miles. Then she stretched out her finger and tapped a piece of grass. Immediately there was a simple-looking lamp. The oil lamp flew out.

Langxing frowned slightly, feeling that the oil lamp looked familiar, but he really couldn't remember where he had seen it before. This was caused by the remnants of his previous life. When he brought Yu Chan here to rescue Fairy Jingshui, he killed Concubine Jingshui. After the death of Zhutian Immortal Lord, this candle soul lamp was specially left for Xunyi by Immortal Concubine Jingshui, hoping to give it to him when his cultivation level was high enough. The battle was quite difficult and dangerous, and he hated the lamp deeply at that time, which left a deep impression on him.

"I'll give you a spiritual treasure first. Let's see if it works." Han Xiang handed the lamp to Langxing. This was the instruction left by Fairy Jingshui before she returned to Nanjingzhou.

Langxing sensed it with his mental power, and said happily, "This treasure is too useful, so I won't be polite to you. Thank you, Sister Hanxiang." Anyway, Huaxian can't use this kind of human treasure, so being too polite is meaningless. .

Bai Xiang couldn't help but swallowed when she saw that Master had obtained a spiritual treasure so easily and skillfully. Little did he know that there was a hidden story behind it.

"Can you really use it now? You can't give this thing to others randomly." Han Xiang asked with some doubts. The candle soul lamp is an unusual spiritual treasure. If it falls into the hands of others, it will be a threat to everyone. .??.??

Langxing closed his eyes, but within a moment the lamp wick flashed a dark red light.

"Okay, okay!" Hanxiang pulled Bai Xiang back. This is the spiritual treasure used by monk Huayu. It's not a joke to lose control. Langxing established contact with the weapon spirit in a moment. This His ability is too outrageous.

Langxing happily put away the candle soul lamp and said to Hanxiang excitedly, "Don't worry, I will never give it to anyone else. I need such a treasure so much."

Hanxiang originally wanted to tell him about the function of this treasure, but now it seems that it is redundant.

"You two should stay here for a few days. It will take some time to prepare the spiritual liquid."

Langxing said happily, "Sister Lao Hanxiang, um...hehe, if possible, please prepare one for each of my four senior sisters."

Han Xiang raised her eyebrows and said, "From what you're saying, four servings isn't enough, right? Who else do you want to give it to?"

Lang Xing hurriedly smiled and said, "That's enough, that's enough. It would be great to have four servings."

Han Xiang looked at him with flashing eyes and said, "This gift of Xuanshui is too precious. Logically speaking, I should give you a few more spiritual liquids. Friendship is friendship, and transaction is transaction. Since I regard it as a transaction now , then you can’t suffer too much.”

Langxing said happily, "That's great! I really want to ask for something more from a few of my friends. I promise to make each of them swear to never be enemies of the Flower Clan!"

Hanxiang looked at him deeply and said, "Langxing, I trusted you before, but now I trust you even more, and I realize that you are probably the chosen one. If I can build an alliance of the Flower Clan through you, It is of great benefit to us. Although we have suffered countless losses in this regard, I still want to believe you, but this decision is too important. I cannot make the decision without authorization. The Flower Clan will definitely not agree. , if we want to do it, it can only be done privately by my sister and me.

It's up to both of us to take on this responsibility. "

Lang Xing grinned slightly and said, "You think too highly of me. Although I am willing to do my best to help you, it is only limited to you and the Fairy Concubine. At most, you can also add the Fairy Concubine Tianji. What do you think? It makes me feel like I can't bear the heavy responsibility. I'm not that kind of material. If you are in trouble, I am willing to fight to the end for you, but I can't force my friends to be like me. Sister Hanxiang, I know that saying this will make you I’m disappointed, but I can’t just promise something I can’t do just to get them some spiritual liquid.”

"It doesn't matter, you just need to do your best. I don't ask you to do too much." Han Xiang's smile was sincere and she didn't seem to feel disappointed. She is a flower fairy, and her wisdom is no worse than those of the great supernatural powers of the human race. Here, She understood the matter clearly. As long as Langxing fights to the death for the Flower Clan, those around him will definitely follow. Even if they don't want to fight for the Flower Clan, they will still fight for Langxing.

At this point, she has full confidence. Not to mention that she has repeatedly wanted to fight for Xun Yi, Jing Shuixian Fei, even someone like Yu Chan is willing to fight for Xun Yi. Lang Xing will not be worse than Xun Yi. What happened today She truly understood what this boy's greatest ability was. What was more valuable than all kinds of supernatural powers was his sincerity and kindness, which was a power that made people willing to protect him with their lives.

"If you want to put it that way, I feel a little more relaxed." Lang Xing's eyes flashed with a bright gleam, and he said cautiously, "Is it okay to add four or five more portions?"

Hanxiang said very seriously, "As long as it's someone you can trust, it's fine. But as I said just now, I don't dare to make the decision on this matter alone. I need my sister's final consent. I have to tell you, even if my sister agrees, you can't do it." You must be extremely cautious, especially to monks in the late Nascent Soul and Feather Stages. This level of spiritual fluid must not be given lightly. "

"I understand. I will not betray your trust. I know very well what this means to you. For example, my relationship with my sixth senior brother is deep enough, but I think I can't control him, so I don't I will ask him for spiritual liquid, so you can understand. In fact, I am more worried than you that I will get it to the wrong person. I am most afraid of trouble. I have always been more willing to do less than to do more. If I send less spiritual liquid, it will be better. One less hassle.”

"This little devil..." Han Xiang really hopes to bring this powerful person into the camp. Lang Xing's attitude can indeed reassure her, but it is a bit too reassuring. In this way, it will be difficult to build a strong alliance. .

Lang Xing said firmly, "No, he is too strong, and he can do whatever he wants. I really want to bring this blessing to him, but I know it is difficult to grasp it."

Hanxiang nodded and said, "Okay, it's all up to you. I really hope you can become a feather soon. You must take care of yourself. I have high hopes for you."

Lang Xing smiled naively. This time things went so smoothly that he was a little overjoyed.

Han Xiang first prepared a dose of spiritual liquid for Bai Xiang to drink, and Bai Xiang entered a state of seclusion while feeling dizzy.

"My sister left this for you before she left. It's very safe here. If there's no emergency, you can take it and retreat here." Hanxiang handed a small wooden bottle to Langxing.

"There are still a lot of things to do, and I want to meet the fairy concubine. Please give me her share of the mysterious water, and I will send it to her."

"That's fine." Han Xiang gave him a portion of Xuanshui, and then asked, "Who else do you need to give spiritual liquid to? Please explain their cultivation level one by one."

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