Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2216 No ears

As soon as he left the Sex and Fragrance Realm, Bai Xiang immediately shook off Lang Xing's hand and started flying around with his Ning Cui Sword, letting out the joy of breaking the mirror to his heart's content.

After leaving the Xiangse Domain, Langxing released the Second Senior Sister from the Qiankun Bag, proudly handed over the two small wooden bottles and said, "I got the Third Senior Sister and Fourth Senior Sister's."

"Great! You are really capable!" Zhixia pinched his face lovingly for some unknown reason.

Bai Xiang pursed her lips tightly, not daring to laugh out loud, and secretly winked at the second uncle.

Lang Xing smiled and glared at Bai Xiang, scolding, "Is it because I accepted you as my disciple that you would tell me all the secrets?"

Bai Xiang hurriedly stepped on the Ningcui Sword and flew away, saying in a voice full of laughter, "I didn't say anything."

"What good things are you hiding from me?" Zhixia looked at Langxing with a smile.

Lang Xing straightened his expression and said with spiritual thought, "I also asked for a bottle of spiritual liquid for you and Senior Sister, but don't be happy yet. This is Sister Hanxiang's trust in me. I promised her a few things. You have to do it for me."

Zhixia urged in surprise, "You tell me, I will definitely help you do it!"

Langxing looked at her and said, "First, you must swear an oath with Taoism and never be an enemy of the Hua Clan. Second, let your disciples practice as little alchemy skills as possible and gather less spiritual herbs. Third, let them participate in the counterattack against Shui Qing." If the disciples of Zhouzhou can be withdrawn, just withdraw them, and just leave some people behind for show.”

Zhixia said cheerfully, "It's easy to say, these three items are all fine, please take out the spiritual liquid and show it to me."

"Thank you, Second Senior Sister." Langxing said solemnly. He had no ability to restrain the four Senior Sisters, so he could only use this method to remind Second Senior Sister to take these three conditions seriously.

Zhixia put away her eager expression knowingly, and changed her serious look and said, "Don't worry, I will do these three things to your satisfaction. I already have a rough plan in my mind on how to do it, so you don't have to worry about it. ”

Langxing was so happy

He took out two more small wooden bottles.

After Zhixia checked one by one, he used his spiritual mind to say to Lang Xing, "It's different from the one I took before. We lack the method to judge the quality of the spiritual liquid. It's difficult for me to sense anything with my cultivation. I can only take it and try it." Try the effect.”

"Well, if it doesn't work, I'll help you find a way."

Zhixia said with emotion, "The four of us should have taken care of you, but now it's the other way around."

Langxing rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, Second Senior Sister, it's boring to say these unsolicited words. You haven't taken care of me any less. Let's go. I wanted to spend more time with you, but now I have something to do." "Jingshui Fairy Princess has returned to Nanjingzhou. The two Flower Immortals are worried about the battle situation in Shuiqingzhou. I have to send her a message as soon as possible."

"You are busier than me right now." Zhixia scolded helplessly, then took the two of them and flew back to Zixiao Palace.

As soon as he returned to Guanhe Island, Bai Xiang went to find Ping'er excitedly. The mirror was broken and he had to find someone to show off to.

Zhixia called Qingqiu and Nuandong into her room, placed two small wooden bottles on the table, and said directly to them with her spiritual thoughts, "This is the spiritual liquid that my junior brother asked for from the Flower Fairy. Don't ask for details. Senior Sister and I have had relationships with Huaxian before. You should know that this is extremely beneficial and extremely dangerous. Once the news is leaked, we will be the target of public criticism. You can think about what to do. I won't force you. If you want to take it, This bottle of spiritual liquid makes me swear with my Taoist heart that I will never be an enemy of the Flower Clan, and I will restrain my disciples from learning alchemy and collecting spiritual herbs."

This news shocked both Qingqiu and Nuandong. Colluding with the Flower Clan was a taboo matter, especially since Nuandong was an immortal official in the Lingcao Division.

Qingqiu calmed down first

After he got down, he picked up a bottle of spiritual liquid and looked at it and said, "You three have already mixed it in, so what else is there to say? Not to mention there are benefits to be gained. Even without this benefit, we have to follow you." Boat." After that, she took out the oath and swore.

After hearing these words from Third Senior Sister, Nuan Dong immediately took the oath without hesitation.

Lang Xing twisted his body, his expression a little unnatural.

Zhixia looked at the two junior sisters and only said to them, "It depends on your luck. The flower fairy's spiritual liquid is not useful to everyone, but at your level of cultivation, it is difficult to find anything useful anymore." Any chance to improve your cultivation is rare. Anyway, my broken mirror has a lot to do with the bottle of spiritual fluid given by Qing'er. It was I who asked Xing'er to get the spiritual fluid for you. He I’m still thinking about asking you for some more in the future, so you shouldn’t let him think he’s tricking you.”

Hearing that Second Senior Sister's broken mirror had the power of spiritual fluid, Qingqiu and Nuandong were excited, and they both cast grateful glances at Langxing.

After the three people discussed it, Qingqiu took the spiritual liquid first. Firstly, the situation was too chaotic and Zixiao Palace had to leave enough manpower to deal with emergencies. Secondly, the spiritual liquid was rare, so it was best to let one person take it first to accumulate points. Experience for future reference.

Qingqiu quickly entered a state of seclusion after taking the spiritual liquid. Zhixia said to Lang Xing with a happy face, "It should have some effect. Exchanging the mysterious water for the spiritual liquid is a very good deal."

Lang Xing found it quite funny. No wonder Han Xiang disliked Second Senior Sister's scheme. Second Senior Sister really couldn't change her calculating heart.

After taking care of the four senior sisters, Langxing felt peaceful in his heart and could put this worry aside for the time being.

Zhixia personally sent the master and apprentice to Nanjingzhou. She expected that Langxing would not come back to Zixiao Palace for a while. She felt quite reluctant to leave, but she could only

I can now let my junior brother live his own life.

Langxing drove Linghe straight to Qianxu Palace. After arriving at the outskirts of Qianxu Palace, he lured Lingye and Liuyun over like a thief.

The two of them were very happy to see him back so soon. Before Lingye could say anything, Liu Yun scolded Lang Sneaky, why are you so shameless!"

Langxing threw the red bracelet that he had half snatched from Jiangxiao to her, and said angrily, "I came back this time just to give you a treasure. I have to leave immediately in order not to be discovered by Lingjun and the others." I’m so sneaky, and I originally wanted to give you two some other benefits. Since you two are so heartless, forget it, let’s talk about it later.”

"Ah! Where did you get it?" Liu Yun looked at the jade bracelet in surprise. She was a knowledgeable person and immediately saw the value of this spiritual treasure.

Langxing said proudly, "Don't worry about where she comes from. Do you want her? If you want her, you have to be my fifth master's sister-in-law."

Liuyun waved his hand and hit Langxing on the head, and spat with a blushing face, "I'll beat you up hard if you talk nonsense again!" After that, he handed the jade bracelet to Lingye.

Lingye squinted at Lang Xing and said, "This is a treasure that can only be used by Huayu monks. How did you get it?"

Lang Xing said arrogantly, "You don't have ears. I asked you even though I told you not to ask."

Lingye smiled without temper and handed the bracelet back to him, "I can't afford to offend you, but the value of this thing is too high. We can't take it. I accept it with kindness."

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "What do you want from me? I gave this to Sister Liu Yun."

Lingye laughed angrily, pointed at Bai Xiang and said, "If Xiang'er hadn't been here, you definitely wouldn't have been able to escape the beating today."

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