Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2234 She deserves it!

In fact, what Su Wan wanted to cover up was not the experience of enlightenment, but the process of coming out of the Wild Residence. She was in meditation at that time, and suddenly felt extremely uneasy for no reason. After waking up from meditation, she I used my spiritual sense to see that Lang Xing was lying on the ground with blood around his mouth.

She didn't know how she came out of the wilderness, and all the consciousness she had lost before was recovered. At that moment, she merged with this fairy treasure, but she didn't realize it at the time. , all she could think about was rescuing Lang Xing, and only after injuring the Feathered Monk with the Phoenix Spirit Hairpin and the Purple Gold Bracelet did she finally wake up, and then tried to launch an attack with Yejutu.

How could she tell Lang Xing about this? You can't just say that you and him are connected, it's too embarrassing. After so many years of understanding, there was no progress. Why did Lang Xing jump out in such a hurry? She didn't want Lang Xing to know the truth. She had better wait until she had more understanding and could make up the lie.

"Okay! Su Wan, just follow this example. Don't think that I will be fooled again." Lang Xing said through gritted teeth.

Su Wan raised her chin slightly, and said with a smile as if she was trying to get a trick, "You were the one who begged me to tell me this. Who deceived you? Who deceived you again?"

"Okay! Su Wan, you're here, let's wait and see!" Langxing pretended to be angry and got into the Qiankun bag, because the charm of this beautiful woman made his heart beat too fast. If he didn't run away, he might have to People saw it.

"Lang Xing, come out!" Su Wan hadn't had enough trouble yet, so she continued to provoke. She knew that Lang Xing could see the scene outside, but there was no response even after shouting several times, so she had no choice but to give up. , she wanted to go back to the Yeju Tu to continue to comprehend, but she was afraid that she would not be able to get out, so she had to unfold the Yeju Tu and look at it.

Two months later, Lang Xing returned to the palace where Sijia lived. Several guards came to greet him from a distance, their eyes shining with reverence. The rebels fell apart almost overnight. This good thing The news made people in Yuanyizhou both surprised and confused.

The wonderful thing is that only a few of them knew it. This friend of the saint was really extraordinary.

Before several guards could express their respect, Sijia's spiritual message came to him, "Get over here!"

Langxing winked at the guards and flew into Sijia's house without any delay.

"Tell me! Are you injured?" Sijia asked, grabbing his hand and exploring it.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "It's just a slight injury, nothing serious."

"It's nothing serious!" Sijia frowned angrily. Although after two months of nursing, Lang Xing's injury had not fully recovered. She realized that she had been deceived, and Lang Xing was sealing The little trick she played really made her feel at ease, and the person who gave the jade slip showed her the appearance of Lang Xing, who didn't look like he was injured. She must have used his cultivation to disguise his appearance. He looked like he was safe and sound, but he really put a lot of effort into lying to himself, which made her feel distressed and angry.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine after a little more recovery." Lang Xing smiled naively.

Sijia narrowed his eyes and used his spiritual thoughts instead to say, "According to several captured leaders, there are great supernatural powers in the rebel army. Is it true or false?"

Lang Xing pretended to be stupid and said, "No way? Anyway, I haven't met him." The topic that could have been shown off could only be concealed due to Su Wan's participation.

Because those who were captured had never seen the two great supernatural powers, but the four great monks in the late Yuanying stage leaked a little bit of information to them. It cannot be ruled out that the four great monks deliberately made up such a lie to stabilize the morale of the army and boost morale. , since Lang Xing has not encountered the great supernatural power, then this is probably really a lie, otherwise Lang Xing would not only be injured like this.

It's over.

"After I recover from my injuries, I will go with you to see your training place."

"Ah?" Lang Xing almost broke into a cold sweat. Su Wan was in his Qiankun bag at the moment. If Sijia followed him back, he would be guilty.

"What? You don't want me to go with you?" Sijia's face turned cold.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Of course not, but the rebellion has just been put down, can you leave?" .??.

Sijia looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze and said, "Didn't you make it very clear to those guards? My reputation should not be improved any further. You have helped me solve the rebellion that worries me the most. There is nothing here." This big thing makes me worried, so I can take the opportunity to take a few steps back.”

Langxing said bitterly, "Um...I still have a lot of spiritual liquid that needs to be sent to Puyunzhou. I have to travel for a long time, and then I have to go into seclusion. I really don't have time to accompany you. Why don't you come back after I come out of seclusion?" You.”

Sijia's eyes flashed with clarity and he said, "You just don't want to take me there!"

Langxing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, it's too dangerous to take you to Puyunzhou. Even if I put you in the Qiankun Bag, it's not safe. Next time, let's wait until I get out of seclusion before we go out for fun."

"Then I won't go to Puyun Prefecture with you. You tell me the location of that training place and I will wait for you there."

"That place is very remote. It would be bad if you encounter monster robbers..." Under Sijia's increasingly fierce gaze, Lang Xing's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Are you afraid that Su Wan will see me?" Sijia directly exposed his background.

"Where are you thinking about this? I'm afraid that you and Jiangxiao will meet together. Jiangxiao and Xiyang are both there, and there are two new friends, plus two children. If you don't mind the chaos, , just go and wait for me." Langxing passed the astrological position of that place to her.

"I really want to meet Jiang Xiao."

Sijia's unexplained smile gave Langxing a headache, and he hurriedly put in a good word for Jiangxiao and said, "I know you are very dissatisfied with her. For my sake, don't argue with her. Moreover, she was seriously injured. pitiful."

"She deserves it! She should have received some retribution a long time ago." Sijia felt quite happy when he heard that Jiangxiao was injured.

Lang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "Although she is sharp-tongued, she has a good heart and is especially kind to me. Don't make things difficult for me. Just think of it for my sake."

Sijia said disappointedly, "Since she is there, I won't go there yet. I won't embarrass you, but you should remember what you said and come to me as soon as possible after you get out of seclusion."

Lang Xing secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I'm sure, but you know, I may be in seclusion for decades or hundreds of years, so don't worry."

Sijia took out the two jade slips and warned with a cold look, "If you continue to play tricks on me, I won't spare you."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Isn't that because I'm worried about you? Don't worry, I'll come find you immediately after I get out of seclusion."

After recuperating for another five days, Lang Xing said he was worried about the situation at his master's side and clamored to go back.

Sijia could tell that he must have something hidden in his heart, but with her temperament, she would not push Lang Xing too hard, so she planned to take the two newly sent spirit cranes to personally send Lang Xing back to Qianxu. In the palace, Langxing exaggeratedly talked about how troublesome it was to travel with these two cranes. In the end, the two decided to take the crane they bought first and let Langxing take the crane back. It is reunited with another male crane.

Lang Xing gritted his teeth and traveled with Sijia all the way. From time to time, he had to secretly use his spiritual thoughts to comfort Su Wan who was locked in the Qiankun Bag. Fortunately, Su Wan was very quiet and did not lose his temper at all, but He knew that they were holding back to settle the account with him.

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