Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2238 Only distinguish friends and foes by good and evil

Two months later, Lang Xing carefully sent a burst of spiritual power to the dark red jade slip.

In fact, he had full confidence in cracking the seal more than ten days ago, but the remnant immortal technique was related to the paths of Jiang Xiao and Qi Jia, so he had to be extremely cautious.

With a slight fluctuation of spiritual power, the seal was quietly released. Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to check the contents, he noticed Huang Ying coming excitedly.

Langxing opened the magic circle in the small courtyard and let her in. He smiled and asked, "You're back so soon?"

Huang Ying stretched out her hand to him with a bright smile and said, "I have made a decision. Bring me the bottle of spiritual liquid. I am willing to swear an oath."

Lang Xing had expected this result, so he gave her the bottle of spiritual liquid.

After Huang Ying made the oath, she winked at Lang Xing and said, "I can't return the fairy stove to you for the time being, because someone who is less promising than me took it away."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Be careful she turns around and kicks you out of the school!"

Huang Ying smiled and said, "You have given me so many benefits, so I should give you something good too."

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "If you have any good stuff, take it out and see."

Huang Ying got serious and said, "You tell me first whether you want it or not. I'm going to give you a favor at the risk of selling myself out for glory."

Lang Xing felt amused and said, "What did you steal from her?"

Huang Ying pursed her lips and smiled and took out a scroll of pictures from her arms, which was the picture of living in the wild.

Lang Xing was greatly surprised, but he did not pick it up immediately. Instead, he said with his spiritual mind, "You don't know yet, right? She can observe the outside situation with her spiritual consciousness."

Huang Ying's eyes widened immediately, and she also used her spiritual thoughts to say, "Really? She didn't tell me, she just said that she hasn't fully understood this treasure yet, and she has to continue to go in to understand it, but once she goes in, she doesn't know when she will come out. "Yes, let me keep this picture and don't tell you. I want to sell it well with you, but I didn't expect that she would hide such intentions from me. You have to save me."

Lang Xing laughed happily, waved his hands and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Maybe she is meditating and didn't see the part where you betrayed her. You should just keep this thing. I promise not to betray you to her."

Huang Ying hurriedly put the Yeju Tu away, winked slightly at Lang Xing with evil intentions, and signaled not to mention the matter again, and then pretended to be innocent and asked, "Where are Jiangxiao and the others?"

Langxing raised his voice and said, "I went on a trip and won't be back until the New Year."

"Oh." Huang Ying responded, then she glanced at him with a smile and said with spiritual thought, "There's no need to be so loud. If she is looking at us, she can hear you no matter how quiet your voice is."

Lang Xing cleared his throat in embarrassment and said, "Is your Xuanfang faction okay?"

Huang Ying shook her head and said, "It's not good. When I returned, she had already asked for a re-examination of the talents of the disciples in alchemy as the acting head. Those with poor talents were not allowed to study alchemy anymore. Everyone was complaining about this. I'm busy. I tried to persuade them back and forth, and even gave them a lot of money to silence them.”

Lang Xing sighed. Alchemy has become an important skill in the human cultivation world. It is difficult for him to do much in this regard. He can only do his best.

Huang Ying, who had been taught by Su Wan, comforted her.

Lang Xing came, "Don't worry about the Xuanfang sect. In the past few thousand years, we have only two monks who are in the middle stage of Yuanying. There are very few outstanding talents among the disciples. After the chaos of monsters, My vitality has been severely damaged, and this sect is like this. I don’t know where the master has gone, and my master doesn’t have much energy to revitalize the Xuanfang sect. I was persuaded by my master to figure it out, and I will only take care of him from now on. I am a junior sister who is close to each other. I have worked hard for the Xuanfang Sect. Now that I am expected to make further progress in my cultivation, I have no time to take care of the affairs of the sect. The decline of the Xuanfang Sect will not harm many spiritual grasses. ”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "You two can just stop this matter in moderation. After all, we all have to have food to eat. The disciples of the Xuanfang Sect make a living by refining alchemy. If their wealth is cut off, we can't support them." Get them up."

Huang Ying carefully asked with her spiritual thoughts, "Are you closely related to the Flower Clan?"

Langxing looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Not only the Flower Clan, I also have a deep collusion with the monsters. From the perspective of the human cultivator, I am a very sinful person, but I don't care." What will those idiots think of me? Putting aside family views is a kind of wisdom. Putting aside racial views is even greater wisdom. The former can be done by ordinary Yuyu monks, but the latter cannot be done by most Yuyu monks. Yes, I have understood this point all my life. I only distinguish friends and foes based on good and evil, rather than standing on the basis of region or race. I would rather stand with the good people among foreign races than with the human race. Those scum stand together.”

Having said this, he took out a Golden Body Fruit and an Origin Fruit, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to be a traitor to the human race together? These are given to me by my monster friends."

"Yeah!" Huang Ying looked at the two rare spiritual fruits with bright eyes, and said excitedly, "From now on, I will believe whatever you say, and I will follow you."

"Take it and get some insights." After Lang Xing said that, he glanced at the picture of living in the wild in her arms, and said with his spiritual thoughts, "I can't help you with your betrayal for glory, these benefits are just for you. I’ll give you compensation. If you continue to betray her like this in the future, I will give you a high-grade spiritual treasure.”

Huang Ying hid her mouth and smiled, nodded repeatedly, and took the two spiritual fruits with a smile on her face.

Su Wan saw the ugly behavior of these two people, but she could only bite her teeth secretly and be cruel, because she was really trapped in the wild house again and couldn't get out, so she could only continue to comprehend.

Langxing took a look at the content of the Immortal Remedy and put it away. This spell was too mysterious and could not be understood in a short time. He had to take advantage of the excitement of understanding the prohibition to see if he could use it. The magic circle was opened, and the flower spirit inside was still waiting to be rescued.

This time, he didn't want to break the seal of the Immortal Remedy. It was difficult to make progress for more than ten days in a row. Because he was worried that the flower essence would become weak if it stayed in the Qiankun Bag for too long, he "planted" the slender magic circle. After arriving at Bai Xiang's territory, he still couldn't find the way after more than ten days. This made him realize that his current ability was not enough to open the magic circle, so he decided to give up temporarily. Fortunately, The flower essence behaved very peacefully. Shou Xiu was accustomed to loneliness, and it was common for them to stay alone for a thousand or two thousand years.

Lang Xing felt that it didn't want to come out, but wanted to go in and accompany it. Now that the flower essence had calmed down, he didn't have to worry. He could only rely on the Water Ting Sword to forcefully break the formation, let alone the Water Ting Sword. It can't be used yet. Even if Langxing can use it, he doesn't dare to take the risk. If the thunder breaks the flower essence, it will be counterproductive. Two months later, Lang Xing carefully sent a burst of spiritual power to the dark red jade slip.

In fact, he had full confidence in cracking the seal more than ten days ago, but the remnant immortal technique was related to the paths of Jiang Xiao and Qi Jia, so he had to be extremely cautious.

With a slight fluctuation of spiritual power, the seal was quietly released. Lang Xing breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to check the contents, he noticed Huang Ying coming excitedly.

Langxing opened the magic circle in the small courtyard and let her in. He smiled and asked, "You're back so soon?"

Huang Ying stretched out her hand to him with a bright smile and said, "I have made a decision. Bring me the bottle of spiritual liquid. I am willing to swear an oath."

Lang Xing had expected this result, so he gave her the bottle of spiritual liquid.

After Huang Ying made the oath, she winked at Lang Xing and said, "I can't return the fairy stove to you for the time being, because someone who is less promising than me took it away."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "Be careful she turns around and kicks you out of the school!"

Huang Ying smiled and said, "You have given me so many benefits, so I should give you something good too."

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "If you have any good stuff, take it out and see."

Huang Ying got serious and said, "You tell me first whether you want it or not. I'm going to give you a favor at the risk of selling myself out for glory."

Lang Xing felt amused and said, "What did you steal from her?"

Huang Ying pursed her lips and smiled and took out a scroll of pictures from her arms, which was the picture of living in the wild.

Lang Xing was greatly surprised, but he did not pick it up immediately. Instead, he said with his spiritual mind, "You don't know yet, right? She can observe the outside situation with her spiritual consciousness."

Huang Ying's eyes widened immediately, and she also used her spiritual thoughts to say, "Really? She didn't tell me, she just said that she hasn't fully understood this treasure yet, and she has to continue to go in to understand it, but once she goes in, she doesn't know when she will come out. "Yes, let me keep this picture and don't tell you. I want to sell it well with you, but I didn't expect that she would hide such intentions from me. You have to save me."

Lang Xing laughed happily, waved his hands and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Maybe she is meditating and didn't see the part where you betrayed her. You should just keep this thing. I promise not to betray you to her."

Huang Ying hurriedly put the Yeju Tu away, winked slightly at Lang Xing with evil intentions, and signaled not to mention the matter again, and then pretended to be innocent and asked, "Where are Jiangxiao and the others?"

Langxing raised his voice and said, "I went on a trip and won't be back until the new year."

"Oh." Huang Ying responded, then she glanced at him with a smile and said with spiritual thought, "There's no need to be so loud. If she is looking at us, she can hear you no matter how quiet your voice is."

Lang Xing cleared his throat in embarrassment and said, "Is your Xuanfang faction okay?"

Huang Ying shook her head and said, "It's not good. When I returned, she had already asked for a re-examination of the talents of the disciples in alchemy as the acting head. Those with poor talents were not allowed to study alchemy. Everyone complained about this. I'm busy. I tried to persuade them back and forth, and even gave them a lot of money to silence them.”

Lang Xing sighed. Alchemy has become an important skill in the human cultivation world. It is difficult for him to do much in this regard. He can only do his best.

Huang Ying, who had been taught by Su Wan, comforted her.

Lang Xing came, "Don't worry about the Xuanfang sect. In the past few thousand years, we have only two monks who are in the middle stage of Yuanying. There are very few outstanding talents among the disciples. After the chaos of monsters, My vitality has been severely damaged, and this sect is like this. I don’t know where the master has gone, and my master doesn’t have much energy to revitalize the Xuanfang sect. I was persuaded by my master to figure it out, and I will only take care of him from now on. I am a junior sister who is close to each other. I have worked hard for the Xuanfang Sect. Now that I am expected to make further progress in my cultivation, I have no time to take care of the affairs of the sect. The decline of the Xuanfang Sect will not harm many spiritual grasses. ”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "You two can just stop this matter in moderation. After all, we all have to have food to eat. The disciples of the Xuanfang Sect make a living by refining alchemy. If their wealth is cut off, we can't support them." Get them up."

Huang Ying carefully used her spiritual thoughts to ask, "Are you very close to the Flower Clan?"

Langxing looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Not only the Flower Clan, I also have a deep collusion with the monsters. From the perspective of the human cultivator, I am a very sinful person, but I don't care." What will those idiots think of me? Putting aside family views is a kind of wisdom. Putting aside racial views is even greater wisdom. The former can be done by ordinary Yuyu monks, but the latter cannot be done by most Yuyu monks. Yes, I have understood this point all my life. I only distinguish friends and foes based on good and evil, rather than standing on the basis of region or race. I would rather stand with the good people among the foreign races than with the good people among the human race. Those scum stand together.”

Having said this, he took out a Golden Body Fruit and an Origin Fruit, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to be a traitor to the human race together? These are given to me by my monster friends."

"Yeah!" Huang Ying looked at the two rare spiritual fruits with bright eyes, and said excitedly, "From now on, I will believe whatever you say, and I will follow you."

"Take it and get some insights." After Lang Xing said that, he glanced at the picture of living in the wild in her arms, and said with his spiritual thoughts, "I can't help you with your betrayal for glory, these benefits are just for you. I'll give you compensation. If you continue to betray her like this in the future, I will give you a high-grade spiritual treasure."

Huang Ying hid her mouth and smiled, nodded repeatedly, and took the two spiritual fruits with a smile on her face.

Su Wan saw the ugly behavior of these two people, but she could only bite her teeth secretly and be cruel, because she was really trapped in the wild house again and couldn't get out, so she could only continue to comprehend.

Langxing took a look at the content of the Immortal Remedy and put it away. This spell was too mysterious and could not be understood in a short time. He had to take advantage of the excitement of understanding the prohibition to see if he could use it. The magic circle was opened, and the flower spirit inside was still waiting to be rescued.

This time, he didn't want to break the seal of the Immortal Remedy. It was difficult to make progress for more than ten days in a row. Because he was worried that the flower essence would become weak if it stayed in the Qiankun Bag for too long, he "planted" the slender magic circle. After arriving at Bai Xiang's territory, he still couldn't find the way after more than ten days. This made him realize that his current ability was not enough to open the magic circle, so he decided to give up temporarily. Fortunately, The flower essence behaved very peacefully. Shou Xiu was accustomed to loneliness, and it was common for them to stay alone for a thousand or two thousand years.

Lang Xing felt that it didn't want to come out, but wanted to go in and accompany it. Now that the flower essence had calmed down, he didn't have to worry. He could only rely on the Water Ting Sword to forcefully break the formation, let alone the Water Ting Sword. It can't be used yet. Even if Langxing can use it, he doesn't dare to take the risk. If the thunder breaks the flower essence, it will be counterproductive.

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