Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2242 I can only carry one more at most!

In the thirtieth year of Langxing's seclusion, Bai Xiang entered the middle stage of elixir formation, Xiao Hefeng successfully formed elixir, and the war in Shui Qingzhou continued.

In the fiftieth year, Bai Xiang entered the late stage of pill formation, Xiao Hefeng reached the middle stage of pill formation, and Jiang Xiao made some achievements in understanding the immortal method of replenishing the residual.

This year, Sijia visited and stayed with Bai Xiang for a few days before leaving, during which he ignored Jiang Xiao. Su Wan's enlightenment made some progress, and she came out of the wild residence to meet Huang Ying, but then went back to continue her enlightenment.

In the 80th year, Bai Xiang's cultivation stopped improving, and Xiao Hefeng caught up with him. Su Wan broke the mirror and entered the late Nascent Soul stage. Jiangxiao not only repaired the damaged meridians with the help of the Immortal Technique, but also benefited from the broken mirror. Entering the late Nascent Soul stage.

In the eighty-fifth year, Xiyang, Jiangxiao, and Gongsun Chong went out for training again and went straight to Beihai.

In the 89th year, the three returned and brought back a large number of treasures produced in the North Sea.

In the 90th year, monsters from the North Sea invaded Puyun Prefecture on a large scale. Puyun Prefecture urgently mobilized the army that invaded Shuiqingzhou to come back for reinforcements. The remaining Nanjingzhou army was unable to support itself, so it also withdrew from Shuiqingzhou. It took a hundred years for the two continents to fight. This was the end of the counterattack. The Shuiqingzhou monsters once again entered the territory of Puyunzhou, but because their vitality was injured, they could not do much. They were quickly driven back and resumed their confrontation with the Puyunzhou army in the western border. situation.

In the ninety-sixth year, Gongsun Chong came to Donggua Mountain and discussed with Jiangxiao and Xiyang to go to Beihai to search for the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky. The three of them rushed out to check in surprise, and happened to catch up with the third person. A bolt of thunder struck down, directly above the small courtyard in Langxing!

"Thunder Tribulation! It's coming for Lang Xing! Block it for him!" Jiang Xiao shouted at the two of them with his hands pinched.

"Fire!" Xiyang pinched his hand to activate the punishment fire, but he couldn't help crying in his heart. Sky fire and sky thunder did not hurt each other. He had proven it when he helped Long Ping block the sky thunder. His punishment fire technique Unable to help, I can only look to Gongsun Chong and Jiang Xiao. .??.

"Water gathering!" Gongsun Chong gritted his teeth and activated the cloud water technique. He almost lost his life when he saved Long Ping. The fear of sky thunder has penetrated deep into his bones, but who asked him to learn it? What about this unfortunate cloud and water technique?

Compared with the first time he fought against Tianlei, the word "Feng Sheng" was missing. The person who used the dust wind technique was no longer there.

"The universe in the water!" Jiangxiao pointed her hand, urging a huge water ball to meet the second thunder that struck down.

When he heard this magic sentence, Gongsun Chong was about to cry without tears. Last time, he used the "Trapped Heaven and Prisoner Earth" which is a combination of wind, fire, and water. This time Jiangxiao simply gave up the punishment fire and only used cloud water. No, he couldn't complain yet, why did the sky fire not work?

The dark green sky thunder struck the water ball, and the water light and the thunder light complemented each other. Countless lightning bolts formed and entangled the water ball like the roots of a big tree, and the crackling sound was endless.

Gongsun Chong and Jiangxiao let out a miserable groan at the same time. In terms of strength, this sky thunder was not as strong as the sky thunder that split Long Ping, but the two people who had already reached the late stage of Nascent Soul cultivation were much worse than the last time. They could only carry When a thunderbolt hits you, you know you're going to die.

"We can't bear it!" Gongsun Chong swallowed a mouthful of blood that rushed to his throat.

"Water, Fire, Heaven and Earth!" Jiangxiao also knew that she couldn't bear it anymore. If she resisted the second thunder, the two of them would be seriously injured, but she didn't dare to put Lang Xing's life on the protective power of this magic circle. There is only one more thunderbolt that can be withstood, so she changed her method

The torture was added.

Gongsun Chong felt deeply sad for himself. Last time, he was trapped by the three of them and had to fight for his life. Now he is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage, but he still cannot escape the fate of being trapped. If he shrinks back now, he will Even the friend Jiang Xiao was lost.

The flaming water ball met the third sky thunder, and blood flowed from the corners of Gongsun Chong and Jiang Xiao's mouths. This situation was better than expected. Although Xing Huo failed to help against the sky thunder, It played a supporting role in helping Jishu Zhenyuan and Yunshui Zhenyuan.

"The most I can do is carry one more!" Gongsun Chong forcefully urged Yunshui's true energy to send spiritual thoughts to Jiangxiao. It's not that he was unrighteous in his search for reincarnation, but that he really couldn't hold on any longer and had to go through all the hardships to practice. At this point, who would be willing to die in vain?

Jiangxiao stared resolutely at the sky with rolling dark clouds without responding. She knew that Gongsun Chong had tried his best, and she had no reason to drag others to death, but she would never retreat. Next, she would use Lingbao Xuan'a, or even It's Wu Hei who continues to resist the thunder until all means are exhausted. If Lang Xing cannot escape the fate today, then she will die in front of Lang Xing!

When the fourth thunder struck down, a bolt of lightning also flashed out of the magic circle.

"Step aside!"

This loud roar that suddenly rang in her heart made Jiangxiao's delicate body tremble, and the hand holding the magic weapon suddenly shook, and the "Water, Fire, Heaven and Earth" collapsed.

Two lightning beams collided at high altitude without making any sound, and then a bright green cocoon of light appeared in the sky.

"Get away!" Lang Xing's figure rushed over.

"Go back quickly!" Xiyang and Jiangxiao shouted urgently at the same time.

Langxing stopped, frowning and looking up at the sky. At this time, the dark clouds were quickly dispersing, and the scene of a clear day returned to the scene in a short time.

Everyone stared blankly at the dark green light cocoon in the sky, as if they were having a nightmare.

"Master!" Bai Xiang flew to Lang Xing with the Ning Cui Sword, staring at the sky with vigilant eyes, ready to protect the Master at any time.

Lang Xing glanced at everyone, and felt confused for a while. In his mind, he was just confused for a moment, but looking at everyone's scene, it was obvious that many years had passed. After calculating secretly, he realized that it was nearly a hundred years ago. Although he was not the first He fell asleep for the first time, but he was still quite surprised.

"How are you three?" he asked, looking at Gongsun Chong who had blood at the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay." Gongsun Chong squeezed out a smile and avoided Lang Xing's gaze. God really couldn't deal with him. The last divine message he sent to Jiang Xiao made him feel ashamed and wronged. He really wished he could be there at this moment. It would have been better if the injury was more severe.

When Jiang Xiao saw Lang Xing's eyes turning to her, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's nothing serious. Is this disaster over?"

Lang Xing nodded slightly, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

Xiyang used his spiritual thoughts to ask, "What caused the thunder disaster?"

Langxing shook his head slightly. He couldn't answer this question. After waking up with fear, he almost couldn't remember anything.

"I have to go and meditate. If the thunder disaster happens again, don't worry about it." Lang Xing flew out of the magic circle and collected the Shui Ting Sword. When he came back, he used his spiritual mind to ask Huang Ying about Su Wan's situation, and then hurriedly flew back. My own little courtyard. In the thirtieth year of Langxing's seclusion, Bai Xiang entered the middle stage of elixir formation, Xiao Hefeng successfully formed elixir, and the war in Shui Qingzhou continued.

In the fiftieth year, Bai Xiang entered the late stage of pill formation, Xiao Hefeng reached the middle stage of pill formation, and Jiang Xiao made some achievements in understanding the immortal method of repairing the residual.

This year, Sijia visited and stayed with Bai Xiang for a few days before leaving, during which he ignored Jiang Xiao. Su Wan's enlightenment made some progress, and she came out of the wild residence to meet Huang Ying, but then went back to continue her enlightenment.

In the 80th year, Bai Xiang's cultivation stopped improving, and Xiao Hefeng caught up with him. Su Wan broke the mirror and entered the late Nascent Soul stage. Jiangxiao not only repaired the damaged meridians with the help of the Immortal Technique, but also benefited from the broken mirror. Entering the late Nascent Soul stage. .??.

In the eighty-fifth year, Xiyang, Jiangxiao, and Gongsun Chong went out for training again and went straight to Beihai.

In the 89th year, the three returned and brought back a large amount of treasures produced in the North Sea.

In the 90th year, monsters from the North Sea invaded Puyun Prefecture on a large scale. Puyun Prefecture urgently mobilized the army that invaded Shuiqingzhou to come back for reinforcements. The remaining Nanjingzhou army was unable to support itself, so it also withdrew from Shuiqingzhou. It took a hundred years for the two continents to fight. This was the end of the counterattack. The Shuiqingzhou monsters once again entered the territory of Puyunzhou, but because their vitality was injured, they could not do much. They were quickly driven back and resumed their confrontation with the Puyunzhou army in the western border. situation.

In the ninety-sixth year, Gongsun Chong came to Donggua Mountain and discussed with Jiangxiao and Xiyang to go to Beihai to search for the Xuanshui Immortal Dragon. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered in the sky. The three of them rushed out to check in surprise, and happened to catch up with the third person. A bolt of thunder struck down, directly above the small courtyard in Langxing!

"Thunder Tribulation! It's coming for Lang Xing! Block it for him!" Jiang Xiao shouted at the two of them with his hands pinched.

"Fire!" Xiyang pinched his hand to activate the punishment fire, but he couldn't help crying in his heart. Sky fire and sky thunder did not hurt each other. He had proven it when he helped Long Ping block the sky thunder. His punishment fire technique I can't help, I can only look at Gongsun Chong and Jiang Xiao.

"Water gathering!" Gongsun Chong gritted his teeth and activated the cloud water technique. He almost lost his life when he saved Long Ping. The fear of sky thunder has penetrated deep into his bones, but who asked him to learn it? What about this unfortunate cloud and water technique?

Compared with the first time he fought against Tianlei, the word "Feng Sheng" was missing. The person who used the dust wind technique was no longer there.

"The universe in the water!" Jiangxiao pointed her hand, urging a huge water ball to meet the second thunder that struck down.

When he heard this magic sentence, Gongsun Chong was about to cry without tears. Last time, he used the "Trapped Heaven and Prisoner Earth" which is a combination of wind, fire, and water. This time Jiangxiao simply gave up the punishment fire and only used cloud water. No, he couldn't complain yet, why did the sky fire not work?

The dark green sky thunder struck the water ball, and the water light and the thunder light complemented each other. Countless lightning bolts formed and entangled the water ball like the roots of a big tree, and the crackling sound was endless.

Gongsun Chong and Jiangxiao let out a miserable groan at the same time. In terms of strength, this sky thunder was not as strong as the sky thunder that split Long Ping, but the two people who had already reached the late stage of Nascent Soul cultivation were much worse than the last time. They could only carry When a thunderbolt hits you, you know you're going to die.

"We can't bear it!" Gongsun Chong swallowed a mouthful of blood that rushed to his throat.

"Water, Fire, Heaven and Earth!" Jiangxiao also knew that she couldn't bear it anymore. If she resisted the second thunder, the two of them would be seriously injured, but she didn't dare to put Lang Xing's life on the protective power of this magic circle. There is only one more thunderbolt that can be withstood, so she changed her method

The torture was added.

Gongsun Chong felt deeply sad for himself. Last time, he was trapped by the three of them and had to fight for his life. Now he is a great monk in the late Yuanying stage, but he still cannot escape the fate of being trapped. If he shrinks back now, he will Even the friend Jiang Xiao was lost.

The flaming water ball met the third sky thunder, and blood flowed from the corners of Gongsun Chong and Jiang Xiao's mouths. This situation was better than expected. Although Xing Huo failed to help against the sky thunder, It played a supporting role in helping Ji Shu Zhenyuan and Yunshui Zhenyuan.

"The most I can do is carry one more!" Gongsun Chong forcefully urged Yunshui's true energy to send spiritual thoughts to Jiangxiao. It's not that he was unrighteous in his search for reincarnation, but that he really couldn't hold on any longer and had to go through all the hardships to practice. At this point, who would be willing to die in vain?

Jiangxiao stared resolutely at the sky with rolling dark clouds without responding. She knew that Gongsun Chong had tried his best, and she had no reason to drag others to death, but she would never retreat. Next, she would use Lingbao Xuan'a, or even It's Wu Hei who continues to resist the thunder until all means are exhausted. If Lang Xing cannot escape the fate today, then she will die in front of Lang Xing!

When the fourth thunder struck down, a bolt of lightning also flashed out of the magic circle.

"Step aside!"

This loud roar that suddenly rang in her heart made Jiangxiao's delicate body tremble, and the hand holding the magic weapon suddenly shook, and the "Water, Fire, Heaven and Earth" collapsed.

Two lightning beams collided at high altitude without making any sound, and then a bright green cocoon of light appeared in the sky.

"Get away!" Lang Xing's figure rushed over.

"Go back quickly!" Xiyang and Jiangxiao shouted urgently at the same time.

Langxing stopped, frowning and looking up at the sky. At this time, the dark clouds were quickly dispersing, and the scene of a clear day returned to the scene in a short time.

Everyone stared blankly at the dark green light cocoon in the sky, as if they were having a nightmare.

"Master!" Bai Xiang flew to Lang Xing with the Ning Cui Sword, staring at the sky with vigilant eyes, ready to protect the Master at any time.

Lang Xing glanced at everyone, and felt confused for a while. In his mind, he was just confused for a moment, but looking at everyone's scene, it was obvious that many years had passed. After calculating secretly, he realized that it was nearly a hundred years ago. Although he was not the first He fell asleep for the first time, but he was still quite surprised.

"How are you three?" he asked, looking at Gongsun Chong who had blood at the corner of his mouth.

"It's okay." Gongsun Chong squeezed out a smile and avoided Lang Xing's gaze. God really couldn't deal with him. The last divine message he sent to Jiang Xiao made him feel ashamed and wronged. He really wished he could be there at this moment. It would have been better if the injury was more serious.

When Jiang Xiao saw Lang Xing's eyes turning to her, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "It's nothing serious. Is this disaster over?"

Lang Xing nodded slightly, with a look of confusion in his eyes.

Xiyang used his spiritual thoughts to ask, "What caused the thunder disaster?"

Langxing shook his head slightly. He couldn't answer this question. After waking up with fear, he almost couldn't remember anything.

"I have to go and meditate. If the thunder disaster happens again, don't worry about it." Lang Xing flew out of the magic circle and collected the Shui Ting Sword. When he came back, he used his spiritual mind to ask Huang Ying about Su Wan's situation, and then hurriedly flew back. My own little courtyard.

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