Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2255 No regrets

Flying over the vast snowfield should have been a pleasant feeling, but Langxing's irritability had not passed yet.

"This cultivation world is full of chaos. You kill me and I kill you all day long. It's annoying to death."

Shen Qing said calmly, "If a person has to live with a group of pigs, of course he will be annoyed wherever he looks."

Lang Xing was choked and speechless.

Shen Qing asked, "What have you gained from this retreat?"

"I was struck by lightning and woke up halfway. God forbids that I can comprehend it again." Lang Xing raised his eyes and glanced at the sky.

"Oh?" Shen Qing frowned slightly.

Lang Xing told her the story of being struck by lightning, and then pretended to be relaxed and said, "I have many ways to deal with the lightning disaster. If it doesn't work, I can go to the Zixiao Palace and ask the second senior sister to help me protect the law." .??.

Shen Qing said worriedly, "But when the thunderstorm comes, you will wake up from your retreat. What's the use of this retreat?"

Lang Xing blinked and said, "It can't be said that it is completely useless. Although I was awakened this time, I still got some gains after some meditation afterwards. After all, this kind of dreaming is different from retreat. Many things I have learned Things have to be noticed only when they are used, such as the detection ability of spiritual consciousness, such as the improvement in restraints. Let me tell you about the remnant magic and you will understand. Before retreat, I only understood this magic. A few days later, after I came out of seclusion, I looked at the insights summarized by Jiang Xiao and immediately felt that something was not right. It was not until then that I realized that I had understood many things in the Immortal Method of Repairing the Damaged. I have a lot of experience in this area, so I will try to read as many secrets as possible before going into retreat.”

"Spells and skills are just minutiae." Lang Xing's words failed to make Shen Qing happy. Enlightenment was the foundation. If he was struck by lightning as soon as he thought about Taoism, most of the meaning of this retreat would be lost.

Langxing was quite satisfied and said with a smile, "It's pretty good. When I first woke up, I thought that these hundred years were wasted. But later I found out that I have gained a lot, and it will definitely be better than a hundred years of hard work." He He didn’t really want to realize the Tao and become an immortal. He cultivated hard just to save Shu Yan as soon as possible, so what he focused on now was the improvement of cultivation, spells and other aspects. Although he also knew that this was to sacrifice the basics for the sake of the weak, but God forbid him to comprehend the Tao. , what else can be done?

Shen Qing's heart felt a little cold, and he vaguely saw Xun Yi again who was not striving for progress. But Lang Xing has a better reason to be content with the status quo than Xun Yi. After all, being struck by lightning is a problem that cannot be solved by human power. In this case, it is not a wise choice to be content with the status quo. If you force him to You have to be cruel, if something unexpected happens, you will regret it.

"Who are we looking for? You must at least tell me whether he is a boy or a girl and what he looks like."

"Actually, I can just go look for it myself..." Lang Xing made a distressed look.

Seeing that he was in such a difficult situation, Shen Qing waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't ask anymore. You can put me into the Qiankun Bag later. If you encounter danger, just let me out to help you."

"Hehe, let's do that." Lang Xing put on a guilty smile.

"Don't cause yourself any more messy things." Shen Qing could almost conclude that there was some shady thing going on, and it probably involved the relationship between a man and a woman, otherwise Lang Xing wouldn't be so secretive with him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know." The flattering smile on Lang Xing's face became even more.

Shen Qing looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Do you regret it?"

Lang Xing immediately put away his smile, glanced at her and said, "You don't even know what it is, just

Stop making wild guesses. "

Shen Qing refused to give up and said, "No matter how you got into this trouble, I just want to ask you if you regret it."

"No regrets."

After Langxing finished speaking, he kept his mouth shut. He really had no regrets about the imperial concubine. No matter how much trouble the imperial concubine brought him, he had no regrets. After all, she was helping him take steps on the road to growth. He had taken a big step forward, but he felt a little helpless when it came to Ling Xiang. It was not that he had to be greedy for that bite, but Ling Xiang also wanted to do so. Although he could comfort himself by saying that he was helping Ling Xiang, he was not helping Ling Xiang. After all, this kind of busyness is neither easy to say nor nice to hear. No, it is neither easy to say nor nice to hear. Compared with the burden I bear now, the joy of that moment is really not worth it. Fortunately, Ling Xiang has no intention of continuing to struggle. , otherwise he really doesn’t know how to end it.

After traveling in a hurry for two days and two nights, Langxing put Shen Qing into the Qiankun bag, and then began to search. He did not dare to have high hopes for this search. It had been more than two years since the imperial concubine escaped. God knows. Where did the emperor's concubine go? But I felt sorry for not looking for her. I could only hope that God would stop making things difficult for this miserable woman.

For three days in a row, Langxing kept trying to search. Whether he encountered a monster or a human monk, he would search for the soul. Even so, the hope of finding the imperial concubine was too slim. Looking for someone in such a vast area People are like looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the fourth day, Shen Qing reminded him that it was almost time to go back, and he had to be wary of subsequent enemies visiting his home.

Langxing looked at the vast snowfield and imagined the emperor's concubine's situation. He felt very uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to go back first.

He stopped searching eastward and turned north, preparing to circle back to the glacier.

At dusk that day, three middle-stage Nascent Soul monks wearing Pu Yunzhou costumes came face to face. At first glance, they were people who had defected from Northern Xinjiang. He had seen several groups of people like this in the past few days.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. One of our friends is lost. Have you seen her?"

Before Long Xing could speak, a man with a three-part mustache came up to chat with him with a smile on his face. As he spoke, an image of a person was transmitted to him with his spiritual mind.

Langxing's heart jumped suddenly. The friend the other party was looking for turned out to be the imperial concubine!

"I've never seen her. Where did she get lost?" Langxing asked calmly. The imperial concubine did not want to have more contact with the Pu Yunzhou monk. This person's words should not be taken lightly.

"Forget it if I haven't seen it. Are you the Eight Immortals from Zixiao Palace? There is a big monster in front of you. We can't go any further. The three of us almost lost our lives." Mustache gave a warning enthusiastically. , the other two people approached closely after him.

Lang Xing smiled slightly and said, "Now that you know that I am the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace, do you still dare to make wrong ideas? Are you tired of living?"

As soon as these words came out, the three opponents' faces changed at the same time, and they quickly surrounded Lang Xing. They frowned and looked at each other to activate their magic weapons.

The mustache said with a cruel smile, "Stop putting on that arrogant air of your Immortal Lord. Things are different now. Whether the Qianzonghui can survive this disaster is hard to say. Leave this head and everything on it and we can spare you some time." life, otherwise..."

Lang Xing didn't have the patience to listen to what he had to say, so he casually hit three restraints. The grins on the faces of the three people suddenly turned into horror.

He flew in front of Mustache and said solemnly, "You'd better be her friends and retreat to the Lingtai."

"" Mustache was so frightened that his tongue froze. Seeing Langxing's finger pointing to his forehead, he quickly closed his eyes. Flying over the vast snowfield should have been a pleasant feeling, but Langxing's irritability had not passed yet.

"This cultivation world is full of chaos. You kill me and I kill you all day long. It's annoying to death."

Shen Qing said calmly, "If a person has to live with a group of pigs, of course he will be annoyed wherever he looks."

Lang Xing was choked and speechless. .??.

Shen Qing asked, "What have you gained from this retreat?"

"I was struck by lightning and woke up halfway. God forbids that I can comprehend it again." Lang Xing raised his eyes and glanced at the sky.

"Oh?" Shen Qing frowned slightly.

Lang Xing told her the story of being struck by lightning, and then pretended to be relaxed and said, "I have plenty of ways to deal with the lightning disaster. If it doesn't work, I can go to Zixiao Palace and ask Second Senior Sister to help me protect the law."

Shen Qing said worriedly, "But when the thunderstorm comes, you will wake up from your retreat. What's the use of this retreat?"

Lang Xing blinked and said, "It can't be said that it is completely useless. Although I was awakened this time, I still got some gains after some meditation afterwards. After all, this kind of dreaming is different from retreat. Many things I have learned Things have to be noticed only when they are used, such as the detection ability of spiritual consciousness, such as the improvement in restraints. Let me tell you about the remnant magic and you will understand. Before retreat, I only understood this magic. A few days later, after I came out of seclusion, I looked at the insights summarized by Jiang Xiao and immediately felt that something was not right. It was not until then that I realized that I had understood many things in the Immortal Method of Repairing the Damaged. I have a lot of experience in this area, so I will try to read as many secrets as possible before going into retreat.”

"Spells and skills are just minutiae." Lang Xing's words failed to make Shen Qing happy. Enlightenment was the foundation. If he was struck by lightning as soon as he thought about Taoism, most of the meaning of this retreat would be lost.

Langxing was quite satisfied and said with a smile, "It's pretty good. When I first woke up, I thought that these hundred years were wasted. But later I found out that I have gained a lot, and it will definitely be better than a hundred years of hard work." He He didn’t really want to realize the Tao and become an immortal. He cultivated hard just to save Shu Yan as soon as possible, so what he focused on now was the improvement of cultivation, spells and other aspects. Although he also knew that this was to sacrifice the basics for the sake of the weak, but God forbid him to comprehend the Tao. , what else can be done?

Shen Qing's heart felt a little cold, and he vaguely saw Xun Yi again who was not striving for progress. But Lang Xing has a better reason to be content with the status quo than Xun Yi. After all, being struck by lightning is a problem that cannot be solved by human power. In this case, it is not a wise choice to be content with the status quo. If you force him to You have to be cruel, if something unexpected happens, you will regret it.

"Who are we looking for? You must at least tell me whether he is a boy or a girl and what he looks like."

"Actually, I can just go look for it myself..." Lang Xing made a distressed look.

Seeing that he was in such a difficult situation, Shen Qing waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't ask anymore. You can put me into the Qiankun Bag later. If you encounter danger, just let me out to help you."

"Hehe, let's do that." Lang Xing put on a guilty smile.

"Don't cause yourself any more messy things." Shen Qing could almost conclude that there was some shady thing going on, and it probably involved the relationship between a man and a woman, otherwise Lang Xing wouldn't be so secretive with him.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I know." The flattering smile on Lang Xing's face became even more.

Shen Qing looked at him with a half-smile and asked, "Do you regret it?"

Lang Xing immediately put away his smile, glanced at her and said, "You don't even know what it is, just

Stop making wild guesses. "

Shen Qing refused to give up and said, "No matter how you got into this trouble, I just want to ask you if you regret it."

"No regrets."

After Langxing finished speaking, he kept his mouth shut. He really had no regrets about the imperial concubine. No matter how much trouble the imperial concubine brought him, he had no regrets. After all, she was helping him take steps on the road to growth. He had taken a big step forward, but he felt a little helpless when it came to Ling Xiang. It wasn't that he had to be greedy for that bite, but Ling Xiang also wanted to do so. Although he could comfort himself by saying that he was helping Ling Xiang, he was not helping Ling Xiang. After all, this kind of busyness is neither easy to say nor nice to hear. No, it is neither easy to say nor nice to hear. Compared with the burden I bear now, the joy of that moment is really not worth it. Fortunately, Ling Xiang has no intention of continuing to struggle. , otherwise he really doesn’t know how to end it.

After traveling in a hurry for two days and two nights, Langxing put Shen Qing into the Qiankun bag, and then began to search. He did not dare to have high hopes for this search. It had been more than two years since the imperial concubine escaped. God knows. Where did the emperor's concubine go? But I felt regretful that she didn't come to look for her. I could only hope that God would stop making things difficult for this miserable woman.

For three days in a row, Langxing kept trying to search. Whether he encountered a monster or a human monk, he would search for the soul. Even so, the hope of finding the imperial concubine was too slim. Looking for someone in such a vast area People are like looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the fourth day, Shen Qing reminded him that it was almost time to go back, and he had to be wary of subsequent enemies visiting his home.

Langxing looked at the vast snowfield and imagined the emperor's concubine's situation. He felt very uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to go back first.

He stopped searching eastward and turned north, preparing to circle back to the glacier.

At dusk that day, three middle-stage Nascent Soul monks wearing Pu Yunzhou costumes came face to face. At first glance, they were people who had defected from Northern Xinjiang. He had seen several groups of such people these days.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay. One of our friends is lost. Have you seen her?"

Before Lang Xing could speak, a man with a three-part mustache came up to chat with him with a smile on his face. As he spoke, an image of a person was transmitted through his mind.

Langxing's heart jumped suddenly. The friend the other party was looking for turned out to be the imperial concubine!

"I've never seen her. Where did she get lost?" Langxing asked calmly. The imperial concubine did not want to have more contact with the Pu Yunzhou monk. This person's words should not be taken lightly.

"Forget it if I haven't seen it. Are you the Eight Immortals from Zixiao Palace? There is a big monster in front of you. We can't go any further. The three of us almost lost our lives." Mustache gave a warning enthusiastically. , the other two people approached closely after him.

Lang Xing smiled slightly and said, "Now that you know that I am the Eight Immortals of Zixiao Palace, do you still dare to make wrong ideas? Are you tired of living?"

As soon as these words came out, the three opponents' faces changed at the same time, and they quickly surrounded Lang Xing. They frowned and looked at each other to activate their magic weapons.

The mustache said with a cruel smile, "Stop putting on that arrogant air of your Immortal Lord. Things are different now. Whether the Qianzonghui can survive this disaster is hard to say. Leave this head and everything on it and we can spare you some time." life, otherwise..."

Lang Xing didn't have the patience to listen to what he had to say, so he casually hit three restraints. The grins on the faces of the three people suddenly turned into horror.

He flew in front of Mustache and said solemnly, "You'd better be her friends and retreat to the Lingtai."

"" Mustache was so frightened that his tongue froze. Seeing Langxing's finger pointing to his forehead, he quickly closed his eyes.

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