Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2257 Hug me tight...

Langxing couldn't answer this question, so he pretended to lose interest and looked at Zhenchuanzi.

While speculating on the relationship between Lang Xing and the imperial concubine, Zhenchuanzi kicked Lu Sheng and said in a joking tone, "A hero saves a beauty. In order to eat a bite of swan meat, you toad is really willing to go out and kill someone." One of your brothers, do you know how miserable your death will be?"

"Don't! Let him go!" The imperial concubine shouted at Zhenchuanzi in grief.

Zhenchuanzi glanced at Lang Xing, looked at the imperial concubine with teasing eyes and asked, "If you can only let one person go, which one would you choose?"

"You let them both go!"

"Why? What benefits do you give me?" Zhenchuanzi showed an evil smile.

At this time, Langxing said, "The good thing is that she can make your death a little more pleasant."

Zhenchuanzi looked at Langxing, his face became serious. He always felt that this kid's behavior was a bit evil. Langxing's words deepened his suspicion and made him feel uneasy.

"Xuanxing, please stop talking." The imperial concubine looked at Langxing with pleading eyes. She had already decided to sacrifice her life to save these two people, and she could not let Langxing anger Zhenchuanzi.

Lang Xing quietly put away the restrictions on Mustache.

"Hey! His grandma's hair is finally untied!" Mustache said happily while swinging his arms.

Zhenchuanzi naturally turned his head to look at the two banned people. At this moment, his heart jumped suddenly, and he felt that the restriction on Lang Xing's body was released! This is unbelievable. Only Monk Huayu can break this restriction, but he and Lang Xing are only a few feet apart. Even Monk Huayu cannot hide from his eyes and sneak into such a close distance to replace Lang Xing. Unlock the restrictions.

Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, he took action immediately, wanting to use another ban to block Lang Xing first, but Lang Xing's attack was not much slower than him.

He was able to seal him with the God Binding Jue first.

"Hey! Why can't you move again?!" Mustache, who was still happy, was muddleheaded and blocked again, with one arm still swinging in the air in a rather weird posture.

With a flash of purple light, the trapping circle deployed outside Lang Xing was forcibly destroyed by the Purple Sun Sword.

"Purple Sun Sword?!" Several people exclaimed at the same time. They all knew something about this spiritual treasure of the Great Immortal Lord of Wuzhen Sect.

"Yes, it's Yaohui's Purple Sun Sword." Lang Xing walked up to Zhenchuanzi with the Purple Sun Sword, slapped his face with the sword blade and said, "You can't even think of beating me, even if you're a bastard like me. Idea? You are really blind." After saying that, he sent a burst of spiritual power through the sword body and killed him together with Yuanying.

"Hey," Mustache was so frightened that he couldn't finish the sentence.

"Shut up, all of you!" Lang Xing glanced at the three of them, then looked at the imperial concubine and Lu Sheng, and said, "I'll leave these three to you."

As soon as Zhenchuanzi died, the restrictions placed on Lu Sheng and the imperial concubine were naturally lifted. Lu Sheng looked at Lang Xing in shock and then did not dare to look again. He lowered his head with confused eyes.

The imperial concubine gritted her silver teeth and used her flying sword to kill all three of them. Then she stood there with her body trembling slightly and looked at Lang Xing with complicated eyes, and there was obvious resentment in it.

Lang Xing smiled dryly and said, "Unlocking the ban will take some time, so I could only delay them for a while by messing around with them. How are your injuries?"

"Let's leave here first and talk somewhere else." After the imperial concubine finished speaking, she hurriedly flew away into the distance without waiting for Lang Xing to respond. She also needed to delay for a while.

Used to think, because she suspected that Lang Xing was not telling the truth. Out of a woman's intuition, she believed that Lang Xing deliberately used Zhen Chuanzi's hand to get rid of Lu Sheng, just because she later saw Zhen Chuanzi trying to make things difficult for her. Lang Xing had to stand up and save himself.

She knew too well the entanglement that Lang Xing had because of his kindness, and she could also guess Lang Xing's other intentions. If she showed too much affection for Lu Sheng, Lang Xing would probably push her to Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng. Lu Sheng knew too many secrets. If Lang Xing was cruel, he would definitely not leave this person alive. But precisely because Lang Xing was so kind, how to deal with Lu Sheng became the most difficult thing for him, and she I also feel very embarrassed about this matter.

The emperor's concubine was in front, Lang Xing was in the middle on a sky-pecking eagle, and Lu Sheng was flying behind with his head lowered. The three of them were silent, each making calculations in their hearts.

After flying thirty to forty thousand miles, the imperial concubine stopped in a snowy valley. She pursed her lips tightly and looked at Lang Xing, hoping that Lang Xing would speak first.

"You must have suffered a lot in the past two years." Lang Xing said nonsense with a smile. All the concubine's guesses about him were correct. What he wanted to find out most at the moment was the concubine's attitude towards Lu Sheng. , and then a decision can be made.

There were tears of grievance in the eyes of the imperial concubine. Looking back on the two years of escape life, it was really miserable. She stared at Lang Xing with tearful eyes and asked bitterly, "Are you here specifically to find me?" Before that, Lang Xing There was no clear answer to the question raised by Zhen Chuanzi. Although she believed that Lang Xing was here to find her, she still wanted to confirm.

Langxing replied vaguely, "I still have some other things to do. I don't dare to have high hopes for finding you."

The imperial concubine turned to Lu Sheng and said, "I want to say a few secret words to him. Can you close your six senses?"

Lu Sheng nodded silently and then sat on the snow.

Locked up his six senses.

"Are you so cruel?" With this sad voice, tears fell from the imperial concubine's eyes.

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "Of course I want to keep searching until I find you, but I really have very urgent things to do right now. You also know that it's hard to find someone in this boundless place." The hope is too slim.”

"That's not what I'm talking about! You know what I'm talking about!" The imperial concubine became even more sad. Lang Xing was obviously still trying to push herself towards Lu Sheng.

Lang Xing glanced at Lu Sheng, squeezed a smile and said, "This time God finally opened his eyes and sent such a kind and righteous person to help you survive the disaster."

The imperial concubine sighed and said miserably, "You know that I will not pester you too much, so there is no need for you to push me to others in a hurry. Lu Sheng is indeed affectionate and righteous to me. I can give all my belongings to you." I will give him everything in return, but I will not commit myself to him because of this. This has nothing to do with you. I can't have that kind of emotion for him. Sun Rui has already missed me once. I don't want to form a relationship with anyone again in this life. We are married, my heart is only for the Dao, Xuanxing, no matter you are Langxing or Xuanxing, I just want you to hug me now and let me breathe peacefully in your arms. I can't stand it anymore after two years of running away. Then you can go about your business. That's all I ask for."

Lang Xing opened his arms and stepped forward to take her into his arms, saying softly, "I don't want to push you to him, and I don't mean to treat you as a burden. I'm afraid that you also have some affection for him. I don't want to Putting yourself in the middle makes it difficult for you.”

"Hold me tighter, hold me tight..." The imperial concubine curled up in this warm embrace, greedily enjoying the comfort. All the suffering and suffering she had suffered in the past two years turned into tears and vented out at this moment. She didn't want to say or hear anything at the moment.

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