Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2263 Losing one’s dignity without losing one’s dignity

"It's none of your business, they were just trying to catch me..." Lang Xing persuaded casually, the fear in his heart had begun to turn into sadness. He was about to die, and his greed and reluctance to give up on life was all. The main reason is how many people have been tricked, Su Wan, Second Senior Sister, Shen Qing, Jiang Xiao, Sijia... How sad they are, Shu Yan is still waiting for me to save her...

Seeing tears in the eyes of the young master uncle, Zhuang Yu was heartbroken and said, "How about...ask my master and the second uncle if there is anything we can do. Just don't let them get close to us. In case they What can be done? After all, they are all feathered monks. "She knew how difficult it was to remove the immortal lice, but she didn't want to die. If she was just infected, she wouldn't risk being implicated. The master risked his life and went back to ask for help, but now he could only rely on the help of his junior uncle.

Langxing took out a piece of ice lake fish meat and ate it, and then fed Zhuanyu a small piece. The second senior sister told him that people infected with such vicious lice will soon become irritable and eventually go crazy. He had to prepare in advance Take precautions.

After the fish meat entered his stomach, his chaotic heart slowly calmed down.

After calming down, he first took out the small whiteboard and buried it deeply in the ground. He could feel that there were dozens of vicious lice on the small whiteboard. The weapon spirit was already angry. Pan Shizi was able to escape because Lang Xing did not take action against him. When he realized that this person was Master Pan, Lang Xing immediately remembered the warning from Second Senior Sister. This evil thing could not only infect the weapon spirit, but also counterattack along with the spiritual power. The person who cast the spell, so he did not dare to attack Fan Shizi again. Fan Shizi was completely frightened away by the terrifying scene.

"Do you think they can do anything?" Lang Xing asked frustrated.

"What if." Zhuang Yu Huarong said sadly.

Long Xing shook his head.

Zhi Xia was afraid that he would bump into Pan Shizi and Shi Yuzi again in his life, so when he talked about the immortal lice, he tried his best to exaggerate their dangers, in order to make him be more careful when meeting these two people. It is best to

He wanted to escape as soon as possible, so Langxing didn't think that Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister could be of much help.

"Then I have to give everyone a message." Zhuang Yu said unwillingly.

"Don't panic yet, I'll think of a way." After Lang Xing said that, he flew to her side, grabbed her hand and sent a burst of spiritual power.

"What are you..." Zhuangyu didn't understand what he was going to do.

"I'll help you unlock the ban first." After finishing speaking, Langxing closed his eyes. Fortunately, Ice Lake Fish Meat was extremely effective, otherwise he wouldn't be able to calm down at all, let alone break the ban.

Zhuang Yu glanced at him but said nothing. She knew that Lang Xing was researching the art of prohibition, but how easy would it be for a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying to break the prohibition imposed by a monk in the late stage of Yuanying? It is estimated that before he could figure it out, the two people were already killed by the lice.

After a while, she was just about to persuade Lang Xing not to waste time, but she saw Lang Xing open his eyes, and then felt a slight pain in his Qi Fu. She subconsciously hid back, and her body retreated thousands of feet. !

"Okay, let's find a secluded place, you help me protect the law, and I will try to kill this thing." After speaking, Langxing summoned the sky-pecking eagle to fly away, because he was afraid of infecting the sky-pecking eagle. So I just let it follow a few thousand feet away.

Zhuangyu chased after her with a look of astonishment. Langxing actually unlocked the restriction imposed by Master Pan so easily. She couldn't believe it, but she also had a glimmer of hope in her heart. As a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, She restrained her excitement and curiosity, knowing that the most important thing she should do now was to shut up and not disturb her junior uncle.

Langxing chose a river valley, summoned the sky-pecking eagle, and set up an isolation circle before sitting down.

He started to try to deal with those immortal lice. The first choice was naturally the power of his mind. However, after several attempts, not only did he not get rid of the lice, but he also disturbed them. As the lice became restless, he tasted The pain of being "soul-eating" is also known as the soul-eating evil. The latter name is obviously more appropriate.

Lang Xing could realize that it wasn't that the power of his thoughts didn't work, it was that his power of thoughts was not strong enough. Although the power of his thoughts could break rocks and crack mountains, it could not be used to deal with invisible lice. It is difficult to exert much effect. It can be said that his ability to use the power of his mind is far from sufficient. This kind of improvement in attainments cannot be achieved in a short time.

Next, he tried his mind power, but this method didn't work very well. The immortal louse is a kind of thing between living beings and poisons. It has no intelligence at all and cannot communicate with them. , can't even comfort them, let alone let them leave their body-protecting divine light.

An hour later, Lang Xing's originally calm face became more and more restless. He tried all imaginable methods. He slowly opened his eyes and fell into despair again.

"You take a rest first, don't worry, I'll be right back." The hope in Zhuang Yu's heart was shattered. After persuading Lang Xing, she walked out of the isolation circle.

Not long after, she returned home with a full load, holding a Howling Heavenly Wolf in the Dan-formation stage in her left hand, a middle-aged man in the early Yuanying stage in her right hand, and behind her were two more than 30-foot-long beasts tied with spiritual power. Long white boa.

"Try using them first to see if the lice can transfer to them. Then I will catch more." She threw the three demon cultivators and the man to Lang Xing and prepared to continue catching them.

"Wait a minute." Lang Xing called her, "Just try using them. If it works, it won't be too late to catch them." Although it is unethical to do such a thing

Yes, but I can’t care about that much now. This method is probably useless. If the lice were transferred out so easily, then people wouldn’t be so angry about it, but now it is inevitable that they will be sick and seek medical treatment urgently. Therefore, Lang Xing was not prepared to stop Zhuang Yu from doing such an immoral thing, even if there was a human monk among them.

Next, Zhuangyu started to "make out" with the captured prey. Langxing watched her hugging this and then touching that. Such a weird scene made him more desperate and irritated, so he led Peitian Diao out He broke through the isolation circle and hid on a hill hundreds of miles away.

He looked into the distance, his blurred eyes full of sadness and regret. He hated himself for being too cowardly. He was so frightened that he let Master Fan go. He even had to tie the bell to untie it. I have forgotten that if I could be calmer and capture Master Fan, how could I have ended up in such a miserable situation?

He was really wrong about this. Fortunately, he didn't attack Fan Shizi again, otherwise he would have had hundreds or even thousands of vicious lice on his body, and he would have gone crazy if he couldn't hold on for much longer.

Gradually, his eyes looking into the distance were blurred by tears. I was unwilling to give in. I was really unwilling to give in...

After struggling for a long time, he took out a jade slip, sent a piece of spiritual thought, then called the sky-pecking eagle to a place thousands of feet away, sealed the jade slip on the claw of the eagle, and at the same time attached a divine message to the seal. He read and said that the jade slip was for Third Senior Sister Qingqiu. He used his own unique technique on the seal of the jade slip. Only Third Senior Sister in Zixiao Palace could undo it.

After doing this, he used his mental power to check carefully and confirmed that there were no ticks on the carving body and jade slips. Then he used his mental power to order the Sky-pecking Eagle to fly to Zixiao Palace. For such well-trained souls, For birds, as long as you tell them an astrological position, they can fly there accurately. This place is not too far from Zixiao Palace. I just hope that it will meet the rebels after saying goodbye.

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