Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2274 What a kid

Langxing tried to let Linghe gradually speed up. When the speed reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, his body-protecting divine light could no longer hold up, so he had to let Linghe slow down.

According to Wen Jizi, this top-quality spiritual crane will emit its protective divine light when it reaches its top speed. Unfortunately, the defensive spiritual treasure's shining light has been damaged and further attempts cannot be made.

While flying, Langxing used his magical powers to deepen his relationship with the crane. This crane was much more intelligent than the previous cranes. Although its temperament was much more arrogant than other cranes, the more arrogant it became, the lonelier it became. It became more and more interested in this kind of communication of thoughts, and it showed strong curiosity and closeness to Lang Xing from the beginning.

When approaching Daiyuan Mountain, Langxing successfully made Linghe bloom with a protective divine light while flying at low speed. To be precise, he taught Linghe to do this. Previously, Linghe only did it naturally when needed. It produced a body-protecting divine light, and under the guidance of Lang Xing, it tried hard. This can be said to be a kind of accommodation to Lang Xing, although the first time it deliberately activated the body-protecting divine light disappeared in a flash. But this made Linghe feel novel and excited, and Langxing was even more excited. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it is so easy at the beginning, and then it will be even easier.

Flying to Daiyuan Mountain, Huang Ying and Bai Xiang greeted them one after another. There were only three of them, Xiao Hefeng, who was in retreat.

"We got another spirit crane?!" Bai Xiang looked at the majestic spirit crane with shining eyes. This one was much stronger than the two raised here.

"You stay away from it first, and then touch it after you get familiar with it." After Langxing said that, he let the crane fly away.

"This one is so good..." Bai Xiang licked his lips and looked at the graceful flying crane with a look of salivation.

Huang Ying also looked at the spirit crane with great envy. She quietly stuffed the picture of wild residence into Lang Xing's sleeve and said with her mind, "She scolded me and blamed me for colluding with you. If you abandon her like this again, she will You really want to fall out with me.”

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Okay, leave it to me." The main reason he came back this time was because he missed Su Wan. He might have to live with Shen Qing for a long time, feeling deep lovesickness. Let him decide to take Amelia Su there. .??.

"I'll give you a good thing to meditate on. Don't let you get scolded for me in vain." Lang Xing took out the dragon's inner elixir, "After meditating, send it to Su'er and Lingxiang to see."

"Ah!" Huang Ying exclaimed as soon as she touched the inner elixir.

Bai Xiang withdrew his gaze from Linghe, looked at the inner elixir and said, "What kind of treasure is this?"

Lang Xing hurriedly said, "Don't use your spiritual sense to detect it. This thing is still very dangerous to you."

Huang Ying was afraid that Bai Xiang couldn't help but peek, so she quickly put the inner elixir into the Qiankun bag.

Bai Xiang glanced at Huang Ying's Qiankun bag angrily, then took Lang Xing's arm and said coquettishly, "Master, you promised to take me out to play when you came back last time. Don't keep your word."

Huang Ying smiled and scolded, "You are already a big girl in the late stage of pill formation, and you still act coquettishly and shamelessly like a child. At your level, I have already started to take care of the affairs of the sect."

Bai Xiang held Long Xing's arm tightly in protest, pursed his lips and smiled and said, "There's no point in being jealous, I just have such a good master."

Huang Ying challenged, "You dare to say something bad about my master? Ask your master, does your master dare to say such a thing?"

Lang Xing was afraid that Bai Xiang would jump into the hole dug by others, so he smiled quickly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you out to play. Just say a few words. Don't quarrel with Senior Sister Huang Ying. She can dig both of us in any hole she wants." All buried."


"Why did you bury both of you? Who are you talking about?" With a wave of spiritual power, Su Wan came out of the wild residence and looked at Lang Xing with a frosty face and asked.

"Uncle Su!" Bai Xiang called out happily. With her cultivation level, she still couldn't tell where Su Wan came from. The cultivation level of this group of people was several levels higher than hers. No matter who suddenly She won't be surprised if it comes out.

Huang Ying couldn't help laughing and sneaked away. She knew that if she didn't leave, she would be an eyesore to others, so there was no need to wait in vain to be scolded.

Su Wan smiled at Bai Xiang and touched her shoulder affectionately.

Bai Xiang let go of Master's arm and held Su Wan's arm affectionately, "Uncle Su, where have you been? I haven't seen you for so long."

"Well... I'm in seclusion in another place to meditate." Su Wan said with a guilty conscience. Lying to her face made her face turn red. Naturally, this debt would also be charged to Lang Xing, so she ruthlessly He gave Long Xing a hard look.

Lang Xing hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Don't ask for details. Go get ready. I will take you to see Xiao Ling after a short rest."

"Great! I can't wait to see her right away." Bai Xiang glanced at his Qiankun bag and said with a blank expression, "There is nothing to prepare."

Lang Xing waved his hands angrily and said, "Then go and leave some of the things in the Qiankun bag, so as not to bring back two or three Qiankun bags later."

Bai Xiang understood better this time, "Okay, then I won't interfere with your business." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Su Wan gave Lang Xing a hard look again and chased after Bai Xiang with a blushing face.

Langxing returned to his small courtyard helplessly, waiting for Su Wan to come over with excitement. The feeling of love was so wonderful, as soon as he saw Su Wan, his soul couldn't help but sway.

It took a long time for Su Wan to come over. Because of Lang Xing's doting on Bai Xiang, everyone could only do the same, and Su Wan was no exception. Moreover, Bai Xiang has grown up now and needs to be given more respect.

"Who is Xiao Ling?" Su Wan asked casually as soon as she came in. Bai Xiang refused to reveal it to her. He only said that Xiao Ling lived in Zixiao Palace, which reminded her of the woman named Shao Ling.

Lang Xing said half seriously and half jokingly, "This is a secret, I can't tell you yet."

"Forget it." Su Wan pretended not to care, then sat down across from Ji Bin and asked, "Did Jiangxiao and the others go to Beihai?"

"Not yet. The North Sea monsters are invading Puyun Prefecture. Shen Qing's residence happens to be in the middle. It's quite unsafe there now. I left the three of them there and will let them go after I go back, so I have to go there next Stay there for a while. You have long said that you want to meet her and the people from Zixiao Palace. Is it convenient for me to come with you this time? If you can go, you can let some of my senior sisters and Shen Qing see Yejutu. ”

"Okay." Su Wan responded calmly but without enthusiasm.

Lang Xing suppressed a smile and said, "I won't tell you who Xiao Ling is."

Amelia Su said disdainfully, "Can you stop acting like a child? Who does she love? Do you think I want to know so much?"

"You didn't mean what you said. You just wanted to know, so you showed your face to me." Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, he felt very depressed. Su Wan could easily hurt him, but it was difficult for him to make a powerful move. Fight back.

"What a kid." Su Wan shook her head helplessly. Seeing Lang Xing's eyes staring with anger, a proud smile appeared on her lips. Langxing tried to let Linghe gradually speed up. When the speed reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, his body-protecting divine light could no longer hold up, so he had to let Linghe slow down.

According to Wen Jizi, this top-quality spiritual crane will emit its protective divine light when it reaches its top speed. Unfortunately, the defensive spiritual treasure's shining light has been damaged and further attempts cannot be made.

While flying, Langxing used his magical powers to deepen his relationship with the crane. This crane was much more intelligent than the previous cranes. Although its temperament was much more arrogant than other cranes, the more arrogant it became, the lonelier it became. It became more and more interested in this kind of communication of thoughts, and it showed strong curiosity and closeness to Lang Xing from the beginning.

When approaching Daiyuan Mountain, Langxing successfully made Linghe bloom with a protective divine light while flying at low speed. To be precise, he taught Linghe to do this. Previously, Linghe only did it naturally when needed. It produced a body-protecting divine light, and under the guidance of Lang Xing, it tried hard. This can be said to be a kind of accommodation to Lang Xing, although the first time it deliberately activated the body-protecting divine light disappeared in a flash. But this made Linghe feel novel and excited, and Langxing was even more excited. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it is so easy at the beginning, and then it will be even easier.

Flying to Daiyuan Mountain, Huang Ying and Bai Xiang greeted them one after another. There were only three of them, Xiao Hefeng, who was in retreat.

"We got another spirit crane?!" Bai Xiang looked at the majestic spirit crane with shining eyes. This one was much stronger than the two raised here.

"You stay away from it first, and then touch it after you get familiar with it." After Langxing said that, he let the crane fly away.

"This one is so good..." Bai Xiang licked his lips and looked at the graceful flying crane with a look of salivation.

Huang Ying also looked at the spirit crane with great envy. She quietly stuffed the picture of wild residence into Lang Xing's sleeve and said with her mind, "She scolded me and blamed me for colluding with you. If you abandon her like this again, she will You really want to fall out with me.”

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Okay, leave it to me." The main reason he came back this time was because he missed Su Wan. He might have to live with Shen Qing for a long time, feeling deep lovesickness. Let him decide to take Amelia Su there.

"I'll give you a good thing to meditate on. Don't let you get scolded for me in vain." Lang Xing took out the dragon's inner elixir, "After meditating, send it to Su'er and Lingxiang to see."

"Ah!" Huang Ying exclaimed as soon as she touched the inner elixir.

Bai Xiang withdrew his gaze from Linghe, looked at the inner elixir and said, "What kind of treasure is this?"

Lang Xing hurriedly said, "Don't use your spiritual sense to detect it. This thing is still very dangerous to you."

Huang Ying was afraid that Bai Xiang couldn't help but peek, so she quickly put the inner elixir into the Qiankun bag.

Bai Xiang glanced at Huang Ying's Qiankun bag angrily, then took Lang Xing's arm and said coquettishly, "Master, you promised to take me out to play when you came back last time. Don't keep your word."

Huang Ying smiled and scolded, "You are already a big girl in the late stage of pill formation, and you still act coquettishly and shamelessly like a child. At your level, I have already started to take care of the affairs of the sect."

Bai Xiang held Long Xing's arm tightly in protest, pursed his lips and smiled and said, "There's no point in being jealous, I just have such a good master."

Huang Ying challenged, "You dare to say something bad about my master? Ask your master, does your master dare to say such a thing?"

Lang Xing was afraid that Bai Xiang would jump into the hole dug by others, so he smiled quickly and said, "Okay, okay, I'll take you out to play. Just say a few words. Don't quarrel with Senior Sister Huang Ying. She can dig both of us in any hole she wants." All buried."


"Why did you bury both of you? Who are you talking about?" With a wave of spiritual power, Su Wan came out of the wild residence and looked at Lang Xing with a frosty face and asked.

"Uncle Su!" Bai Xiang called out happily. With her cultivation level, she still couldn't tell where Su Wan came from. The cultivation level of this group of people was several levels higher than hers. No matter who suddenly She won't be surprised if it comes out.

Huang Ying couldn't help laughing and sneaked away. She knew that if she didn't leave, she would be an eyesore to others, so there was no need to wait in vain to be scolded.

Su Wan smiled at Bai Xiang and touched her shoulder affectionately.

Bai Xiang let go of Master's arm and held Su Wan's arm affectionately, "Uncle Su, where have you been? I haven't seen you for so long."

"Well... I'm in seclusion in another place to meditate." Su Wan said with a guilty conscience. Lying to her face made her face turn red. Naturally, this debt would also be charged to Lang Xing, so she ruthlessly He gave Long Xing a hard look.

Lang Xing hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Don't ask for details. Go get ready. I will take you to see Xiao Ling after a short rest."

"Great! I can't wait to see her right away." Bai Xiang glanced at his Qiankun bag and said with a blank expression, "There is nothing to prepare."

Lang Xing waved his hands angrily and said, "Then go and leave some of the things in the Qiankun bag, so as not to bring back two or three Qiankun bags later."

Bai Xiang understood better this time, "Okay, then I won't interfere with your business." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Su Wan gave Lang Xing a hard look again and chased after Bai Xiang with a blushing face.

Langxing returned to his small courtyard helplessly, waiting for Su Wan to come over with excitement. The feeling of love was so wonderful, as soon as he saw Su Wan, his soul couldn't help but sway.

It took a long time for Su Wan to come over. Because of Lang Xing's doting on Bai Xiang, everyone could only do the same, and Su Wan was no exception. Moreover, Bai Xiang has grown up now and needs to be given more respect.

"Who is Xiao Ling?" Su Wan asked casually as soon as she came in. Bai Xiang refused to reveal it to her. He only said that Xiao Ling lived in Zixiao Palace, which reminded her of the woman named Shao Ling.

Lang Xing said half seriously and half jokingly, "This is a secret, I can't tell you yet."

"Forget it." Su Wan pretended not to care, then sat down across from Ji Bin and asked, "Did Jiangxiao and the others go to Beihai?"

"Not yet. The North Sea monsters are invading Puyun Prefecture. Shen Qing's residence happens to be in the middle. It's quite unsafe there now. I left the three of them there and will let them go after I go back, so I have to go there next Stay there for a while. You have long said that you want to meet her and the people from Zixiao Palace. Is it convenient for me to come with you this time? If you can go, you can let some of my senior sisters and Shen Qing see Yejutu. ”

"Okay." Su Wan responded calmly but without enthusiasm.

Lang Xing suppressed a smile and said, "I won't tell you who Xiao Ling is."

Amelia Su said disdainfully, "Can you stop acting like a child? Who does she love? Do you think I want to know so much?"

"You didn't mean what you said. You just wanted to know, so you showed your face to me." Lang Xing rolled his eyes and said, he felt very depressed. Su Wan could easily hurt him, but it was difficult for him to make a powerful move. Fight back.

"What a kid." Su Wan shook her head helplessly. Seeing Lang Xing's eyes staring with anger, a proud smile appeared on her lips.

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