Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2276 A phoenix reborn from the ashes

After the two chatted for a while, Su Wan found an excuse to hide in the wild house. She didn't want to get too tired of Lang Xing, at least not yet.

"Like a little turtle, always shrinking into its shell." Lang Xing provocatively put it away in amusement when he saw no response. The more distant Su Wan became, the more his fascination with Su Wan grew. The deeper.

With a happy mood, Lang Xing went to see Bai Xiang and the mushroom-shaped magic circle over there. After using his spiritual power to soothe the flower essence in the magic circle, he went to give Bai Xiang a sermon. Now, Bai Xiang is faced with the decision of whether to conceive a baby. He can't give any reliable advice on this matter. He himself is still in a dilemma. All he can do is to sum up the Taoism he has understood and his opinions on the matter. Ying's concerns will be told to Bai Xiang one by one, and the final choice will be made by Bai Xiang himself.

After finishing all that needs to be said, it was already the middle of the moon. Langxing said half seriously and half jokingly, "There aren't many things I can teach you next. I said before that I won't care about you anymore when you reach the late stage of pill formation." Yes, it’s not just a joke, you’re a teacher.”

Bai Xiang glared at the Master dissatisfied, and then continued to frown and think about what the Master said.

"When it's time to retreat, just retreat. There will be plenty of opportunities to go out and play in the future." After Lang Xing finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"No!" Bai Xiang held Master's arm tightly, but she didn't even have the time to look at Master, and continued to think about the problem in her heart.

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly, looked at Bai Xiang lovingly, then closed his eyes and meditated to reassure him.

At dawn, Bai Xiang not only had no intention of retreating, but actually took out a spiritual fruit and ate it while blinking and thinking.

Lang Xing had no choice but to obey Bai Xiang. His weird ideas could easily drive great monks and even great supernatural powers into seclusion. Now he almost told them all to Bai Xiang. Bai Xiang's performance really made him feel Somewhat unexpected.

"Master, Master..." At this time, Bai Xiang gently shook Lang Xing's arm.

"Huh?" Lang Xing opened his eyes.

"I have to see Xiao Ling immediately, the sooner the better." Bai Xiang looked forward and said like babble.

"Okay." Lang Xing didn't dare to disturb her too much and took her on the spiritual crane. At this time, Huang Ying was studying the inner elixir. He left a jade slip for Huang Ying and then flew out on the spiritual crane. The magic circle.

After getting on the road, he quietly checked the wild residence map, and Su Wan appeared immediately.

"Didn't you eavesdrop on the Taoist teachings I taught Xiang'er?" Langxing thought she had been put into seclusion.

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I won't do such dirty things." In fact, she heard a little bit and guessed that Lang Xing intended for her to listen along, but she is now more confident than before. If she wanted to listen, she would have to let Langxing tell her face to face. She was sure of it, and there was no need to pretend to be an eavesdropper.

"That's just right. You can take care of her for me first, and I'll take care of the crane." Langxing pushed Bai Xiang, who had been sealed in the isolation restriction, into Su Wan's protective divine light.

Su Wan looked at the spirit crane under her, feeling secretly angry in her heart. If she hadn't been mixed up with Lang Xing, she would never have had the chance to come into contact with a spirit bird of this level in her life. This kid was so blessed that it was simply... Growing up against the will of heaven, how easy is it to catch up with him? Fortunately, her arrogance had been aroused by Xun Yi, and her discouragement was suppressed as soon as it appeared.

"You brat, just wait. Sooner or later, I'll let you have a taste of chasing after me!" After feeling cruel for a while, Su Wan felt much better.

Linghe's body-protecting divine light faded and appeared, and finally stabilized after three days.

"That's almost it." Lang Xing patted Ling He on the back with his hand in reward, and then cast a showy look at Su Wan.

"Huh." Su Wan glanced at him sideways, and then looked forward.

"Converge your spiritual consciousness and let you see its speed." Langxing continued to show off, urging the spirit crane to move at top speed.

In the past, the spirit crane drew a white shadow in the air, but this time it turned into several invisible shadows. It was really fast, but neither of them could use their consciousness to check the surrounding situation, so they could only fly and stop for a while. Come down and see where it has flown, and then give Linghe an astrological position to let it continue flying.

"It will be easier once it becomes familiar with the astrological charts of the two continents. Only the Monk Huayu can catch up with us." Langxing said happily.

Su Wan had to remind her worriedly, "Then you have to be more careful. It's enough to attract just one. It's better to fly slower to avoid causing more disasters."

"Okay." Although he only responded with one word, Langxing said it in a calm, gentle, free and elegant manner. In order to prevent Su Wan from teasing him with children, he had to show his style appropriately.

Su Wan glanced at him and said nothing. It had to be said that Lang Xing was a young talent who could make female cultivators all over the world fall in love with him. He had the distinguished status of being a close disciple of two sects. Carrying a body full of treasures, riding on such a fairy-level spiritual bird, even if there is no brocade in the belly, it is enough to be desirable, not to mention that the most outstanding part of Langxing is exactly filled with brocade, such a good son-in-law Hard to find in the world.

Xun Yi is already good enough, but compared to Lang Xing, he is more agile and less powerful. This is a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

"I wonder what will happen if I let him die again." Su Wan couldn't help but have this "evil" thought. She also wanted to die once. If she could die like Lang Xing, then there would be nothing terrible about death. Yes, but she knew clearly that Langxing was better off every life by holding on to the goodness in her heart. So would her next life be better than now? Looking back on what I did in the first half of my life, I felt a sense of awe.

When they were approaching the border between the two continents, Langxing wanted Su Wan to hide in the Wild Residence Map first, and then call her out when she got to Shen Qing. But before he could tell Su Wan, he suddenly noticed two Feather Monks approaching. Coming over, he was frightened and hurriedly said to Su Wan through his heart's message, "Two Feather monks are following. Stay calm and be ready to take action at any time."

Su Wan's heart skipped a beat. Although she had put a great magical power from the Yuan clan into the wild dwelling picture before, she had done so without knowing why. She would feel guilty if she really had to fight against Monk Huayu head-on. , since Po Jing entered the late Nascent Soul stage, she hasn’t fought against anyone yet.

Lang Xing was also quite nervous. Both of them had the ability to kill the Feathered Monk with their extraordinary treasures, but they had to seize the opportunity first. If the heat was slightly wrong, they would be the two who fell. If they were to work together to deal with a Feathered Monk, the two of them would be more than 80% sure. If they were to fight two people, the chances of things going wrong would be several times greater, and they might not even be 30% sure of winning.

s?: Thanks to ?jiy? brother for your monthly ticket, and I will try to update another chapter in the evening. After the two chatted for a while, Su Wan found an excuse to hide in the wild house. She didn't want to get too tired of Lang Xing, at least not yet.

"Like a little turtle, always shrinking into its shell." Lang Xing provocatively put it away in amusement when he saw no response. The more distant Su Wan became, the more his fascination with Su Wan grew. The deeper.

With a happy mood, Lang Xing went to see Bai Xiang and the mushroom-shaped magic circle over there. After using his spiritual power to soothe the flower essence in the magic circle, he went to give Bai Xiang a sermon. Now, Bai Xiang is faced with the decision of whether to conceive a baby. He can't give any reliable advice on this matter. He himself is still in a dilemma. All he can do is to sum up the Taoism he has understood and his opinions on the matter. Ying's concerns will be told to Bai Xiang one by one, and the final choice will be made by Bai Xiang himself.

After finishing all that needs to be said, it was already the middle of the moon. Langxing said half seriously and half jokingly, "There aren't many things I can teach you next. I said before that I won't care about you anymore when you reach the late stage of pill formation." Yes, it’s not just a joke, you’ve become a teacher.”

Bai Xiang glared at the Master dissatisfied, and then continued to frown and think about what the Master said.

"When it's time to retreat, just retreat. There will be plenty of opportunities to go out and play in the future." Lang Xing finished speaking and was about to leave.

"No!" Bai Xiang held Master's arm tightly, but she didn't even have the time to look at Master, and continued to think about the problem in her heart.

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly, looked at Bai Xiang lovingly, then closed his eyes and meditated to reassure him.

At dawn, Bai Xiang not only had no intention of retreating, but actually took out a spiritual fruit and ate it while blinking and thinking.

Lang Xing had no choice but to obey Bai Xiang. His weird ideas could easily drive great monks and even great supernatural powers into seclusion. Now he almost told them all to Bai Xiang. Bai Xiang's performance really made him feel Somewhat unexpected.

"Master, Master..." At this time, Bai Xiang gently shook Lang Xing's arm.

"Huh?" Lang Xing opened his eyes.

"I have to see Xiao Ling immediately, the sooner the better." Bai Xiang looked forward and said like babble.

"Okay." Lang Xing didn't dare to disturb her too much and took her on the spiritual crane. At this time, Huang Ying was studying the inner elixir. He left a jade slip for Huang Ying and then flew out on the spiritual crane. The magic circle.

After getting on the road, he quietly checked the wild residence map, and Su Wan appeared immediately.

"Didn't you eavesdrop on the Taoist teachings I taught Xiang'er?" Langxing thought she had been put into seclusion.

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I won't do such dirty things." In fact, she heard a little bit and guessed that Lang Xing intended for her to listen along, but she is now more confident than before. If she wanted to listen, she would have to let Langxing tell her face to face. She was sure of it, and there was no need to pretend to be an eavesdropper.

"That's just right. You can take care of her for me first while I take care of the crane." Langxing pushed Bai Xiang, who had been sealed in the isolation restriction, into Su Wan's protective divine light.

Su Wan looked at the spirit crane under her, feeling secretly angry in her heart. If she hadn't been mixed up with Lang Xing, she would never have had the chance to come into contact with a spirit bird of this level in her life. This kid was so blessed that it was simply... Growing up against the will of heaven, how easy is it to catch up with him? Fortunately, her arrogance had been aroused by Xun Yi, and her discouragement was suppressed as soon as it appeared.

"You brat, just wait. Sooner or later, I'll let you have a taste of chasing after me!" After feeling cruel for a while, Su Wan felt much better.

Linghe's body-protecting divine light faded and appeared, and finally stabilized after three days.

"That's almost it." Lang Xing patted Ling He on the back with his hand in reward, and then cast a showy look at Su Wan.

"Huh." Su Wan glanced at him sideways, and then looked forward.

"Converge your spiritual consciousness and let you see its speed." Langxing continued to show off, urging the spirit crane to move at top speed.

In the past, the spirit crane drew a white shadow in the air, but this time it turned into several invisible shadows. It was really fast, but neither of them could use their consciousness to check the surrounding situation, so they could only fly and stop for a while. Come down and see where it has flown, and then give Linghe an astrological position to let it continue flying.

"It will be easier once it becomes familiar with the astrological charts of the two continents. Only the Monk Huayu can catch up with us." Langxing said happily.

Su Wan had to remind her worriedly, "Then you have to be more careful. It's enough to attract just one. It's better to fly slower to avoid causing more disasters."

"Okay." Although he only responded with one word, Langxing said it in a calm, gentle, free and elegant manner. In order to prevent Su Wan from teasing him with children, he had to show his style appropriately.

Su Wan glanced at him and said nothing. It had to be said that Lang Xing was a young talent who could make female cultivators all over the world fall in love with him. He had the distinguished status of being a close disciple of two sects. Carrying a body full of treasures, riding on such a fairy-level spiritual bird, even if there is no brocade in the belly, it is enough to be desirable, not to mention that the most outstanding part of Langxing is exactly filled with brocade, such a good son-in-law Hard to find in the world.

Xun Yi is already good enough, but compared to Lang Xing, he seems more agile and less powerful. This is a phoenix reborn from the ashes.

"I wonder what will happen if I let him die again." Su Wan couldn't help but have this "evil" thought. She also wanted to die once. If she could die like Lang Xing, then there would be nothing terrible about death. Yes, but she knew clearly that Langxing was better off every life by holding on to the goodness in her heart. So would her next life be better than now? Looking back on what I did in the first half of my life, I felt a sense of awe.

When they were approaching the border between the two continents, Langxing wanted Su Wan to hide in the Wild Residence Map first, and then call her out when she got to Shen Qing. But before he could tell Su Wan, he suddenly noticed two Feather Monks approaching. Coming over, he was frightened and hurriedly said to Su Wan through his heart's message, "Two Feather monks are following. Stay calm and be ready to take action at any time."

Su Wan's heart skipped a beat. Although she had put a great magical power from the Yuan clan into the wild dwelling picture before, she did so without knowing why. She would feel guilty if she really had to fight against the Huayu monk head-on. , since Po Jing entered the late Nascent Soul stage, she hasn’t fought against anyone yet.

Lang Xing was also quite nervous. Both of them had the ability to kill the Feathered Monk with their extraordinary treasures, but they had to seize the opportunity first. If the heat was slightly wrong, they would be the two who fell. If they were to work together to deal with a Feathered Monk, the two of them would be more than 80% sure. If they were to fight two people, the chances of things going wrong would be several times greater, and they might not even be 30% sure of winning.

s?: Thanks to ?jiy? for the monthly ticket. I will try to update another chapter in the evening.

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