Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2292 Meeting him is my blessing

With Linghe's speed, this trip through northern Xinjiang was relatively smooth.

When approaching the glacier, Langxing used his spiritual mind to ask Su Wan if he wanted to come out. Su Wan still did not want to meet Gongsun Chong and simply pretended to be deaf and dumb without giving any response.

After entering the magic circle, everyone immediately gathered around and praised Linghe. Even Shen Qing couldn't help but praise him.

"Have you not seen that I have given birth to a baby?" Bai Xiang complained to them dissatisfiedly.

Jiangxiao smiled and said, "I see, it's not unusual for you to have a baby. It would be strange if you didn't have a baby. Don't plan on asking us for gifts. You are too rich. We really don't know what to give you."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Bai Xiang glanced at them, then turned around to play with the bird.

Warmth and tenderness rippled between the ice and snow. After joking for a while, Jiang Xiao glanced at Shen Qing and said to Lang Xing, "Since you are back, we will leave. It would be pointless to wait until people are driven out."

Shen Qing smiled lightly and didn't pick on her.

"You..." Lang Xing wanted to persuade them, but knew that it would be in vain, so he changed his words and said, "You should be more careful. I will always live here. If you encounter trouble, come here to find me."

The little bird happily sent these three people out of the magic circle. It had long been hoping that these three people could leave quickly.

After sending the three people away, Langxing asked about the situation of the fifth senior sister. He learned that the fifth senior sister had just retreated in seclusion. He took Shen Qing to his snow house. With a narrow smile in his eyes, he took out the wild residence map and spread it out. On several cases.

"Xianzi Su is inside. I can't control whether she wants to come out to see you."

Shen Qing understood that this should be the fairy treasure that Lang Xing had mentioned to her. Before she could take a closer look, Su Wan's figure suddenly flashed out.

"I want to have a few words with Fairy Shen, please stay out of the way." As soon as Su Wan came out, she coldly drove Lang Xing out. This was also

She had no choice but to feel embarrassed to meet Shen Qing in front of Lang Xing, and what the two of them were going to say next couldn't be heard by Lang Xing.

Lang Xing smiled awkwardly and walked away.

Su Wan immediately set up an isolation circle, and then avoided Shen Qing's gaze with a blushing face, not knowing how to speak.

Shen Qing seemed quite calm and said with a smile, "Your cultivation has improved very quickly. It seems that this period has been going well."

Su Wan's face turned even redder, and she thanked him with some trepidation, "I still haven't thanked you for saving my life. Nearly a thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye."

When Shen Qing heard her mention this, his eyes flashed with memories and he said, "Speaking of which, you should thank him. He was the one who sensed you first. When we were talking, he suddenly glanced in your direction uneasily. Eyes, I felt something was strange, so I flew over to check, and then I discovered you. You were five thousand miles away at that time. If he hadn't noticed it, you and the others in the ancient camp would have died that day. "

"Is there still this hidden secret?" Su Wan was actually not very surprised. When Lang Xing was in danger in the Yuan Yi clan, she rushed out of Yejutu and rescued Lang Xing in time based on the inexplicable warning sign. She said that she and Lang Xing had a close heart. The similarity is a bit exaggerated, but there is definitely a somewhat unusual connection.

Shen Qing said calmly, "Maybe God is determined to tie you two together."

Su Wan lowered her eyes and was silent for a while, then looked at Shen Qing and said, "He is someone we both cherish, so I want to have a frank talk with you. First of all, I want to know what you think of the relationship between you two. ”

Seeing that she had calmed down, Shen Qing said with a smile, "Are you afraid that I'll rob you? If it's Xun Yi, I'll

Maybe he will really rob you, but he is no longer looking for money, and God obviously doesn't want me to rob you, so he let me find him first and let me watch him grow up little by little. , I am now in the same situation you were in before, and there is only family affection between us. "

Su Wan stared at her with sincere eyes and said, "But you are a little unwilling, right?"

Shen Qing shook his head and said, "It's not about being unwilling, it's about being reluctant to give up on Xun Yi. I'm very satisfied with my relationship with Lang Xing. We're close enough, and that's enough for me."

"I understand, so what is your attitude towards our relationship? Have you discussed this issue with Jiang Xiao?"

Shen Qing nodded gently, "I was not prepared to let him have any entanglement with you. I even wanted to send him to you when he was still a child, in order to destroy your love in this life. , but out of respect for the way of heaven and sympathy for Xun Yi, I didn't do that. I just discussed with Jiang Xiao to prevent you two from falling in love within a certain limit. Jiang Xiao and Xun Yi have a deeper relationship. You would rather suffer the punishment of God for Xun Yi, so there is no need to resent Jiang Xiao, everyone is here to protect him and not want him to repeat the mistakes of his previous life."

"I can understand you. You used to resent Jiang Xiao, but now you don't want to worry about it anymore. So what's your attitude towards the two of us now?"

"Let it go, and I can see that you are no longer the same Fairy Su as before. You always give me a refreshing feeling every time I meet you. I believe in your and his wisdom, so I will not interfere in any way. "

Su Wan said gratefully, "Thank you. I guarantee you with my life that I will never let him die for me again, nor will I miss his path of cultivation."

Shen Qing smiled slightly and said, "So, you are willing to spend this life with him, right?"


Su Wan's pretty face turned red and she said, "The later Xun Yi was already a stalwart man in my heart. Rather than saying that he died for me, it would be better to say that he died for himself. Even if I sacrificed my dignity and pursued him, he wouldn't be able to." He will accept it, he doesn’t want me to suffer the slightest shame, and from this aspect, it’s not wrong to say that he died for me.”

After a pause, she continued calmly, "I'm not with Lang Xing just because he is the reincarnation of Xun Yi. I don't need to say how good Lang Xing is. I used to repay my gratitude, but now I no longer have that kind of thought. I am very grateful for his true love for me that lasted for two lives. Whether it was something I cultivated in previous lives or was a gift from God, I am deeply grateful. His love for me Sincerity is worth cherishing with my life, and I am lucky to meet him."

Shen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, "I can rest assured if you say that. Anyone who is lucky enough to be close to him is lucky, and you are the most blessed person at present. To be honest, I am a bit jealous. Jiangxiao, Sijia and others must also be jealous. Cherish him and help him focus on enlightenment. His talent is higher than that of you and me. So far, he is the only one I can admire from the bottom of my heart. "

"I don't dare to make any guarantees about this. He has no ambitions as in his previous life. I will not force him. I only hope that he can live his life as he pleases."

Shen Qing frowned slightly and said, "I think you should supervise him. Your influence on him is unmatched by others."

Su Wan disagreed and said, "I thought so before, but now I have different considerations. He is no longer a child, and his talent is much higher than mine. I feel that I am not qualified to teach him what he should do and what he shouldn't do." , What we think is right may not be really right, including enlightenment and immortality. On the other hand, his weird ideas may not be absurd, it is very likely that we have not yet reached his level. "

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