Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2305 Are you and Su Wan together?

Langxing called Linghe over speechlessly and asked, "Have you invited Senior Brother Wendanzi to come to me?"

"Come, come, you are really honorable. He just wanted to get angry with me. When he heard that you invited him, he immediately went to Xulang Mountain." After Lingjun said this, his eyes flickered.

As soon as Lang Xing saw him like that, he guessed that he wanted him to help him ask for the elixir. He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and do your work first. We will talk about other things later."

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

Seeing Lingjun happily riding away on the crane, Langxing's newly clear heart began to feel irritated again. He really didn't want to make the situation so big.

Su Wan advised very considerately, "The Immortal Lord is also out of careful consideration. It is better to make more preparations than to be underprepared. Let's just follow the Immortal Lord's arrangements."

Langxing shook his head gently and said, "No, I don't want to owe too many favors, and there is no need to owe so many favors. I will go outside the mountain gate to wait for the people who come to seek justice. Even if I die outside, I will not let him." Lingtai and the others stabbed my spine. Besides, I don’t want to involve the disciples of Qianxu Palace. The only fight is the battle of Huayu.”??

Su Wan pondered for a moment and then said, "Okay, then let's go outside and wait. This is a matter between the two of us."

Langxing looked into the distance silently.

"You don't have to waste your time trying to make excuses, let alone try to do anything against me, otherwise we will never meet again." Su Wan stared at him and threatened.

Lang Xing turned back, with a narrow smile in his eyes and said, "I didn't intend to persuade you at all."

Su Wan asked in disbelief, "Then what were you thinking just now?"

"I'm thinking about how to look more arrogant."

Su Wan did not show the smile that Lang Xing expected, but said worriedly, "Don't be too arrogant. I really need to praise you so much. After all, we are also a murderer. There is no reason to be arrogant with others. You must Don't be childish."


whispering sound! You don't believe me that much? "Lang Xing glanced at Su Wan in disappointment, and flew towards Xulang Mountain.

Wen Danzi was waiting for Lang Xing at the foot of Xulang Mountain. When he saw Lang Xing coming with a female cultivator, he immediately frowned impatiently.

"I have checked Xiang'er's injury. If her cultivation can be saved, I will refine another elixir for her recovery. You can come and get it tomorrow." He finished speaking and left.

"Hey, senior brother, I got into some trouble. I may have to fight against someone in the near future. Please give me two more healing pills."

"Why do you always get into trouble!" Wen Danzi scolded him in a cruel and shameless voice, and gave him two small jade bottles.

Langxing said with a smile, "Thank you, senior brother, this fairy is..."

Wen Danzi didn't even look at Su Wan, and turned away before Lang Xing could finish.

Su Wan felt embarrassed and said, "Senior brother of yours has a really bad temper."

Lang Xing shook his head helplessly and said, "I learned my alchemy skills from him. I wanted him to discuss it with you. I'll talk to him about it later, but he has been thinking about the formula of Guling Dan. You’d better not talk about your own Xuanfang sect.”

"Forget it then. With his accomplishments, he can tell my sect in just a few words." Su Wan has this self-knowledge. Lang Xing has extraordinary attainments after only studying alchemy with this person for a few years, let alone As for himself.

"Actually, it's okay to tell him the alchemy. My senior brother only focuses on refining alchemy and doesn't care about anything else. Telling him the alchemy is similar to telling him a stone. As you can see, I have the deepest friendship with him. , when he heard that I had gotten into trouble, he didn’t even ask.”

Su Wan smiled. She said this

I believe that she knew the two bottles of pills that Wen Danzi had just given to Langxing, and she had one in her hand. After Langxing was injured in Yuanyizhou, she used up the treasured Ningyuan Pills, and Langxing gave them to her afterwards. A bottle of such elixir, she knew very well how precious it was. As soon as Langxing opened his mouth, this senior brother with a bad temper scolded him and gave him two bottles. This shows that the relationship between the two is not shallow.

"Let's go and choose a place to camp. If those people are ignorant, let them learn my Taoism." Langxing said and flew towards the mountain gate of Qianxu Palace.

Looking at Lang Xing's back, Su Wan felt as if she were looking at a mountain. The calm and confident look on Lang Xing's face when he spoke just now was as if he had the aura of an overlord. Comparing him to an overlord might be an understatement, but his aura might be understated. It is lacking in power, but it is higher in level. It carries the meaning of elegance and indisputability, and dominates the world. Su Wan feels that these four words are more appropriate.

More than a thousand years ago, the young Xunyi once stared intently at Su Wan's back. That time he made up his mind to make a big gamble, but he lost. Then he followed Su Wan with his jade bamboo sword in despair and prepared to do so. Going to die, looking at Master's graceful back, I feel that the world is dark. All I want in my heart is to remember this figure firmly, and I must find her in the next life.

Now when Su Wan looked at Lang Xing's back, she felt that the sky was vast and the sky was high and the sky was vast and majestic.

They are also infatuated, but they are infatuated regardless of life and death. Xun Yi is infatuated by the heart, and Su Wan is infatuated by the spirit. After being tempered by life and death, this relationship has become more and more pure.

After leaving Qianxu Palace, Langxing did not rush to find a place to stay. Instead, he took Su Wan and flew to the southeast. He thought of the hiding place that Immortal Xiaoyao had set up for him nearby. There are still some treasures of Beihai Great Immortal Concubine. Now it’s time to take them out. If Tai Mingzong and Juyi League are willing to have a good talk, he can take out some treasures as compensation. This kind of compromise is quite helpless, but he really Too bored and trapped in endless

It was a vendetta, and fools would never stop being killed, and he didn't like the feeling of killing people.

Arriving in front of the deep and dark cave, Langxing asked Su Wan to hide and guard on the edge. He fell down and then used the earth escape technique to enter the hiding place.

When he entered the treasure secret room, he was so shocked that he almost screamed. There was a person sitting in the middle of the room. Although he immediately recognized that it was Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, the shock was still not light. Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion in this place. It was so unexpected to have someone appear.

"Senior Xiaoyao! I didn't expect you to be here!" The shock turned into surprise in an instant.

"You came at the right time." Immortal Xiaoyao said to Lang Xing in his weird way of communicating.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Uh... am I bothering you?"

Immortal Xiaoyao said helplessly, "I've been waiting for you for three or four years. I just felt like thinking and you happened to come at this time. That's all. Are you here to get the treasure?"

"Well, I'm here to get some of Beihai Immortal Concubine's treasures. Are you waiting for me? What's the matter?" Lang Xing knelt down in front of Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch intimately.

"I have nothing to do. I just wanted to take a rest, so I came here to see if I could wait for you. I didn't expect that I would actually wait for you. Your cultivation has improved very quickly. You just responded. That moment made me feel that it was already beyond the late Nascent Soul stage.”

"Of course I was almost scared to death, so I used all my strength. I practiced very diligently in the past period, and I feel that my cultivation has improved a lot. Hey, how have you been these past few years?" Lang Xing He was so moved that his heart surged. The fact that people came here to wait for him showed that they were caring about him.

"I'm living well. Are you and Su Wan together?" Immortal Xiaoyao was in meditation just now. After being disturbed, he immediately found Su Wan hiding at the entrance of the cave.

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