Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2307 Jade Bone Essence

Immortal Xiaoyao showed the scene of Su Wan's questioning. He did not want to cause any misunderstanding between the two people.

Lang Xing's frown relaxed and he smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. I can solve it. There's no need to ask you to come forward."

Immortal Xiaoyao pointed at the Qiankun bag hidden under Immortal Xuan's robe and said, "I want to go in again to meditate, is it convenient?"

Lang Xing showed a defeated smile and said, "It's inconvenient. I have several beauties hidden inside. I really don't need you to come forward. If I need your help, I will definitely tell you."

Immortal Xiaoyao pondered for a moment and said, "It's up to you. Where are Jiangxiao and Xiyang now? I want to see them both." Langxing did not dare to let him enter the Qiankun Bag, which meant that he knew that his life was in danger, and this disaster was certain. It can't be small, but since Lang Xing is determined not to let him interfere, he can only let it go. Lang Xing is no longer a child, and he can no longer interfere too much with his destiny. This is what he and Jingshui Fairy agreed a long time ago. consensus reached.

"They went to Beihai a few years ago. I don't know if they are back now. You can go to Daiyuan Mountain to have a look first." Lang Gongsun Chong, a water-based magician, I think you will be very interested in his magic."

Immortal Xiaoyao patted Lang Xing on the shoulder, stood up and said, "I'll go find them right now, you two can take care of yourself."

"I would like to chat with you a few more words." Lang Xing said reluctantly.

"Then you shouldn't have told Yunshui so early." Immortal Xiaoyao came out of the secret room.

"Do you want to see Xuanshui? I have Xuanshui!" Lang Xing hurriedly took out the jade bottle containing Xuanshui and chased him out.

Immortal Xiaoyao turned back and opened the jade bottle to take a look, "It is indeed Xuanshui. I have seen this before. Your boy is really lucky. Do you know that this cannot be taken?"

"I know, have you seen this thing?"

Immortal Xiaoyao handed the jade bottle back to him, "That was a long time ago. This thing

It's extremely rare, don't give it away randomly, how did you get it? "

"I killed a Xuanshui Immortal Dragon." Lang Xing said proudly.

Immortal Xiaoyao felt speechless again, and paused for a moment before asking, "How were you killed? Is that why Jiangxiao and the others went to Beihai for this reason?"

"Well, Gongsun Chong wanted to find another Xuanshui Immortal Dragon. This thing is very difficult to kill. I managed to win by chance using a spell that I haven't fully understood yet. It is a secret technique of Qianxu Palace." Lang Xing said with a smile. The scene of the battle between immortal dragons was transmitted through the mind.

"These three people are really obsessed with money. Immortal dragons are hard to come by, and you may not be able to find them even if you look for them all your life. I'll go and see them." I heard that Lang Xing used the secret technique of Qianxu Palace to kill the immortal dragon. Xiaoyao Immortal Jun Sui avoided talking about that topic and walked away carefree. The word "Xiaoyao" in his name was not for nothing.

Langxing sighed softly, returned to the secret room and put the tens of thousands of Nascent Soul Stones that Xiaoyao Immortal Lord had collected for him into the Qiankun bag together. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it was really great to have such a senior who loved him so much. What a blessing.

After coming out of the cave, he took Su Wan and left here quickly.

"Senior Xiaoyao prepared this treasure place for you?" Su Wan guessed this.

"Well, I didn't expect him to come here, so I didn't mention it to you before. What did he tell you?" Lang Xing asked guiltily.

"We talked about the past for a few times. You didn't tell him what trouble you caused, right?"

Lang Xing nodded and said, "I didn't say, he doesn't like to show up in public. This kind of occasion is not suitable for him to help us."

"Well, that's what I thought too." Although Su Wan felt sad for losing such a powerful supporter,

Shan Er felt it was a pity, but he could understand Lang Xing's choice, and he could always think of others in times of crisis. Xun Yi had this kind of good character, and he still didn't lack it when he came to Lang Xing.

"I got several treasures, these two are the best." Lang Xing handed over the Baihuan Spirit Body and the bone spear.

Su Wan had a sweet feeling in her heart. She didn't need Xiaoyao Xianjun to tell him. She knew very well that Langxing would definitely give it to her if he got something good. This had been the case since she was still in Xunyi.

"I already have Feng Ling Hairpin and Xueyun Ling. They are enough. You can keep them."

Langxing smiled contemptuously and said, "I will count my spiritual treasures for you. Purple Sun Sword, Little White Board, Heaven-turning Seal, Water Ting Sword, Dragon Song Sword, Punishing God Whip, Candle Soul Lamp, Qiancheng Mansion, and now... There are four more items, not to mention the lower-level ones. You count the two bracelets and there are only four items in total. How dare you say that you have enough in front of me? This is enough for me. I can hardly count them. coming."

"Look at your frivolous and arrogant face!" Su Wan glanced at him disdainfully.

"Hahaha... I am so arrogant. Can you find someone with more spiritual treasures than me?"

Su Wan could only give him another look of disgust. She had nothing to say. There may be someone in the world who has more spiritual treasures than Lang Xing, but he is probably the only one who can use more than a dozen spiritual treasures. In this matter, even if he raised his tail to the sky, everyone could only watch him raise his tail with conviction.

"Do you have anything to say?" Lang Xing was arrogant again, and then said with a serious tone, "I'll help you refine the Little White Board and the Heaven-turning Seal first. I'm very familiar with those two weapon spirits, so I won't be able to use them anymore." It will help you refine it in a few days.”

Su Wan said discouraged, "Not everyone has your ability. Controlling two spiritual treasures is enough for me. Although you can help me melt them, the way we use the spiritual treasures is different after all. You are more like They are used as hidden weapons. You can just shoot them out and leave them alone.

We are like using swords, we have to hold them in our hands. Two spiritual treasures are just right for me, but three are a bit reluctant. "

"Then return the Phoenix Ling Hairpin to my Second Senior Sister later. In exchange for this long bone spur, it is more powerful than the Phoenix Ling Hairpin."

Su Wan glanced at the bone spear and said, "I feel that this weapon spirit is not suitable for me, and it is too powerful."

"It's not a big deal. I'm here, let's give it a try."

Su Wan said angrily, "Is it called a long bone spur? Or is it the name you gave it? Can you name them more elegantly? They are also top-grade spiritual treasures after all." The superiority on Lang Xing's face was irritating. She could only find fault in this aspect to vent her evil anger.

Lang Xing was very familiar with her routine of finding trouble, so he greeted her with a smile and said, "I think a more vulgar name would be friendly, so you can give it a name."

Su Wan looked at him with disgust, thought for a moment and said, "Let's call him Jade Bone Spirit."

"Okay! That's a pretty good name." Lang Xing flattered him, then rolled his eyes and said, "It's really elegant. The most I can think of is a proud and crazy soul."

Su Wan stared at him with eyes like an ice pick. This kid was not uneducated. The proud mad soul was obviously more suitable for this powerful spiritual treasure than the jade bone essence. He did this on purpose!

Langxing was very amused and couldn't help laughing and said, "The name I mentioned is very inappropriate. This weapon spirit is frightened to death. It is not close to the crazy soul at all. It is almost called a cowardly soul. Let's wait and see if it can be calmed down." Rekindle your fighting spirit, it will be called the Jade Bone Essence from now on."

Su Wan threw the two spiritual treasures she was holding onto him, turned around angrily and flew forward, gritting her teeth and swearing in her heart that she must surpass this bastard in cultivation as soon as possible!

Lang Xing suppressed his laughter and chased after her. He wanted to tease her again, but he saw Hengsi Xianzun flying over.

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