Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2329 They can accept it

Liuyun treated Su Wan like a child in front of him, and Langxing felt embarrassed and complained, "Hey! I just killed a Feathered Monk, can't I give you more respect? Everyone said I can be considered an immortal!"

Liu Yun said disdainfully, "They are talking about Little Immortal Lord."

Su Wan played the drum with a nonchalant expression and said, "Yes, people said it very clearly, it's the Little Immortal Lord."

Lang Xing said with a look of disgust, "That's also an Immortal. The smaller this thing is, the more valuable it is. You are just jealous."

Liu Yun continued to strike, "You are just relying on your evil ways. With your real ability, you can't even beat Su Wan."

Lang Xing snorted and said, "Stupid, if your so-called right path can't defeat the evil ways, is it still the right way? Maybe the right way you think was also an evil way in the beginning, but more people followed it, and a bunch of idiots thought they were right. They think that is the right way, and then regard all other ways as evil ways.”

Liu Yunren smiled and said, "We know you want to show yourself outstanding in front of Su Wan, but you can't go too far, right? This is beginning to look down on the entire cultivation world. You have enough to show your face today, that's about it."

Langxing blushed in embarrassment and said, "What are you talking nonsense? You are really stupid and stubborn. I wanted to give you a few words of advice with good intentions, but you don't know the best advice. You only think in wrong directions. Forget it, you are not that material." , I won’t waste any time talking to you.”

Liuyun smiled while hiding his mouth and said to Lingye, "Look, I am so amused."

Su Wan's face also turned red. She glanced at Liu Yun and said to Lang Xing, "Let's go without telling them." After saying that, she started to fly forward.

"Both of them are anxious." Liu Yun smiled even more happily. Lang Xing had always made fun of her and Ling Ye before, but today it was finally her turn to take revenge.

Lingye followed the two of them with a smile on his face, "Don't leave, don't leave. She is indeed not that material. Tell me."

"Langxing, let's go!" Su Wanfei said

It was faster. She felt that Lingye was also here to have fun, but she didn't know that Lingye was usually so virtuous, half-smiling but not smiling, with a bit of bad intentions. This time she really wronged Lingye.

Seeing the two people running away in embarrassment, Lingye was also amused.

Two pairs of golden boys and girls in the cultivation world who could envy countless people flew towards Qianxu Palace laughing and noisily.

Ling Ye and Liu Yun, who are six thousand years old but have the ability to transform into feathers, can be called a couple of gods and immortals. However, Lang Xing and Su Wan, who are only over a thousand years old, are very good at excelling in their studies. With this pair of immortal couples, They are not inferior in comparison, but although Lingye and Liuyun have not lost their youthful nature, their age and cultivation level are different after all. Su Wan is just a little girl in the eyes of others at that age, which makes Su Wan I couldn't maintain a calm and leisurely posture with others, and I couldn't help but behave like a little girl.

Because it was inconvenient for Liuyun to enter Qianxu Palace, Su Wan stayed outside Qianxu Palace with Liuyun.

As soon as Lingye and Langxing returned to Qianxu Palace, Lingtai, Lingjun and others surrounded them. These big disciples were all waiting for the news with fear.

Langxing left the matter of dealing with these people to Lingye, and flew leisurely to Xulang Mountain to see Bai Xiang. He was too lazy to talk to Lingtai, Lingtong and others, and he didn't bother to talk to them.

Lingjun caught up with Lang Xing and asked, "Tell me the truth, how is things going?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "Let's just say it's solved. I was forced to kill a great magical power from the Juyi Alliance. They shouldn't cause trouble for us anymore. Just know it in your heart. Don't tell anyone. You'll know it later." It's time for Master and the others to come back. I don't want to meet the immortals I invited, so I took Xiang'er to the Xianlin Court to hide, and you just said that I went to retreat. "

Lingjun was excited and clapped hard.

He touched Lang Xing's shoulder, and he really admired this little junior brother's ability, "Did the little devil kill someone again?"

"No, I will fight them alone. You can ask Master and Fifth Senior Brother for the rest." After Langxing finished speaking, he waved his hand and flew towards Xulang Mountain.

Ling Jun returned to Ling Ye and heard Ling Ye Zheng say, "In short, my junior brother resolved this disaster by his own efforts. In the future, you should be careful when meeting people from Tai Ming Sect and Ju Yi League outside. If I don’t provoke you, then you shouldn’t provoke others. Anyone who dares to cause trouble for no reason will be responsible for it. As for Qianjie Sect, my junior brother has already eased the relationship between us and Qianjie Sect. Please give me a warning. Please let your respective disciples have less trouble, the disaster that Qianxu Palace has suffered is severe enough, and it cannot withstand the hardships."

Having said this, he looked at Ling Jun, who had just come over, "Junior brother Ling Jun, you are now the head disciple. In this critical period, law enforcement must be strict. Don't be lenient to those who expel the teacher. Junior brother has already made a show of it before. What our Qianxu Palace wants to maintain is the unruly spirit atmosphere, not the smoky atmosphere, and we must distinguish the two."

Lingjun nodded, but secretly complained in his heart that the fifth senior brother said it lightly. He really didn't want to be such a thankless disciple.

In fact, Lingye knew Lingjun's thoughts and did not expect him to drastically rectify Qianxu Palace. He said these words just to support him and scare Lingtong and others so that these people would not take Lingjun seriously.

Bai Xiang had already woken up, and for the past two days she had been asking the people who took care of her about her master's whereabouts. When she saw him walking into the room, her anxious heart finally let go, and she struggled to stand up.

Langxing used a spiritual power to lift her up, went out and called the crane, and took her to fly towards the Fairy Forest Courtyard.

"Master, what happened? They told me that you and Uncle Su caused a lot of trouble."

Bai Xiang asked with concern. Not only was her face pale, but her lips were also white.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Uncle Su killed all the people who injured you. Some people wanted to ask us for an explanation, and then we gave them an explanation. That's all, the matter has been resolved."

Bai Xiang said with a bitter face, "I've caused trouble for you again. I guess it's probably related to me."

Lang Xing caressed her shoulder lovingly, "You were beaten like this for no reason and you had no fault at all. Why do you need to say this? It's because I failed to take good care of you and made you suffer in vain."

Bai Xiang grabbed Master's arm with both hands, shook his head and said, "Master, please don't say that. Who would have thought that such a disaster would come from the sky? Besides, I'm fine now. I can just take care of myself. What explanation did you give them?" Huh? A lot of property was lost."

Langxing looked at her lovingly and said, "At first I wanted to compensate some property and compromise, but they refused to give in, so I had to act according to my own way. In the end, not only did I not compensate you for anything, but I also made you suffer." The main culprit of this disaster has been killed, and everyone is satisfied. "

Bai Xiang couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Master, please stop teasing me. How can I be satisfied? Is this matter getting bigger and bigger?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "The quarrel got bigger and bigger, and it turned into a dispute over Hua Yu. Your second and sixth uncles from Zixiao Palace are also here. When you reach the level of Hua Yu, you will respect Taoism. Although On the surface, it is no different from respecting strength, but there is no need to consider moral matters. Just be worthy of your Taoist heart. I killed them in compliance with my Taoist heart. Others can only agree with this ending unless they have Defeat my ability, otherwise I will have to do this first. The most important thing is that even from their perspective, my approach is not extremely evil and they can accept it. "

Bai Xiang asked curiously, "What is your Taoism?"

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