Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2349 We must win!

Bai Xiang smiled and glared at Huang Ying. Although Huang Ying was very calculating and always treated her as a gunner, she liked Huang Ying very much because Huang Ying was very interesting and her calculations were measured. At most, she only wanted to get some small advantages. That’s all. Of course, this "little advantage" is not small for Huang Ying. Who makes the master and apprentice rich?

Huang Ying continued to hold back her laughter and said, "I'm not kidding you, just write a letter. You are so promising, maybe some of your little sisters are also doing well. I'm not afraid of running errands."

Bai Xiang pointed at Huang Ying's nose and lectured, "If you do this, I won't help you anymore!"

Huang Ying's smile blossomed and she whispered to her, "This idea came from your master. After you write the letter, I will take it and ask him if he wants to send it. Let's unite him. If he dares to have fun with you, Let’s keep him from getting off stage!”

Bai Xiang smiled and said, "You are all shameless. If he really asks you to send it, I will be embarrassed. I won't play with you."

Huang Ying hugged her waist affectionately and said with a look of annoyance, "How can I hurt you? Just write. If I make you embarrassed, I will move away immediately and never come back. Don't worry, he really let me Send him, and I can cure him."

Bai Xiang looked at her with suspicious eyes and said, "I know you are secretly harboring bad ideas. Since you really want to get the Purple Infant Pill for the three junior sisters, then I can help you, but you can't let my master It’s too difficult.”

Huang Ying lovingly poked her forehead with her finger and said, "You little girl is just like your master. You look honest and kind, but in fact you are a devil and know everything."

"You don't have to pour me the ecstasy soup." Bai Xiang sealed a jade slip to her and said with a smile, "Let's see what tricks you can play. In the end, you or he will win."

"We must both win!" Huang Ying happily took the jade slip and went to find Lang Xing.

Lang Xing knew that Huang Ying would not give up just like that, so when he saw her coming, he waited for her to make a move with a smile on his face.

Huang Ying shook the jade slip in her hand, raised her eyebrows and said, "

Xiang'er's letter has been written, and I'll send it over right now. "

Seeing that she had figured out his thoughts, Lang Xing couldn't help but smile knowingly and said, "Send it to Fairy Xiangyun. Don't forget to ask for a reply from her little sisters." After that, he took out the letter. He handed a few spiritual herbs to Huang Ying, "Give these to Fairy Xiangyun. Just say that Xiang'er honors her."

Huang Ying said gratefully, "Is it really possible? I don't have to spend any money on you. I still have some good spiritual herbs here. I will pay for it. If I can get the Purple Infant Pill, the four of us will remember your kindness." For life."

Langxing rolled her eyes and said, "It's just to coax Xiang'er to play. Although Ziying Dan is good, your Xuanfang Sect has a formula that is no worse than Ziying Dan. It's just that you don't know it. I don't want you to either." Master has spent more energy on refining pills, so why not use this as an excuse to get two Purple Infant Pills. The Junlu Sect is currently hoping to turn enemies into friends with me. I will definitely be able to get these two pills. Think of it as having fun with Xiang'er. You can take these spiritual herbs, I'll keep them of no use."

"Okay! I'll go right away. I'm sure Xiang'er's jaw will drop when she receives the reply." Huang Ying turned her back and sold Bai Xiang, and happily put away the few spiritual herbs. This is really a wonderful thing. She could get a favor from anyone, but she still asked greedily, "Which elixir from the Xuanfang Sect is better than the Ziying Dan? Tell me about it."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Okay, but if I tell you the pill recipe, don't ask for these two Ziying Pills. Just make pills for the three junior sisters yourself."

Huang Ying understood that he didn't want her to indulge in alchemy, so she said wisely, "Forget it if you don't want to say it. If the Ziying Pill can't make them have a baby, I will ask you for this prescription again. I'm not begging you. It's to share her worries. Anyway, my three junior sisters must have a baby, otherwise she will feel bad. This elixir

Either I practice or she practices, it’s up to you. "

Once Su Wan is involved, Lang Xing will always be victorious. This is also Huang Ying's magic weapon.

"Okay, okay, go quickly. We'll talk about the rest later. Get the elixir back and don't rush to give it to them. There is enough spiritual energy here. Maybe they can have babies themselves. If you can save one or two purple babies, Dan can also be used to take care of your other junior sisters. Your master is not very capable, but he has many disciples. You are really good at it!"

"How dare you say bad things about her! Just wait for me to tell her!" After Huang Ying finished speaking, she happily went straight to the Junlu Sect.

It didn't take long for Bai Xiang to come over with a guilty conscience and asked anxiously, "Where has Senior Sister Huang gone?"

Langxing replied seriously, "I'm going to the Yunlu School. Didn't you ask her to deliver letters to your little sisters?"

"You...!" Bai Xiang was completely speechless. She blinked twice and turned away. It was hard for these unscrupulous people to tell the truth. They wanted to make fun of others all day long. She couldn't rush into an attack, otherwise He must have fallen into a trap, so he had to wait until Huang Ying came back to find out.

A few days later, Huang Ying came back. Not only did she bring back two Ziying Pills, but also a Baby-raising Pill that Xiangyun Fairy gave to Bai Xiang. Of course, she also brought back a letter from the little sisters, saying that they missed Bai Xiang very much. , they managed to get the Ziying Pill that Bai Xiang wanted, and asked Master Xiangyun to refine a Baby-nurturing Pill for her. Finally, they invited Bai Xiang to visit them at the Junlu Sect when he had free time.

Bai Xiang felt a little stupid after reading the little sister's jade slip. No matter how much she thought about it, she felt that it was not true. She muttered to Huang Ying inwardly, "Just play tricks on me. Wait until I find out about this matter. See if I can't." I’m here to settle a score with you!”

Huang Ying said with a smile in her eyes, "Don't be stupid. I didn't expect this to be possible at first. I never expected that you would be so proud. As soon as Fairy Xiangyun heard that you wanted the Purple Infant Pill, she immediately I gave you two pills and even made a baby-nurturing pill for you personally.

, of course, half of the favor is for your master, and the other half is for you. "

Bai Xiang was amused by her serious look, and then laughed happily. Regardless of whether she was tricked or not, being able to help the three new senior sisters and getting a reply from the little sisters was enough to make her feel Happy.

After Su Wan heard about this, she also came over to express her gratitude to Bai Xiang, which made it even more difficult for Bai Xiang to distinguish the authenticity.

A happy and peaceful environment may not be the most conducive to cultivation. Difficult and dangerous situations are more likely to stimulate people's potential. However, this happy and peaceful environment is definitely better than the environment of most sects. Besides, good days are what everyone yearns for. Working hard in hardship can only be regarded as a helpless act. The goal of working hard is to live a good life. These people are already living in a honeypot. Cultivation has become their inner need, not out of hard work. If necessary, the state of mind can be happier and more calm, and the potential that can be stimulated may not be less than that under difficult circumstances, and this kind of energy can be lasting.

s wrote this chapter out of emotion.

Thoughts: I often see arguments that children should experience hard times. I think children are already suffering enough because of their heavy studies. From this aspect, they suffer more than us. In terms of life, it is normal for each generation to live better than the previous generation. , many of our parents have eaten tree bark, didn't they let us experience eating tree bark? Every generation has its own sufferings, and if we lose the corresponding environment and those "valuable experiences", there will be no education. It makes no sense, it would be more useful to focus on the suffering the child is suffering.

Thought 2: Looking at the family backgrounds of many scientists, thinkers and other outstanding figures, most of them are from the wealthy class. Only when they have time and money can they have the leisure to "think wildly". So you can drink some chicken soup, but just try it briefly. Don’t make yourself and your children confused. The useless stream of cultivating immortals is the most enjoyable. I wrote the elite stream because of the above understanding. I would like to explain some background materials of this book to you by the way.

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