Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2354 It’s hard to say goodbye when we meet

Lang Xing had previously explained to him the reason for going back, but in Sijia's view, things like the Peace Alliance were nothing compared to enlightenment. In fact, Lang Xing's most important thing was to rush back before Su Wan left seclusion. But this cannot be said to Sijia. Ever since Su Wan was led on this unusual path of cultivation, her time in retreat has been significantly shortened. Sometimes she will be out of seclusion in just two or three months. Although this time she needs enlightenment. There are more things, so the retreat time may be a little longer, but it is also safe to go back early.

It's not that he's afraid that Su Wan will pursue him. As long as he doesn't want to talk, just say haha ​​and Su Wan will definitely not ask more questions. But he already feels guilty for secretly coming to see Sijia. It's best not to give Su Wan a chance to ask. , Su Wan didn’t know, and the matter was over. Once Su Wan asked, he would make up lies to deceive again, and it would feel wrong. Although it was a bit self-deceiving, this was his bottom line.

He can lie to Su Wan about other things, but he can only try his best to hide it when it comes to emotional matters. If Su Wan finds out the clues, he feels that he should tell the truth. Of course, he has something to do with the imperial concubine and Ling Xiang. The close contact he had had had to be hidden, and he could not take the initiative to confess it until there was irrefutable evidence. He believed that Su Wan could not get any ironclad evidence. As long as the imperial concubine and Ling Xiang did not betray him, there would be no ironclad evidence, and the imperial concubine would not betray him. There is no way He Lingxiang would betray him.

"I'm not just thinking about the Peaceful Alliance thing. I also have to think about getting you the Immortal Treasure Soul-catcher as soon as possible. That treasure house is quite evil and not easy to get into. I can't follow the things inside. Tell me more." Lang Xing was forced to make up lies.

Sijia snorted, waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, go ahead. Your eagerness to go back must have something to do with Su Wan. I know that, so there's no need to make excuses."

"Hey! You can't make up random things! Why does it involve her again? What does it have to do with her?" Lang Xing said with a guilty conscience.

Sijia showed contempt and said, "If you want to leave, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for tearing off your face and preventing you from leaving."

"You are really difficult to take care of.

Yes, if I didn't have a lot of things to do at hand, I would have to be more serious with you this time. "Lang Xing didn't dare to be tough anymore and walked away mumbling.

Sijia rolled her eyes at his back and didn't even get up to see him off. Now she could conclude that it was related to Su Wan. This made her so uncomfortable that she couldn't continue to comprehend it until an hour later.

Lang Xing rushed towards the Junlu Sect as if he was running away, planning to ask Bai Ling for the result and then return to Daiyuan Mountain as soon as possible.

This time when we returned to the Junlu Sect, the people guarding the gate were no longer nervous. A few people flew over to greet them, but their smiles were obviously stiff.

Lang Xing would not care about anything with these people. Just when he was about to ask Bai Ling if he was back, the figure of Qimu Xianzun appeared on the top of the mountain where he lived, and a spiritual message came from him: "You are too late." Yes, I've been waiting for you."

The expressions of the people who came up to them immediately became a little more respectful as a result of this divine thought order. The master had come to greet them in person, and the face given to them was really too great.

Langxing bowed from afar and said, "Thank you for your long wait, sir. My nephew will accept the punishment."

Immortal Qimu smiled and said, "No need to be polite, come on."

After entering an elegant yet luxurious hall, Lang Xing saluted Qimu Xianzun again. Qimu Xianzun used his spiritual power to lift up his just-bent body and warmly asked him to take a seat. After Lang Xing declined a little, He sat down. Now he was the one giving face to Qimu Xianzun, and it was Qimu Xianzun who was giving him face. Both of them knew this in their hearts.

Immortal Qimu spoke first and said, "My nephew, I'm really glad you can come. Let the past things go by now. I believe my nephew has this tolerance."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Just respect your teacher."

Uncle's instructions, my nephew was too impulsive last time about Xiang'er, please forgive me, uncle. "

Qimu Xianzun heard him mention Bai Xiang and took the opportunity to say, "I can't blame you. It was Lu Pu who went too far. I have already expelled him from the school. Speaking of Xiang'er, I heard that she is here this time." I wonder if it’s true or not that I was injured by Jingchanzi and others during the flight?”

Langxing nodded and said, "I know you must be confused about this. It is also her blessing. We later met a strange person who cured his Qi Palace. The details are inconvenient for my nephew." If you talk too much, I believe Master can understand."

Qimu Xianzun's eyes flashed, he stared at Langxing and nodded with difficulty. If he didn't ask for such strange things, he would not be able to sleep. "Can't you say a word? I really can't believe that there are such strange things. ”

Lang Xing shook his head in embarrassment, "I can't say a word. If I didn't sincerely want to resolve the previous rift with my uncle, I shouldn't even have said what I just said. I only said so much to my uncle Hengsi."

Immortal Qimu sighed unwillingly and said, "It seems that we are not blessed enough. My dear nephew, you should cherish your good fortune. If one day you come to the immortal world, come over and say hello to your uncle." Take care of your uncle." In his opinion, Lang Xing's strange ability should also be related to that stranger. Maybe that stranger is a true immortal.

Langxing guessed what he was thinking and said with a smile, "You think too highly of my nephew. My blessings are not that great. The stranger healed Xiang'er's Qi Palace and then left. What I know about him It's also very rare." He didn't want to talk about it anymore, and then said, "How are things going with Bai Ling and the others? It's really inappropriate for you to come forward in person. Please don't blame Bai Ling. It's all my fault. Trouble caused by backing up.”

Seeing that the topic had been changed, Qimu Xianzun helplessly suppressed the itch in his heart and said absently, "Du Daozi has been suspended from the Tianlu Alliance.

Started to intervene in the investigation, it is estimated that his reputation has been ruined. Bai Ling and the others are not to blame for this. It is Du Daozi who is too unbearable. Although fellow Taoist Juesheng intends to protect this disciple, even if he is given a lighter sentence, Du Daozi will have to do it. The mausoleum is guarded. After saying that, he said with a somewhat flattering expression, "Xiannephew, can you let me meet Xiang'er?" Even if it’s just a glance from a distance. "

Lang Xing knew that he would not give up easily, so he said, "As long as you can strictly keep this secret, it is okay to meet her. She is traveling with a junior brother at the moment. I will just bring her to see you later."

Immortal Qimu couldn't wait to ask, "Where has she been traveling? I will go find her now. I will just take a look. I will not investigate or make any inquiries."

"If you can't wait, then go look in the direction closer to the Xuanfang Sect. I have told them to only wander around that safe area. It's hard to say whether they can listen to me."

"Okay, nephew, do you have anything else to say to me?" Although he wanted to talk to Langxing more, their friendship was too shallow, and they would definitely not reveal anything more to him, so why not first? Go and see Bai Xiang.

Lang Xing stood up knowingly and said, "I came to see you mainly to talk about Xiang'er. The rest is to ask Bai Ling and the others about their situation."

Qimu Immortal also stood up and said, "The purpose established by their Peaceful Alliance is good. It is a good thing to have more such gangs, but you have to advise them to be more careful. Their power is too weak. If they are retaliated against, there will be no I have heard that you have served as their military advisor, but you are someone who is expected to enter the Immortal Sect, so you should not spend too much energy on these things. "

"Okay, my nephew has taken note of your warning. You go find Xiang'er, and I'll go talk to Bai Ling."

Immortal Qimu sent him to the foot of the mountain, where Bai Ling and Lin Zhen were already waiting.

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