Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2356 If you are not afraid, just follow me

Xuan Ling quickly brought Si Liang, along with Fairy Xiangyun.

As Xuan Ling said, Si Liang was still very excited even though he had taken the calming pill. When he saw Bai Ling and the three of them, he shed tears. While crying, he said, "I can only run away. Qian Jin and the others are dead. I am Watching them die, I have no ability to save them, so I can only run away." He said and took out a useless escape magic weapon, "Sister Bai Ling, I'm sorry for you, I used this treasure's three escape opportunities. I'm so sorry for you, I'm so sorry for you..." His emotions were about to get out of control again, and he said sorry several times over an escape treasure.

Langxing recognized the escape magic weapon as the one he gave to Bai Ling before leaving the military camp. It seemed that Bai Ling was cautious enough. If he hadn't given this life-saving thing to Si Liang, he would certainly not have been able to escape. One death.

While everyone was comforting Si Liang, Langxing took out a small piece of ice lake fish meat and stuffed it into his mouth. Si Liang calmed down a little and showed everyone the scene he saw.

They chose a hill for the Xianghe Alliance to be the main altar. Si Liang was out on business at that time. When he came back, he saw a fight taking place in the main altar from a distance. When he wanted to rush over, the fighting was over. He saw Qianjin and others being killed, but He couldn't see the opponent clearly, and knowing that he was outmatched, he had to use the escape magic weapon given by Bai Ling to flee in panic. Because the escape magic weapon could not accurately control the direction of escape, he only figured out the direction after using it three times in a row and rushed over. Report to Bai Ling.

Lang Xing pressed his shoulder and said, "You did a good job. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. It's those people who are too crazy. We will let them get the punishment they deserve."

Si Liang hugged Lang Xing and cried, "Good brother, I believe in you the most. Qian Jin and the others died so unjustly. We must let them die in peace! It was me who killed them, you have to help I……"

Langxing patted his back and said, "It wasn't you who caused it. Sister Bai Ling told me before and after that you did the right thing. This is not a personal feud. They are provoking the Tianlu Alliance and Nanjingzhou."

There is no need to be afraid of morality, it is them who should be afraid now! "

Fairy Xiangyun agreed, "Lang Xing is right, they are seeking death. I think this matter must not have been done by Du Daozi. At this juncture, he would not do such a stupid thing. It must be his followers. I will escort you to the Tianlu League to report the crime, and I will catch these people."

Lang Xinghan said in a cold voice, "Reporting the case is not enough. We must publicize this matter and arouse the indignation of all righteous people so that these evil people have nowhere to escape. At the same time, a reward order of 10,000 yuan will be issued in the name of the Peace Alliance." Nascent Soul Stone is used to capture key criminals. Anyone who can provide evidence against these people will be rewarded with five thousand Nascent Soul Stones. I will provide the spiritual stones."

Bai Ling advised, "There's no need to offer such a high reward. I think a thousand Nascent Soul Stones are enough. The three thousand Nascent Soul Stones you gave us last time haven't been touched much yet, so just use that amount of spiritual stones."

Lang Xing insisted, "No, just give me a reward of 10,000. This is not only to eliminate the murderer, but also to increase your worth and protect you. This will make other people who want to attack you feel afraid."

"Lang Xing..." Si Liang was so moved that he couldn't speak.

Lin Zhen lowered her head and wiped her tears. The deaths of several friends had already made her extremely sad. Lang Xing's hard work made her tears finally flow out. Bai Ling was a disciple of a famous family, and ordinary people would not dare to To touch her, Lang Xing's spiritual stone was mainly for her and Si Liang Hua.

Fairy Xiangyun said, "Our Junlu Sect can bear part of the spiritual stones."

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "No need, I can get these spiritual stones."

Fairy Xiangyun was a good person and said, "Then let's offer three thousand Nascent Soul Stones and increase the reward to thirteen thousand."

Lang Xing didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, so he nodded and said, "Bai Ling and Lin Zhen are staying in the Junlu Sect. Senior sister, please take more care to protect them. I will escort Si Liang to the Tianlu League to report the case."

"No! This is too dangerous." Fairy Xiangyun saw through Langxing's plan to use Si Liang as bait and shook her head.

Lang Xing glanced into the distance and coldly snorted, "Don't worry, I just want them to intercept and kill me. That will save trouble." ??

Bai Ling grabbed his arm and said nervously, "But don't, if you have an accident, we won't be able to survive!"

Lang Xing said proudly, "With these guys, they won't even think of hurting a hair on my head. Four Liang, are you afraid?"

Si Liang hesitated and said, "Of course I'm not afraid, but I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat them. I'm not afraid of death, but if I die like this, I won't be able to avenge Qianjin and the others."

Langxing called Linghe and said calmly, "If you're not afraid, just come with me. If you want to avenge Qianjin and the others, you can't miss any opportunity. I guess they can expect that you will come to see Sister Bai Ling, and they can also expect that we will go." Tianlu League, if they have the guts to intercept and kill them in the middle of the road, it will be Qianjin’s spirit in the sky that urges them to die.”

Bai Ling was so anxious that he stamped his feet and said, "No! No! Uncle Master, you must not let them go. Seal him soon. Don't let him take this risk!"

Fairy Xiangyun said with a stern expression, "Junior brother, I really can't let you go. Don't make it difficult for me. Why not let Bai Ling and Lin Zhen go with Si Liang. I'll find a few people to follow behind. This will make it easier." Something like that.”

Lin Zhen and Bai Ling nodded vigorously together. If they could get Lang Xing's safety back, they were willing to take the risk.

Langxing used his spiritual thoughts to say to Fairy Xiangyun, "We can't let them take risks. Senior sister, you don't have to worry."

, you must have heard about the turmoil I just caused. You might as well tell the truth. I subdued Jingchanzi and the other seven. Fairy Su just killed them for me in the end. You have seen me with your own eyes. After injuring Lu Puzi, now I am no longer as capable as I was back then. Otherwise, how could I be so respectful to my respected master? Even if my respected master is here, he will let me go with confidence. "

Fairy Xiangyun was hesitant. The master vaguely revealed something about Lang Xing to her, and asked her to try to get closer to Lang Xing through Bai Ling's relationship. She originally thought that the master wanted to win over Lang Xing. In order to learn more about his strange abilities, it seems that things are not that simple now, but she really can't believe that Lang Xing can be so powerful that the master is afraid. This kid is only over a thousand years old, and his cultivation level is What is clear is the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Langxing sent another spiritual thought and said, "Even an ordinary late-stage Nascent Soul monk can't defeat me if we work together. Please help me stop Bai Ling and the others." After passing this spiritual thought, he pulled four liang onto the Linghe.

Fairy Xiangyun stopped Bai Ling and Lin Zhen who were about to pull Lang Xing away, and said, "Be more careful and don't come out when you get to Tianlu League. I will take people to help you later. Do you want to send a message to Qianxu Palace?" ?”

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "No, don't go and deliver the letter. I can handle this little thing myself."

Bai Ling cried and said, "No! Langxing, you are trying to kill me!"

Lin Zhenyi said in a tearful tone, "If something happens to you, Langxing, you will force us both to die. I beg you..."

Lang Xing patiently advised, "The attack in the military camp was just a small test. You haven't seen everything I did at that time." As he said that, he passed on the scene of killing the white dragon to the two of them, and then spoke in a tone of voice. He said easily, "You two little girls, don't worry so much. If I don't take a moment, can I be the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace?"

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