Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2358 You will probably be frightened.

"Grandpa has lived a long enough life, and his death is worth it. Besides, I may not die, but those little bastards from your Xianghe Alliance will die miserably." This is a true desperado. After saying this, he revealed A vindictive smile.

Although Si Liang knew that he was tempting her to kill him, she was still trembling with anger and wanted to go up and slap him again.

Lang Xing stopped Si Liang and pointed his finger on the man's forehead, wanting to search for his soul first. After searching, he found that there was a guardian spirit in the other person's spiritual platform. This was not beyond his expectation. This kind of People who do dirty work will definitely be on guard against searching for souls.

After he retracted his hand, he said to the man with a smile, "You think it's useless for others to take you if you're not afraid of death, right? Yes, if you are handed over to the Heavenly Law Alliance, they really can't torture you to extract a confession, but not only am I not a Zhengjiu cultivator, , you are still the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, even if I torture you to death, the Tianlu Alliance can’t do anything to me.”

"Just use whatever means you have. If you say anything, I will be considered weak." This man showed due respect for Lang Xing in his tone and expression. He was convinced that he had lost. After subduing him, a person with such ability deserves a little respect from him.

Lang Xing showed an almost weird smile, "No, I won't do that, because I know how to be in awe. Do you know what I am in awe of?"

"What is it?" the man asked seriously.

Lang Xing calmly used his spiritual thoughts and said, "It's the judgment of the underworld. That's the final judgment. Even if you can get a good death in the human world, all your evil deeds will be punished in the underworld. Don't even try to hide it." Come on, I won't do anything to punish a bastard like you, I just want to beat you to vent your anger. If I torture you with cruel methods, I think it will add a little trouble to myself in the underworld. This is a crime, although this crime should not be big, but you are not worth it, so I will hand you over to the Heavenly Law Alliance. I don’t care whether you live or die, because you will eventually go to the underworld to be judged, and you will be in hell. I think you have an idea of ​​how long you will stay."

The man's eyes narrowed, he stared at Langxing and said, "You actually believe these nonsense?" If someone was using the underworld to scare him, he wouldn't take it seriously at all, but the kid in front of him is too evil. There is only one He has cultivated to the middle stage of Yuanying at the age of more than a thousand years, and he can subdue a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying like him with just a raise of his hands and feet. He has never heard of such a strange person.

Langxing glanced at him indifferently, without making any reply. He picked him up, pulled Si Liang who was still gnashing his teeth, onto the Linghe, and flew quickly towards Tianlu Mountain.

He still has the same dubious attitude towards the underworld as before. It is really helpless to use this method to scare this person. He doesn't like the feeling of using torture to torture people, mainly because he doesn't have a deep relationship with Qianjin and the others, and he has no deep feelings for the murderer. His hatred is not as strong as that of Si Liang, Bai Ling, and Lin Zhen, so he plans to give it to Tianlu League to deal with after scaring him. This bastard is just a thug, and those high-ranking officials of Du Daozi must be poached. the bane of.

"Do you really believe it?" After a moment of silence, the man asked in a mocking tone.

Lang Xing still looked disdainful of him, looking ahead without answering a word, but secretly laughing in his heart. He could see that this bastard was starting to mutter. At this moment, he acted more inscrutable and incomprehensible.

The more the other party murmured.

"That's just a story made up by mortals. Do you think it can scare me? Hahahaha..." The man laughed.

Lang Xing looked at him with teasing eyes. In order to maintain the mystery, he continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "I have interrupted your meridians. You will be a useless person from now on. You have plenty of time to feel the fear from the underworld, no matter how vicious it is." People feel flustered after doing something they are ashamed of. Why do you think that is? Stupid thing, I am trying to save you, but don’t try to ask me anything about the underworld. That’s it, it’s the same sentence. You don’t deserve my words. If you can cultivate to the late stage of Nascent Soul, you have some brains. You can understand it yourself. I think you can already feel the fear from the underworld now. If you want to continue to be arrogant with me, then hurry up. After handing you over to the Tianlu Alliance, you will never see me again. "

The last sentence fully reflects Lang Xing's intelligence. With his wisdom, if you want to play tricks, you don't need to learn. He has already seen this person's eagerness to get more information from him.

Using things from the underworld to scare people is a sure thing, and is especially effective against bad people. Xiaoyao Xianjun is a living example. No matter how arrogant a person lives, he will be a helpless soul after death. Even those who dare to attack the underworld People who express disdain or even arrogantly curse are also out of fear in their hearts. After all, no one knows what will happen after death. All the fears in the world come from the unknown, not to mention the fear from the underworld that Lang Xing mentioned. Everyone can feel it, the difference is that different people will give different explanations.

"You...if you can tell me more, I can explain to you some of Du Daozi's crimes." The man saw that Lang Xing didn't care about him. If he never saw this man again, he would There was no chance to ask, so he was forced to give in by Lang Xing.

Lang Xing snorted in amusement, and continued to use his spiritual thoughts with a mocking expression on his face, "You take you guys too seriously. You are nothing in my eyes. Don't say that." What's wrong with you is that you slaughtered all the monks in Nanjingzhou, and I didn't bother to take care of it. Now I'm just doing a favor for a few friends out of favor. If I catch you, I've already done my best. Friends are over, do you want me to tell you more? Stop dreaming, I wish you were stupid to the end, then you would be in hell forever. If you are less of a bastard like you, the world will be more peaceful. "Looking at your character, I think even if you die now, you will end up in hell forever, what do you think?"

After saying that, he sealed his mouth so that he could no longer speak. This could not only further show his indifference to him, but also save his tongue. As soon as the other party started to mutter, the seeds of fear had already taken root and sprouted. Lang Xing's attitude of giving up is like watering and fertilizing.

Because Lang Xing had been transmitting words with his spiritual thoughts, Si Liang could only hear what the murderer said. At this time, he was confused. He grabbed Lang Xing's arm and secretly transmitted his spiritual thoughts and said, "What did you tell him? Why did he Are you willing to explain the crimes of those people in Du Daozi?"

Lang Xing calmly sent back his thoughts and said, "I just scared him. It seems to be effective. Ignore him. Just leave him to the Sky Law Alliance for interrogation. I think he will probably be frightened. Maybe It won't take long for me to tell the truth. "Grandpa has already lived a long life, and his death is worth it. Besides, I may not die, but those little bastards in your Xianghe Alliance will die miserably." A true desperado, he showed a vindictive smile after saying this.

Although Si Liang knew that he was tempting her to kill him, she was still trembling with anger and wanted to go up and slap him again.

Lang Xing stopped Si Liang and pointed his finger on the man's forehead, wanting to search for his soul first. After searching, he found that there was a guardian spirit in the other person's spiritual platform. This was not beyond his expectation. This kind of People who do dirty work will definitely be on guard against searching for souls.

After he retracted his hand, he said to the man with a smile, "You think it's useless for others to take you if you're not afraid of death, right? Yes, if you are handed over to the Heavenly Law Alliance, they really can't torture you to extract a confession, but not only am I not a Zhengjiu cultivator, , I’m still the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace, even if I torture you to death, the Heavenly Law Alliance can’t do anything to me.”

"Just use whatever means you have. If you say anything, I will be considered weak." This man showed due respect to Lang Xing in his tone and expression. He was convinced that he had lost. After subduing him, a person with such ability deserves a little respect from him.

Lang Xing showed an almost weird smile, "No, I won't do that, because I know how to be in awe. Do you know what I am in awe of?"

"What is it?" the man asked seriously.

Lang Xing calmly used his spiritual thoughts and said, "It's the judgment of the underworld. That's the final judgment. Even if you can get a good death in the human world, all your evil deeds will be punished in the underworld. Don't even try to hide it." Come on, I won't do anything to punish a bastard like you, I just want to beat you to vent your anger. If I torture you with cruel methods, I think it will add a little trouble to myself in the underworld. This is a crime, although this crime should not be big, but you are not worth it, so I will hand you over to the Heavenly Law Alliance. I don’t care whether you live or die, because you will eventually go to the underworld to be judged, and you will be in hell. I think you have an idea of ​​how long you will stay."

The man's eyes narrowed, he stared at Langxing and said, "You actually believe these nonsense?" If someone was using the underworld to scare him, he wouldn't take it seriously at all, but the kid in front of him is too evil. There is only one He has cultivated to the middle stage of Yuanying at the age of more than a thousand years, and he can subdue a great monk in the late stage of Yuanying like him with just a raise of his hands and feet. He has never heard of such a strange person.

Lang Xing glanced at him indifferently, without making any reply. He picked him up, pulled Si Liang, who was still gnashing his teeth, onto the Linghe, and flew quickly towards Tianlu Mountain.

He still has the same dubious attitude towards the underworld as before. It is really helpless to use this method to scare this person. He doesn't like the feeling of using torture to torture people, mainly because he doesn't have a deep relationship with Qianjin and the others, and he has no deep feelings for the murderer. His hatred is not as strong as that of Si Liang, Bai Ling, and Lin Zhen, so he plans to give it to Tianlu League to deal with after scaring him. This bastard is just a thug, and those high-ranking officials of Du Daozi must be poached. the bane of.

"Do you really believe it?" After a moment of silence, the man asked in a mocking tone.

Lang Xing still looked disdainful of him, looking ahead without answering a word, but secretly laughing in his heart. He could see that this bastard was starting to mutter. At this moment, he acted more inscrutable and incomprehensible.

The more the other party murmured.

"That's just a story made up by mortals. Do you think it can scare me? Hahahaha..." The man laughed.

Lang Xing looked at him with teasing eyes. In order to maintain the mystery, he continued to use his spiritual thoughts to say, "I have interrupted your meridians. You will be a useless person from now on. You have plenty of time to feel the fear from the underworld, no matter how vicious it is." People feel flustered after doing something they are ashamed of. Why do you think that is? Stupid thing, I am trying to save you, but don’t try to ask me anything about the underworld. That’s it, it’s the same sentence. You don’t deserve my words. If you can cultivate to the late stage of Nascent Soul, you have some brains. You can understand it yourself. I think you can already feel the fear from the underworld now. If you want to continue to be arrogant with me, then hurry up. After I hand you over to the Tianlu Alliance, you will never see me again. "

The last sentence fully reflects Lang Xing's intelligence. With his wisdom, if you want to play tricks, you don't need to learn. He has already seen this person's eagerness to get more information from him.

Using things from the underworld to scare people is a sure thing, and is especially effective against bad people. Xiaoyao Xianjun is a living example. No matter how arrogant a person lives, he will be a helpless soul after death. Even those who dare to attack the underworld People who express disdain or even arrogantly curse are also out of fear in their hearts. After all, no one knows what will happen after death. All the fears in the world come from the unknown, not to mention the fear from the underworld that Lang Xing mentioned. Everyone can feel it, the difference is that different people will give different explanations.

"You...if you can tell me more, I can explain to you some of Du Daozi's crimes." The man saw that Lang Xing didn't care about him. If he never saw this man again, he would There was no chance to ask, so he was forced to give in by Lang Xing.

Lang Xing snorted in amusement, and continued to use his spiritual thoughts with a mocking expression on his face, "You take you guys too seriously. You are nothing in my eyes. Don't say that." What a mess you have done is that you have slaughtered all the monks in Nanjingzhou, and I am too lazy to take care of it. Now I am just doing a favor for a few friends out of favor. If I catch you, I will have done my best. Friends are over, do you want me to tell you more? Stop dreaming, I wish you were stupid to the end, then you would be in hell forever. If you are less of a bastard like you, the world will be more peaceful. "Looking at your character, I think even if you die now, you will end up in hell forever, what do you think?"

After saying that, he sealed his mouth so that he could no longer speak. This could not only further show his indifference to him, but also save his tongue. As soon as the other party started to mutter, the seeds of fear had already taken root and sprouted. Lang Xing's attitude of giving up is like watering and fertilizing.

Because Lang Xing had been transmitting words with his spiritual thoughts, Si Liang could only hear what the murderer said. At this time, he was confused. He grabbed Lang Xing's arm and secretly transmitted his spiritual thoughts and said, "What did you tell him? Why did he Are you willing to explain the crimes of those people in Du Daozi?"

Lang Xing calmly sent back his thoughts and said, "I just scared him. It seems to be effective. Ignore him. Just leave him to the Sky Law Alliance for interrogation. I think he will probably be frightened. Maybe It won’t take long to tell the truth.”

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