Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2361 Peripheral Protector

Du Daozi smiled and said, "We know you, right? You didn't expect him to be arrested, right? You didn't expect him to succumb, right?"

Du Daozi calmed down and said, "I don't know him, but he definitely looks like a desperado. I'm very curious about what despicable means you used to train a desperado like this? Now that you let me know, I have to do it." Let’s investigate whether you guys have used illegal means. Just wait to receive my complaint.”

Jin Bozi was very happy. With many years of experience in handling cases, he could already tell that Du Daozi was about to be in chaos.

At this time, the stern-faced Junlizi walked in. He was summoned by Jin Bozi with his spiritual thoughts. When he saw Lang Xing, there was a little warmth in his cold eyes, and he said directly without any greetings, "I heard After the turmoil you caused recently, I knew you would not be an ordinary person in Qianxu Palace."

Lang Xing smiled brightly and said, "Thank you for taking care of me back then. Have you been promoted to the camp manager of Tian Ping camp?" He looked at Junlizi's mighty uniform and asked.

Junlizi nodded, maintaining his habit of being taciturn. ??

Langxing put away his smile and said, "Qianjin and the others were killed not long ago. The perpetrators wanted to intercept and kill four liang outside Tianlu Mountain, but we caught them."

A cold light flashed in Junlizi's eyes, and he said to Du Daozi in a deep voice, "If you don't plead guilty, your henchmen will continue to do evil. Qianjin and the others are my old men, and those who kill them will pay with blood."

Du Daozi glanced at Junlizi arrogantly, but the panic in his heart made him not want to speak.

After coming out of the small courtyard, Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng, who were taken to visit Tianlu Mountain by two law enforcement guards, came back. The two of them had boring expressions on their faces. The Tianlu League's main altar was such a disappointment to them. All the buildings were already there. It's neither brilliant nor mysterious, really nothing interesting to see.

Langxing rejected Jin Bozi's repeated attempts to stay, said goodbye to Siliang who needed to stay to assist in the investigation, and prepared to rush back to Daiyuan Mountain as soon as possible.

At this time, Lingxiang suddenly came over. He mysteriously took Langxing's hand and said secretly, "There have been several attacks on the soul-practicing sects recently. They were almost all massacres. I have gone to see two of them." There seems to be traces of Xiyang and Gongsun Chong's actions. Did you do it? "Lang Xing once destroyed the Soul Cleansing Sect on the way to Wanfu Xiuyu. He knew that Lang Xing hated people who practiced soul arts.

Langxing sent back his thoughts and said, "I don't know if it was Xiyang and the others who did it. Anyway, it's none of my business here."

Lingxiang said, "You should ask them after you see them. If they really did it, ask them to stop for now. The Sky Law Alliance has already dispatched manpower to investigate the matter."

"Okay." Lang Xing found it a bit funny. He, a person who is committed to maintaining the integrity of the Heavenly Law Alliance, actually has spies in the Heavenly Law Alliance who leaked information. These cases were probably caused by Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Xiyang and the others. A dry one.

"Are you involved in Cheng Daozi's case?" Lingxiang said with a smirk on his face, as if he was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"I don't have time to care about this, but those people from the Xianghe Alliance were my former comrades. Four of them were just killed. I can't ignore it. The murderer has been caught. I won't care about the rest. I'm about to go back. ”

Lingxiang said reluctantly, "The three of us want to have a good time with you, but you can't

Tell us your hometown, we promise not to leak it to you. "

Langxing passed the location of Daiyuan Mountain to him and warned, "Only you can know it. You can't tell them both, especially Huahu. I want you to report it to me when something urgent happens." Xin, it’s easy to talk about the party. I’ll come find you when I’m free.”

"Okay, we are now at the guard camp of the main altar."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Is it because people don't trust you wherever you put these pieces of material, so they can only arrange you under their noses?"

Lingxiang was not ashamed but proud and smiled and said, "It's almost the same. It can be said that no one wants us. The Tianlu Alliance doesn't want to promote us. I, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, only have a dozen people under me. No one can control us anywhere else."

Lang Xing laughed loudly, and Ling Xiang said with a bit of contentment, "They think they are just asking someone to be easy, and if they don't get a promotion, how can they send us wherever there is a crisis? In fact, the three of us are eager to do this. The more unreasonable they are, the less likely they will be." The less they can restrain us, the three of us have agreed that we will not be promoted if they want to. When they reach the late Nascent Soul stage, the three of us can pretty much do whatever we want."

Langxing agreed, "I would have done the same thing. There is nothing more comfortable than freedom. It's not easy for you to get to this point from Yilingwei."

Lingxiang blinked and said, "The Peace Alliance established by these comrades of yours is a bit interesting. It caused a shocking case as soon as it started. Say hello to them and let us join in. Didn't you say Did a few of them die just now? They must be short of manpower."

Langxing laughed and scolded, "Your grandma's words are becoming more and more like a painting pot. I can't let you three troubles harm them, but I can let you be the peripheral protectors, responsible only for protecting them. Everything else you do will be the same as the others." The Peace Alliance has nothing to do with it.”

Lingxiang also laughed and scolded, "Damn it, grandma, how can you protect the Dharma if you are already a peripheral protector? Okay, the peripheral Dharma protector is the peripheral Dharma protector. You are just like the Heavenly Law Alliance, you just want to use us as an advantage."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You didn't ask for it. Look at the virtues of the three of you. Who dares to mess with you?"

After bidding farewell to Lingxiang, Langxing left Tianlu Mountain with Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng. Just when he was about to ask these two people if they wanted to continue traveling, the divine thoughts of Qimu Immortal came from high in the distance, "Xian Nephew, please come here.”

Langxing left Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng on the spiritual crane and flew over there.

High in the sky, two men and two women stood opposite Qimu Immortal. One of the men was wearing the official uniform of the Heavenly Law Alliance, and the other three were all wearing the clothes of the Immortal Soul Sect.

Qimu Xianzun introduced, "These four are fellow disciples of Du Daozi, Xi Dao, Le Dao, Yu Dao and Yun Dao. They want to talk to you."

Xidaozi, who was wearing official uniform, explained to Lang Xing, "These three junior brothers and sisters of mine are here to visit Dudaozi. I heard that you have some friendship with the people from the Xianghe League, so I want to talk to you. As a member of the Tianlu League, I Officials, you have to avoid suspicion in this matter. Let's talk about it." After saying that, he returned to Tianlu Mountain.

"I have invited Lingxing Nephew over for you. If you have anything to say, please tell me, otherwise you will lose my face." Immortal Qimu warned the three of them with a serious face, and then left. Du Daozi smiled and said, "We know you, right? You didn't expect him to be arrested, right? You didn't expect him to succumb, right?"

Du Daozi calmed down and said, "I don't know him, but he definitely looks like a desperado. I'm very curious about what despicable means you used to train a desperado like this? Now that you let me know, I have to do it." Let’s investigate whether you guys have used illegal means. Just wait to receive my complaint.”

Jin Bozi was very happy. With many years of experience in handling cases, he could already tell that Du Daozi was about to be in chaos.

At this time, the stern-faced Junlizi walked in. He was summoned by Jin Bozi with his spiritual thoughts. When he saw Lang Xing, there was a little warmth in his cold eyes, and he said directly without any greetings, "I heard After the turmoil you caused recently, I knew you would not be an ordinary person in Qianxu Palace."

Lang Xing smiled brightly and said, "Thank you for taking care of me back then. Have you been promoted to the camp manager of Tian Ping camp?" He looked at Junlizi's mighty uniform and asked.

Junlizi nodded, maintaining his habit of being taciturn.

Langxing put away his smile and said, "Qianjin and the others were killed not long ago. The perpetrators wanted to intercept and kill four liang outside Tianlu Mountain, but we caught them."

A cold light flashed in Junlizi's eyes, and he said to Du Daozi in a deep voice, "If you don't plead guilty, your henchmen will continue to do evil. Qianjin and the others are my old men, and those who kill them will pay with blood."

Du Daozi glanced at Junlizi arrogantly, but the panic in his heart made him not want to speak.

After coming out of the small courtyard, Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng, who were taken to visit Tianlu Mountain by two law enforcement guards, came back. The two of them had boring expressions on their faces. The Tianlu League's main altar was such a disappointment to them. All the buildings were already there. It's neither brilliant nor mysterious, really nothing interesting to see.

Langxing rejected Jin Bozi's repeated attempts to stay, said goodbye to Siliang who needed to stay to assist in the investigation, and prepared to rush back to Daiyuan Mountain as soon as possible.

At this time, Lingxiang suddenly came over. He mysteriously took Lang Xing's hand and said secretly, "There have been several attacks on the soul-practicing sects recently. Almost all of them were massacres. I have gone to see two of them." There seems to be traces of Xiyang and Gongsun Chong's actions. Did you do it? "Lang Xing once destroyed the Soul Cleansing Sect on the way to Wanfu Xiuyu. He knew that Lang Xing hated people who practiced soul arts.

Langxing sent back his thoughts and said, "I don't know if it was Xiyang and the others who did it. Anyway, it's none of my business here."

Lingxiang said, "You should ask them after you see them. If they really did it, ask them to stop for now. The Sky Law Alliance has already dispatched manpower to investigate the matter."

"Okay." Lang Xing found it a bit funny. He, a person who is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the Heavenly Law Alliance, actually has spies in the Heavenly Law Alliance who tipped off the news. These cases are probably caused by Xiaoyao Xianjun and Xiyang and the others. A dry one.

"Are you involved in Cheng Daozi's case?" Lingxiang had a wicked smile on his face, as if he was watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"I don't have time to care about this, but those people from the Xianghe Alliance were my former comrades, and four of them were just killed. I can't ignore it. The murderer has been caught, so I won't care about the rest. I'm about to go back. ”

Lingxiang said reluctantly, "The three of us want to have a good time with you, but you can't

Tell us your hometown, we promise not to leak it to you. "

Langxing passed the location of Daiyuan Mountain to him and warned, "Only you can know it. You can't tell them both, especially Hua Hu. I want you to report it to me when something urgent happens." Xin, it’s easy to talk about the party. I’ll come find you when I’m free.”

"Okay, we are now at the guard camp of the main altar."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Is it because people don't trust you wherever you put these pieces of material, so they can only put you under their noses?"

Lingxiang was not ashamed but proud and smiled and said, "It's almost the same. It can be said that no one wants us. The Tianlu Alliance doesn't want to promote us. I, a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, only have a dozen people under me. No one can control us anywhere else."

Lang Xing laughed loudly, and Lingxiang said with a bit of contentment, "They think they are just asking for a favor. If they don't get a promotion, how can they send us wherever there is a crisis? In fact, the three of us are eager to do this. The more unreasonable they are, the more likely they will be." The less they can restrain us, the three of us have agreed that we won’t be promoted if they want to in the future. When they both reach the late Nascent Soul stage, the three of us can pretty much do whatever we want.”

Langxing agreed, "I would have done the same thing. There is nothing more comfortable than freedom. It's not easy for you to get to this point from Yilingwei."

Lingxiang blinked and said, "The Peace Alliance established by these comrades of yours is a bit interesting. It caused a shocking case as soon as it started. Say hello to them and let us join in. Didn't you say Did a few of them die just now? They must be short of manpower."

Langxing laughed and scolded, "Your grandma's words are becoming more and more like a painting pot. I can't let you three troublemakers harm them, but I can let you be the peripheral protectors, responsible only for protecting them. Everything else you do will be the same as the others." The Peace Alliance has nothing to do with it.”

Lingxiang also laughed and scolded, "Damn it, grandma, how can you protect the Dharma if you are already a peripheral protector? Okay, the peripheral Dharma protector is the peripheral Dharma protector. You are just like the Heavenly Law Alliance, you just want to use us as an advantage."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "You didn't ask for it. Look at the virtues of the three of you. Who dares to mess with you?"

After bidding farewell to Lingxiang, Langxing left Tianlu Mountain with Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng. Just when he was about to ask these two people if they wanted to continue traveling, the divine thoughts of Qimu Immortal came from high in the distance, "Xian Nephew, please come here.”

Langxing left Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng on the spiritual crane and flew over there.

High in the sky, two men and two women stood opposite Qimu Immortal. One of the men was wearing the official uniform of the Heavenly Law Alliance, and the other three were all wearing the clothes of the Immortal Soul Sect.

Qimu Xianzun introduced, "These four are fellow disciples of Du Daozi, Xi Dao, Le Dao, Yu Dao and Yun Dao. They want to talk to you."

Xidaozi, who was wearing official uniform, explained to Lang Xing, "These three junior brothers and sisters of mine are here to visit Dudaozi. I heard that you have some friendship with the people from the Xianghe League, so I want to talk to you. As a member of the Tianlu League, I Officials, you have to avoid suspicion in this matter. Let's talk about it." After saying that, he returned to Tianlu Mountain.

"I have invited Lingxing Nephew over for you. If you have anything to say, please tell me, otherwise you will lose my face." Immortal Qimu warned the three of them with a serious face, and then left.

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