Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2364 I will show mercy to you

Su Wan used her spiritual consciousness to see Fairy Yundao with a gloomy face. She couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and looked at Lang Xing with a smile, waiting for him to give an explanation.

Lang Xing frowned and said, "There is a problem here. I ordered Linghe to speed up several times on the way, just to get rid of people who might be following her. It is impossible for her to chase her here by her own ability.

Hearing what he said, Su Wan didn't bother to ask who this woman was. She frowned and said, "You mean there is a monk who is helping her?"

"It's very possible. You have to be careful. You stay in the magic circle and don't go out. Give me a call and I'll go find out." After saying that, he stood up and left.

"Okay, I'm stupid anyway, and going out will only cause trouble." At this moment, Su Wan felt that he was deliberately acting to avoid her.

"I'm not lying to you. She is Fairy Yun Dao from the Immortal Soul Sect. I just met her. The Xianghe Alliance gang impeached her senior brother. She wanted me to persuade the Xianghe Alliance to withdraw the complaint, and we broke down. She is here to trouble me." Lang Xing passed the scene of his previous conversation with Fairy Yundao to Su Wan.

Su Wan said thoughtfully, "For the sake of safety, don't go out yet, just talk to her in the magic circle."

Lang Xing said proudly, "Even if there are Huayu monks, there is nothing to be afraid of. I have to force them to swear not to leak this location with their Taoist heart. This little girl is a bit ungrateful. I just want to teach her a lesson."

"She is older than you. At this age, she can cultivate to the late Nascent Soul stage and is not much worse than Shen Qing. Don't suffer the consequences of being careless and be more careful with her." Su Wan stood up and walked out first. Lang Xing's battle She was experienced enough, so she didn't need to give any more advice, but after all, the other party had a monk who transformed into a feather, so she couldn't help but be nervous. What made her most uneasy was Lang Xing's cherishment of flowers.

At this time, Huang Ying was already waiting at the door. Lang Xing said to her calmly, "Stay by your master's side and don't go out yet."

"Lingxing! I know you are here, coward! I dare to come alone, don't you even have the courage to say a word?

"Fairy Yundao's spiritual thoughts came in again.

"Squeak." Following this strange sound, Lang Xing walked out of the magic circle with a disdainful smile.

Fairy Yundao looked at him coldly and said, "Does it take so long to prepare? How many helpers are there, let them come out together." Although she spoke loudly, she stopped a hundred miles away vigilantly, secretly holding the hand in her hand. A magic weapon of escape.

"Are you really here alone?" Lang Xing showed a joking look in his eyes.

Fairy Yundao snorted and said, "There's no need to show such a face to me. I'm here alone. With your little knowledge, you won't believe it."

Lang Xing looked at her suspiciously. So far, he had not sensed the presence of anyone else.

Fairy Yun Dao sarcastically said, "You're not worried, are you? Then I'll use my Taoist heart as a guarantee. Can you rest assured now?"

"How did you catch up?" Lang Xing asked confused.

"I can't tell you this." Fairy Yundao's expression softened slightly after she finished speaking, and she switched to using her spiritual thoughts to say, "If you can get the Xianghe Alliance to withdraw the complaint, I can talk to you about it, even if it means adding another one to you. reward.”

Lang Xing frowned and said, "I've told you enough. Can't you still see clearly what kind of thing your senior brother is? Do you still have any conscience to save such a person?"

Fairy Yun Dao continued to use her spiritual thoughts to say, "Anyway, he is also my senior brother. He has taken care of me before, and his matter is related to the reputation of the Immortal Soul Sect. He can be punished, but we hope that the punishment can be lighter, let alone Zhang Yang, if Xianghe Alliance withdraws the complaint, this matter can be carried out through Tianlu Alliance's self-examination, at least without the need to report it to the outside world. "

"It's ridiculous." Lang Xing looked at her disappointedly and said, "I thought you were a refined person.

It turns out that you are so confused that you don’t even understand the meaning of being a helper or not. Aren’t you going to challenge Qianxu Palace? Go ahead and ask me how I treat those stupid fellow disciples before writing the challenge. I can then Let me tell you again, I will not go to the war because I don't care much about the honor and disgrace of Qianxu Palace. Whoever cares about these boring things can let someone accompany you to fight. "He has taught many people in this regard. If Su Wan hadn't been listening in the circle, he would have said more to this fairy.

Fairy Yun Dao retorted, "Everyone can speak high-sounding truths, but how many people can do it if it falls on you? I don't need to go to Qianxu Palace to guess that you will definitely not have any respect for the fellow disciples who are close to you. You are merciless, unless you are a ruthless person, but you are indeed selfish enough that you don’t even care about the reputation of your master.”

Lang Xing felt that he could no longer tangle with her. In order to show his innocence, he said to Su Wan and Huang Ying, "She should have come alone. Come out. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to her. Help me to get her." Send away."

Su Wan came out of the magic circle leisurely and stood far behind Lang Xing with a calm face. Because most of what Fairy Yundao said was said with spiritual thoughts, she could only roughly guess from Lang Xing's words. What are the two talking about?

Huang Ying stayed with Su Wan and did not move forward. Although she wanted to help Lang Xing, he was wearing the clothes of the Immortal Soul Sect. She could not cause trouble for the Xuan Fang Sect at will, and she already believed in Lang Xing's Now that they are talented, they also understand that Lang Xing called them out mainly to express his attitude to Su Wan.

When Fairy Yun Dao saw the two female cultivators coming out, she couldn't help but laugh and said, "Why are you running in such a hurry? It turns out you have to go to an appointment with a beautiful woman."

Su Wan said calmly, "No one has an appointment with him. If you have anything to do, just talk to him and don't worry about us."

Lang Xing glanced at Su Wan angrily, and then said to Fairy Yundao, "I have already said what I want to say to you."

Having said that, please go back. One last piece of advice to you, it is best not to do anything that is unconscionable. It is unacceptable to save a Taoist disciple without being severely punished. Saving such a person will not only not save the reputation of your Immortal Soul Sect, but will also be counterproductive. "

Fairy Yundao lowered her pretty face and said, "I'm not here to listen to your lectures. Since you refuse to agree, let's decide who is better in the fight. No matter whether you are willing to fight for Qianxu Palace or not, you are still Qianxu." Disciple of the palace, I have reason to take revenge on you. This is the debt owed by your masters."

Lang Xing said displeased, "You are being a bit unreasonable. My masters didn't name them when they went to your place to set up the arena. Do they insist on letting one of you compete? You go to Qianxu Palace to compete." Shu, Qianxu Palace will naturally send someone to challenge you. I have told you many times that I have no interest in accompanying you to do such boring things."

Fairy Yun Dao puffed up her chest and said proudly, "Few of the twelfth generation disciples of your Qianxu Palace are capable of taking action. Many people died in the monster chaos. The remaining ones are not worthy of my action. They all say There is something extraordinary about you, even Qimu Immortal is full of praise for you, I would like to see what you can do."

"You missed the opportunity. I asked the three of you to take turns competing with me before, thinking of resolving this grudge, but you didn't agree. You think no one in Qianxu Palace is worthy of your action. I think so of you too. I'm from the Immortal Soul Sect, and my methods are all murderous, so I can't use them in competitions, so I can't help you."

"Arrogant! Just use all your abilities. If you can defeat me, even if you win all three formations, the Immortal Soul Sect will never mention revenge again."

Lang Xing stared at her and said, "Are you the leader of the Immortal Soul Sect?"

"Of course! Since I dare to say it, I can represent the Immortal Soul Sect. I will show mercy to you. I will stop as long as you admit defeat, but you must let the Xianghe Alliance withdraw the complaint." She looked calm and quite confident. A majestic demeanor.

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