Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2366 An instant slap in the face

To stop such a war, shouting will not work. The other party saw three great monks and a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk rushing over, but they did not take them seriously. Langxing's speed made those people think that he too A late Nascent Soul.

"Stop it all!" Langxing rushed into the battlefield under the protection of the newly obtained defensive spiritual treasure "Hundred Illusions Spiritual Body", activated the God of Punishment Whip and knocked away the three treasures attacking Jiangxiao. He had already seen It was clear that these people wanted to capture Xiyang and the three of them alive, and they did not kill the three of them, so he used discretion in his actions.

At this time, Su Wan also activated the Lingbao Xueyun Ling and knocked away the opponent's three treasures. Huang Ying, who followed, used the Lingbao to join Gongsun Chong who managed to escape.

"God of Punishment Whip?! Stop it!" A great monk wearing a red robe of a law enforcement officer recognized the God of Punishment Whip.

The fierce fighting stopped, and both sides retreated a little, forming a confrontation five thousand feet apart. People on both sides were mobilizing their treasures, ready to continue fighting at any time.

The rolling war clouds in the sky blocked the sunlight. In the darkness, the brilliance of various treasures flashed with terrifying splendor.

"Are you the small pendant that Deputy Commander Qi Jia was looking for?" The great monk of the Law Guard who recognized the punishment whip looked at Lang Xing and asked. In order to find out the whereabouts of Shen Qing, Qi Jia asked everyone to find Lang for her. The star was finally found on the Yuanzu border.

Lang Xing cupped his hands and said, "Exactly, I have a very good relationship with the deputy commander. These people are my best friends. Please take it slow for the deputy commander's sake and let me understand the whole story first."

Before the man could answer, a big monk with green face and purple beard said in a vicious voice, "Qi Jia's face is not that great! If you don't want to die, just get out of here. No one's face is of any use today!"

Someone followed closely and loudly echoed, "Yes! It's useless even if Cihang Immortal Lord is here! Get out of the way!"

Judging from the furious looks of this group of people, Xiyang and the others must have committed public outrage.

Langxing urged the God of Punishment Whip to point at the purple-bearded monk, and said with a sullen face, "I think my request is not excessive. They are my friends. Before I figure out the whole story, I must stand with them." We are together, this is human nature, I can see that you are very angry, and I also know that you think I am insignificant, so I will let you see my methods first, and then you can decide whether to give me some time, come here , If you can survive three breaths, I will leave immediately."

"It's your grandma's!" The great monk urged a big black gold stick and rushed forward to hit him violently. He just wanted to beat the bumbling boy away with one stick, but Lang Xing's behavior made him extremely bored.

The black gold stick is very powerful, but everyone can see that this stick has some remaining power. This person only wants to hurt Lang Xing, not his life.

Langxing's figure dodges sharply. What he wants to avoid is not only the Wujin big stick, but also a seal and restriction from the opponent. The phantom body orders everyone to narrow their eyes, and then they see the great monk in shock. Was fixed in the field.

Lang Xing's figure only swayed for a moment before he returned to his original position. His face was still as gloomy as before. He didn't seem to take it seriously that he restrained a great monk with just a wave of his hand. He stared at the great monk and said coldly. "Does this make you respect me a little bit?"

Then the great monk struggled for a few times, and then used

He looked at Lang Xing with horrified eyes, too frightened to speak.

More than twenty great monks from the opposing camp looked at Lang Xing with disbelief, and in fear, they activated their treasures to become even more dazzling.

Fairy Yundao, who was watching coldly from behind, pursed her lips slightly. Langxing's restraint method was too powerful. If the battle just now was not disrupted, she would probably suffer a loss.

"What kind of sorcery are you doing?" A blue-robed monk asked with doubtful eyes.

Lang Xing calmly replied, "The upright restraint techniques are just more advanced than those you know. If you classify everything beyond your own knowledge as evil arts, it will be difficult for you to greatly improve your knowledge. "

Although the words were meant to teach him a lesson, the man did not show any disgust and still looked at Lang Xing suspiciously.

Strength cannot represent justice, but it can be exchanged for the power to speak, no matter where you are.

The red-robed law enforcement officer flew to the side of the banned monk and said to Lang Xing, "Based on your ability, you are qualified to stand up for your friend. The right and wrong here are very simple." He pointed. Gongsun Chong in the distance, "He stole a drop of Xuanshui secretly stored in the Marrow Water Sect. After being discovered, he injured three people from the Marrow Water Sect and fled. In the ensuing roundup, three of them were injured." There are no less than ten great monks, and two of them are seriously injured, which may endanger their path. You should ask them to see if it is what I said."

Langxing looked at Jiangxiao and Xiyang beside him. Xiyang turned his head to one side with an annoyed look on his face. Gongsun Chong did this so unreasonably. He really didn't want to help Gongsun Chong, but if he was allowed to be caught in Tianlu After the alliance trial, even if Gongsun Chong was finished, they were still brothers after all, and he couldn't just die without saving him.

Jiangxiao pursed her lips tightly and looked at the people on the other side. Her pale face was full of stubborn determination. She refused to look at Lang Xing. Anyway, she wanted to save Gongsun Chong. Gongsun Chong was her brother. Here Her attitude on this matter is much firmer than Xiyang's.

Lang Xing turned to look at Gongsun Chong in the distance. Gongsun Chong said unwillingly, "I can return Xuanshui to them."

The facts were clear, and Lang Xing sighed in his heart. He knew how much Gongsun Chong longed for Xuanshui. Stealing was definitely wrong, but if the thing you wanted to steal was related to whether you could progress further on the path of cultivation, then many people would You may not be able to resist the temptation. Gongsun Chong is already a great monk in the late Yuanying period and has the capital to do whatever he wants. Whether people at this stage are willing to abide by their conscience depends on the Taoism they believe in. Gongsun Chong is obviously He doesn't care much about his conscience. He has known this for a long time. We can't say how bad Gongsun Chong is, but he is definitely a more selfish and cold-blooded person. He can betray his conscience for personal gain, but only for Jiang Xiao and Jiang Xiao. Xiyang talks about loyalty, which is not bad for himself.

What makes Lang Xing most fond of Gongsun Chong is that Gongsun Chong is very good to Su'er. Part of his strong desire for Xuanshui is out of consideration for Su'er. Su'er is from the Flower Clan. Xuanshui cannot be used, but Gongsun Chong must be looking forward to Su'er becoming a great monk in the future. By then, the significance of Xuanshui to Su'er will be inestimable.

"Is it what you just said? Then let me see how you help me or not." Fairy Yundao flew to the flank of the battlefield and looked at Lang with a mocking attitude. star. To stop such a war, shouting will not work. The other party saw three great monks and a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk rushing over, but they did not take them seriously. Langxing's speed made those people think that he too A late Nascent Soul.

"Stop it all!" Langxing rushed into the battlefield under the protection of the newly obtained defensive spiritual treasure "Hundred Illusions Spiritual Body", activated the God of Punishment Whip and knocked away the three treasures attacking Jiangxiao. He had already seen It was clear that these people wanted to capture the three of Xiyang and the others alive, and they did not kill the three of them, so he used discretion in his actions.

At this time, Su Wan also activated the Lingbao Xueyun Ling and knocked away the opponent's three treasures. Huang Ying, who followed, used the Lingbao to join Gongsun Chong who managed to escape.

"God of Punishment Whip?! Stop it!" A great monk wearing a red robe of a law enforcement guard recognized the God of Punishment Whip.

The fierce fighting stopped, and both sides retreated a little, forming a confrontation five thousand feet apart. People on both sides were mobilizing their treasures, ready to continue fighting at any time. ??

The rolling war clouds in the sky blocked the sunlight. In the darkness, the brilliance of various treasures flashed with terrifying splendor.

"Are you the small pendant that Deputy Commander Qi Jia was looking for?" The great monk of the Law Guard who recognized the punishment whip looked at Lang Xing and asked. In order to find out the whereabouts of Shen Qing, Qi Jia asked everyone to find Lang for her. The star was finally found on the Yuanzu border.

Lang Xing cupped his hands and said, "Exactly, I have a very good relationship with the deputy commander. These people are my best friends. Please take it slow for the deputy commander's sake and let me understand the whole story first."

Before the man could answer, a big monk with green face and purple beard said in a vicious voice, "Qi Jia's face is not that great! If you don't want to die, just get out of here. No one's face is of any use today!"

Someone followed closely and loudly echoed, "Yes! It's useless even if Cihang Immortal Lord is here! Get out of the way!"

Judging from the furious looks of this group of people, Xiyang and the others must have committed public outrage.

Langxing urged the God of Punishment Whip to point at the purple-bearded monk, and said with a sullen face, "I think my request is not excessive. They are my friends. Before I figure out the whole story, I must stand with them." We are together, this is human nature, I can see that you are very angry, and I also know that you think I am insignificant, so I will let you see my methods first, and then you can decide whether to give me some time, come here , If you can survive three breaths, I will leave immediately."

"It's your grandma's!" The great monk rushed up with a big black gold stick and beat him violently. He just wanted to beat this bumbling boy away with one stick, but Lang Xing's behavior made him extremely bored.

The black gold stick is very powerful, but everyone can see that this stick has some remaining power. This person only wants to hurt Lang Xing, not his life.

Langxing's figure dodges sharply. What he wants to avoid is not only the Wujin big stick, but also a seal and restriction from the opponent. The phantom body orders everyone to narrow their eyes, and then they see the great monk in shock. Was fixed in the field.

Lang Xing's figure only swayed for a moment before he returned to his original position. His face was still as gloomy as before. He didn't seem to take it seriously that he restrained a great monk with just a wave of his hand. He stared at the great monk and said coldly. "Does this make you respect me a little bit?"

Then the great monk struggled for a few times, and then used

He looked at Lang Xing with horrified eyes, too frightened to speak.

More than twenty great monks from the opposing camp looked at Lang Xing with disbelief, and in fear, they activated their treasures to become even more dazzling.

Fairy Yundao, who was watching coldly from behind, pursed her lips slightly. Langxing's restraint method was too powerful. If the battle just now was not disrupted, she would probably suffer a loss.

"What kind of sorcery are you doing?" A blue-robed monk asked with suspicious eyes.

Lang Xing calmly replied, "The upright restraint techniques are just more advanced than those you know. If you classify everything beyond your own knowledge as evil arts, it will be difficult for you to greatly improve your knowledge. "

Although the words were meant to teach him a lesson, the man did not show any disgust and still looked at Lang Xing suspiciously.

Strength cannot represent justice, but it can be exchanged for the power to speak, no matter where you are.

The red-robed law enforcement officer flew to the side of the banned monk and said to Lang Xing, "Based on your ability, you are qualified to stand up for your friend. The right and wrong here are very simple." He pointed. Gongsun Chong in the distance, "He stole a drop of Xuanshui secretly stored in the Marrow Water Sect. After being discovered, he injured three people from the Marrow Water Sect and fled. In the ensuing roundup, three of them were injured." There are no less than ten great monks, and two of them are seriously injured, which may endanger their path. You should ask them to see if it is what I said."

Langxing looked at Jiangxiao and Xiyang beside him. Xiyang turned his head to one side with an annoyed look on his face. Gongsun Chong did this so unreasonably. He really didn't want to help Gongsun Chong, but if he was allowed to be caught in Tianlu After the alliance trial, even if Gongsun Chong was finished, they were still brothers after all, and he couldn't just die without saving him.

Jiangxiao pursed her lips tightly and looked at the people on the other side. Her pale face was full of stubborn determination. She refused to look at Lang Xing. Anyway, she wanted to save Gongsun Chong. Gongsun Chong was her brother. Here Her attitude on this matter is much firmer than Xiyang's.

Lang Xing turned to look at Gongsun Chong in the distance. Gongsun Chong said unwillingly, "I can return Xuanshui to them."

The facts were clear, and Lang Xing sighed in his heart. He knew how much Gongsun Chong longed for Xuanshui. Stealing was definitely wrong, but if the thing you wanted to steal was related to whether you could progress further on the path of cultivation, then many people would You may not be able to resist the temptation. Gongsun Chong is already a great monk in the late Yuanying period and has the capital to do whatever he wants. Whether people at this stage are willing to abide by their conscience depends on the Taoism they believe in. Gongsun Chong is obviously He doesn't care much about his conscience. He has known this for a long time. We can't say how bad Gongsun Chong is, but he is definitely a more selfish and cold-blooded person. He can betray his conscience for personal gain, but only for Jiang Xiao and Jiang Xiao. Xiyang talks about loyalty, which is not bad for himself.

What makes Lang Xing most fond of Gongsun Chong is that Gongsun Chong is very good to Su'er. Part of his strong desire for Xuanshui is out of consideration for Su'er. Su'er is from the Flower Clan. Xuanshui cannot be used, but Gongsun Chong must be looking forward to Su'er becoming a great monk in the future. By then, the significance of Xuanshui to Su'er will be inestimable.

"Is it what you just said? Then let me see how you help me or not." Fairy Yundao flew to the flank of the battlefield and looked at Lang with a mocking attitude. star.

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