Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2378 Fighting Xunlong

The furious Xun Lao Immortal Lord showed a calm expression at this moment. Fairy Yundao and Lang Xing forced him to the point where he was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off. He could only use this attitude to ease the situation. If he continued to be forceful, the two brats would You should take action against him. If you just seal them without teaching them a lesson, you will lose face. But beating these two people will offend the Qianxu Palace and the Immortal Soul Sect.

These two people were rude first, so it would be reasonable to teach them a lesson, but if this matter gets too big, it will make you personally avenge your disciples. This is known to everyone, and this is not a glorious thing in any way. Secondly, the scene of these two brats shouting at me crazily will also spread. Where can I put my old face?

Huang Yu quietly slipped away at this time. Although he was enjoying the reading and wanted to continue reading, he knew in his heart that he would be in trouble if he continued reading. It was too late to leave now.

Lang Xing's mind was so clear that he naturally would not give Xun Lao Immortal Lord a chance to reverse the situation. He pointed at him angrily and said, "You have allowed your disciples to do evil, and you have already made the world angry and resented. I will give you two ways to go. First, , let’s end the matter of your disciple being beaten. No matter how domineering you are, as long as you don’t offend me, I have no interest in meddling in other people’s business. Just leave me immediately and that’s it. Second, I’ll beat you until you are willing to reconcile. Let’s From now on you know a little respect and a little kindness!”

This time, even Su Wan couldn't help but want to laugh. There are two ways. There is only one. Langxing is more domineering and fierce than Xunyi when he makes troubles. Xunyi's troubles often make people angry. It felt like it was ridiculous, but he could always find a reason for himself anyway. In comparison, Lang Xing looked more like a dog, and looked serious and upright. This was also because Lang Xing's strength far exceeded Xun Yi, so he could do this. No scruples.

Lang Xing spoke so forcefully because he wanted to force Old Immortal Xun to take action, because he knew that it was impossible for this violent old man to let Xi Yang go, and he had to conquer him.

As Fairy Yundao approached Lang Xing and the others, she activated her wandering soul sword with purple light. Her expression was very solemn. Lang Xing's arrogance exceeded her expectations. Lang Xing said harsh words. Absolutely, she can no longer compete with Lang Xing, so she can only help Lang Xing defend against the enemy.

Although she has seen some of Lang Xing's methods, Fairy Yundao still doesn't believe that Lang Xing can defeat a Feathered Monk. She really can't understand why this kid has such strong confidence.

"You asked for this, come here." Xun Lao Xianzun's cold tone was full of helplessness, and he couldn't even think of teaching Lang Xing a lesson.

Langxing looked at Fairy Yundao calmly and said calmly, "Since you insist on fighting me, please avoid it, otherwise it will be unfair to fight after you have seen all my tricks." After saying this, he immediately He also sent a spiritual message, "Thank you for your help. I can handle it."

Fairy Yundao couldn't express how she felt in her heart. Langxing's words were quite cruel, obviously.

It was to take care of the emotions of the two female cultivators, which showed that the two female cultivators held a very important weight in his heart. The words he spoke with his spiritual thoughts were somewhat humane but also polite. It was obvious that he had no intention of getting too close to him, but he spoke expressively. The act itself shows that this kid still cares about his own feelings.

Fairy Yundao didn't know how she left. Although she didn't want Lang Xing to be hurt, Lang Xing's words made her unable to stay any longer. After flying more than ten thousand miles, she stopped and stared at the battlefield over there. From this distance, she could no longer see the situation over there. Fangxin was panicking and just hoped that Lang Xing would not be hurt too seriously. Xunlao Xianzun would definitely not kill Lang Xing, so she could rest assured. of.

After Fairy Yun Dao left, Lang Xing looked at Xun Lao Immortal with a mocking look in his eyes, "Your cultivation level is several levels higher than mine. You should wait for me to take action before you take action, right?"

Xunlong Immortal Lord stared at him without saying a word. If he felt something was wrong before, what he felt now was evil energy, an evil energy that made him feel uneasy. This kid looked too stable, so stable that he was full of evil energy. and weird.

Langxing unhurriedly took out a black long sword, which was left by Wei Di on the battlefield. He shook it at Xunlong Xianzun and then took back the Qiankun bag and said, "As long as you can tell me something." I'll give it back to you, don't think about it now."

"Hurry up." Xunlong Immortal Lord's urging was full of command. There was no anger or resentment on his face, but the three words he spat out could make people feel the supreme majesty, and his words were followed. This is the majesty that can only be possessed by Huayu monks. His calmness was forced out by Lang Xing. Facing such a wicked brat, he didn't dare to be too careless.

"Okay!" Langxing activated the Dragon Sword, and the powerful pressure emitted by the opponent made him have to use Lingbao to resist it.

Seeing the Dragon Yin Sword, Xun Lao Xianzun's eyes narrowed slightly. The Dragon Yin Sword can be regarded as a palace-suppressing treasure of Qianxu Palace. It requires the later cultivation of Nascent Soul to activate it. This kid is indeed evil enough. Yes, when Lang Xing transmitted spiritual thoughts to Fairy Yun Dao before, he had doubts about this kid's cultivation level, because the cultivation level reflected by that divine thoughts was even higher than that of the late Nascent Soul.

After Langxing activated the Dragon Sword, he slowly activated the small whiteboard, followed by the God of Punishment Whip, as if he was showing off his treasure to the other party.

Xunlongxunzun's eyes suddenly shrank when he saw the small whiteboard. It's not that the power of the small whiteboard is stronger than the Dragon Sword, but because Langxing can actually activate two high-grade spiritual treasures. Langxing is not just putting the treasures away. He came out to show him, but started to activate it. When the God of Punishment Whip appeared in front of Lang Xing with its moon-white brilliance, Xunlongxianzun's expression changed and he couldn't think about what this kid was doing.

How can he have such evil abilities? The first thing he has to consider now is whether he can withstand the simultaneous attacks of these three high-grade spiritual treasures.

Langxing took out the treasures one by one not to show off, but to use scheming. In this way, he could calmly prepare for the attack and disturb the opponent's state of mind. In the case of taking action first, he could deal with such a big enemy. Miraculous powers don't have to be so troublesome for Lang Xing, but he doesn't want to expose the secrets of the magical powers of his mind. If he wants to defeat the opponent without using his mind's attack and not let the opponent escape, it will take a lot of effort.

When Xun Lao Xianzun's expression changed drastically, Langxing quickly activated the fourth spiritual treasure - the Candle Soul Lamp!

This is another top-grade spiritual treasure! As soon as Xunlong Xianzun made this judgment, he felt the powerful magic power from the candle soul lamp. Not good! This guy has already taken action!

That’s right! Different from the previous three times, Langxing activated the Candle Soul Lamp to the extreme immediately after activating it. This could not be regarded as a sneak attack. This was an attack launched under the watchful eyes of Xunlong Xianzun. As for his own heart first It's his own fault if he panics. Who made him so ignorant?

The two sides were nearly ten thousand feet apart. Even after seeing the three spiritual treasures, Xunlongxianzun felt that this distance was safe. At least he would be able to escape easily if he wanted to. However, the appearance of the Candle Soul Lamp suddenly gave him an advantage. It completely disappeared. Now he couldn't care about anything. He was so frightened that he just wanted to escape. Although the magic power of the candle soul lamp could only slow down his speed, he knew very well that under the rapid speed of the three high-grade spiritual treasures, This momentary delay was enough to send him to death!

If that was all, Xunlongxianzun still had hope of escaping before the three spiritual treasures attacked, but Langxing also had the Dazzling Immortal Robe and the Phantom Body Technique.

As the glare flashed, Langxing rushed forward, and the three spiritual treasures hit the body-protecting flash of Xunlong Immortal Lord almost at the same time.

"do not move!"

Following this sharp shout, Xunlongxianzun, who was beaten until blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, saw the fifth spiritual treasure - the Water Ting Sword.

"Don't..., I don't move, I can't move anymore..." Xunlongxianzun's eyes full of fear showed a look of begging. He really couldn't move, because Lang Xing struck out before he shouted. A ban sealed him.

In this electric fight, Su Wan, Jiangxiao, and Xiyang rushed up after Lang Xing. After all, the opponent was a great supernatural power. No matter how powerful Lang Xing was, they could not rest assured. Seeing three spiritual things After Bao hit each other at the same time, they slowed down. Su Wan relied on Piaoying's movement to throw Jiangxiao and Xiyang away by a large distance. She quietly put away the Yeju Tu floating in her sleeves. Secretly he breathed a sigh of relief.

Langxing put away all five spiritual treasures, looked at Xunlong Immortal with slightly chilling eyes and said, "Do you know what to do?"

Xunlongxianzun immediately

He nodded. If Su Wan and others were not present, his attitude would definitely be more humble.

Now that the fight was over, Lang Xing needed to save some face for him, so he used his spiritual thoughts to say, "I should have killed you to silence you for letting me reveal so many secrets, and it's not a pity for someone like you to die, but I must I'm a murderous person, so I'll let you live. I might as well tell you that it doesn't take so much trouble to deal with you. I just don't want you to know more secrets, because you don't deserve to know too much, and it will make you a blessing in disguise, so you Be honest with me, if you still want to take revenge, I will kill you."

Xunlong Immortal Lord nodded to Langxing again, with enough tameness in his eyes. This kid is so evil that he can actually use five high-grade spiritual treasures, especially the last one. Although the handle The sword flashing with lightning just wavered in front of his eyes, but the terrifying magic power was enough to scare him. They were indeed merciful, so he believed in Lang Xing's threat and believed that this kid had more powerful means.

Lang Xing said, "Make an oath. As long as you are willing to stop, we will not tell anyone what happened today." After saying that, he led Su Wan and others back, and put away the weapons he had used on Xunlong Immortal Lord. Restriction, this old guy has been seriously injured, there is no need to prevent him from violently injuring others.

"Thank you." After being able to use his cultivation, Xunlong Immortal Lord used his spiritual thoughts to thank Lang Xing. One was to thank him for showing mercy, and the other was to thank him for taking the initiative not to reveal what happened today. Of course, he also understood. It would not be good for Long Xing if this matter leaked out.

After thanking him, he popped out a drop of oath blood, lowered his head and said, "I swear with my Taoist heart to expose this grudge and never mention it again. I will never leak a word of today's incident to the outside world. If I violate this oath, The heart is forever broken.”

Lang Xing nodded with satisfaction, with a lazy smile on his lips and said, "Go back and teach your two disciples well. If they fall into our hands again next time, they won't be so lucky."

Xunlong Immortal Lord looked at Lang Xing and said, "I will drive them out of the door when I get back."

Lang Xing said with an indifferent expression, "I don't care how to punish them. The important thing is not to let them do evil again."

"Okay." Xunlong Xianzun looked at Langxing with complicated eyes, waiting to hear what else he had to say next.

"That's it, you can do as you please." Lang Xing's tone was relaxed, and his eyes and expression were soothing, without the arrogant attitude of a conqueror.

Xunlongxianzun glanced at Langxing again, as if he wanted to say something, but then turned and left. Lang Xing's kind expression made him want to take the opportunity to get close to Lang Xing. At his level of cultivation, enlightenment is more important than honor and disgrace. Lang Xing is undoubtedly an anomaly in heaven. If he can make friends with him, he will definitely benefit. But the current situation made it impossible for him to lower his face and get closer, so he could only talk about it later.

s? Chapter 2370 was missed and has been added to the end of chapter 2369.

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