Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2395 You took all the advantages

Lu Gang couldn't stand it anymore and said to Xiyang, "You just don't care about your wife? How can you pester others like this?" As soon as he finished speaking, he was swatted away by Jiang Xiao.

"You brat! If you dare to talk too much, I'll beat you to tears!"

"You just watch her bully me, right?!" Lu Gang didn't dare to scold Jiang Xiao, so he had to complain to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing couldn't help but said, "I told you to avoid her, but you still mess with her, go back to practice quickly."

Lu Gang pointed at Lang Xing with his hand, looking so angry that he was speechless.

Xiyang said at this time, "Where are you going to ask for help? Zixiao Palace? Let Fairy Su follow, so that you can have someone to look after you on the way."

Su Wan said, "He would rather go by himself. It would be more convenient to visit some old friends and make friends along the way." This sounded like a very considerate statement, but it was a hidden secret. When Lang Xing said he was going to Zixiao Palace to ask for help, he meant something different. Take her there.

"No, no, no, you should just follow me. I don't have any old friends to visit." Lang Xing had to clarify.

Su Wanzuo said disdainfully, "Isn't the one with the most ability already going to follow you? We can rest assured. You two can go."

Jiangxiao said vindictively, "Yes, don't worry if I'm following you, I guarantee nothing will happen."

"Stop making trouble." Xiyang said to her with a smile, then turned to Su Wan and said, "She still has to help Gongsun heal. If she can't leave, you can go with Lang Xing."

Jiangxiao flew down from Linghe's back and said to Su Wan, "Take good care of my little Zhuo'er. If he has any shortcomings, I won't be able to spare you."

Lang Xing had enough, waved his hand and created a restraint to trap Jiang Xiao, and shouted to Lu Gang, "Hit her!"

Lu Gang rushed over with gleaming eyes, behind him were dozens of feet-high war clouds condensed with spiritual energy. He held high a ten-foot-long black stick condensed with spiritual energy in his hand, and his momentum was quite impressive.

"I think you dare!" Jiang Xiao stared at Lu Gang with a smile and shouted.

Lu Gang really didn’t dare to leave.

When he was still more than ten feet away, he let go and smashed the stick towards Jiangxiao. The momentum was quite strong, but the stick disappeared the moment it was about to hit Jiangxiao.

"Look at your potential!" It was Lang Xing's turn to scold Lu Gang.

Lu Gang laughed loudly and said, "Okay, this is considered venting your anger. You should have had the arrogance to kill her like this a long time ago."

Jiangxiao said harshly to Lang Xing, "Xiao Zhui'er! You asked for this. I didn't want to make things difficult for you. Now you can't blame me! Let me go!"

Lang Xing flew up to Linghe, waved to Su Wan and said, "Let's go, let her vent her anger on Lu Gang."

"I'm going to Qianxu Palace." Lu Gang smiled and flew towards the outside of the magic circle.

Su Wan smiled and got on Linghe. She just wanted to join in the fun and planned to come back after leaving the magic circle. Since Langxing didn't want to take her there, she wouldn't follow.

"Let me go!" Jiang Xiao struggled angrily.

"You just stay here. I'll let you go when I come back." Langxing flew away with the spirit crane, but he put the restraint away before he could fly out of the magic circle.

Jiang Xiao used her movements to catch up. After flying onto the crane, she looked at Lang Xing and Su Wan with proud eyes.

Su Wan didn't understand what her expression meant. She smiled and said, "Are you mad? I didn't offend you. I just want to avenge you. I'm going back." After saying that, she was about to fly up.

"Don't leave! You have already been implicated by him, and you have to pay the debt together!" Jiang Xiao grabbed Su Wan's arm.

After hearing this, Su Wan could guess what she wanted to do, and gave Lang Xing an annoyed sideways glance.

Lang Xing also guessed what Jiang Xiao was going to take the opportunity to write, so he said to Su Wan, "Show it to her, otherwise she won't give up."

In fact, if Gongsun Chong had not been present just now, he would have asked Su Wan to show the map of Yeju to everyone. There was no need to hide it from Xiyang, Lu Gang, and Jiangxiao.

After catching up with Lu Gang, Langxing called him onto the back of Linghe and flew thousands of miles away. Before Jiangxiao could clarify his words, Su Wan took the wild residence picture.

"You can take a look if you want, but you also have to let me see what you three can do." Su Wan took the Yeju map and discussed the terms with Jiang Xiao.

"Okay." Jiangxiao reached out and snatched the Yejutu. There was definitely no need to hide the secret of Zhenyuan Lu from Su Wan. The two of them were just teasing Menzi.

"You have to let me follow you to see it." Lu Gang said to Jiang Xiao while stretching his neck to look at the spread out map of wild residence.

"Get out of here!" Jiangxiao stared at Yejutu with wide eyes, stretched out his hand and pushed Lu Gang on the head.

After looking at it for a while, she licked her lips and said to Su Wan, "It looks like a good thing. How much power does it have?"

Su Wan smiled and teased her, "I can't demonstrate it to you. It's pretty awesome anyway."

Jiangxiao blinked, raised his jade hand and pinched a spell, "Then it's time for me to show you. Look, this is our method, and it's amazing."

Lang Xing and Lu Gang were amused by them and laughed.

Lang Xing used his spiritual thoughts to explain to Jiang Xiao and Lu Gang, "Just like my Qiankun Bag, it can hold people inside. This type of treasure should be considered an immortal treasure. Its storage power is not as good as the Qiankun Bag, but The attack power is extremely powerful. Su Wan hasn't fully understood it yet. She can only put people in but not release them. So I really can't demonstrate it to you. I can tell you that there is still a Yuan Yi clan member locked inside. As for the great supernatural power, it was Su Wan who installed it."

Lu Gang and Jiang Xiao both stared.

Jiangxiao was a little jealous and scolded Su with her spiritual thoughts, "You vixen, I let you take advantage of me."

Su Wanyi used her spiritual thoughts to retort, "I don't know why, it's nothing to do with you in the first place. Don't eat what's in the basin and dominate what's in the pot. Do you have such a big belly!"

Jiangxiao felt comfortable with being scolded this time. She was convinced and speechless even though she was so aggressive. Only Su Wan could rebuke her with confidence when she dominated Langxing.

"Use that bird to demonstrate to me." Jiangxiao pointed to a little bird flying over from the sky and said, this is the most endearing thing about her, she can scold others and she can be scolded, and she doesn't care about any verbal disputes. Go to your heart.

"What kind of magic power can it show? If you put it in, you can't let it out. I have to feed it later." A lie needs countless lies to cover up. Su Wan didn't follow Lang Xing because of the progress in understanding the Yejutu. To be honest, I can only cover it up carefully.

"Then let's find a monster." Jiang Xiao put on a smile.

"No." Lang Xing waved to Su Wan, "We can't let her find out all the details. It will be difficult to deal with her later."

"You bastard!" Jiang Xiao raised his hand and hit him.

"You dead girl!" Langxing shouted with his mind. When Jiangxiao was stunned, he waved her hand to push her off the Linghe, and then urged the Linghe to gallop away.

Lu Gang gloated to Lang Xing, "Just wait for your bad luck."

"All you and his grandma have to do is have fun." Lang Xing smiled and punched Lu Gang. He was even happier than Lu Gang when Lu Gang could smile happily.

Su Wan said, "Okay, the fun is over, I'm going back."

Lu Gang stopped him and said, "No, we are really worried about letting Lang Xing go alone. Just follow me. I also want to ask you for some advice on cultivation. Let's go together." Lang Xing had been working hard to win over him. With Shu Yan, it's time for him to repay Lang Xing.

Lang Xing also advised, "Let's go together. I have something else to tell you."

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