Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2403 More rare than cultivation

Zhixia first turned into an old woman with many wrinkles, then into a girl in her twenties, and finally returned to her original appearance, "My understanding in this area is not high, and over the years I have only changed my appearance. , cannot change the soul phase like the three souls."

Lang Xing's eyes lit up and he said, "This is amazing enough! This book is really a good thing!"

Zhixia shook his head and said, "It's far from that. You should study it with your heart. If you must learn the soul technique, I suggest you first study it to the extent that you can see the soul and spirit in this book. Then you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Yes, and it will be much safer.”

Lang Xing said happily, "Maybe it is something close to the origin of soul magic. Am I right?"

"I dare not say whether it is close to the origin of soul art, but it is definitely close to the origin of disguise art, or the origin of our bodies."

Langxing's eyes brightened even more. According to the Taoism he understood, the body is a shackle, so this book may be the key to unlocking the shackles.

Zhixia said half jokingly and half seriously, "I'm waiting for you to understand and give me some guidance."

"It's all on me!" Lang Xing said in amusement, showing a proud look on his face.

Zhixia curled her lips and asked, "Why did you summon Yan Bing and the others to Nan Jingzhou?" There was no sand in her eyes. ??

"Don't ask. You, a Feathered Immortal Concubine, don't care about trivial matters. Look at Senior Sister, people can just roll up their sleeves and go wandering around. If you continue like this, you will have no future."

Zhixia smiled slightly and said, "I know in my heart that people's lives are different. It is precisely because I am here to take care of it that senior sister can go away with peace of mind. This is the blessing she has earned herself. When I first entered the school, She has taken good care of me, and I will never forget that caring feeling. Your third senior sister is now in a critical period. Whether you can make further progress depends on the next hundred years, so I must protect her. After this period, I will be able to worry less. ”

Langxing cuddled up to the second senior sister eagerly and said sincerely, "The friendship between the four of you is really enviable, and I feel very warm."

Zhixia patted him on the head and said, "It's the five of us. This is the blessing left by the master. Not to mention the senior sister, neither you nor the third senior sister nor the fourth senior sister are willing to take care of others. It is the kindness of the master." Let us know how to care for each other.”

"Yeah." When the master was mentioned, infinite gratitude and nostalgia surged in Langxing's heart. It would be great if the master was still around.

Zhixia was afraid that he would fall into sadness, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I won't ask you why you took them to Nanjingzhou, but if trouble occurs, you can't hide it anymore. There are Zixiao Palace and Qianxu Palace, which are huge." We can also help you settle the matter, don’t be afraid to trouble us, who will we take care of if we don’t take care of you?”

"Second Senior Sister, were you my biological sister in your previous life?" Lang Xing coquettishly snuggled up to Second Senior Sister.

"Who knows, just don't marry a wife and forget your senior sister." Zhixia enjoyed his attachment and put her arms around his shoulders.

"What are you talking about?" Lang Xing glanced at her in embarrassment, then quickly changed the subject and said, "You must keep your word. When you said you took me into your arms again, you showed that you can completely trust me."

"Silly boy, if I didn't completely trust you, would I have allowed you to do whatever you wanted in front of Jingxiao Palace?"

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing laughed heartily. The second senior sister was indeed completely at ease with him. No matter how much trouble he made, she would just support him without even asking why. It felt so good to have such a senior sister. Blessing.

Zhixia pointed outside and said, "Ping'er is waiting for you at the bottom of the mountain. Let's go for a walk first. Let's have a good chat when we come back."

"Okay." Lang Xing stood up happily. At this moment, a figure flashed and Su Wan came out.

"Second Senior Sister." After Su Wan paid homage to Zhixia, she said to Lang Xing with a look of disgust on her face, "You go, Second Senior Sister and I have something to say."

"Okay, okay." Lang Xing walked out quickly, not daring to offend her.

When Ping'er saw Langxing coming out of the courtyard, she immediately greeted him. Although her eyes were full of joy, she could no longer be as affectionate as before. Langxing was now a handsome man, no longer the one who needed her care back then. It's a small drop.

"Having a baby? Not bad." Lang Xing tried his best to show his usual closeness with a smile on his face.

Ping'er said with a satisfied face, "I can't compare with you, but I am already very satisfied. Without the love of Master, uncles, and ancestors, I would never be able to conceive a baby with my qualifications. I’m really happy now.”

"I think you can take one step further. Even becoming a feather is not out of the question."

"You really know how to pick up nice things to say." Ping'er smiled but was angry.

Langxing winked at her and said, "Where there is a will, there is a way. Of course you will not be able to do it now if you have no ambition. I will encourage you later and make sure you can go further. Come on, let's go see Sister Yuehong first." They go." After saying that, he held Ping'er's sleeve and flew towards Wuqing Island.

Ping'er was afraid that she would disappoint him and didn't want him to worry too much about her, so she declined and said, "Don't bother, I'm really satisfied now. From now on, I just want to serve Master with peace of mind and repay everyone's kindness. This pair of For me, it’s a life like a fairy. If my mother knew that I had become a Yuanying monk, she would be smiling. I have nothing more to ask for.”

Langxing stopped, looked at her with peaceful eyes and said, "Okay, let's wait until you feel inadequate. Being able to live to be satisfied is the most rare thing, even rarer than cultivation. Your current situation is really fine."

Ping'er said happily, "You are such a sensible person. No wonder you are so good. If you work harder, you may be able to catch up with the Seven Immortals."

Langxing knew that the Seven Immortals were the people she respected the most, so she smiled and said, "Even if I become an immortal now, I can't compare to the Seven Immortals in your heart. Am I right?"

Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled and said, "That's natural. If the Seven Immortals had lived to your age, he would have become an immortal long ago. It's already too late for you to become an immortal right now."

Langxing was amused. Ping'er's feelings for the Seventh Senior Brother could not be shaken by anyone, not even the God of Death. This made him feel moved and gratified. Emotions that transcend death are the most touching. , what he didn’t know was that this emotion contained residual memories from his previous life.

At this time, Qingyu came flying towards them, and from afar, he used his spiritual thoughts to tease the two of them, "What are these two childhood sweethearts talking about? They are laughing so happily."

Ping'er blushed and spat at her, "I can't say a single good word out of my mouth! Come and pay homage to your junior uncle. If you lack the etiquette, I won't complain to you in front of the second master!"

Qingyu flew over and took hold of Langxing's arm, and said quarrelsomely with Ping'er, "I won't pay you a visit. You go and sue."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" Ping'er gave her a helpless look, flew towards Wuqing Island, turned her head and said to Lang Xing, "I'll go there first, so don't pay any attention to her."

Qingyu said reluctantly, "Come back! You haven't saluted me yet, but I am your uncle!"

"No!" Pinger sped up and ran away.

s?Thank you?Happy?Senior brother became the master of this book. Two chapters are updated to reveal that Xia first turned into an old woman with many wrinkles, then turned into a girl in her twenties, and finally returned to her original appearance, "I am here His understanding is not very high, and after so many years he has only been able to change his physical appearance, and cannot change his soul like the three souls."

Lang Xing's eyes lit up and he said, "This is amazing enough! This book is really a good thing!"

Zhixia shook his head and said, "It's far from that. You should study it with your heart. If you must learn the soul technique, I suggest you first study it to the extent that you can see the soul and spirit in this book. Then you can definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Yes, and it will be much safer.”

Lang Xing said happily, "It may be something close to the origin of soul magic. Am I right?"

"I dare not say whether it is close to the origin of soul art, but it is definitely close to the origin of disguise art, or the origin of our bodies."

Langxing's eyes brightened even more. According to the Taoism he understood, the body is a shackle, so this book may be the key to unlocking the shackles.

Zhixia said half jokingly and half seriously, "I'm waiting for you to understand and give me some guidance."

"It's all on me!" Lang Xing said in amusement, showing a proud look on his face.

Zhixia curled her lips and asked, "Why did you summon Yan Bing and the others to Nan Jingzhou?" There was no sand in her eyes.

"Don't ask. You, a Feathered Immortal Concubine, don't care about trivial matters. Look at Senior Sister, people can just roll up their sleeves and go wandering around. If you continue like this, you will have no future."

Zhixia smiled slightly and said, "I know in my heart that people's lives are different. It is precisely because I am here to take care of it that senior sister can go away with peace of mind. This is the blessing she has earned herself. When I first entered the school, She has taken good care of me, and I will never forget that caring feeling. Your third senior sister is now in a critical period. Whether you can make further progress depends on the next hundred years, so I must protect her. After this period, I will be able to worry less. ”

Langxing cuddled up to the second senior sister eagerly and said sincerely, "The friendship between the four of you is really enviable, and I feel very warm."

Zhixia patted him on the head and said, "It's the five of us. This is the blessing left by the master. Not to mention the senior sister, neither you nor the third senior sister nor the fourth senior sister are willing to take care of others. It is the kindness of the master." Let us know how to care for each other.”

"Yeah." When the master was mentioned, infinite gratitude and nostalgia surged in Langxing's heart. It would be great if the master was still around.

Zhixia was afraid that he would fall into sadness, so he smiled and said, "Okay, I won't ask you why you took them to Nanjingzhou, but if trouble occurs, you can't hide it anymore. There are Zixiao Palace and Qianxu Palace, which are huge." We can also help you settle the matter, don’t be afraid to trouble us, who will we take care of if we don’t take care of you?”

"Second Senior Sister, were you my biological sister in your previous life?" Lang Xing coquettishly snuggled up to Second Senior Sister.

"Who knows, just don't marry a wife and forget about your senior sister." Zhixia enjoyed his attachment and put her arms around his shoulders.

"What are you talking about?" Lang Xing glanced at her in embarrassment, then quickly changed the subject and said, "You must keep your word. When you said you took me into your arms again, you showed that you can completely trust me."

"Silly boy, if I didn't completely trust you, would I have allowed you to do whatever you wanted in front of Jingxiao Palace?"

"Hahahaha..." Lang Xing laughed heartily. The second senior sister was indeed completely at ease with him. No matter how much trouble he made, she would just support him without even asking why. It felt so good to have such a senior sister. Blessing.

Zhixia pointed outside and said, "Ping'er is waiting for you at the bottom of the mountain. Let's go for a walk first. Let's have a good chat when we come back."

"Okay." Lang Xing stood up happily. At this moment, a figure flashed and Su Wan came out.

"Second Senior Sister." After Su Wan paid homage to Zhixia, she said to Lang Xing with a look of disgust on her face, "You go, Second Senior Sister and I have something to say."

"Okay, okay." Lang Xing walked out quickly, not daring to offend her.

When Ping'er saw Langxing coming out of the courtyard, she immediately greeted him. Although her eyes were full of joy, she could no longer be as affectionate as before. Langxing was now a handsome man, no longer the one who needed her care back then. It's a small drop.

"Having a baby? Not bad." Lang Xing tried his best to show his usual closeness with a smile on his face.

Ping'er said with a satisfied look, "I can't compare with you, but I am already very satisfied. Without the love of my master, uncles, and ancestors, I would never be able to have a baby with my qualifications. I’m really happy now.”

"I think you can go further. Even becoming a feather is not out of the question."

"You really know how to pick up nice things to say." Ping'er smiled but was angry.

Langxing winked at her and said, "Where there is a will, there is a way. Of course you will not be able to do it now if you have no ambition. I will encourage you later and make sure you can go further. Come on, let's go see Sister Yuehong first." They go." After saying that, he held Ping'er's sleeve and flew towards Wuqing Island.

Ping'er was afraid that she would disappoint him and didn't want him to worry too much about her, so she declined and said, "Don't bother, I'm really satisfied now. From now on, I just want to serve Master with peace of mind and repay everyone's kindness. This pair of For me, it’s a life like a fairy. If my mother knew that I had become a Yuanying monk, she would be smiling. I have nothing more to ask for.”

Langxing stopped, looked at her with peaceful eyes and said, "Okay, let's wait until you feel inadequate. Being able to live to be satisfied is the most rare thing, even rarer than cultivation. Your current situation is really fine."

Ping'er said happily, "You are such a sensible person. No wonder you are so good. If you work harder, you may be able to catch up with the Seven Immortals."

Langxing knew that the Seven Immortals were the people she respected the most, so she smiled and said, "Even if I become an immortal now, I can't compare to the Seven Immortals in your heart. Am I right?"

Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled and said, "That's natural. If the Seven Immortals had lived to your age, he would have become an immortal long ago. It's already too late for you to become an immortal right now."

Langxing was amused. Ping'er's feelings for the Seventh Senior Brother could not be shaken by anyone, not even the God of Death. This made him feel moved and gratified. Emotions that transcend death are the most touching. , what he didn’t know was that this emotion contained residual memories from his previous life.

At this time, Qingyu came flying towards them, and from afar, he used his spiritual thoughts to tease the two of them, "What are these two childhood sweethearts talking about? They are laughing so happily."

Ping'er blushed and spat at her, "I can't say a single good word out of my mouth! Come and pay homage to your junior uncle. If you lack the etiquette, I won't complain to you in front of the second master!"

Qingyu flew over and took hold of Langxing's arm, and said quarrelsomely with Ping'er, "I won't pay you a visit. You go and sue."

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" Ping'er gave her a helpless look, flew towards Wuqing Island, turned her head and said to Lang Xing, "I'll go there first, so don't pay any attention to her."

Qingyu said reluctantly, "Come back! You haven't saluted me yet, but I am your uncle!"

"No!" Pinger sped up and ran away.

s?Thank you?Happy?Senior brother to become the master of this book, two chapters in a row

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