Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2415: Warning Technique

"What do you mean?" Xinxie followed up and asked in confusion.

Langxing said with his heart: "Don't let them know the secret of little Yuanying. Shao Ling and Xiao Ling definitely don't like it. I forgot to tell you. Your little brother and I have the ability to walk through the void water. I'll give it to you." They just go down."

Xinxie said nothing, and the frustration in his heart became stronger. Even if Langxing said that he could become an immortal, he wouldn't be too surprised. Now he no longer cares about what will happen to Langxing in the end. What he cares about is Does a person like him who are thousands of miles away from others still have a chance to step into the immortal gate? The fact that Lang Xing spent more than ten days to understand Zixiao Lingri was a huge blow to him. In comparison, he In the past, it was no longer a big deal to kill the Golden Wind Immortal Lord with the help of his spiritual power.

Seeing Lang Xing leading Liu Yun and Ling Ye into Xu Shui, Xin Xie didn't feel worried at all. He believed everything Lang Xing said now. He was somewhat confused by Lang Xing.

After Langxing came up, the two people started talking at the edge of Xushui.

The topic naturally starts with the understanding of Zixiao Lingri. Because Xinxie has a high attainment in this magic, Lang Xing only said a few words to Xinxie and he felt like he was waking up from a dream. Compare Listening to Langxing's words to confirm what he had learned over the years, Xinxie's heart was beating fast. He realized that he seemed to have been in a large fog, and now he saw a glimmer of light shining in from the outside. With this light, you may be able to get out of the fog and enter a new world.

"No! Sixth Senior Brother, you'd better find a place where no one is around to practice. This move is too powerful in your hands." Lang Xing was frightened when he saw Sixth Senior Brother raising his finger in a daze. It must be stopped immediately.

Xinxie stopped his hand, moved his lips and wanted to ask Langxing something, but he didn't know how to ask, and then he just left.

Langxing looked at the back of the Sixth Senior Brother and blinked, then a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth. This made things easier. Originally, he was having trouble with how much he should tell the Sixth Senior Brother. If he told the Sixth Senior Brother too much, he was afraid that the Sixth Senior Brother would get to the bottom of it. , and he can't reveal the secrets of the Lingxin Clan's skills, so he won't talk about it too much, and he's afraid that the Sixth Senior Brother won't be able to understand it.

Before half of what came out was said, the sixth senior brother seemed to have some enlightenment and left. Let him understand it by himself. Who made him smart?

Langxing flew to Wuqing Island with a wicked smile on his face. He had to say hello to little Yuanying, lest little Yuanying would panic when he bumped into Liuyun and Lingye when he went to the secret realm.

After secretly greeting Xiao Yuanying, he leisurely went to Luci Island to see Su Wan. Now he was in a really good mood. Through Fuliu Xianzun reprimanding Xin Zheng, he really felt He now has a transcendent status in the cultivation world. Although the battle at Gujin Mountain was a forced leak, on the other hand, letting these great powers know about his power also brought him a lot of convenience. After getting rid of the trouble of dealing with people like Xin Zheng, he can be more unhindered in Puyun Prefecture from now on.

In fact, after meeting Fuliu Immortal Lord, he really wanted to kill Du Daozi. This creature was worse than a beast and deserved death. Besides, he also carried many secrets of the Tianlu Alliance. Keeping them would be a disaster, but he could be beaten. Doing this under the guise of revenge will definitely not deceive anyone. Everyone knows that, no matter how young and ignorant he is, he should not kill a traitor who is so important to Qianzonghui. It can only be out of help. The purpose of the Heavenly Law Alliance, he had to take into account the impact on Zixiao Palace, so he had no choice but to let it go. He didn't take it too seriously. When he could help the Heavenly Law Alliance, he would naturally help. If he can't help, he won't be embarrassed. When he can kill the scum, he will kill him. If he can't kill him, don't force him. He has already lived to this level. There are not many things in the world that he can expend energy on. See Xiu The world disputes really look like ants fighting each other.

The following days passed easily. Firstly, nothing major happened. Secondly, Xu Sheng Jingsheng and the others did not dare to trouble him. This young uncle was so fierce that even people like Xin Zheng dared to contradict him. , and also caused the other party to come back defeated. If there was no serious matter, they would not dare to go to this young uncle again.

A month later, he went down to the Xu Shui Secret Realm to see Ling Ye and Liu Yun.

He placed the two people on two mountains thousands of miles apart. When he went to see Lingye, Lingye was meditating and Liuyun was waiting for his arrival.

"How's it going? The fifth senior brother is still meditating." He smiled and fell next to Liuyun.

Liu Yun looked at him calmly and said, "I've gained a lot. I'll teach you a spell. Just don't pass it on to anyone else."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "You think you owe me too much, don't you? Don't you feel at ease?"

Liu Yun smiled and said, "It's true, but now I think more about giving you the ability to protect yourself. You must not get into trouble, it will trick me. Xing'er, you must protect yourself." "

Seeing that she was a little emotional, Langxing chuckled and said, "You two may not be able to beat me together, so don't worry about it. I have too many spells to learn. I don't need you to teach me any more. You have to think If you feel sorry for me, please help me take care of the imperial concubine."

Liuyun looked solemn and said with his spiritual thoughts, "What I want to teach you is the 'Beware of Heart Technique'. It is the supreme technique of our Qianjie Sect. You should learn it."

"I know it must be this technique, but I really can't learn it now. Let's talk about it later. I know your intentions clearly." Lang Xing didn't want to embarrass her. The Warning Technique must not be passed on to others. Liu Yun It was with great determination.

Liu Yun sighed softly, no one could be unmoved by the Jie Xin Jue, Lang Xing was considerate of her.

Langxing persuaded with a warm smile, "Senior sister, this is all fate. Ever since we met in Shui Qingzhou, we have been tied together by the fifth senior brother. I know how much you love me. There is no need to think about it." If you want to repay me with something, I will naturally ask if I need your help. I won’t see you outside, and you shouldn’t see me either. Didn’t I just send you the imperial concubine directly? If I treat you as outsiders, How dare I cause trouble to you like this."

Liuyun nodded, "Okay, since you said that, what's the matter?

You must speak up. Your business is my business. Don’t think about whether it’s troublesome or not. The emperor’s concubine’s affairs are nothing. You just wanted to hide the matter from me that caused the Juyi League and Taiming Sect. Next time If this happens again, it's your fault. "

Lang Xing said helplessly, "There's no need for you to come forward in that matter. It's because my uncle Fei was worried and asked for so many helpers. The second senior sister brought Little Demon Lord there again. As a result, it became more and more chaotic, and he almost couldn't help it." In the end, if I had been able to resolve it myself, it wouldn’t have ended up like this.”

Liuyun didn't let him cover it up. He sealed his throat with his sword and said, "We can just hide our faces and hold the battle for you secretly. This is two different things than trying to solve it ourselves without telling us."

Lang Xing immediately said, "Okay, I will definitely tell you next time something like this happens again."

Liu Yun shook his head and said, "You don't have to deal with me. I've already taken out my heart and showed it to you. You just need to understand."

"I have long understood that this is purely unnecessary. You have to let me treat you as a servant girl a few times before you feel comfortable."

Liuyun was amused by his words, and reached out to pinch his cheek and said, "Then tell me how you managed to fly here, and let me see how true your heart is."

Lang Xing easily avoided her hand and said with a smile, "You are really good at climbing the ladder, but I will have to wait until you officially become my fifth master sister-in-law before I tell you such a big secret."

"Damn it! Do you believe that I will bully Amelia Su?"

"Do you believe that I left you here so that you had no chance to bully her?" Lang Xing said while walking back and forth in front of her.

Liu Yun understood that he was demonstrating the movement technique to himself. It seemed that he couldn't tell the secrets casually, so he observed attentively.

Another month later, Lang Xing took Ling Ye and Liu Yun out of the Xu Shui Secret Realm and sent them out of Zixiao Palace. Although Liu Yun wanted to take Lang Xing back to Ziyun Mountain to guard them every day, it could only be a beautiful thing. In the dream, Langxing is a dragon. The water in Ziyun Mountain is too shallow to support this dragon, whose head and horns are getting more and more impressive.

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