Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2419 Huh? That's right...

Everyone was stunned. They couldn't understand how Lang Xing slapped Yushanzi on the face. Yushanzi activated the divine light of body protection. It was impossible for Langxing's cultivation to do this. a little.

Only Xianyu behaved calmly, and without guessing, he knew that this must be the little devil doing something secretly.

Yushanzi covered his face and looked at Langxing with angry and confused eyes. The person who was beaten didn't understand how he was beaten. He just felt that he was suddenly blocked by a restriction, but he couldn't be too sure. Because the distance between them was too close, and Lang Xing's movements were too fast, at that moment he couldn't tell what method the other party used to make him lose his cultivation.

"If you don't get out, I'll kill you." Lang Xing pointed at him and said in a calm tone.

Yu Shanzi escaped this time without daring to say a word, taking with him the humiliation he had fought for, because he could see from the other person's eyes that the Eight Immortals really dared to kill him, and would do it immediately, just like that. Just like that slap, it was slapped after a slight delay. This kid was much more vicious than Nuan Dong.

"You guys..." Nuan Dong pointed at Xu Sheng and the four of them, and finally did not curse the word "trash". These four are all respectable, and they are followed by a group of their disciples. In such an occasion You have to save some face for them.

"Let's go!" She waved her hand and led the team to move forward. This "let's go" was filled with anger. This bastard Yu Shanzi made her feel quite humiliated. At first, she was not too annoyed. Anyway, Yu Shanzi's status was not low. , she scolded others, it was normal for people to show dissatisfaction, but Lang Xing's hearty slap made her feel that she was not tough enough. She didn't know that the reason why Lang Xing was so tyrannical was because he treated these thousands of people. The minions of the sect have hatred from the bottom of their hearts, and they will naturally not let go of the opportunity to express their hatred.

Nuan Dong did not ask Lang Xing what method she used to slap him, because she knew that her junior brother could even kill a feathered monster, and now was not the time to ask this question.

The team hadn't gone far when a team of people came up from the opposite side. They were led by Quan Mao and Quan Zhong, two 13th-generation disciples of the Wuji Sect. Behind them were forty or fifty disciples. Yu Shanzi also led Heicheng. The people he sent followed him. He was looking for someone to seek justice for him.

Quan Mao said to Lang Xing with a strange expression, "Why is my junior brother so angry? Yu Shanzi is about the same age as your senior brother, how can he just hit him? This is unreasonable." In Wuji Sect, he and Zi The relationship with Xiao Palace is the best, so he is blaming Lang Xing as an elder brother, and his tone is not very harsh. Moreover, he has personally seen Xin De and Zhi Xia's indulgence of Lang Xing in Jing Xiao Palace, and he does not want to offend this boy. .

Lang Xing didn't want to fall out with this person who was very polite to him. Just when he was about to clasp his fists and bow his hands in greeting, Nuan Dong suddenly got angry.

Nuan Dong pointed at Yu Shanzi with a raised eyebrow and said, "Who the hell is he?! How dare he block my way again and again. It's easy to hit him. If he dares to block the way again, I'll kill him!" "

Quan Mao frowned and said nothing. The Wuji Sect did take the opportunity to weaken Zixiao Palace's arrogance this time, but they didn't expect that Zixiao Palace would lead the team with such two pieces of material. They originally wanted to be tough. attitude towards those from Zixiao Palace, but before they could get tough on their side, they had already fully drawn their bows. If they were tough with these two pieces of material, they would start fighting in just a few words, and the fight would start. The consequences are unbearable for both parties. Isn't this nonsense? How dare Zixiao Palace let these two people lead the team? Is this a clever plan of Zixiao Palace? Can

This is simply playing with fire. He doesn't believe that Zhixia and the others have the guts.

"Nuan Dong, you take yourself too seriously!" Quan Zhong looked at Nuan Dong with a cold face. He ranked twenty-sixth among the thirteen generations of Wuji Sect disciples and was more than 500 years older than Nuan Dong. He was still young and energetic, and Nuan Dong was so arrogant that he couldn't stand it.

"What?! You're not convinced, are you? Then let's have a showdown!" An old-colored reed flute appeared in Nuan Dong's hand. Although she came to compete with the Wuji Sect, she never thought of being so tyrannical at first. Moreover, she also knew that she was too light compared to Quan Zhen, Quan Mao and others. She planned to wait for Xin Ping and others to come over before formally talking to the Wuji Sect. It was Lang Xing who brought her to this step by step. .

"Do you dare to compete with me without using the treasure!?" Quan Zhong was a little short of breath. The warm winter was deeply loved by Zhengtian Lord and Huarui Fairy Princess. The reed flute was an almost fairy treasure. He knew that his treasure was related to others. The comparison is too far behind.

Nuan Dong pointed at him with the reed flute, and sneered in return, "You take yourself too seriously. Do you think your four fairies have free time to play with you? Just shut up if you don't dare to fight." !”

Quan Mao raised his hand to stop Quan Zhong, who was about to argue with Nuan Dong. He looked at Nuan Dong and asked, "Did the Second Immortal Concubine send you two here?"

Nuan Dong kept silent with an inscrutable look on his face. It was best not to let them know about the second senior sister's retreat.

Because Lang Xing was confident in his heart, he was not afraid to tell them about the seclusion of his second senior sister, and said, "Shortly after you and senior brother Jingfeng left Zixiao Palace, my second senior sister and senior brother went into seclusion one after another. We both did it ourselves." Advocacy comes.”

"Ah? That's it..." Quan Mao felt bitter in his heart. These two people are really courageous. He has never seen such a stunned Qingtouqing. Even the little devil can't do such a thing. The Demon Lord does things on his own and never uses the power of Zixiao Palace. But these two are so good that they almost brought out all the elites from Zixiao Palace. How come they are so courageous? ! I really dare to think and do it.

Quan Mao turned his attention to Xu Sheng and others, feeling suspicious in his heart. Like Xin Zheng, he didn't quite believe that Zhixia and Xinde were in seclusion in this chaotic time, and Xu Sheng and the others were already well-known figures in Puyun Prefecture. , it is impossible to let these two people behave like this.

Xu Sheng could understand the doubts in Quan Mao's eyes, and said with some helplessness, "My master and the Second Immortal Concubine have indeed gone into seclusion. You can talk to them after you think about it. We can't restrain them. If it's just a warm winter, It's okay for me to be alone, but we can't afford to offend this little uncle."

Quan Mao turned his eyes to Lang Xing's face. He really didn't know how to talk to this kid. The sound of the slap that slapped Daozi was still in his ears. Now he slapped Yushanzi again. How could he talk to such a person? ?

Langxing wanted to talk to him, but when he saw him looking over, he smiled and said, "Fourth Senior Brother, we heard about Pei Yuan's injury to Quan Heng. In terms of the relationship between Zixiao Palace and the Soul Refining Sect, this We can’t ignore things…”

As soon as he said this, Quan Zhong snorted coldly, "Can you control it?"

Langxing looked at him and said calmly, "It's not your place to talk. You just contradicted my Fourth Senior Sister and I'm too lazy to talk to you. It seems that you really take yourself seriously. If you dare to talk too much, I want you to be like him." He pointed at Yushanzi, whose face was still swollen.

"You dare to touch me!" Quan Zhong glared at Lang Xing angrily. Everyone was stunned. They couldn't understand how Lang Xing slapped Yushanzi on the face. Yushanzi activated the divine light of body protection. It was impossible for Langxing's cultivation to do this. a little.

Only Xianyu behaved calmly, and without guessing, he knew that this must be the little devil doing something secretly.

Yushanzi covered his face and looked at Langxing with angry and confused eyes. The person who was beaten didn't understand how he was beaten. He just felt that he was suddenly blocked by a restriction, but he couldn't be too sure. Because the distance between them was too close, and Lang Xing's movements were too fast, at that moment he couldn't tell what method the other party used to make him lose his cultivation.

"If you don't get out, I'll kill you." Lang Xing pointed at him and said in a calm tone.

Yu Shanzi escaped this time without daring to say a word, taking with him the humiliation he had fought for, because he could see from the other person's eyes that the Eight Immortals really dared to kill him, and would do it immediately, just like that. Just like that slap, it was slapped after a slight delay. This kid was much more vicious than Nuan Dong.

"You guys..." Nuan Dong pointed at Xu Sheng and the four of them, and finally did not curse the word "trash". These four are all respectable, and they are followed by a group of their disciples. In such an occasion You have to save some face for them.

"Let's go!" She waved her hand and led the team to move forward. This "let's go" was filled with anger. This bastard Yu Shanzi made her feel quite humiliated. At first, she was not too annoyed. Anyway, Yu Shanzi's status was not low. , she scolded others, it was normal for people to show dissatisfaction, but Lang Xing's hearty slap made her feel that she was not tough enough. She didn't know that the reason why Lang Xing was so tyrannical was because he treated these thousands of people. The minions of the sect have hatred from the bottom of their hearts, and they will naturally not let go of the opportunity to express their hatred.

Nuan Dong did not ask Lang Xing what method she used to slap him, because she knew that her junior brother could even kill a feathered monster, and now was not the time to ask this question.

The team hadn't gone far when a team of people came up from the opposite side. They were led by Quan Mao and Quan Zhong, two 13th-generation disciples of the Wuji Sect. Behind them were forty or fifty disciples. Yu Shanzi also led Heicheng. The people he sent followed him. He was looking for someone to seek justice for him.

Quan Mao said to Lang Xing with a strange expression, "Why is my junior brother so angry? Yu Shanzi is about the same age as your senior brother, how can he just hit him? This is unreasonable." In Wuji Sect, he and Zi The relationship with Xiao Palace is the best, so he is blaming Lang Xing as an elder brother, and his tone is not very harsh. Moreover, he has seen with his own eyes Xin De and Zhi Xia's indulgence of Lang Xing in Jing Xiao Palace, and he does not want to offend this boy. .

Lang Xing didn't want to fall out with this person who was very polite to him. Just when he was about to clasp his fists and bow his hands in greeting, Nuan Dong suddenly broke out.

Nuan Dong pointed at Yu Shanzi with a raised eyebrow and said, "Who the hell is he?! How dare he block my way again and again. It's easy to hit him. If he dares to block the way again, I'll kill him!" "

Quan Mao frowned and said nothing. The Wuji Sect did take the opportunity to weaken Zixiao Palace's arrogance this time, but they didn't expect that Zixiao Palace would lead the team with such two pieces of material. They originally wanted to be tough. attitude towards those from Zixiao Palace, but before they could get tough on their side, they had already fully drawn their bows. If they were tough with these two pieces of material, they would start fighting in just a few words, and the fight would start. The consequences are unbearable for both parties. Isn't this nonsense? How dare Zixiao Palace let these two people lead the team? Is this a clever plan of Zixiao Palace? Can

This is simply playing with fire. He doesn't believe that Zhixia and the others have the guts.

"Nuan Dong, you take yourself too seriously!" Quan Zhong looked at Nuan Dong with a cold face. He ranked twenty-sixth among the thirteen generations of Wuji Sect disciples and was more than 500 years older than Nuan Dong. He was still young and energetic, and Nuan Dong was so arrogant that he couldn't stand it.

"What?! You're not convinced, are you? Then let's have a showdown!" An old-colored reed flute appeared in Nuan Dong's hand. Although she came to compete with the Wuji Sect, she never thought of being so tyrannical at first. Moreover, she also knew that she was too light compared to Quan Zhen, Quan Mao and others. She planned to wait for Xin Ping and others to come over before formally talking to the Wuji Sect. It was Lang Xing who brought her to this step by step. .

"Do you dare to compete with me without using the treasure!?" Quan Zhong was a little short of breath. The warm winter was deeply loved by Zhengtian Lord and Huarui Fairy Princess. The reed flute was an almost fairy treasure. He knew that his treasure was related to others. The comparison is too far behind.

Nuan Dong pointed at him with the reed flute, and sneered in return, "You take yourself too seriously. Do you think your four fairies have free time to play with you? Just shut up if you don't dare to fight." !”

Quan Mao raised his hand to stop Quan Zhong, who was about to argue with Nuan Dong. He looked at Nuan Dong and asked, "Did the Second Immortal Concubine send you two here?"

Nuan Dong kept silent with an inscrutable look on his face. It was best not to let them know about the second senior sister's retreat.

Because Lang Xing was confident in his heart, he was not afraid to tell them about the seclusion of his second senior sister, and said, "Shortly after you and senior brother Jingfeng left Zixiao Palace, my second senior sister and senior brother went into seclusion one after another. We both did it ourselves." Advocacy comes.”

"Ah? That's it..." Quan Mao felt bitter in his heart. These two people are really courageous. He has never seen such a stunned Qingtouqing. Even the little devil can't do such a thing. The Demon Lord does things on his own and never uses the power of Zixiao Palace. But these two are so good that they almost brought out all the elites from Zixiao Palace. How come they are so courageous? ! I really dare to think and do it.

Quan Mao turned his attention to Xu Sheng and others, feeling suspicious in his heart. Like Xin Zheng, he didn't quite believe that Zhixia and Xinde were in seclusion in this chaotic time, and Xu Sheng and the others were already well-known figures in Puyun Prefecture. , it is impossible to let these two people behave like this.

Xu Sheng could understand the doubts in Quan Mao's eyes, and said with some helplessness, "My master and the Second Immortal Concubine have indeed gone into seclusion. You can talk to them after you think about it. We can't restrain them. If it's just a warm winter, It's okay for me to be alone, but we can't afford to offend this little uncle."

Quan Mao turned his eyes to Lang Xing's face. He really didn't know how to talk to this kid. The sound of the slap that slapped Daozi was still in his ears. Now he slapped Yushanzi again. How could he talk to such a person? ?

Langxing wanted to talk to him, but when he saw him looking over, he smiled and said, "Fourth Senior Brother, we heard about Pei Yuan's injury to Quan Heng. In terms of the relationship between Zixiao Palace and the Soul Refining Sect, this We can’t ignore things…”

As soon as he said this, Quan Zhong snorted coldly, "Can you control it?"

Langxing looked at him and said calmly, "It's not your place to talk. You just contradicted my Fourth Senior Sister and I'm too lazy to talk to you. It seems that you really take yourself seriously. If you dare to talk too much, I want you to be like him." He pointed at Yushanzi, whose face was still swollen.

"You dare to touch me!" Quan Zhong glared at Lang Xing angrily.

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