Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2422 Pei Yuan is also considered filial

Pei Mu sighed and said, "I fought with Quanzhen once. He deliberately wanted to use me to establish his power. He asked me to go out and didn't even talk for a while before he made a move. I'm afraid it won't be easy to keep Yuan'er this time." "

"I'm going to see Pei Yuan. Is what Senior Brother Pei Song told us the truth? Was it really Quan Heng who beat him first?"

Pei Dong led Langxing to fly to Pei Yuan's residence and said, "How dare we not tell the truth about this kind of thing? Pei Yuan is really not to blame this time, it's the bullying that went too far. Our decline, cats and dogs They all dare to bully us. It doesn’t matter who is reasonable and who is not. Who asked him to hit Quan Yong? I can only blame him for being too harsh. You know this kid, once he becomes famous, I didn’t care about anything at all. This time I was really bullied by Quan Heng. We felt sorry for him and hated him.”

"Where's Uncle Yin Zhen? Didn't Uncle Yin Zhen take him away? Why did he come back?"

"While your uncle was in seclusion, he came back on his own. We don't dare to ask your uncle to come back for this matter. The Wuji Sect is too powerful. Quan really has the courage to attack your uncle. We can't let him suffer." The humiliation of these people." At this point, he glanced at Pei Lin beside him, "Big brother said, I would rather abandon this son than let your uncle come back and be humiliated. With your uncle's love for Pei Yuan, I will definitely bow to these people. Pei Yuan is also considered filial and will not tell you where your master is in retreat. "

Langxing said to Pei Lin, "Elder brother, don't worry too much, there is Zixiao Palace."

Pei Lin nodded gratefully to him, "Junior brother, senior brother will never forget your kindness today."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Elder brother, you are serious. Why should one family speak the same language?"

At this time, they had flown to a small mountain col, and a beautiful woman dressed in elegant clothes came out to greet them.

Langxing knew that this beautiful woman was Pei Yuan's aunt, Pei Liu, the Seventh Fairy of the Soul Refining Sect. He stepped forward to greet her and said, "Seventh Senior Sister, I'm here to see Pei Yuan."

Pei Liu forced a smile and asked Pei Mu puzzledly what was going on. Why did this little fairy come to see Pei Yuan at this time?

After listening to Pei Mu's explanation of the situation, Pei Liu led Lang Xing into the magic circle in the small mountain with a strange look on his face, and explained to Lang Xing, "Yuan'er is clamoring to go out and take care of this matter by himself. We have no choice." If you don’t lock him up, little junior brother, please help us persuade him.”

"Okay." Langxing saw Pei Yuan walking out of the house with heavy steps, and asked with a smile, "Are you injured too?"

Pei Yuan smiled calmly and said, "There are four of them. It would be great if I could escape unscathed. If I had known this, it would be better to die with that kid. It would be less troublesome than this."

Langxing stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. This disaster had obviously made Pei Yuan grow up a lot, and he no longer had that fearless energy.

"Send me all the scenes where you two started fighting. Don't hide anything. I'll see how to resolve this matter."

Pei Yuan frowned, Lang Xing's words sounded a bit strange to him.

Pei Liu said from the side, "The reinforcements from Zixiao Palace have arrived. They were led by your junior uncle and fourth senior sister. Please report the truth to your junior uncle."

"You... you two?!" Pei Yuan's eyes widened.

Lang Xing smiled proudly and said, "What? Do you look down on us both? Let me tell you something else. I just beat up Quan Zhong in front of Quan Mao."

Now, that kid has to go back and raise him for a few years. Quan Mao didn’t even dare to say a harsh word to me, “Is your kid okay?” Don't get into trouble that you can't afford. I've known for a long time that something will happen to you. In fact, I know it without you telling me. You and Quan Heng are the chief and deputy leaders of the alliance. Why do you think you are arguing with him? Can you win against him? Put all your energy into cultivation, overwhelm him in terms of cultivation, and let go of all your anger. You will become a great monk in the late Yuanying stage. If he asks you to be the leader of the alliance, you won’t even bother to do it. That is worth breaking the Qian Shao Alliance. what. "

Pei Yuan sighed bitterly, "Xinqing also advised me this way, but it's useless to say this now. If Xinqing doesn't die, Quan Heng won't dare to be so arrogant with me. He won't even give a shit in front of your seventh senior brother." Damn it, this coward dares to brag and stare at me now!" He angrily relayed the story of the two men's actions with his spiritual mind.

The process was almost as Lang Xing guessed. Quan Heng was indeed a bit bullying. He pointed at Pei Yuan's nose and cursed endlessly. Pei Yuan suddenly took action when he couldn't bear it anymore and caught Quan Heng off guard. With Quan Heng's powerful treasures, it was difficult for Pei Yuan to injure him. After severely injuring Quan Heng, he used an escape treasure to escape.

"You are so cruel, you are just trying to kill him." After reading what happened, Lang Xing shook his head and said.

Pei Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "I just want his life. Even if you kill him and ask me to pay for his life, I will accept it."

Pei Liu complained to Langxing, "He has such a hot temper, and it's his fault that we spoiled him. But the whole feud is really too much. It's only fair to give fifty to each side in this matter, and we won't ask for leave." Yes, just ask them not to destroy Yuan'er's path."

Pei Yuanling said with eyes, "No need to beg them, just hand me over and let them do whatever they want. I would rather die than drag my father and grandfather down!"

Lang Xing pushed him and said, "Just stay aside. Since you don't want to drag down your father and your grandfather, then don't be so reckless in the future and use your brain more when things happen."

Pei Liu scolded him and said, "Look at your junior uncle. He is more than a thousand years younger than you. Look at how sensible and sensible he is."

Pei Yuan muttered unconvinced, "He took advantage of his seniority. Back then, Xinqing could do more nonsense than me. Who dares to say anything about him?"

Pei Liu angrily lectured him, "You are just a confused person. Even now you don't understand that your Junior Seventh Master is much smarter than you. Do you think he just relies on his seniority? He has survived better than the rest of us." A man who is thousands of years old is so strong that even the Fairy Princess Yuchan was coaxed into running around by him. Do you have that ability?"

Lang Xing waved his hand to stop Pei Liu, and said with a smile, "Don't scold him now. Let's teach him slowly in the future. Senior sister just said that it would be fair to give each person a fifty-fifty blow. I think it is reasonable to give him a full sixty pound. Yes." Causes have consequences. That kid is looking for death. It's really wrong for Pei Yuan to be so harsh. In addition to giving him more compensation, he will inevitably have to serve some years in prison, otherwise he won't be able to explain himself. "

Pei Liu grabbed Lang Xing's hand and said, "Junior brother, we don't dare to think of such cheap things. As long as his cultivation is not ruined, we will be satisfied. We have nothing to say if he is sent to jail for the rest of his life. When you go back, senior brother and sister." Please say some kind words for us in front of us. All our hope now lies with you, otherwise..." She shook her head miserably and said no more.

Langxing comforted him, "Don't worry, Seventh Senior Sister, we will do our best. Pei Yuan took care of me when I was young, and I have to help him in this regard." Pei Mu sighed and said, "He Quan We really had a fight with him. He wanted to show off my authority on purpose. He made a move without even saying a few words when he asked me to go out. I'm afraid it won't be easy to keep Yuan'er this time. "

"I'm going to see Pei Yuan. Is what Senior Brother Pei Song told us the truth? Was it really Quan Heng who beat him first?"

Pei Dong led Langxing to fly to Pei Yuan's residence and said, "How dare we not tell the truth about this kind of thing? Pei Yuan is really not to blame this time. It's the bullying that goes too far. Our decline, cats and dogs They all dare to bully us. It doesn’t matter who is reasonable and who is not. Who asked him to hit Quan Yong? I can only blame him for being too harsh. You know this kid, once he becomes famous, I didn’t care about anything at all. This time I was really bullied by Quan Heng. We felt sorry for him and hated him.”

"Where's Uncle Yin Zhen? Didn't Uncle Yin Zhen take him away? Why did he come back again?"

"While your uncle was in seclusion, he came back on his own. We don't dare to invite your uncle back for this matter. The Wuji Sect is too powerful. Quan really has the courage to attack your uncle. We can't let him suffer." The humiliation of these people." At this point, he glanced at Pei Lin beside him, "Big brother said, I would rather abandon this son than let your uncle come back and be humiliated. With your uncle's love for Pei Yuan, I will definitely bow to these people. Pei Yuan is also considered filial and will not tell you where your master is in retreat. "

Langxing said to Pei Lin, "Elder brother, don't worry too much, there is Zixiao Palace."

Pei Lin nodded gratefully to him, "Junior brother, senior brother will never forget your kindness today."

Lang Xing waved his hand and said, "Eldest brother, you are serious. Why should one family speak the same language?"

At this time, they had flown to a small mountain col, and a beautiful woman dressed in elegant clothes came out to greet them.

Langxing knew that this beautiful woman was Pei Yuan's aunt, Pei Liu, the Seventh Fairy of the Soul Refining Sect. He stepped forward to greet her and said, "Seventh Senior Sister, I'm here to see Pei Yuan."

Pei Liu forced a smile and asked Pei Mu puzzledly what was going on. Why did this little fairy come to see Pei Yuan at this time?

After listening to Pei Mu's explanation of the situation, Pei Liu led Lang Xing into the magic circle in the small mountain with a strange look on his face, and explained to Lang Xing, "Yuan'er is clamoring to go out and take care of this matter by himself. We have no choice." If you don’t lock him up, little junior brother, please help us persuade him.”

"Okay." Langxing saw Pei Yuan walking out of the house with heavy steps and asked with a smile, "Are you injured too?"

Pei Yuan smiled calmly and said, "There are four of them. It would be great if I could escape unscathed. If I had known this, it would be better to die with that kid. It would be less troublesome than this."

Langxing stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. This disaster had obviously made Pei Yuan grow up a lot, and he no longer had the energy to be fearless.

"Send me all the scenes where you two started fighting. Don't hide anything. I'll see how to resolve this matter."

Pei Yuan frowned, Lang Xing's words sounded a bit strange to him.

Pei Liu said from the side, "The reinforcements from Zixiao Palace have arrived. They were led by your junior uncle and fourth senior sister. Please report the truth to your junior uncle."

"You... you two?!" Pei Yuan's eyes widened.

Lang Xing smiled proudly and said, "What? Do you look down on us both? Let me tell you something else. I just beat up Quan Zhong in front of Quan Mao."

Now, that kid has to go back and raise him for a few years. Quan Mao didn’t even dare to say a harsh word to me, “Is your kid okay?” Don't get into trouble that you can't afford. I've known for a long time that something will happen to you. In fact, I know it without you telling me. You and Quan Heng are the chief and deputy leaders of the alliance. Why do you think you are arguing with him? Can you win against him? Put all your energy into cultivation, overwhelm him in terms of cultivation, and let go of all your anger. You will become a great monk in the late Nascent Soul. Even if he asks you to be the leader of the alliance, you won’t even bother to do it. The value of breaking the Qian Shao Alliance what. "

Pei Yuan sighed bitterly, "Xinqing also advised me this way, but it's useless to say this now. If Xinqing doesn't die, Quan Heng won't dare to be so arrogant with me. He won't even give a shit in front of your seventh senior brother." Damn it, this coward dares to brag and stare at me now!" He angrily relayed the story of the two men's actions with his spiritual mind.

The process was almost as Lang Xing guessed. Quan Heng was indeed a bit bullying. He pointed at Pei Yuan's nose and cursed endlessly. Pei Yuan suddenly took action when he couldn't bear it anymore and caught Quan Heng off guard. With Quan Heng's powerful treasures, it was difficult for Pei Yuan to injure him. After severely injuring Quan Heng, he used an escape treasure to escape.

"You are so cruel, you are just trying to kill him." After reading what happened, Lang Xing shook his head and said.

Pei Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "I just want his life. Even if you kill him and ask me to pay for his life, I will accept it."

Pei Liu complained to Langxing, "He has such a hot temper, and it's his fault that we spoiled him. But the whole feud is really too much. It's only fair to give fifty to each side in this matter, and we won't ask for leave." Yes, just ask them not to destroy Yuan'er's path."

Pei Yuanling said with eyes, "No need to beg them, just hand me over and let them do whatever they want. I would rather die than drag my father and grandfather down!"

Lang Xing pushed him and said, "Just stay aside. Since you don't want to drag down your father and your grandfather, then don't be so reckless in the future and use your brain more when things happen."

Pei Liu scolded him and said, "Look at your junior uncle. He is more than a thousand years younger than you. Look at how sensible and sensible he is."

Pei Yuan muttered unconvinced, "He took advantage of his seniority. Back then, Xinqing could do more nonsense than me. Who dares to say anything about him?"

Pei Liu angrily lectured him, "You are just a confused person. Even now you don't understand that your Junior Seventh Master is much smarter than you. Do you think he just relies on his seniority? He has survived better than the rest of us." A man who is thousands of years old is so strong that even the Fairy Princess Yuchan was coaxed into running around by him. Do you have that ability?"

Lang Xing waved his hand to stop Pei Liu, and said with a smile, "Don't scold him now. Let's teach him slowly in the future. Senior sister just said that it would be fair to give each person a fifty-fifty blow. I think it is reasonable to give him a full sixty pound. Yes." Causes have consequences. That kid is looking for death. It's really wrong for Pei Yuan to be so harsh. In addition to giving him more compensation, he will inevitably have to serve some years in prison, otherwise he won't be able to explain himself. "

Pei Liu grabbed Lang Xing's hand and said, "Junior brother, we don't dare to think of such cheap things. As long as his cultivation is not ruined, we will be satisfied. We have nothing to say if he is sent to jail for the rest of his life. When you go back, senior brother and sister." Please say some kind words for us in front of us. All our hope now lies with you, otherwise..." She shook her head miserably and said no more.

Langxing comforted him, "Don't worry, Seventh Senior Sister, we will do our best. Pei Yuan took good care of me when I was young, and I have to help him in this regard."

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