Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2424 Come! Come on!

Even the heads of the other eight sects don't dare to say they know how strong Wuji Sect is. From their ancestors' generation, Ji Dao and Ji Fa are the ones who often show up, but people at Xin De's level don't know. We know that there is a Silent Spirit Fairy Concubine living in seclusion deep in the Wuji Sect. Judging from some signs, it is very likely that there are one or two, or even two or three Feathered Monks hidden even deeper. A person with a higher seniority in Faji Dao.

There are also mysterious figures among Quanzhen's generation of disciples. Even if these mysterious figures are put aside, Wuji Sect's apparent strength alone is enough to dominate Puyun Province. Quanzhen, Quankong and others have understood Wuji. The people of the Immortal Law are all capable of fighting against the Huayu monks, so they are not afraid of the Yinzhen Immortal Lord, let alone Zhixia and Xiaochun. They must be wary of the Little Demon Lord, but they are not scared to death. Even if the Little Demon Lord comes today, they dare to fight. Of course, it is best not to fight. If they fight the Little Demon Lord, they will inevitably have to pay a heavy price. The Little Demon Lord is not only strong in combat power, but also in battle. What is strong is his fearless murderous intention. He has elevated that murderous intention to his own artistic conception. Even the Wuji Sect is unwilling to provoke such an opponent.

Quanzhen and the others made the wrong calculation this time. They thought that the most serious consequences were that the Little Demon Lord would take revenge on them, but they didn't know that Zixiao Palace had another rising star who was comparable to the Little Demon Lord. Then It was the Eight Immortals in front of them who they thought could be frightened easily. They thought this was just an embroidered pillow. Even though he was showing off his teeth and claws, his courage was shattered this time. He would never dare to provoke the Wuji Sect again in this life. .

Faced with Quan Kong's scolding, Lang Xing slowly put away the smile on his face. Instead of talking to Quan Kong, he looked at Quanzhen and said, "What? Are you here to teach me a lesson?" Afterwards, he looked sideways at Quan Mao.

Quan Mao had already turned his head to the side. He had promised that Lang Xing would not be harmed, so he naturally had to hide away at this time.

Seeing that he could still hold on, Quanzhen said with a cold look in his eyes, "What's wrong with teaching you a lesson? I'll kill you."

A piece of cake! "

"Come on! Come on!"

No one expected this scene. They saw Lang Xing furious, pointing his finger at Quanzhen and roaring fiercely. The momentum completely overwhelmed the majestic momentum created by these great monks. Lang Xing not only roared, he also The Deyi Eagle flew up, and Quanzhen and the others noticed that this kid activated a defensive treasure. The treasure did not emit any brilliance, but based on their cultivation, they could detect the layer of protective magic it formed. I want to take action against them.

This kid is not afraid of them at all! Quanzhen and the others are a little stupid. They can't step down. Even if Quan Mao doesn't give any guarantee, they can't really do anything to such a little guy. Although they are of the same generation, their age, The difference in status is too great. It seems that this is not an embroidered pillow. This pillow is filled with steel needles. Except for the little devil back then, they have never seen such a fierce little guy. This is to be better than his predecessor.

"Believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now!" Jiuxianjun Quanzong wanted to scare him again. He frowned and raised his hand to gather a blazing dark red flame. There were two pale snakes twisting in the flames. Writhing and looking creepy.

"Come on! If you don't beat me to death, you are like a pig born to a dog!" Lang Xing roared even more fiercely, as if he didn't care about life or death.

The entire clan almost knitted their eyebrows into their flesh, wishing they could really beat this kid to death.

"Don't take action! He is really not afraid. If you kill him, the situation will be out of control!" Quanzhen saw that the ninth junior brother could not bear it anymore and hurriedly sent his spiritual thoughts to him.

"Junior brother! Junior brother!" Quan Mao hurried over to smooth things over, scolding with a loving look on his face, "You beat Quan Zhong so hard."

It's tragic. It's right for your senior brother and second senior brother to say a few words to you. Not only do your senior brothers and sisters love you, but your senior brother and second senior brother also love Zhong'er. Don't be angry. "

Langxing shouted to him mercilessly, "Get out of the way!" Then he continued to point at Quan Zong who was holding a fireball and shouted, "Come on! What are you waiting for! Are you just a pig born like a dog?! Dare to scare me?" ! Blind your eyes! Come on! I have put my life in my hands. I don’t dare to take it away from you. I’ll block the door of your Wuji Gate every day and scold you!”

His ability to act wildly was learned from the mighty pair of rogue brothers. Because he was confident, his behavior was much more ferocious than that pair of rogue brothers. When discussing with Pei Mu and the others just now, he learned about the current situation. This time is different from the last time the Zixiao Palace fought against Wuzhen Sect, because Quanzhen had a hard time picking his hair, and there wouldn't be so many magical powers to help calm it down like last time. After all, Quanzhen and Wuji Sect are the gods of Puyunzhou's cultivation world. No one would be so ignorant as to slap Quanzhen in the face.

Langxing originally hoped that the ancestors of various factions who knew his abilities would come over soon, but this hope was in vain. He could only rely on himself to subdue these people. In this case, he had to find trouble and create an opportunity to take action. It was to gain some ground, and secondly, it was to reduce Wuji Sect's arrogance. After all, he was now helping Zixiao Palace, so he had to think about problems from Zixiao Palace's point of view, but before he could find fault, Quanzhen and his gang just showed up at his door, so why don't he let it go? He won't stop until these people attack him first.

Yu Shanzi, who had been following him in the distance, was about to feel happy now. In his opinion, this boy had finally finished his work, and the bad breath he had suffered would definitely come out. However, he also admired this stupid boy. He was so stupid. It's not easy to be in this situation. He dared to point his finger at Quanzhen and scold him. The little devil at the time probably never did this.

"Junior brother! You are just ignorant. Stop making trouble. You nine

Senior brother is just trying to scare you, why do you still take it seriously? How come you, a person who understands so well, can't even see this? "Quan Mao bit the bullet and blushed again. This little guy is too difficult to manipulate. If he is coaxed like this, his arrogance will be even higher, but he can only help first.

"Whose Ninth Senior Brother? Who is he?! Is he worthy of being my Senior Brother?!" After Lang Xing yelled at Quan Mao, he pointed at Quan Mao and roared, "Hurry up and do it! I'm waiting for you!" You bastard!"

The fireball that Quanzong gathered energy could not help but expand, and it was already twice as big as it was at the beginning. He gritted his teeth and used his spiritual thoughts to say to Quanzhen, "Senior Brother, please let me kill him, otherwise I will still look like this." Where to put it? How to reduce the arrogance of Zixiao Palace?"

Quanzhen scolded him with his spiritual thoughts, "A little impatience will mess up a big plan. How serious is it to compete with a bastard brat? He is really not afraid of death. I am already stuck here by him. How can you show dignity? He just called you a formation." Show it to me, I’m the one running the show.”

Quanzong asked angrily, "What should we do? Are we just going to let him go back like this?!"

Quanzhen sent back his thoughts coldly and said, "You are still confused. Do you think he is willing to leave? He is obviously trying to stir up trouble. We have underestimated this kid. I can't understand what he is thinking." , but what is certain is that this kid is definitely not stupid. He is so smart that he has plotted all of us. We can't continue to be fooled. Let's let some spiritual beasts come over to create some chaos. Let's put ourselves down from the high platform first. , don’t let him point his nose and curse like that, take advantage of the chaos to have people beat him seriously, don’t interrupt his path of cultivation, don’t let our people take action, in the end the person who takes action must be handed over to Zixiao Palace. scapegoat."

Quanzong was less angry after hearing this order. He was finally able to vent his anger by giving this kid a good beating. Just when he was about to use his spiritual thoughts to arrange the plan, Quanzhen sent his spiritual thoughts again: "No, Xinping is here." ”

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