Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2432 Picturesque Beauty

Qingyu pursed her lips and was about to catch up, but Yan Bing held her back and said, "Let's go back immediately. They say it's a decree, so don't go scolding her."

Qingyu said nonchalantly, "His breaking oracles can't scare me. I have to follow. What if another monster appears?"

Yan Bing said angrily, "The decree was given to me. Of course you are not afraid. Xiuhu is following you. It will be fine. Go back." After saying that, he took Zhuangyu with one hand and Qingyu with the other and returned to Zi. Xiao Palace.

Seeing that Yan Bing and the other three did not follow, Xiuhu felt a little more relaxed and said to Lang Xing with his spiritual mind, "Do you really trust her that much? We are very good friends, otherwise I would not dare to build this bridge for you." ”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "It's okay. I trust her. I just didn't expect that she would come to me. What's the reason?"

Xiuhu shook his head, "She refused to tell me. She only said it was a very important matter."

Lang Xing asked no more questions. After flying three to forty thousand miles, Xiuhu activated an invisible treasure and led Lang Xing to change the route. "You must be careful." She explained to Lang Xing apologetically.

Langxing smiled and nodded. After changing the direction five times, Xiuhu took Langxing into a dense forest.

Langxing showed a friendly smile when he saw the fairy wearing a plain white dress standing among the giant ancient trees.

"Are you injured?" Wu Xia asked Lang Xing with a concerned look on his face.

"Let's talk." Seeing that the two of them looked very close, Xiuhu felt relieved and turned to leave.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "It's a small injury, nothing serious. What's the important thing for you to see me for?"

"Who injured you?" Wuxia grabbed his hand, checked his injury, then frowned and said, "You were injured just now?"

"Well, I was wandering around the White Sand Sea just now, and a monster suddenly appeared out of nowhere and caught me off guard. It doesn't matter, tell me about you."

"You know this person, right? Don't worry about him." Wu Xia sent a person's image to Lang Xing

, and then let go of his hand.

Lang Xing's eyes flashed and he nodded lightly. That person was Lu Sheng, the person who protected the imperial concubine in the snowfield and wanted to get her. Wuxia must have killed him. From this, it can be inferred that Wuxia knew. It's about him and the imperial concubine.

"Is my fourth senior brother Wuji dead?" Wuxia stared into Langxing's eyes and asked with his spiritual mind.

After Lang Xing was silent for a moment, he sent back his spiritual thoughts and said, "Yes, I killed him."

Wu Xian wrinkled his eyebrows suspiciously and said, "When he disappeared, you still only had the cultivation level of pill formation, right? How could you possibly kill him? You don't need to take this matter on yourself. Did the little devil kill him?" Langxing, since I helped you deal with Lu Sheng, I have decided to hide this matter. We can't defeat your Zixiao Palace now, and I don't want to deepen the hatred between the two families. My fourth senior brother and Little Demon Lord They have been feuding for many years, and everyone knows that one of them will be killed by the other sooner or later. "

Langxing met his gaze and said, "I'm not taking the blame for Brother Six. It was really me who killed him. I can swear it with my Taoist heart. At that time, we both fell into a trap. I used a special treasure to kill him." He was killed."

Wu Xia's eyes narrowed, and after a while he sighed and said, "That's all, you are the one who killed me. I only knew that he was a bit domineering before. After interrogating Lu Sheng, I found out who he really was. The Taoist priests under his command have gone too far." She took out a few things and pushed them over. "You gave these to Lu Sheng. Return them to their original owners." The most valuable of these things is the red spear. .

"Give it to you." Langxing pushed those things back.

Wu Xia smiled bitterly and said, "No matter what he is like, he is my senior brother after all. If I do this, I will already feel sorry for our fellow disciples. How can I profit from it?"

"Oh well.

"Lang Xing put those things away, looked at her and said, "I don't know if I should persuade you like this, but I really hope you don't feel too guilty about him. Kill me and I will do the same thing to you. "

"You don't mean what you say!" Wu Xia glanced sideways at him.

"Really, firstly, the relationship between me and the fourth senior brother is not deep, and secondly, I know that he has done many evil things, so I don't want to get too close to them. As for my senior sisters, there is nothing I can do. , fate is like this, we can only not care about anything else. "

"You are really unique among the immortal kings of the nine sects." Wuxia felt a little more relaxed, with a smile in his eyes.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. How have you been lately?"

Wu Xia showed a tired look and said, "After fighting the North Sea Monster, I still have to continue fighting the rebels. I feel very tired. It's all because of what you said to me last time, which made me lose the enthusiasm to fight for my sect. , maybe I really should stay away from the chaos in front of me and find a quiet place to rest and think about it. "

"Then leave as soon as possible. It's easy to get into trouble if you fight in your condition. You are not missing in the fight against the rebellion. My senior brothers and sisters all say that the rebels can't bring chaos to Puyunzhou. You don't have to worry too much about the division."

Wu Xia sighed bitterly, "I quit, and my close friends will face greater dangers. How can I leave just now?"

Lang Xing sighed with her. Previously, Lu Gang insisted on going to the battlefield to kill monsters, but he was also in a dilemma. There was no way to have the best of both worlds.

Wu Xian smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. The high-quality dress I asked you for last time has come in handy. Otherwise, I would have been seriously injured even if I didn't die. The two of us are now Let's settle the account, I must have taken too much advantage by giving you only a Kagawa sword."

"You're so boring." Langxing took out two talismans given by Huaying and handed them over, "Keep them for life.

This is almost worth your sword. You are lucky to know me. There is no need to refuse. I have more treasures than I can use. Just return this favor to me when you get good things in the future. "

"What treasures do you have? Can you let me see them?" Wuxia did not pick up the two talismans immediately.

Langxing smiled proudly and took out five spiritual treasures: the Immortal Seal, the Dragon Song Sword, the small whiteboard, the God of Punishment Whip, and the Qiancheng Mansion. He waved them in front of her eyes and put them away. The purpose of displaying these treasures was for her to collect them. Those two talismans cannot be shown to her carefully.

Wuxia stared in astonishment at her beautiful eyes that were always half-open and half-closed, "Is there... more than one high-grade spiritual treasure in this?" Although she had the late Nascent Soul cultivation level, she was really hard to see in such a blink of an eye. clear.

"Hmph." Langxing snorted proudly and put the two talismans into her hands.

"You're so interesting, I won't compete with you!" Wu Xia really wanted to take a closer look at those treasures.

"If you want to see it, come out of the quagmire as soon as possible. If you are covered in mud, I will have to stay away from you. When will you be able to stay away from the Yin and Yang Palace? These things are up to you to see. Is there anything better than this? , It depends on whether you have that wisdom." Lang Xing was quite helpless. In this season of constant fierce fighting, he really wanted to give this beautiful woman one or two high-grade spiritual treasures to protect her body, but water from afar could not quench her thirst unless he helped. Regarding its fusion, even if he was willing to reveal some secrets to Wuxia, once Wuxia used the spirit treasure that he helped to fuse, he would not be able to explain it to the people around him.

It was related to Wu Xia's safety, but he was powerless to do it. For him, in addition to helplessness and self-blame, he could pull Wu Xia out of the quagmire of Pu Yunzhou. He expressed his willingness to follow him last time. , but it was Su Wan who was hurt like that. Wuxia was different from the imperial concubine. He could give the imperial concubine what she wanted, but he couldn't give what Wuxia wanted. Bang Wuxia did it out of admiration and pity, but he felt for Su Wan because of his heart. There was no question of choosing between the two. He was willing to be inclusive, but neither of them was definitely willing.

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