Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2441 The three of them are so capable of fighting

After having fun for a while, Langxing asked how Gongsun Chong was recovering from his injury.

Jiangxiao said, "Okay, it's almost done. He couldn't wait for a long time. He kept encouraging us not to wait for you. I thought he was too annoying, so I sent him to Su'er."

Lang Xing looked around at the team he had formed, and said, "Let's wait until Gongsun comes. It's rare for everyone to get together, talk about Taoism, and compare skills."

Hua Hu said angrily, "What are we competing for? Everyone is so crazy but no one dares to fight with us."

Xiao Hefeng said with a smile, "I begged to do something with you, but you ignored me."

Huahu pushed him out with a burst of spiritual power, laughed and cursed, "You are too worthy of attacking me? That's called asking for advice, you know?"

Jiangxiao pointed at his nose and said, "Our disciples need you to teach us? Do you still know that you are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul? You are clamoring to fight against us every day. Are you worthy?"

Hua Hu raised his chin and said, "Then let's try it! I don't know how many people I've killed in the late Nascent Soul stage."

Lu Gang couldn't see that he and Jiang Xiao were arrogant, so he said to Xie Yun, who was standing far away and never came closer, "Xie Yun, help us teach him a lesson. We are all afraid that we will beat him to death accidentally."

Xie Yun smiled lightly and said, "I'm also afraid of accidentally beating him to death." .??.

Lingxiang saw how they despised his brothers. He pointed at Lu Gang, Xieyun and Ling Jun who were standing further away and said, "There are three of us versus three. We are all in the late Yuanying stage and two in the middle stage. We are three brothers." Today I will challenge you Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace.”

Xieyun looked at Lingjun and said, "Are you interested in teaching them a lesson?"

Ling Jun smiled and shook his head and said, "If you want to fight, I can make up the number." He and Xie Yun were chatting well these days. The disciples of Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace had many topics to talk about after putting aside their hatred.

Hua Hu became more energetic now and was eager to call Hei Si over.

Lang Xing pointed outside and said, "Go out and fight, don't make this place a mess."

Lu Gang quietly pushed a small golden box to Jiang Xiao and muttered, "This is the Holy Clothes Pill that Lang Xing asked for for you. Don't make any noise. This thing is very valuable." After doing this, he said to Hua Hu He waved and took the lead in flying towards the outside of the magic circle.

Bai Xiang opened the magic circle happily, and ran out with Xiao Hefeng to wait to watch the battle.

Everyone filed out. The three Xuan Jinsha from Yiling Guards faced off against the top disciples from Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect. This battle was not to be missed.

Jiangxiao held Lang Xing, and after everyone had left the magic circle, she asked, "What is the effect of the Holy Clothes Pill you asked Lu Gang to give me?"

"To strengthen your muscles and bones and enhance your defense, take it as soon as possible. This is why I asked everyone to set off later. I will prepare it for Xiyang in the future. You can rest assured that Xiyang will be indispensable."

"Well." Jiangxiao didn't say any more. The two of them came out of the magic circle and stood beside it. Jiangxiao looked at the two groups of people who were posing in the high sky in the distance and asked Lang Xing, "You Which side of the bet will win?”

Lang Xing said with a smile in his eyes, "Lingxiang and the others will definitely win this kind of competition. Not only do these three people have a tacit understanding, but they each have their own special spells. If it were a real fight with real swords and guns, Lu Gang and the others should be able to win. They The advantage in treasures can make up for the lack of coordination, but even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory. The immortal sacrifice banner of Hei Si is very powerful.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two sides started to move, and pieces of brilliance and light flashed in the sky.

The two men watched the flying runes with breathless attention.

Sure enough, as Lang Xing said, the three of Lingxiang fought in formation, advancing and retreating in a certain way, while the three of Lu Gang fought independently, because they agreed not to use treasures, not even defensive treasures, Lingjun and Xieyun Although they all had powerful defensive spells, they were still not enough to withstand the fierce attacks of Lingxiang and the others. Lu Gang was even worse. He was beaten and fell from the air in less than three breaths, followed closely by Xianyun, and the remaining Lingjun had no choice but to admit defeat, and the competition only lasted less than ten breaths.

"Are you convinced?" Huahu asked Lu Gang proudly.

Lu Gang said disdainfully, "I haven't even used half of my abilities. You are taking too much advantage in this kind of competition."

Huahu was no longer interested in talking to him. He pointed at Jiangxiao from a distance and said, "It's your turn. You, Xiyang, plus Qingyu, let the three of you in the late Nascent Soul stage come together."

Lang Xing shook his head at Jiang Xiao and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Don't fight. You three won't get any advantage. The three of them are too good at fighting."

Before Jiangxiao could say anything, Qingyu said first, "It's so boring. This kind of fake fight can't prove the real combat power. I'm too lazy to play with you." She knew that she might not be able to win. The combat power of these three people was too great. They are powerful, and in terms of rich experience in fighting against each other, it may be difficult to find anyone who can match them.

"You know how awesome it is!" Hua Hu became more and more proud.

Jiangxiao said, "We don't want to bully you. Let's do this. We will send out a middle-stage Nascent Soul to fight you three. Langxing, you go and teach them a lesson."

Huahu smiled and said, "We won't fight him. He's not a human being. We won't fight monsters like him."

"Who are you talking about!" Bai Xiang waved his hand to Xiao Hefeng, and the two of them each used their Lingbao to kill the painting pot.

Jiangxiao held back her laughter and said to Lang Xing with her spiritual thoughts, "Look at Su Wan, she must be the one instigating this behind the scenes."

Langxing looked at Su Wan and saw that Su Wan pursed her lips and had a wicked smile in her eyes. It was not difficult to tell that it was her who did the evil. Without her support, the two children would not dare to do such a thing.

Hua Hu ran away in a hurry. Xiao Hefeng's spirit treasure hadn't been melted yet, so he activated it just to show off. Bai Xiang's Yingyue Sword was given by Zhixia. It was quite powerful, and Lang Xing had already melted it for her. Okay, it won't be a pleasant experience if you get hit by someone.

Lingjun called Lang Xing over at this time and asked, "What kind of gangsters are you going to fight in such a big battle?"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Just go and fight in confusion. Just know that the opponent is very powerful and don't take it lightly. It's not that I want to hide it from you. It's useless if you ask clearly about this. Don't move forward at that time." Chong, take care of Dian Xianyun for me so that he cannot be injured. You two are mainly responsible for intercepting and killing the fleeing gangsters. Of course, if the situation is unfavorable, you two must escape immediately and go back to report to the fifth senior brother and ask him to rescue us. "

Lingjun's expression turned solemn when he heard this, "Can the other party be so powerful?" Xiyang, Jiangxiao, Gongsun Chong, Lingxiang, Qingyu, Yanbing, Zhuangyu, Su Wan, plus him, these are nine people The three great monks in the late Nascent Soul, Lu Gang, Hua Hu, and Hei Si, who are in the middle Nascent Soul, are also capable of fighting against the late Nascent Soul monks. Lang Xing even has the ability to kill the Feather monks. Not to mention that such a team can run rampant Yu Xiujie is almost there, Lang Xing actually considered the unfavorable situation of the battle, then how strong does the opponent have to be?

Lang Xing switched to using his spiritual thoughts and said, "The opponent should have more than 30 great monks, and their treasures are excellent, and all of them have good combat power. What we want to do is to catch them all in one fell swoop and leave no one alive." After playing around for a while, Lang Xing Asked how Gongsun Chong was recovering from his injury.

Jiangxiao said, "Okay, it's almost done. He couldn't wait for a long time. He kept encouraging us not to wait for you. I thought he was too annoying, so I sent him to Su'er."

Lang Xing looked around at the team he had formed, and said, "Let's wait until Gongsun comes. It's rare for everyone to get together, talk about Taoism, and compare skills."

Hua Hu said angrily, "What are we competing for? Everyone is so crazy but no one dares to fight with us."

Xiao Hefeng said with a smile, "I begged to do something with you, but you ignored me."

Hua Hu pushed him out with a burst of spiritual power, laughed and cursed, "You are too worthy of attacking me? That's called asking for advice, you know?"

Jiangxiao pointed at his nose and said, "Our disciples need you to teach us? Do you still know that you are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul? You are clamoring to fight against us every day. Are you worthy?"

Hua Hu raised his chin and said, "Then let's try it! I don't know how many people I've killed in the late Nascent Soul stage."

Lu Gang couldn't see that he and Jiang Xiao were arrogant, so he said to Xie Yun, who was standing far away and never came closer, "Xie Yun, help us teach him a lesson. We are all afraid that we will beat him to death accidentally."

Xie Yun smiled lightly and said, "I'm also afraid of accidentally beating him to death."

Lingxiang saw how they despised his brothers. He pointed at Lu Gang, Xieyun and Ling Jun who were standing further away and said, "There are three of us versus three. We are all in the late Yuanying stage and two in the middle stage. We are three brothers." Today I will challenge you Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace.”

Xieyun looked at Lingjun and said, "Are you interested in teaching them a lesson?"

Ling Jun smiled and shook his head and said, "If you want to fight, I can make up the number." He and Xie Yun were chatting well these days. The disciples of Qianjie Sect and Qianxu Palace had many topics to talk about after putting aside their hatred.

Hua Hu became more energetic now and was eager to call Hei Si over.

Lang Xing pointed outside and said, "Go out and fight, don't make this place a mess."

Lu Gang quietly pushed a small golden box to Jiang Xiao and muttered, "This is the Holy Clothes Pill that Lang Xing asked for for you. Don't make any noise. This thing is very valuable." After doing this, he said to Hua Hu He waved and took the lead in flying towards the outside of the magic circle.

Bai Xiang opened the magic circle happily, and ran out with Xiao Hefeng to wait to watch the battle.

Everyone filed out. The three Xuan Jin Sha from Yiling Guards faced off against the top disciples from Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect. This battle was not to be missed.

Jiang Xiao held Lang Xing, and after everyone had left the magic circle, she asked, "What is the effect of the Holy Clothes Pill you asked Lu Gang to give me?"

"To strengthen your muscles and bones and enhance your defense, take it as soon as possible. This is why I asked everyone to set off later. I will prepare it for Xiyang in the future. You can rest assured that Xiyang will be indispensable."

"Well." Jiangxiao didn't say any more. The two of them came out of the magic circle and stood beside it. Jiangxiao looked at the two groups of people who were posing in the high sky in the distance and asked Lang Xing, "You Which side of the bet will win?”

Lang Xing said with a smile in his eyes, "Lingxiang and the others will definitely win this kind of competition. Not only do these three people have a tacit understanding, but they also have their own special spells. If it were a real fight with real swords and guns, Lu Gang and the others should be able to win. They The advantage in treasures can make up for the lack of coordination, but even if they can win, it will be a miserable victory. The immortal sacrifice banner of Hei Si is very powerful.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two sides started to move, and pieces of brilliance and light flashed in the sky.

The two men watched the flying runes with breathless attention.

Sure enough, as Lang Xing said, the three of Lingxiang fought in formation, advancing and retreating in a certain way, while the three of Lu Gang fought independently, because they agreed not to use treasures, not even defensive treasures, Lingjun and Xieyun Although they all had powerful defensive spells, they were still not enough to withstand the fierce attacks of Lingxiang and the others. Lu Gang was even worse. He was beaten and fell from the air in less than three breaths, followed closely by Xianyun, and the remaining Lingjun had no choice but to admit defeat, and the competition only lasted less than ten breaths.

"Are you convinced?" Huahu asked Lu Gang proudly.

Lu Gang said disdainfully, "I haven't even used half of my abilities. You are taking too much advantage in this kind of competition."

Huahu was no longer interested in talking to him. He pointed at Jiangxiao from a distance and said, "It's your turn. You, Xiyang, plus Qingyu, let the three of you in the late Nascent Soul stage come together."

Lang Xing shook his head at Jiang Xiao and said with his spiritual thoughts, "Don't fight. You three won't get any advantage. The three of them are too good at fighting."

Before Jiangxiao could say anything, Qingyu said first, "It's so boring. This kind of fake fight can't prove the real combat power. I'm too lazy to play with you." She knew that she might not be able to win. The combat power of these three people was too great. They are powerful, and in terms of rich experience in fighting against each other, it may be difficult to find anyone who can match them.

"You know how awesome it is!" Hua Hu became more and more proud.

Jiangxiao said, "We don't want to bully you. Let's do this. We will send out a middle-stage Nascent Soul to fight you three. Langxing, you go and teach them a lesson."

Huahu smiled and said, "We won't fight him. He's not a human being. We won't fight monsters like him."

"Who are you talking about!" Bai Xiang waved his hand to Xiao Hefeng, and the two of them each used their Lingbao to kill the painting pot.

Jiangxiao held back her laughter and said to Lang Xing with her spiritual thoughts, "Look at Su Wan, she must be instigating this behind the scenes."

Langxing looked at Su Wan and saw that Su Wan pursed her lips and had a wicked smile in her eyes. It was not difficult to tell that it was her who did the evil. Without her support, the two children would not dare to do such a thing.

Hua Hu ran away in a hurry. Xiao Hefeng's spirit treasure hadn't been melted yet, so he activated it just to show off. Bai Xiang's Yingyue Sword was given by Zhixia. It was quite powerful, and Lang Xing had already melted it for her. Okay, it won't be a pleasant experience if you get hit by someone.

Lingjun called Lang Xing over at this time and asked, "What kind of gangsters are you going to fight in such a big battle?"

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "Just go and fight in confusion. Just know that the opponent is very powerful and don't take it lightly. It's not that I want to hide it from you. It's useless if you ask clearly about this. Don't move forward at that time." Chong, take care of Dian Xianyun for me so that he cannot be injured. You two are mainly responsible for intercepting and killing the fleeing gangsters. Of course, if the situation is unfavorable, you two must escape immediately and go back to report to the fifth senior brother and ask him to rescue us. "

Lingjun's expression turned solemn when he heard this, "Can the other party be so powerful?" Xiyang, Jiangxiao, Gongsun Chong, Lingxiang, Qingyu, Yanbing, Zhuangyu, Su Wan, plus him, these are nine people The three great monks in the late Nascent Soul, Lu Gang, Huahu, and Hei Si, who are in the middle Nascent Soul, are also capable of fighting against the late Nascent Soul monks. Lang Xing even has the ability to kill the Feather monks. Not to mention that such a team can run rampant Yu Xiujie is almost there, Lang Xing actually considered the unfavorable situation of the battle, then how strong does the opponent have to be?

Lang Xing used his spiritual thoughts instead and said, "The opponent should have more than thirty monks with excellent treasures and good combat power. What we want to do is to kill them all without leaving any survivors."

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