Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2448 The benefits of a joy

Lang Xing told him about the situation of Yan Bing and the three of them, and then asked Su'er beside him, "Sister-in-law, are you doing well in this period?"

Su'er said shyly, "I'm fine, but he wants to go back to Jade Sea more." This female cultivator from the Flower Clan is really honest and will say whatever she wants.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Then let him go back by himself. You move to Daiyuan Mountain and we will keep you company."

"How can that be done..." Su'er blushed.

"Stop making fun of your sister-in-law." Gongsun Chong nuzzled at Su'er, "Take Xiang'er to have some fun."

Su'er glanced at Lang Xing with a smile. She really liked joking with Lang Xing. There were few people in her world who could make her feel so close.

"Sister-in-law, see if this thing is useful to you." Langxing took out a piece of dark soil.

"This..." Su'er looked at Gongsun Chong excitedly. She could immediately feel that this thing would be of great benefit to her, but she was embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift.

Langxing pushed the piece of spiritual soil in front of her, "Take it if it's useful. It was actually earned by Gongsun and Xiyang. I just changed hands in the middle." After saying that, he said to Gongsun Chong, " This is the thank you gift you brought when you and Xiyang rescued Bei Gongyi last time when they went to Zixiao Palace to say thank you. In addition to this piece of spiritual soil, there is also a bag of Nascent Soul Stone. The spiritual soil belongs to your sister-in-law, and you will take the Yuanying Stone. Don’t worry about it, I’ve already spent it all.”

Lingxiang, who had been silent until now, smiled and said, "The cost of changing hands is quite high."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "I have no choice. I spent too much, so I can only attack my friends with a bad heart."

After Gongsun Chong figured out what was going on, he said to Su'er, "Then take it. Thank you Brother Langxing. Although he charged more for the transfer, he still has some conscience after all and wants to take over this piece of spiritual soil." I’ll leave it to you.”

Su'er took the spiritual soil and really thanked Langxing. She was so excited that she couldn't even say a word of thanks.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be so polite." Lang Xing stepped aside and used a spiritual power to support Su'er's bowing figure.

Seeing that Su'er was like this, Lingxiang definitely couldn't take Bai Xiang to play, so she waved to Bai Xiang and said, "I'll take you to play in the lake."

At this time, Su'er left in a hurry. Gongsun Chong asked Lang Xing a little worriedly, "Isn't this thing dangerous?"

"There shouldn't be any danger, but you'd better go and guard it. Lingxiang and I can just talk here." After sending Gongsun Chong away, he said to Bai Xiang, "Go and look around by yourself. I'll talk to your uncle." Two sentences.”

When only two people were left, Langxing asked, "Is it okay to live here?"

Ling Xiang smiled and replied, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. Su'er and we both enjoy the tranquility here. Occasionally, we go out together. I'm busy with this now." She raised her hand and made a spell. After waiting for Lang Xing to smile, she hit the magic spell at Lang Xing.

Lang Xing twisted his body and unlocked the restriction. This was what he taught Ling Xiang last time. "That's not right. You haven't fully understood it yet." Lang Xing pinched a similar spell and gave it to her. Talk about how spiritual power works.


br\u003e Lingxiang listened eagerly. For her, learning this skill has become the most important thing after enlightenment and becoming an immortal. If she can master such a powerful forbidden skill, even if she encounters Yuan She also has a chance to win as a late infant monk.

Langxing spoke very patiently. He was very happy to be able to get along with Lingxiang so easily. As long as Lingxiang was willing to learn, he was willing to teach him everything he could. The more benefits he could give to Lingxiang in compensation, the more stable he would feel.

Ling Xiang could guess Lang Xing's mood, and she was a little helpless about this. She didn't want Lang Xing to feel that he owed her. She had asked for that sexual intercourse, and it was over. , even if she came a few more times, she would be happy to accompany her. Langxing gave her the little monkey's spiritual fruit, gave her the flower fairy's spiritual liquid, and taught her such a powerful restraint technique. Such careful and deliberate compensation made her very unhappy. It's a shame, but she knows Lang Xing, and he can't feel at ease if he doesn't give him the full benefit.

Where did I get such great luck? If she hadn't met Xun Yi and the other four, she would have died at the end of her life in the South China Sea. She wouldn't have been able to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation by following that dead ghost husband. It was really a blessing in disguise. Her cultivation level was given by everyone. , not to mention being dragged up by force, it was almost the same. Although she was a little lonely these years, it was worth it. Now that she has Su'er and Langxing, she feels pretty good. Jiangxiao will come to see her from time to time.

If Lang Xing is willing to take good care of herself, then let him take care of her. As long as she is not greedy and asks for anything, just think of it as the blessing that Xun Yi has brought to her. If Xun Yi had not died, she would definitely be living a better life now. Even better, alas, poor Xun Yi, is it because he has given away his blessing too much that he is so miserable? She missed Xun Yi too many times, and she had so many strange thoughts that she had so much free time.

Anyway, she wanted to laugh when she saw Lang Xing. She had taken advantage of him, but he worked very hard to compensate her. This silly boy with too much conscience was really lovable, but it was a pity that this silly boy was too outstanding. , so good that she felt ashamed of herself. It was an unexpected joy that she could have such closeness with him, and she could no longer be greedy.

With the improvement of her cultivation, coupled with the influence of Xunyi, Jiangxiao, Yuchan, Langxing and others, the selfish and short-sighted Nanhai female cultivator in the past has become sensible and grateful.

Langxing told Lingxiang for a whole day and night, and let her think about it for a while. Bai Xiang, who came back halfway, was so bored that he almost fell asleep beside him. He secretly laughed in his heart that this uncle Lingxiang was really stupid. , just this little thing, the master has been talking about it for so long and she still hasn’t understood it. I really don’t know how she cultivated her cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lingxiang's qualifications and understanding are definitely incomparable with this group of people, but they are by no means to the point of being stupid. It can only be said that the people Bai Xiang comes into contact with are all too good. The set of forbidden skills that Langxing has learned can be Not everyone can understand it, and it is reasonable for Ling Xiang to have difficulty learning it. This is because Lang Xing personally told her, but if someone else had told her, she would never have been able to learn it in her life.

After a whole day and night, Langxing felt very tired, mentally tired, but he still wanted to keep talking. As long as Lingxiang wanted to listen, he would never show any impatience no matter how tired he was, but Lingxiang couldn't do it anymore. , she was even more tired than Lang Xing. Although she only taught a small method, she already felt dizzy, so she could only go back and digest it slowly. Lang Xing told him about the situation of Yan Bing and the three of them, and then asked Su'er beside him, "Sister-in-law, are you doing well in this period?"

Su'er said shyly, "I'm fine, but he wants to go back to Jade Sea more." This female cultivator from the Flower Clan is really honest and will say whatever she wants.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Then let him go back by himself. You move to Daiyuan Mountain and we will keep you company."

"How can that be done..." Su'er blushed.

"Stop making fun of your sister-in-law." Gongsun Chong nuzzled at Su'er, "Take Xiang'er to have some fun."

Su'er glanced at Lang Xing with a smile. She really liked joking with Lang Xing. There were few people in her world who could make her feel so close.

"Sister-in-law, see if this thing is useful to you." Langxing took out a piece of dark soil.

"This..." Su'er looked at Gongsun Chong excitedly. She could immediately feel that this thing would be of great benefit to her, but she was embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift.

Langxing pushed the piece of spiritual soil in front of her, "Take it if it's useful. It was actually earned by Gongsun and Xiyang. I just changed hands in the middle." After saying that, he said to Gongsun Chong, " This is the thank you gift you brought when you and Xiyang rescued Bei Gongyi last time when they went to Zixiao Palace to say thank you. In addition to this piece of spiritual soil, there is also a bag of Nascent Soul Stone. The spiritual soil belongs to your sister-in-law, and you will take the Yuanying Stone. Don’t worry about it, I’ve already spent it all.”

Lingxiang, who had been silent until now, smiled and said, "The cost of changing hands is quite high."

Lang Xing laughed and said, "I have no choice, I spent too much, so I can only attack my friends with a bad heart."

After Gongsun Chong figured out what was going on, he said to Su'er, "Then take it. Thank you Brother Langxing. Although he charged more for the transfer, he still has some conscience after all and wants to take over this piece of spiritual soil." I’ll leave it to you.”

Su'er took the spiritual soil and really thanked Langxing. She was so excited that she couldn't even say a word of thanks.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be so polite." Lang Xing stepped aside and used a spiritual power to support Su'er's bowing figure.

Seeing that Su'er was like this, Lingxiang definitely couldn't take Bai Xiang to play, so she waved to Bai Xiang and said, "I'll take you to play in the lake."

At this time, Su'er left in a hurry. Gongsun Chong asked Lang Xing a little worriedly, "Isn't this thing dangerous?"

"There shouldn't be any danger, but you'd better go and guard it. Lingxiang and I can just talk here." After sending Gongsun Chong away, he said to Bai Xiang, "Go and look around by yourself. I'll talk to your uncle." Two sentences.”

After only two people were left, Langxing asked, "Is it okay to live here?"

Ling Xiang smiled and replied, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. Su'er and we both enjoy the tranquility here. Occasionally, we go out together. I'm busy with this now." She raised her hand and made a spell. After waiting for Lang Xing to smile, she hit the magic spell at Lang Xing.

Lang Xing twisted his body and unlocked the restriction. This was what he taught Ling Xiang last time. "That's not right. You haven't fully understood it yet." Lang Xing pinched a similar spell and gave it to her. Talk about how spiritual power works.


br\u003e Lingxiang listened eagerly. For her, learning this skill has become the most important thing after enlightenment and becoming an immortal. If she can master such a powerful forbidden skill, even if she encounters Yuan She also has a chance to win as a late infant monk.

Langxing spoke very patiently. He was very happy to be able to get along with Lingxiang so easily. As long as Lingxiang was willing to learn, he was willing to teach him everything he could. The more benefits he could give to Lingxiang in compensation, the more stable he would feel.

Ling Xiang could guess Lang Xing's mood, and she was a little helpless about this. She didn't want Lang Xing to feel that he owed her. She had asked for that sexual intercourse, and it was over. , even if she came a few more times, she would be happy to accompany her. Langxing gave her the little monkey's spiritual fruit, gave her the flower fairy's spiritual fluid, and taught her such a powerful restraint technique. Such careful and deliberate compensation made her very unhappy. It's a shame, but she knows Lang Xing, and he can't feel at ease if he doesn't give him the full benefit.

Where did I get such great luck? If she hadn't met Xun Yi and the other four, she would have died at the end of her life in the South China Sea. She wouldn't have been able to reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul cultivation by following that dead ghost husband. It was really a blessing in disguise. Her cultivation level was given by everyone. , not to mention being dragged up by force, it was almost the same. Although she was a little lonely these years, it was worth it. Now that she has Su'er and Langxing, she feels pretty good. Jiangxiao will come to see her from time to time.

If Lang Xing is willing to take good care of herself, then let him take care of her. As long as she is not greedy and asks for anything, just think of it as the blessing that Xun Yi brings to her. If Xun Yi had not died, she would definitely be living a better life now. Even better, alas, poor Xun Yi, is it because he has given away his blessing too much that he is so miserable? She missed Xun Yi too many times, and she had so many strange thoughts that she had so much free time.

Anyway, she wanted to laugh when she saw Lang Xing. She had taken advantage of him, and he had worked very hard to compensate her. This silly boy with too much conscience was really lovable, but it was a pity that this silly boy was too outstanding. , so good that she felt ashamed of herself. It was an unexpected joy that she could have such closeness with him, and she could no longer be greedy.

With the improvement of her cultivation, coupled with the influence of Xunyi, Jiangxiao, Yuchan, Langxing and others, the selfish and short-sighted Nanhai female cultivator in the past has become sensible and grateful.

Langxing told Lingxiang for a whole day and night, and let her think about it for a while. Bai Xiang, who came back halfway, was so bored that he almost fell asleep beside him. He secretly laughed in his heart that this uncle Lingxiang was really stupid. , just this little thing, the master has been talking about it for so long and she still hasn’t understood it. I really don’t know how she cultivated her cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Lingxiang's qualifications and understanding are definitely incomparable with this group of people, but they are by no means to the point of being stupid. It can only be said that the people Bai Xiang comes into contact with are all too good. The set of forbidden skills that Langxing has learned can be Not everyone can understand it, and it is reasonable for Ling Xiang to have difficulty learning it. This is because Lang Xing personally told her, but if someone else had told her, she would never have been able to learn it in her life.

After a day and a night, Langxing felt very tired, mentally tired, but he still wanted to keep talking. As long as Lingxiang wanted to listen, he would never show any impatience no matter how tired he was, but Lingxiang couldn't do it anymore. , she was even more tired than Lang Xing. Although she only taught a small method, she already felt dizzy, so she could only go back and digest it slowly.

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