Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2450 A small test of cloud water

"Come on." As another layer of invisible protective magic appeared outside the white mist, which was difficult to detect even with Langxing's cultivation level, the colored mist disappeared, and Gongsun Chong's figure was revealed again. , At this point, the cloud water protection plan has been launched.

"Be careful!" In order to accurately control the force, Lang Xing flew to a distance of more than a hundred feet away from Gongsun Chong with the Divine Whip in his hand, and swung the whip at him. This first whip only used five points of force. Even if Gongsun Chong only You can even carry it with your cultivation.

The pale moon-white whip shadow hit the outermost layer of invisible protection and disappeared immediately, without even a single wave of spiritual power being produced.

Gongsun Chong said leisurely, "Come boldly. This is not enough to scratch the itch. Xiang'er, it doesn't matter if you get closer. There won't be too much spiritual power."

Lang Xing took a breath of conviction, and whipped out again, this time with 70% strength. The color of the whip shadow became more solid and looked like a thunderbolt. The shadow of the whip fell on the protection, but it was still the same as before. There was no brilliance, but a small piece of rotating mist was revealed at the location of the impact, which was the milky white mist that appeared before.

"This spiritual treasure is indeed high enough, but I think I can withstand its full blow." Gongsun Chong's tone was relatively relaxed. The God of Punishment Whip is the most powerful treasure of the Qingyuan Sect, and its power is among the top grade spiritual treasures. It's not outstanding, but it can be used if you are in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

"Then I can let it exert its full power. This blow just now was seventy percent strong. Are you sure you can resist it?" Lang Xing stepped back.

"It doesn't matter." Gongsun Chong smiled confidently.

The whip of the God of Punishment, which was driven to the extreme, was like a moon-white long snake, turning into whip shadows, and white electric light flashed between the whip shadows, like a strange snake with sharp spines all over its body. The shrill whistling sound further increased its power.

Bai Xiang stepped back involuntarily. Her heart was in her throat. The power of the God of Punishment Whip was so terrifying. She was really afraid that Master would accidentally beat Uncle Gongsun to death.

\u003e Before the God of Punishment Whip fell on the outermost layer of protection, a thin piece of cloud water greeted it. It was like a piece of white light silk with watery light. It was fluttering automatically in the absence of wind, and the God of Punishment Whip whipped. It was as if a piece of silk had been drawn after being hit. The thin piece of cloud water sank from the middle, but it did not curl up. It just followed the punishment god's whip and landed on the outermost layer of protection. The cloud of water disappeared, and a piece of milky white mist appeared where the punishment whip hit, which was smaller than the one hit before.

There was a bit of horror in Langxing's eyes as he held the God of Punishment Whip. This was a full blow from the God of Punishment Whip. With the defensive power of a great monk in the late Nascent Soul, he would be whipped like this even if he didn't vomit blood. Although he was temporarily unable to fight, Gongsun Chong's face remained calm and he didn't even frown. Yunshui's protective power was really amazing!

Bai Xiang flew in front of Gongsun Chong and looked at Gongsun Chong with wide eyes, "Uncle Gongsun..., are you okay?"

Gongsun Chong said with a smile, "I'm sure there will be nothing wrong with carrying a spiritual treasure of this level. The Qi Mansion felt a little shocked, but it's not serious."

Bai Xiang took out his Yingyue Sword with some disbelief, held it tightly in his hand and said, "Can I try it? Take a look at this sword first."

Gongsun Chong showed a loving smile and said, "You don't have to look at it, it's not as good as your master's God of Punishment Whip. If you want to try it yourself, go ahead. This treasure of yours won't cause any shock to my Qi Palace." "

Bai Xiang glanced at the master, and Lang Xing nodded to her.

Bai Xiang took a deep breath, retreated three to four hundred feet, said "Master, be careful!", then urged the Yingyue Sword to sprint towards Gongsun. The gleaming white sword body turned into a white light. There is a bright yellow moonlight in the white light.

The sword shines here

On the outermost layer of protection, not even a bit of mist came out, but it was blocked silently.

Bai Xiang swallowed, took back the Yingyue Sword and said, "I only let it exert five points of power, and I will use eight points next."

Gongsun Chong laughed dumbly and said, "Just use twelve points of force as much as you want. There is no big difference between eight points of force and ten points of force for me." After saying that, he said to Lang Xing, "Xian'er is so kind-hearted. you."

"Then I will strike with all my strength. Master, be careful!" Bai Xiang pushed the Yingyue Sword to the extreme, and a bright yellow full moon appeared on the tip of the sword. However, when she pushed the Yingyue Sword out, she Still withdrew a little strength.

After seeing that the sword light was just a fist-sized white mist this time, Bai Xiang believed it completely, flew over and said enviously, "Uncle Gongsun, your spell is really powerful, it has opened my eyes!" "

Gongsun Chong shook his head and said with a smile, "It's a pity that this spell cannot be passed on to you. It cannot be learned through enlightenment and practice."

Bai Xiang said with his spiritual thoughts, "I know. Uncle Jiangxiao told me a little bit, and even let me see her and Uncle Xiyang's true energy."

"Oh? Then I'll show you my true energy later." Gongsun Chong didn't expect that Jiang Xiao would even tell Bai Xiang this secret. This little girl is really loved by thousands of people.

"Do you want to try again?" he asked Lang Xing with raised eyebrows.

Lang Xing put away the God of Punishment Whip and raised his eyebrows as he said, "If you try again, you will be injured. How many spiritual treasures like the God of Punishment Whip can you resist at the same time?"

"Three pieces can barely hold up." After Gongsun Chong said, he turned to his spiritual thoughts and said, "If you want to weigh the three of us, I'm afraid you can't do it with just a few high-grade spiritual treasures. The most powerful thing about the magic of Zhen Yuan Lu is Combined attack, Jiangxiao's Jishu and my Yunshui alone are enough for you to fight for a while, plus Xiyang's punishment fire, it will definitely be enough for you."

r\u003e There was a contemptuous smile on Langxing's lips, "It's easy to defeat you three, but I can't use my strongest means."

Gongsun Chong also showed contempt and said, "Isn't your strongest sword the Water Ting Sword? Just take it out and use it. Back then, the four of us in the South China Sea blocked the Feather Thunder Tribulation for the Silver Dragon with just our cultivation of pill formation." , we are not afraid of the power of thunder.”

"No, it's better not to play such shaky things. My Water Ting Sword is more than the power of thunder. If it hurts you, I will regret it. As long as you can block one of my strong attacks."

"It's up to you. After you finish fighting, we have to weigh your weight and let you taste the combination of three spells."

"If Senior Xiaoyao joins you in taking action, I really don't dare to lie. You three alone may not be able to subdue me."

"Then just wait and see." Gongsun Chong showed a confident smile.

Bai Xiang asked impatiently, "When will those two uncles come? Let them bring Xiao Hefeng with them."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "They will come soon, but they won't bring Xiao Hefeng. His cultivation level is still too low. These are big secrets that can cause trouble in the cultivation world. In fact, you shouldn't let them." I saw it, but Uncle Xiyang loves you too much and insisted on me bringing you here. In order to open your eyes, I won’t be polite. "

Gongsun Chong said, "Of course the young master of Huayue Sect and the young overlord of Daiyuan Mountain are qualified to watch. Xiao Hefeng can't compare with Xiang'er."

Bai Xiang couldn't laugh or cry and said angrily to Gongsun Chong, "Uncle Gongsun! Why don't you learn from them!"

Gongsun Chong laughed. If he wanted to get closer to Lang Xing, it would be a shortcut to please Bai Xiang. Bai Xiang was also worthy of everyone's love. Of course, Xiao Hefeng is more popular than Bai Xiang, and everyone thinks that Xiao Hefeng is a bit like Xun Yi. These two children are blessed to be disciples of Langxing and Xiyang.

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