Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2533 Lingxin Clan Conference

After the three Feather monks captured Wu Xia back, the Spirit Heart Clan immediately held a highest-level meeting under the altar.

Except for two of the three great supernatural powers who were traveling and one who was in retreat, the other seven great supernatural powers were all present, and there were also seven great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage who were in charge.

The leader of the clan, King Zhengling, is sitting in the middle. Six great supernatural powers are sitting on both sides. Minglan is at the bottom of the right column. Although her combat power and cultivation are superior among these people, these people are her elders. The ranking must pay attention to seniority. Below the two rows of seats of the Feather monks were the seats of seven late Yuanying monks arranged horizontally, and the sealed Wu Xia was placed behind the patriarch, King Zhengling.

The three Huayu monks who went to encircle them showed the situation in detail, and then the venue fell into silence. Everyone, including Ming Lan, was shocked and speechless.

Taisho Spirit King had heard the reports of the three people before. After everyone calmed down a bit, he looked at Minglan and said, "No matter how embarrassed you are, it's time to tell everyone more about the truth. This one is called Lang Xing." What is the relationship between this person and you? Have you revealed our location to him?" .??.

Ming Lan said with a serious face, "Of course I won't disclose our location to outsiders. He is an anomaly in this world. I have met him several times and we are quite destined. Yuchan worked hard in those days." The child I want to find is him. There should be a mysterious connection between the two of them, so he can come here. I always thought that I should let Yu Chan go. It's a bit late to get to this point now, but if If you agree to let Yu Chan go, I can make her swear an oath to ensure that she will not reveal our secrets and will not embarrass us again. "

The first one on the left, God Blessing Spirit King, snorted and said, "If Yuchan had been killed earlier, we wouldn't have had these troubles. You are still unwilling to tell the truth. Do you want to wait until you cause a big disaster to your clan?" Are you willing to speak out when disaster strikes?"

Tianzuo Lingwang, who was sitting opposite him, echoed, "Keeping Yuchan alive will be a disaster after all. I think it's better to kill her as soon as possible."

Minglan said calmly, "The details of this are not because I don't want to tell them, but because I can't tell them. There are secrets involved in this. Everyone is in awe of God's punishment. If you continue to force me, you will push me into a pit of fire."

For so many years, she has never revealed her relationship with Xun Yi. At first, she was afraid that someone would be jealous of Zhenghui Fruit and try to take advantage of Xun Yi. After Xun Yi died, she soon sensed that Xun Yi was reincarnated. The Lingxin Clan Although she knew a little bit about the secrets of heaven, she was not absolutely convinced about reincarnation. If she let everyone know about this living proof, she would be afraid that she would be punished by heaven, and someone would definitely disturb the search for reincarnation, so she He has been keeping the secrets in his heart against all the suspicions of his tribe.

The tribesmen have never given up asking her about the origins of the Zhenghui Fruit and Liegan Gong. She only said that they got it by chance and did not say a word more. This made everyone feel dissatisfied despite their helplessness, so she has been almost She was isolated by her tribe, with only a few relatives and friends left who cared about her and supported her.

The incident of protecting Yu Chan made everyone even more dissatisfied with her, but she has extraordinary fighting power. If she hadn't used the hunter's bow to frighten Yu Chan, I don't know what the outcome of the war would have been, so No one dared to push her too hard. At this time of year, everyone would inevitably take the opportunity to attack her.

The patriarch shook his head and said, "Lan'er is our

We have watched her grow up, and if she refuses to say more, she must have reasons for it, so don't force her anymore. "Having said this, he looked at Ming Lan and said, "Although you are young, you are already the Heavenly Fuling Queen in the clan, and your status is unusual, so it is up to you to decide whether to search for her soul. "After saying that, he sent the sealed Wuxia to Minglan.

King Tianzuo Ling objected, "It's okay if Queen Tianfuling refuses to say more, but we captured this female cultivator. For the safety of the clan, we should search for the soul immediately so that we can capture the escaped Lang Xing as soon as possible."

Tian'an Linghou, who was sitting next to him, frowned and said, "Lan'er is one of the top ten leaders no matter what. She is the best in terms of cultivation and combat power. She should be respected accordingly. Lang Xing and this female cultivator are related to her. It’s up to her to make the decision.”

King Tiansongling, who was wounded by the Blood Spirit Sword and the Water Ting Sword, disapproved and said, "This Langxing is too evil. We must capture him, even if we have to go to the human cultivation world, we will not hesitate to do so." The matter must be decided immediately, without any further delay, I think it is time to search for the soul immediately.”

Another injured person, Tianming Spirit King, nodded and said, "It's true that I have a good relationship with Lan'er, otherwise I wouldn't have made this trip for her, so I don't mean to disrespect her, but I don't care about the soul search." I don’t think Lan’er can make the decision alone, so let everyone make the decision.”

Ming Lan pulled Wu Xia to her side and said sternly, "I have nothing to do with this female cultivator. I learned from Yu Chan that her name is Wu Xia and that she is a senior disciple of Yin Yang Palace in Puyun Prefecture, but I still don't agree to search her soul." , this is not out of favor with Lang Xing and Yu Chan, but out of consideration for the safety of our clan.

I just sensed that he has escaped far away, and he is moving extremely fast. He is either assisted by great supernatural powers or has joined up with Linghe. It is impossible to catch up with him now. As for going to Puyunzhou or Nanjingzhou to capture him He is even more unfeasible, or else he will never come back, so there is no need to search for her soul, which will only create a deeper hatred with Lang Xing. "

After a pause, she continued, "Everyone has seen the magic of Lang Xing. To be honest, I didn't expect that he has such great abilities now. This kid has grown up too fast. Yu Chan has been using him before." Miraculous came to scare me, saying that he could bring disaster to the Spirit Heart Clan. I didn’t believe it, so I asked the three Spirit Kings to intercept him. Now that I believe it, I beg you all to listen to my advice and let him go immediately. Chan, otherwise disaster is not far away.”

God Bless the Spirit King said disdainfully, "He has some abilities, but he can't threaten our safety."

Minglan stared at him and said, "I can tell you that he is a closed disciple of Qianxu Palace and a closed disciple of Zixiao Palace. There are no less than five Huayu monks from these two sects alone. He can summon all the Huayu monks." There are far more than these five Yu monks, and they can even move to the middle stage of Yu Fei. I failed to capture him this time. It was my miscalculation. The disaster has been caused. I can no longer hesitate. If I wait for him to bring people to kill him, , we are really in danger.”

King Tiansongling said, "I don't think so. Our fight with him only happened in an instant. After all, his cultivation level is not high enough. He must have no time for him to use so many treasures. Although we were forced to use He has learned the skills of his clan, but he may not be able to see it clearly. In his opinion, the opponents he encounters are only two or three Feathered Monks, so they won’t call in too many people. We can just wait for him to throw himself into the trap. It depends on whether you are willing to contribute to the clan. You can sense his position. If you are willing to help, we can win more easily." After the three Feather monks captured Wu Xia back, the Lingxin clan immediately came. A meeting of the highest order was held under the altar.

Except for two of the three great supernatural powers who were traveling and one who was in retreat, the other seven great supernatural powers were all present, and there were also seven great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage who were in charge.

The leader of the clan, King Zhengling, is sitting in the middle. Six great supernatural powers are sitting on both sides. Minglan is at the bottom of the right column. Although her combat power and cultivation are superior among these people, these people are her elders. The ranking must pay attention to seniority. Below the two rows of seats of the Feather monks were the seats of seven late Yuanying monks arranged horizontally, and the sealed Wu Xia was placed behind the patriarch, King Zhengling.

The three Huayu monks who went to encircle them showed the situation in detail, and then the venue fell into silence. Everyone, including Ming Lan, was shocked and speechless.

Taisho Spirit King had heard the reports of the three people before. After everyone calmed down a bit, he looked at Minglan and said, "No matter how embarrassed you are, it's time to tell everyone more about the truth. This one is called Lang Xing." What is the relationship between this person and you? Have you disclosed our location to him?"

Ming Lan said with a serious face, "Of course I won't disclose our location to outsiders. He is an anomaly in this world. I have met him several times and we are quite destined. Yuchan worked hard in those days." The child I want to find is him. There should be a mysterious connection between the two of them, so he can come here. I always thought that I should let Yu Chan go. It's a bit late to get to this point now, but if If you agree to let Yu Chan go, I can make her swear an oath to ensure that she will not reveal our secrets and will not embarrass us again. "

The first one on the left, God Blessing Spirit King, snorted and said, "If Yuchan had been killed earlier, we wouldn't have had these troubles. You are still unwilling to tell the truth. Do you want to wait until you cause a big disaster to your clan?" Are you willing to speak out when disaster strikes?"

Tianzuo Lingwang, who was sitting opposite him, echoed, "Keeping Yuchan alive will be a disaster after all. I think it's better to kill her as soon as possible."

Minglan said calmly, "The details of this are not because I don't want to tell them, but because I can't tell them. There are secrets involved in this. Everyone is in awe of God's punishment. If you continue to force me, you will push me into a pit of fire."

For so many years, she has never revealed her relationship with Xun Yi. At first, she was afraid that someone would be jealous of the Zhenghui Fruit and take advantage of Xun Yi. After Xun Yi died, she soon sensed that Xun Yi was reincarnated. The Lingxin Clan Although she knew a little bit about heaven's secrets, she was not absolutely convinced about reincarnation. If she let everyone know about this living proof, she would be afraid that she would be punished by heaven, and someone would definitely disturb the search for reincarnation, so she He has been keeping the secrets in his heart against all the suspicions of his tribe.

The tribesmen have never given up asking her about the origins of the Zhenghui Fruit and Liegan Gong. She only said that they got it by chance and did not say a word more. This made everyone feel dissatisfied despite their helplessness, so she has been almost She was isolated by her tribe, with only a few relatives and friends left who cared about her and supported her.

The incident of protecting Yu Chan made everyone even more dissatisfied with her, but she has extraordinary fighting power. If she hadn't used the hunter's bow to frighten Yu Chan, I don't know what the outcome of the war would have been, so No one dared to push her too hard. At this time of year, everyone would inevitably take the opportunity to attack her.

The patriarch shook his head and said, "Lan'er is our

We have watched her grow up, and if she refuses to say more, she must have reasons for it. Don't force her anymore. "Having said this, he looked at Minglan and said, "Although you are young, you are already the Heavenly Fuling Empress in the clan, and your status is unusual, so it is up to you to decide whether to search for her soul. "After saying that, he sent the sealed Wuxia to Minglan.

King Tianzuo Ling objected, "It's okay if Queen Tianfuling refuses to say more, but we captured this female cultivator. For the safety of the clan, we should search for the soul immediately so that we can capture the escaped Lang Xing as soon as possible."

Tian'an Linghou, who was sitting next to him, frowned and said, "Lan'er is one of the top ten leaders no matter what. She is the best in terms of cultivation and combat power. She should be respected accordingly. Lang Xing and this female cultivator are related to her. It’s up to her to make the decision.”

King Tiansongling, who was wounded by the Blood Spirit Sword and the Water Ting Sword, disapproved and said, "This Langxing is too evil. We must capture him, even if we have to go to the human cultivation world, we will not hesitate to do so." The matter must be decided immediately, without any further delay, I think it is time to search for the soul immediately.”

Another injured person, Tianming Spirit King, nodded and said, "It's true that I have a good relationship with Lan'er, otherwise I wouldn't have made this trip for her, so I don't mean to disrespect her, but I don't care about the soul search." I don’t think Lan’er can make the decision alone, so let everyone make the decision.”

Ming Lan pulled Wu Xia to her side and said sternly, "I have nothing to do with this female cultivator. I learned from Yu Chan that her name is Wu Xia and that she is a senior disciple of Yin Yang Palace in Puyun Prefecture, but I still don't agree to search her soul." , this is not out of favor with Lang Xing and Yu Chan, but out of consideration for the safety of our clan.

I just sensed that he has escaped far away, and he is moving extremely fast. He is either assisted by great supernatural powers or has joined up with Linghe. It is impossible to catch up with him now. As for going to Puyunzhou or Nanjingzhou to capture him He is even more unfeasible, or else he will never come back, so there is no need to search for her soul, which will only create a deeper hatred with Lang Xing. "

After a pause, she continued, "Everyone has seen the magic of Lang Xing. To be honest, I didn't expect that he has such great abilities now. This kid has grown up too fast. Yu Chan has been using him before." Miraculous came to scare me, saying that he could bring disaster to the Spirit Heart Clan. I didn’t believe it, so I asked the three Spirit Kings to intercept him. Now that I believe it, I beg you all to listen to my advice and let him go immediately. Chan, otherwise disaster is not far away.”

God Bless the Spirit King said disdainfully, "He has some abilities, but he can't threaten our safety."

Minglan stared at him and said, "I can tell you that he is a closed disciple of Qianxu Palace and a closed disciple of Zixiao Palace. There are no less than five Huayu monks from these two sects alone. He can summon all the Huayu monks." There are far more than these five Yu monks, and they can even move to the middle stage of Feather transformation. I failed to capture him this time. It was my miscalculation. The disaster has been caused. I can no longer hesitate. If I wait for him to bring people to kill him, , we are really in danger.”

King Tiansongling said, "I don't think so. Our fight with him only happened in an instant. After all, his cultivation level is not high enough. He must have no time for him to use so many treasures. Although we were forced to use He has learned the skills of his clan, but he may not be able to see it clearly. In his opinion, the opponents he encounters are only two or three Feathered Monks, so they won’t call in too many people. We can just wait for him to throw himself into the trap. It depends on whether you are willing to contribute to the clan. If you can sense his position, we can win more easily. "

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