Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2537 I guess you’re in trouble

Seeing that he was so confident, Zhixia nodded happily, "Forget it about Xiyang, Su Wan and Shen Qing. I can help you find a few more Yuyu monks. It's a pity that the senior sister is not here. I really should have brought them with me." her."

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Let's talk on the way. Let Yan Bing find the Sixth Senior Brother and ask him to wait for us here."

"Okay, I need to prepare a little bit." Zhixia called Yan Bing over with her spiritual thoughts while preparing.

"Go and ask for your sixth master uncle. Your junior master uncle and I have something urgent to do to find him. Even if he is in seclusion, wake him up and ask him to come here and wait for us."

Yan Bing grinned, first handed a jade slip to Lang Xing, and then said with a grimace, "If Uncle Sixth Master is really in retreat, and I woke him up and couldn't give him a sufficient reason, he wouldn't have... …” .??.

Before she could finish speaking, Langxing sealed a jade slip and handed it to her, "Just give this jade slip to him. I'll take care of everything. He promises not to embarrass you."

Yan Bing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I dare to go now. What happened? Can you tell me a little bit?"

Langxing said seriously, "You have to be prepared that we won't be able to come back." He took out a jade slip that had been made in advance and handed it over, "You must keep this jade slip carefully. The seal on it will be sealed in three years." It will be lifted automatically. If we don’t come back by then, spread the news inside.”

Yan Bing's expression changed and he said, "What is this dangerous thing? Master, I have to go with you!"

Zhixia shook her head and said, "With your cultivation, you can't help. Just follow the instructions of my junior uncle. Be strict and don't tell anyone." After giving the instructions, she also sealed a jade slip, "This is It’s reserved for you, Grand Master and your two uncles, and it will be automatically unsealed after three years. All the instructions you should keep are in it.”

"Master..." Yan Bing was anxious and panicked, his eyes were red.

Zhixia comforted him and said, "This is just a complete preparation. It won't be like this. Just wait with peace of mind." After saying that, he took Langxing and left in the sky.

Yan Bing stood there helplessly, his panicked legs were weak, and the sudden disaster spread. At the same time, as Yu Chan said, Lang Xing, the gentle breeze at the end of Qingping, was spreading. The wind and thunder are gathering rapidly. Yu Chan's metaphor is very appropriate. Langxing is the soul of the storm. If you want to start a storm, you only need to roar!

During the rush to Nanjingzhou, Langxing continued what he had said before and said with a calm expression, "Su Wan can use Yejutu. At least he can take in one Feathered monk. Xiyang and the other three have also been killed." The combat power of a Yuyu monk will be doubled if he joins forces with Senior Xiaoyao. Although Shen Qing's combat power is slightly inferior, it is her big wish to find the Spirit Heart Clan, so take it with you if you can."

Zhixia muttered, "Yejutu is an immortal treasure, and Xiyang's and his are solitary skills that should not be exposed. Don't let them take action unless absolutely necessary."

"Of course, I will tell them."

Zhixia thought of the jade slip Yan Bing gave him and asked, "What happened to the jade slip Yan Bing gave you? I think you destroyed it casually."

Langxing wrote lightly, "I haven't had time to tell you yet. Not long after you and Senior Brother went into seclusion, Pei Yuan caused some trouble and severely injured Quan Heng. The Wuji Sect took the opportunity to attack, and I took action to resolve it."


After talking about what happened, he passed on the scene of the attack on Baishahai, "That jade slip was left to you by me, and this is what I remember in it. Do you know this bald man?"

"I don't know. According to what you said, even if this person is not the old monster hidden in Wuji Sect, he is probably the killer they found. The Wuji Sect people are really vicious." Zhixia's eyes flashed with anger.

Lang Xing didn't take it seriously and said, "It's them who are suffering anyway, so don't worry about it. I don't think they dare to provoke us easily. If they dare to use such despicable methods again, call the Sixth Brother, and the three of us will Go pick the Wuji Sect and kill them all, no matter how many old monsters they hide."

"It's so heroic." Zhixia joked, looking at this little junior brother with a smile. The more he looked at him, the more he fell in love with him.

Langxing smiled proudly, "There is something I haven't told you. Not long ago, I killed Wu Dao and expelled Shang Ji. I ordered him to never set foot in Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou again."

"What?" Zhixia couldn't help but be stunned. This kid's ability is too great, and his courage is boundless. This is equivalent to wiping out more than half of the Yin and Yang Palace. That is one of the nine sects. Listen The relaxed tone of his voice seemed to come naturally.

"It's okay, no one should know about this." Lang Xing told the story.

Zhi Xia was able to confirm this time. This kid really did it casually. "It would be safer to kill Li Zhen and the others who knew the truth. What do you think? Let me help you handle this matter." In the past, killing Li Zhen would have been impossible. She had secretly done it until someone silenced her, and now she felt she had to seek Lang Xing's opinion.

"Don't kill me. I don't think they will leak it out. This matter will not implicate Zixiao Palace. Even if they are found, Quanzhen, Xin Zheng and others will help me suppress this matter." , They have all offended me, and they are eager to find an opportunity to please me, and the Yin Yang Palace has no shame in pursuing such clues. "

"Then I'll listen to you." Zhixia let out a sigh and couldn't help but hold Lang Xing's arm tightly. The younger junior brother seemed to have a posture that was superior to the cultivation world, which made her have mixed feelings.

"I disturbed your seclusion. I will give you something to compensate you." Lang Xing took out two jade slips and handed them to her, "Fairy Hatian died in the Haishan Domain. This is a secret book she left behind. There are some places in it. I think she understood something wrong, so I recorded my insights in this jade slip for you to compare. "The things that Fairy Hentian comprehended are close to the spiritual arts of the Spirit Heart Clan, and he can't. Pass on the Lingxin Clan skills you have learned to the second senior sister. Through this secret book, you can lead the second senior sister into this new world.

"You actually saw her..." Zhixia hurriedly put away the two jade slips as if she was afraid of being seen. No need for Lang Xing to say more, she knew very well how valuable the secret book of Hentian Fairy was.

Langxing narrowly smiled and said, "Didn't you see it just now? The bloody light that went hand in hand with the Shui Ting Sword was transformed by the Blood Spirit Sword. In addition to the Blood Spirit Sword, she also had a Taiping Spirit Shield in her Qiankun Bag. I took it It’s flawless.”

"Show me the Blood Spirit Sword." Zhixia slowed down.

"Look back, look back, look back, hurry up first." Langxing pushed her forward and said, "I originally wanted to give it to you. Its power is not much worse than the Shui Ting Sword, but this thing is too difficult to melt. "I guess you are in trouble." Seeing how confident he was, Zhixia nodded happily, "Forget it about Xiyang, Su Wan, and Shen Qing. I can help you find a few more Huayu monks, but it's a pity that they are so big." Senior sister is not here, I should have taken her with me."

Lang Xing stood up and said, "Let's talk on the way. Let Yan Bing find the Sixth Senior Brother and ask him to wait for us here."

"Okay, I need to prepare a little bit." Zhixia called Yan Bing over with her spiritual thoughts while preparing.

"Go and ask for your sixth master uncle. Your junior master uncle and I have something urgent to do to find him. Even if he is in seclusion, wake him up and ask him to come here and wait for us."

Yan Bing grinned, first handed a jade slip to Lang Xing, and then said with a grimace, "If Uncle Sixth Master is really in retreat, and I woke him up and couldn't give him a sufficient reason, he wouldn't have... …”

Before she could finish speaking, Langxing sealed a jade slip and handed it to her, "Just give this jade slip to him. I'll take care of everything. He promises not to embarrass you."

Yan Bing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, I dare to go now. What happened? Can you tell me a little bit?"

Langxing said seriously, "You have to be prepared that we won't be able to come back." He took out a jade slip that had been made in advance and handed it over, "You must keep this jade slip carefully. The seal on it will be sealed in three years." It will be lifted automatically. If we don't come back by then, you can spread the news inside. "

Yan Bing's expression changed and he said, "What is this dangerous thing? Master, I have to go with you!"

Zhixia shook her head and said, "With your cultivation, you can't help. Just follow the instructions of my junior uncle. Be strict and don't tell anyone." After giving the instructions, she also sealed a jade slip, "This is It’s reserved for you, Grand Master and your two uncles, and it will be automatically unsealed after three years. All the instructions you should keep are in it.”

"Master..." Yan Bing was anxious and panicked, his eyes were red.

Zhixia comforted him and said, "This is just a complete preparation. It won't be like this. Just wait with peace of mind." After saying that, he took Langxing and left in the air.

Yan Bing stood there helplessly, his panicked legs were weak, and the sudden disaster spread. At the same time, as Yu Chan said, Lang Xing, the gentle breeze at the end of Qingping, was spreading. The wind and thunder are gathering rapidly. Yu Chan's metaphor is very appropriate. Langxing is the soul of the storm. If you want to start a storm, you only need to roar!

During the rush to Nanjingzhou, Langxing continued what he had said before and said with a calm expression, "Su Wan can use Yejutu. At least he can take in one Feathered monk. Xiyang and the other three have also been killed." The combat power of a Yuyu monk will be doubled if he joins forces with Senior Xiaoyao. Although Shen Qing's combat power is slightly inferior, it is her big wish to find the Spirit Heart Clan, so take it with you if you can."

Zhixia muttered, "Yejutu is an immortal treasure, and Xiyang's and his are solitary skills that should not be exposed. Don't let them take action unless absolutely necessary."

"Of course, I will tell them."

Zhixia thought of the jade slip Yan Bing gave him and asked, "What happened to the jade slip Yan Bing gave you? I think you destroyed it casually."

Langxing wrote lightly, "I haven't had time to tell you yet. Not long after you and Senior Brother went into seclusion, Pei Yuan caused some trouble and severely injured Quan Heng. The Wuji Sect took the opportunity to attack, and I took action to resolve it."


After talking about what happened, he passed on the scene of the attack on Baishahai, "That jade slip was left to you by me, and this is what I remember in it. Do you know this bald man?"

"I don't know. According to what you said, even if this person is not the old monster hidden in Wuji Sect, he is probably the killer they found. The Wuji Sect people are really vicious." Zhixia's eyes flashed with anger.

Lang Xing didn't take it seriously and said, "It's them who are suffering anyway, so don't worry about it. I don't think they dare to provoke us easily. If they dare to use such despicable methods again, call the Sixth Brother, and the three of us will Go pick the Wuji Sect and kill them all, no matter how many old monsters they hide."

"It's so heroic." Zhixia joked, looking at this little junior brother with a smile. The more he looked at him, the more he fell in love with him.

Langxing smiled proudly, "There is something else I haven't told you. Not long ago, I killed Wu Dao and expelled Shang Ji. I ordered him to never set foot in the borders of Nanjingzhou and Puyunzhou again."

"What?" Zhixia couldn't help but be stunned. This kid's ability is too great, and his courage is boundless. This is equivalent to wiping out more than half of the Yin Yang Palace. It is one of the nine sects. Listen. The relaxed tone of his voice seemed to come naturally.

"It's okay, no one should know about this." Lang Xing told the story.

Zhi Xia was able to confirm this time. This kid really did it casually. "It would be safer to kill Li Zhen and the few insiders. What do you think? Let me help you handle this matter." In the past, killing Li Zhen She had secretly done it until someone silenced her, and now she felt she had to seek Lang Xing's opinion.

"Don't kill them. I don't think they will leak it. This matter will not implicate Zixiao Palace. Even if they are found, Quanzhen, Xin Zheng and others will help me suppress this matter." , They have all offended me, and they are eager to find an opportunity to please me, and the Yin Yang Palace has no shame in pursuing such clues. "

"Then I'll listen to you." Zhixia let out a sigh and couldn't help but hold Lang Xing's arm tightly. The junior brother had a posture that was obviously superior to the cultivation world, which made her have mixed feelings.

"I disturbed your seclusion. I will give you something to compensate you." Lang Xing took out two jade slips and handed them to her, "Fairy Hatian died in the Haishan Domain. This is a secret book she left behind. There are some places in it. I think she understood something wrong, so I recorded my insights in this jade slip for you to compare. "The things that Fairy Hentian comprehended are close to the spiritual arts of the Spirit Heart Clan, and he can't. Pass on the Lingxin Clan skills you have learned to the second senior sister. Through this secret book, you can lead the second senior sister into this new world.

"You actually saw her..." Zhixia hurriedly put away the two jade slips as if she was afraid of being seen. No need for Lang Xing to say more, she knew very well how valuable the secret book of Hentian Fairy was.

Langxing narrowly smiled and said, "Didn't you see it just now? The bloody light that went hand in hand with the Shui Ting Sword was transformed by the Blood Spirit Sword. In addition to the Blood Spirit Sword, she also had a Taiping Spirit Shield in her Qiankun Bag. I took it It’s flawless.”

"Show me the Blood Spirit Sword." Zhixia slowed down.

"Look back, look back, look back, hurry up first." Langxing pushed her forward and said, "I originally wanted to give it to you. Its power is not much worse than the Shui Ting Sword, but this thing is too difficult to melt. Yeah, I guess you’re tired.”

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