Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2565 This is the power of good

Langxing raised his eyes and looked at the blue sky, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Are you trying to force me to continue practicing?"

Hu Tian looked at him with a playful look and said, "Then it depends on whether you want to take Shu Yan back. I have no intention of forcing you to continue to grow, and I have to warn you that if your attitude towards the way of heaven and becoming an immortal is no longer As you said to me at the beginning, I hope you can realize your true path honestly and stop stirring up trouble, otherwise you will be added to my hunting list."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "I understand, you can rest assured. Unless I can bring a group of close people to become immortals together, I will not step into the immortal gate even if it is opened in front of me. As for provoking trouble, I have no ambitions." , I am not a person who will retaliate. If others don’t mess with me, I won’t cause trouble. After your warning today, I will be more cautious in the future and will not start a war of this scale again unless forced to do so.”

Hutian said with satisfaction, "I see that you have a good nature and hope that you can grow into my friend. Since your mind has not changed, I hope that you will be qualified to protect this world with me sooner. I have to say that you have grown up very quickly, and you have improved a lot since our last separation."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "It's not even close. You easily unlocked the restriction I placed on the Spirit King of the Spirit Heart Clan." At this point, the green leaf on his place, "And what do I think?" Unlocking the restrictions you have placed without a clue.”

Hu Tian showed a sincere look and said, "If you can untie it, you will be close to competing with me. Langxing, don't betray my trust in you. To be honest, if you can form such a team, you can already compete with me." It worries me. Looking at the world, although there are many great powers, there are only a few who can summon and restrain such a team. It can be seen that they are all willing to fight for you. This should be considered. Writing is one of your talents, a talent more powerful than the magical power of the mind. If you stand on the opposite side of me in the future, what I do today will be a recipe for trouble. "

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "I know...this is the power of good."

"The power of good?" Hu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lang Xing smiled charmingly and said, "You don't want to become an immortal, and you have also said that you don't want to discuss Taoism with others, so do you want to continue asking?"

Hu Tian smiled leisurely, waved his hands and said, "Then let's not talk about this. I'm really a little afraid that you will push me into the fairy gate. You are a very evil kid. I hope God doesn't take you away in advance, but you Even if you stand with me in the future, stay away from me and don’t disturb my good life.”

Lang Xing grinned and said, "You praise me too much. You have treated Shu Yan well as you promised. This makes me both grateful and ashamed. Just now I was thinking about whether to lead everyone to fight with you. We people are really Don’t you have the ability to compete with me?”

"I know you were thinking about this just now. If you really do it, I can only kill them. I can let you know that people like me exist, and you won't be polite to them. You should understand what I mean. ”

Langxing straightened his expression and said, "I understand, but they are currently not a threat to the peace of this world. Please don't do anything to them at will. These are the people closest to me."

Hu Tian looked at him with a meaningful look and said, "Most of the people you have found are extraordinary, just the older ones, the Little Demon Lord, Shen Qing, the young people from Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect. Men and women, as well as the female cultivator who is closest to you, all have extraordinary talents. If you get together and want to make trouble, it will be difficult for the world to have peace. "


Do you know Xiao Mojun and Shen Qing? "

Hu Tian smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you just say that I have great supernatural powers? These two people are so famous, of course I have heard about them."

Langxing said with a smile, "The boy from Qianxu Palace is my fifth senior brother, his name is Lingye. I believe you can tell at a glance that he is a lazy person like me, harmless to humans and animals. The girl from Qianjie Sect is My senior sister Liuyun is also very kind-hearted, and everyone else is also of good character. If they make you unhappy one day, you should say hello to me first, and I will admonish them, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Hu Tian asked with a slight smile, "Where is that female cultivator who wants to come with you regardless? Won't you introduce her to me?"

Lang Xing said with some embarrassment, "Her name is Su Wan. You can see how kind-hearted and soft-hearted she is without me telling her."

Hu Tian smiled jokingly, and then his face returned to calmness and he said, "The half-human and half-ghost Xiaoyao Demon Lord seems to have changed his temperament and looks much more peaceful than before. This is quite unexpected. "

Lang Xing widened his eyes and said, "Demon Lord? Was he cruel before? I think he is very good. He has killed some people, but the ones he killed were all those who practiced evil soul arts. He is really peaceful. I can do this." Feel it out.”

Hu Tian shook his head and said, "He was not like this before. I had the intention to get rid of him at first, but later he went into seclusion in Xuantu Riyuan. Although he was ruthless to intruders, he didn't come out to make trouble much. I I just ignored him."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "He is only doing things to eliminate the tyrants and bring peace to the people. This is consistent with your wish to maintain the peace of the world. Why don't you talk to him? Maybe he can be a good helper for you."

Hu Tian was not very interested and said, "I know you want to help him, but he is too unruly and unruly. I am too lazy to spend energy on him. Let him continue to be free. People like him and the Little Demon Lord are not the same." They will be controlled by anyone, and no one can control them. They can only walk their own path, so I will not meet him."

Lang Xing was slightly disappointed and said, "Okay, but Senior Xiaoyao is really good now, and his kindness to me is as deep as..."

Hu Tian interrupted him and said, "You are not qualified to show affection in front of me. Although the two of us have some similarities in temperament, I am willing to become friends with you early, but if you let me take care of you now These people are just annoying me. I don’t have as much leisure as you. I can promise you not to attack these people easily, but that’s it. Let’s talk about the rest when you have the ability to fight me. ”

Lang Xing was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes, I am a little greedy. The main reason is that Senior Xiaoyao has been too kind to me. I want to repay him. Don't blame me. It's my fault. I won't be so pushy in the future." I'm very grateful that you can promise not to attack them easily."

Hu Tian softened his expression and said, "You can make me feel at ease because you value friendship so much. Naturally, people who care about so many people will not do anything harmful to the world. Just take care of yourself. I can sympathize with fighting for your relatives and friends, but It's best not to make the battle so big. If you continue like this, you will soon be able to gather dozens of teams with great supernatural powers. If Yuchan is really trapped by the Lingxin tribe, you can follow her after you see her. She told me that she had met me during the war with Yuan Yizhou Xiujie, and asked her to calm down, and there was no need to say more."

Lang Xing understood and said, "Are you afraid that she will settle accounts with the Lingxin Clan, right? I will try my best to persuade her, as well as the rest of the people. The Lingxin Clan is a race that knows the secrets of the heavens, and the secrets cannot be leaked. I understand this truth." Langxing raised his eyes and looked at the blue sky, his brows gradually furrowed.

"Are you trying to force me to continue practicing?"

Hu Tian looked at him with a playful look and said, "Then it depends on whether you want to take Shu Yan back. I have no intention of forcing you to continue to grow, and I have to warn you that if your attitude towards the way of heaven and becoming an immortal is no longer As you said to me at the beginning, I hope you can realize your true path honestly and stop stirring up trouble, otherwise you will be added to my hunting list."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "I understand, you can rest assured. Unless I can bring a group of close people to become immortals together, I will not step into the immortal gate even if it is opened in front of me. As for provoking trouble, I have no ambitions." , I am not a person who will retaliate. If others don’t mess with me, I won’t cause trouble. After your warning today, I will be more cautious in the future and will not start a war of this scale again unless forced to do so.”

Hutian said with satisfaction, "I see that you have a good nature and hope that you can grow into my friend. Since your mind has not changed, I hope that you will be qualified to protect this world with me sooner. I have to say that you have grown up very quickly, and you have improved a lot since our last separation."

Lang Xing grinned and said, "It's not even close. You easily unlocked the restriction I placed on the Spirit King of the Spirit Heart Clan." At this point, the green leaf on his place, "And what do I think?" Unlocking the restrictions you have placed without a clue.”

Hu Tian showed a sincere look and said, "If you can unlock it, you will be close to competing with me. Langxing, don't betray my trust in you. To be honest, if you can form such a team, you can already compete with me." It worries me. Looking at the world, although there are many great powers, there are only a few who can summon and restrain such a team. It can be seen that they are all willing to fight for you. This should be considered. Writing is one of your talents, a talent more powerful than the magical power of the mind. If you stand on the opposite side of me in the future, what I do today will be a recipe for trouble. "

Lang Xing said thoughtfully, "I know...this is the power of good."

"The power of good?" Hu Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lang Xing smiled charmingly and said, "You don't want to become an immortal, and you have also said that you don't want to discuss Taoism with others, so do you want to continue asking?"

Hu Tian smiled leisurely, waved his hands and said, "Then let's not talk about this. I'm really a little afraid that you will push me into the fairy gate. You are a very evil kid. I hope God doesn't take you away in advance, but you Even if you stand with me in the future, stay away from me and don’t disturb my good life.”

Lang Xing grinned and said, "You praise me too much. You have treated Shu Yan well as you promised. This makes me both grateful and ashamed. Just now I was thinking about whether to lead everyone to fight with you. We people are really Don’t you have the ability to compete with me?”

"I know you were thinking about this just now. If you really do it, I can only kill them. I can let you know that people like me exist, and you won't be polite to them. You should understand what I mean. ”

Langxing straightened his expression and said, "I understand, but they are currently not a threat to the peace of this world. Please don't do anything to them at will. These are the people closest to me."

Hu Tian looked at him with a meaningful look and said, "Most of the people you have found are extraordinary, just the older ones, the Little Demon Lord, Shen Qing, the young people from Qianxu Palace and Qianjie Sect. Men and women, as well as the female cultivator who is closest to you, all have extraordinary talents. If you get together and want to make trouble, it will be difficult for the world to have peace. "


Do you know Xiao Mojun and Shen Qing? "

Hu Tian smiled lightly and said, "Didn't you just say that I have great supernatural powers? These two people are so famous, of course I have heard about them."

Langxing said with a smile, "The boy from Qianxu Palace is my fifth senior brother, his name is Lingye. I believe you can tell at a glance that he is a lazy person like me, harmless to humans and animals. The girl from Qianjie Sect is My senior sister Liuyun is also very kind-hearted, and everyone else is also of good character. If they make you unhappy one day, you should say hello to me first, and I will admonish them, and I will definitely satisfy you."

Hu Tian asked with a slight smile, "Where is that female cultivator who wants to come with you regardless? Won't you introduce her to me?"

Lang Xing said in embarrassment, "Her name is Su Wan. You can see how kind-hearted and soft-hearted she is without me telling her."

Hu Tian smiled jokingly, and then his face returned to calmness and he said, "The half-human and half-ghost Xiaoyao Demon Lord seems to have changed his temperament and looks much more peaceful than before. This is quite unexpected. "

Lang Xing widened his eyes and said, "Demon Lord? Was he cruel before? I think he is very good. He has killed some people, but the ones he killed were all those who practiced evil soul arts. He is really peaceful. I can do this." Feel it out.”

Hu Tian shook his head and said, "He was not like this before. I had the intention to get rid of him at first, but later he went into seclusion in Xuantu Riyuan. Although he was ruthless to intruders, he didn't come out to make trouble much. I I ignored him."

Lang Xing blinked and said, "He is only doing things to eliminate the tyrants and bring peace to the people. This is consistent with your wish to maintain the peace of the world. Why don't you talk to him? Maybe he can be a good helper for you."

Hu Tian was not very interested and said, "I know you want to help him, but he is too unruly and unruly. I am too lazy to spend energy on him. Let him continue to be free. People like him and the Little Demon Lord are not the same." They will be controlled by anyone, and no one can control them. They can only walk their own path, so I will not meet him."

Lang Xing was slightly disappointed and said, "Okay, but Senior Xiaoyao is really good now, and his kindness to me is as deep as..."

Hu Tian interrupted him and said, "You are not qualified to show affection in front of me. Although the two of us have some similarities in temperament, I am willing to become friends with you early, but if you let me take care of you now These people are just annoying me. I don’t have as much leisure as you. I can promise you not to attack these people easily, but that’s it. Let’s talk about the rest when you have the ability to fight me. ”

Lang Xing was a little embarrassed and said, "Yes, I am a little greedy. The main reason is that Senior Xiaoyao has been too kind to me. I want to repay him. Don't blame me. It's my fault. I won't be so pushy in the future." I'm very grateful that you can promise not to attack them easily."

Hu Tian softened his expression and said, "You can make me feel at ease because you value friendship so much. Naturally, people who care about so many people will not do anything harmful to the world. Just take care of yourself. I can sympathize with fighting for your relatives and friends, but It's best not to make the battle so big. If you continue like this, you will soon be able to gather dozens of teams with great supernatural powers. If Yuchan is really trapped by the Lingxin tribe, you can follow her after you see her. She told me that she had met me during the war with Yuan Yizhou Xiujie, and asked her to calm down, and there was no need to say more."

Lang Xing understood and said, "Are you afraid that she will settle accounts with the Lingxin Clan, right? I will try my best to persuade her, as well as the rest of the people. The Lingxin Clan is a race that knows the secrets of the heavens, and the secrets cannot be leaked. I understand this truth."

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