Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2584 Does Sixth Senior Brother have no chance of winning?

There was no grand scene of rolling clouds, and there was not even a breath of wind. This world was completely occupied by murderous energy.

The flowers, plants and trees on the ground showed a sense of death, their vitality had been destroyed. The death of birds and animals seemed more obvious. They all maintained their original appearance as if frozen, but their eyes had already become stagnant after death. .

The murderous aura of the little devil instantly turned this place with a radius of thousands of miles into a death zone!

Yu Chan once again opened his body-protecting divine light to protect Lang Xing, and before he could recover, he said, "Don't cause trouble. For the little devil, if he doesn't show his sincerity, this competition will be meaningless."

"But..." Lang Xing only said one word this time and stopped. Concubine Chan was right. Senior Brother Six certainly didn't want to cause trouble, but he was really worried. There is going to be damage. The Sixth Senior Brother has stretched his posture to such an extent. Can Senior Xiaoyao be able to block his full blow?

He underestimated the Sixth Senior Brother a little, and Xinxie's posture was not yet strong enough.

In Lang Xing's worried eyes, a faint blue light bloomed outside Xinxie's body, and the murderous aura that filled the world surged again!

There was a look of amusement in Yu Chan's eyes. The little devil did have a few moments, but it was not enough to make her feel threatened.

Shen Qing, who was standing not far away from them, activated the protective divine light. This murderous aura had already posed a threat to her.

The blue light outside Xinxie's body was slowly getting brighter, so slowly that it made Lang Xing a little anxious.

Xiaoyao Xianjun, who was in the whirlpool of murderous intent, seemed quite calm. He had his hands behind his back, and his empty eyes were not looking at Xinxie, but facing Langxing and the others. Everyone could even see from his rigid face. There was a leisurely look on his face.

The little devil finally started to move, and walked towards Xiaoyao Immortal Lord step by step. With every step he took, a piece of blue light flashed out from under his feet. The blue light seemed to be alive. After it flashed, it turned into wisps of blue thread and merged into his protection. Body in divine light.

Lang Xing's heart beat with the footsteps of the sixth senior brother, one step, two steps, three steps... When Xinxie reached the ninth step, the protective light outside his body was already so blue that it was dazzling.

Yu Chan increased the power of the body-protecting divine light, and Lang Xing was able to see the figure of the sixth senior brother again. At this time, there was a bright red blood light in the blue light, and the Blood Spirit Sword was activated.

Shen Qing stepped back involuntarily. As a Yu Yu monk who had just broken the mirror, she clearly felt that she could not block Xin Xie's blow. The current distance of three thousand miles was no longer safe for her.

Yu Chan looked at the faint golden light blooming outside Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, and said to Lang Xing, "Although the Little Demon Lord is strong enough, he is still a little behind in front of the monks in the middle stage of Feathering. Don't worry, Xiaoyao can handle it calmly." ”

"Senior Brother Sixth, don't you have any chance of winning?" Langxing took out the Rusty Spirit Sword that Senior Brother Sixth had just given him. Now he had to worry about whether Senior Brother Sixth would be affected by the defeat in this battle. Senior Brother Sixth was so proud. If he lost, Being too miserable will definitely affect your mood.

Yu Chan snatched the Rusty Spirit Sword from Lang Xing's hand, eyes still staring at the direction of the battlefield, and said, "Don't cause trouble, not everyone has your incredible ability, now instead of letting him use two spiritual treasures It's better to use one piece to be more powerful. If the guess is correct, he..." Before she could tell her guess, Xie Xie already believed it.

Jing raised his left hand and pointed his index finger to the sky.

That’s right, Zixiaolingri! This move is more effective than adding a Rusty Spirit Sword.

Lang Xing held his breath, Yu Chan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Shen Qing retreated again.

The golden light outside Immortal Xiaoyao suddenly became stronger, and a few wisps of faint black smoke suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield. They were wandering erratically. Although they were only a few thin wisps of smoke, they emitted The breath of death makes this world no longer dominated by murderous intent.

Xinxie's finger raised to the sky seemed to have touched an invisible obstacle. He moved upward slowly and hard for an inch and then stopped. There was no obstacle, but his fighting spirit was shaken. Those few wisps of black smoke made him realize that he could not win at all. In this case, there was no need to continue fighting. At this point, he had already overcome the power of the Great Immortal Lord in the middle stage of Yu Yu. Got some understanding.

"You know the sky is high, right?" Yu Chan and You Rongyan teased Xin Xie.

Langxing saw the Sixth Senior Brother lowering his raised arms, and the protective light outside his body slowly faded. He couldn't help but slowly exhale the breath he was holding in his chest. He was so nervous, and finally couldn't help it. If something unexpected happens, it is undoubtedly the wisest choice for Sixth Senior Brother to stop in time.

Xinxie ignored Yuchan. He looked at Immortal Xiaoyao and bowed slightly, saying "Thank you."

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord nodded slightly. It was not easy for the Little Demon Lord to express his sincere thanks. He had to give some response.

"Hey! It really makes me so nervous that I can't breathe, Sixth Senior Brother..." Langxing said as he flew towards Xinxie. Unexpectedly, a figure passed by him. Before he could see clearly who it was, his body He was trapped by a restriction, and then he saw that it was Shen Qing who had done something evil to him!

Yu Chan flew to Lang Xing and once again placed him under the protection of his body-protecting divine light. However, he did not help Lang Xing unlock the restriction. Instead, he looked with interest at Shen Qing, who had already taken action against Xiaoyao Immortal Lord.

Shen Qing was also capable enough. In order not to miss this opportunity to fight against the monks in the middle stage of Huayu, she took action without saying a word. Anyway, she and Lang Xing were not seen outside. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord would definitely not fight for Lang Xing's sake. She cares.

Lang Xing quickly released the restriction, and the battle between Shen Qing and Senior Xiaoyao would not make him so nervous. After all, Shen Qing had just entered Huayu, so there was no suspense in this battle.

After Shen Qing restrained Lang Xing, he pulled out a weird magic weapon and pointed it at Xiaoyao Immortal. He flew to a hundred miles away from Xiaoyao Immortal before stopping.

Her magic technique is really weird. The palm is facing down, the little finger and the ring finger are pinched together, the middle finger points straight downward, the index finger points to Xiaoyao Xianjun, and the thumb is extended flat. It looks a bit like the rare earth-measuring magic technique, but it has obvious differences. The difference is that the middle finger, index finger, and thumb of the Earth Measurement Technique are all naturally stretched out, and her three fingers have slight changes in angle. Something like the Technique may have a hugely different power, so It is no exaggeration to say that her magic spell is weird. This is a magic spell that no one has ever seen before.

Immortal Xiaoyao, who had not moved at all amid the powerful murderous aura of the little devil, actually swayed a bit, and golden light bloomed outside his body again.

In the blink of an eye from Immortal Xiaoyao, Shen Qing's expression changed, and then her eyes flashed with perseverance, and the three spread fingers slowly moved. There was no grand scene of rolling clouds, and there was not even a breath of wind. This world was completely occupied by murderous energy.

The flowers, plants and trees on the ground showed a sense of death, their vitality had been destroyed. The death of birds and animals seemed more obvious. They all maintained their original appearance as if frozen, but their eyes had already become stagnant after death. .

The murderous aura of the little devil instantly turned this place with a radius of thousands of miles into a death zone!

Yu Chan once again opened his body-protecting divine light to protect Lang Xing, and before he could recover, he said, "Don't cause trouble. For the little devil, if he doesn't show his sincerity, this competition will be meaningless."

"But..." Lang Xing only said one word this time and stopped. Concubine Chan was right. Senior Brother Six certainly didn't want to cause trouble, but he was really worried. There is going to be damage. Sixth Senior Brother has stretched his posture so much. Can Senior Xiaoyao block his full blow?

He underestimated the Sixth Senior Brother a little, and Xinxie's posture was not yet strong enough.

In Lang Xing's worried eyes, a faint blue light bloomed outside Xinxie's body, and the murderous aura that filled the world surged again!

There was a look of amusement in Yu Chan's eyes. The little devil did have a few moments, but it was not enough to make her feel threatened.

Shen Qing, who was standing not far away from them, activated the protective divine light. This murderous aura had already posed a threat to her.

The blue light outside Xinxie's body was slowly getting brighter, so slowly that it made Lang Xing a little anxious.

Xiaoyao Xianjun, who was in the whirlpool of murderous intent, seemed quite calm. He had his hands behind his back, and his empty eyes were not looking at Xinxie, but facing Langxing and the others. Everyone could even see from his rigid face. There was a leisurely look on his face.

The little devil finally started to move, and walked towards Xiaoyao Immortal Lord step by step. With every step he took, a piece of blue light flashed out from under his feet. The blue light seemed to be alive. After it flashed, it turned into wisps of blue thread and merged into his protection. Body in divine light.

Lang Xing's heart beat with the footsteps of the sixth senior brother, one step, two steps, three steps... When Xinxie reached the ninth step, the protective light outside his body was already so blue that it was dazzling.

Yu Chan increased the power of the body-protecting divine light, and Lang Xing was able to see the figure of the sixth senior brother again. At this time, there was a bright red blood light in the blue light, and the Blood Spirit Sword was activated.

Shen Qing stepped back involuntarily. As a Yu Yu monk who had just broken the mirror, she clearly felt that she could not block Xin Xie's blow. The current distance of three thousand miles was no longer safe for her.

Yu Chan looked at the faint golden light blooming outside Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, and said to Lang Xing, "Although the Little Demon Lord is strong enough, he is still a little behind in front of the monks in the middle stage of Feathering. Don't worry, Xiaoyao can handle it calmly." ”

"Senior Brother Sixth, don't you have any chance of winning?" Langxing took out the Rusty Spirit Sword that Senior Brother Sixth had just given him. Now he had to worry about whether Senior Brother Sixth would be affected by the defeat in this battle. Senior Brother Sixth was so proud. If he lost, Being too miserable will definitely affect your mood.

Yu Chan snatched the Rusty Spirit Sword from Lang Xing's hand, eyes still staring at the direction of the battlefield, and said, "Don't cause trouble, not everyone has your incredible ability, now instead of letting him use two spiritual treasures It's better to use one piece to be more powerful. If the guess is correct, he..." Before she could tell her guess, Xie Xie already believed it.

Jing raised his left hand and pointed his index finger at the sky.

That’s right, Zixiaolingri! This move is more effective than adding a rusty spirit sword.

Lang Xing held his breath, Yu Chan narrowed his eyes slightly, and Shen Qing retreated again.

The golden light outside Immortal Xiaoyao suddenly became stronger, and a few wisps of faint black smoke suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield. They were wandering erratically. Although they were only a few thin wisps of smoke, they emitted The aura of death makes this world no longer dominated by murderous aura.

Xinxie's finger raised to the sky seemed to have touched an invisible obstacle. He moved upward slowly and hard for an inch and then stopped. There was no obstacle, but his fighting spirit was shaken. Those few wisps of black smoke made him realize that he could not win at all. In this case, there was no need to continue fighting. At this point, he had already overcome the power of the Great Immortal Lord in the middle stage of Yu Yu. Got some understanding.

"You know the sky is high, right?" Yuchan and Yourongyan teased Xinxie.

Langxing saw the Sixth Senior Brother put down his raised arm, and the protective light outside his body gradually faded. He couldn't help but slowly exhale the breath he was holding in his chest. He was so nervous that he finally stopped. If something unexpected happens, it is undoubtedly the wisest choice for Sixth Senior Brother to stop in time.

Xinxie ignored Yu Chan. He looked at Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and bowed slightly, saying "Thank you."

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord nodded slightly. It was not easy for the Little Demon Lord to express his sincere thanks. He had to give some response.

"Hey! It really makes me so nervous that I can't breathe, Sixth Senior Brother..." Langxing said as he flew towards Xinxie. Unexpectedly, a figure passed by him. Before he could see clearly who it was, his body He was trapped by a restriction, and then he saw that it was Shen Qing who had done something evil to him!

Yu Chan flew to Lang Xing and once again placed him under the protection of his body-protecting divine light. However, he did not help Lang Xing unlock the restriction. Instead, he looked with interest at Shen Qing, who had already taken action against Xiaoyao Immortal Lord.

Shen Qing was also capable enough. In order not to miss this opportunity to fight against the monks in the middle stage of Huayu, she took action without saying a word. Anyway, she and Lang Xing were not seen outside. Xiaoyao Immortal Lord would definitely not fight for Lang Xing's sake. She cares.

Lang Xing quickly released the restriction, and the battle between Shen Qing and Senior Xiaoyao would not make him so nervous. After all, Shen Qing had just entered Huayu, so there was no suspense in this battle.

After Shen Qing restrained Lang Xing, he pulled out a weird magic weapon and pointed it at Xiaoyao Immortal. He flew to a hundred miles away from Xiaoyao Immortal before stopping.

Her magic technique is really weird. The palm is facing down, the little finger and the ring finger are pinched together, the middle finger points straight downward, the index finger points to Xiaoyao Xianjun, and the thumb is extended flat. It looks a bit like the rare earth-measuring magic technique, but it has obvious differences. The difference is that the middle finger, index finger, and thumb of the Earth Measurement Technique are all naturally stretched out, and her three fingers have slight changes in angle. Something like the Technique may have a hugely different power, so It is no exaggeration to say that her magic spell is weird. This is a magic spell that no one has ever seen before.

Immortal Xiaoyao, who had not moved at all amid the powerful murderous aura of the little devil, actually swayed a bit, and golden light bloomed outside his body again.

In the blink of an eye from Immortal Xiaoyao, Shen Qing's expression changed, and then a look of determination flashed in her eyes, and the three spread fingers slowly moved.

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