Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2591 This air is too big

"Uncle, you are so complimentary. I may not be in the right state of mind, but I am just tired and tired from working too much." Zhixia couldn't help but glanced at Lang Xing. She really didn't have such a high level of understanding. How lucky she was to get to this point. The help of two junior brothers.

Jifa shook his head and said, "My dear nephew, there is no need to be humble. A capable person is a teacher. It won't be long before you can give us guidance. By then, we hope that my dear nephew will not hesitate to give you advice because of our many years of love."

"You think highly of me." Zhixia smiled humbly, feeling really happy in her heart. Because she had only been transformed into a feather for a short period of time, she was not sure about the improvement of her current realm. She needed the affirmation of others to be convinced of these words of Jifa. was what she most wanted to hear.

"Bring the person here." Xinxie said calmly. He was not interested in wasting more time with Jifa and Jidao.

"Please rest in peace, Sixth Immortal Lord." Ji Dao comforted Xin Xie, and then looked at Lang Xing enthusiastically and said, "Little nephew, we sincerely want to invite you to visit the Wuji Immortal Mirror. You are already here today. , why not just go in and take a look.”

Zhixia and Xinxie looked at each other. The Wuji Immortal Mirror was tempting to all the Feather monks, but it was obvious that they had no intention of inviting them in together.

"I really have to go back to Nanjingzhou immediately. I am in a restless mood at the moment and it is not suitable for meditating. I understand the kindness of my uncle." Lang Xing declined politely. This is the truth. Even if he doesn't have to be careful, he has no intention of meditating at the moment. .

Zhixia helped, "He is indeed in a hurry. Master, please wait until he is done with his work and give him a chance."

Ji Dao said with a smile on his face, "It's easy to talk. Since my little nephew has no intention of meditating at this moment, he can come at any time in the future. He can enter the Wuji Immortal Mirror whenever he wants, and he can meditate for as long as he wants." After that, he showed a frank look and continued. Said, "We understand what your second senior sister just said. Although Wuji Sect and Zixiao Palace had some minor disputes in the past, as the two pillars of Qianzonghui, we should be as close as possible. As long as our two families live in harmony, Pu Yunzhou can't turn the world upside down, so..." He looked at Zhixia, "My dear nephew, just go and enjoy your leisure time in peace. We will carefully warn the disciples. Small conflicts may be inevitable. After all, we have too many disciples. There are definitely some confused bastards, but this kind of small conflict is not worth paying attention to. We just make sure that the two families don't really get into trouble." ??

"Thank you so much to the two uncles." Zhixia's purpose of coming here has been achieved. Ji Dao is equivalent to making a guarantee. Although both sides are very polite in their words, behind this is a competition of strength. Wuji Sect has to accept what will happen in the future. It is a fact that is on par with Zixiao Palace.

Juesheng Xianzun was brought. Before that, Ji Dao made Zhixia and Xinxie invisible. This was to give all the favors to Lang Xing, and secondly, to avoid Juesheng misunderstanding that Wuji Sect was in Zi Under pressure from Xiao Palace, he had to be released.

Juesheng's complexion was gray, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Ji Dao unlocked part of the seal on Juesheng, and then said with a smile, "How offended."

Juesheng was quite calm, because he already knew that he was doomed, and knowing that he would die, there was nothing to be afraid of. However, when he saw Lang Xing, his eyes still narrowed, and he couldn't guess how Ji Dao and Ji Fa had done this kid. I came here to play some tricks.

Jifa explained, "The Eight Immortals were entrusted by others to mediate. We must give this face, so Taoist friends can go back to the south."

Jingzhou, but I hope you will stop trying to attack Du Daozi. Although he was once your disciple, he is now a member of Qianzonghui, and he has made it clear in front of you that he has withdrawn from the disciples, fellow Taoist. If I come to bother Puyunzhou again, I'm afraid I won't be as lucky as I am today. "

Juesheng snorted softly and said calmly, "Just tell me what tricks you want to play." Of course he wouldn't believe what Ji Fa said. This was too outrageous. Even if Lang Xing, a little kid, was pregnant, A closed disciple of the two major sects of Qianxu Palace and Zixiao Palace, he would not have any kindness in the eyes of Ji Dao and Ji Fa. How could he let himself go based on his kindness? Not even a ghost would believe this!

Langxing passed on the scene of the conversation with Fairy Yundao, "I was indeed entrusted by Senior Sister Yundao. The matter of saving Daozi is directly related to me, so I have to take care of it. Since that bastard has committed suicide in I think you don’t have to come to kill him anymore, you’ve already done your best.”

"You..." Juesheng Immortal looked at Lang Xing with strange eyes. The little guy's serious talk made him feel ridiculous. He took himself too seriously, and Lang Xing treated him very seriously. The title is "you" instead of "you", which makes the airs bigger. But in any case, he was entrusted by Yun Dao to do this. Although he was used by Ji Dao and Ji Dharma, he was still He didn't know it, but he couldn't be harsh on the little baby, so after pondering for a while, he said sincerely, "This matter is beyond your control. They will never let me go because of your favor. Don't Don’t worry about this anymore, I’m doing this for your own good, I just want you to do me one last favor, go to the Immortal Soul Sect and teach me a Dharma.”

At this point, he glanced at Jidao and Jifa, and seeing that they had no intention of stopping him, he continued, "All disciples of the Immortal Soul Sect are not allowed to act recklessly, and no one is allowed to come to Puyunzhou without the permission of Immortal Lord Cihang." I take revenge."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Uncle Cihang has passed away."

"What?!" Juesheng was shocked.

"Really?" This news also made Ji Dao and Ji Fa pay close attention.

"Well, not long ago, Shen Qing and I watched him leave with our own eyes." Lang Xing looked calm.

"This is... really unexpected." The old rival left like this, and Jidao didn't know what to think.

"Did he really look away?" Ji Fa asked unconvincingly.

"Look at it and let it go."

"Then..." Juesheng was worried. He didn't know who to entrust to restrain his disciples. He had to make a decision on this matter as soon as possible.

Langxing didn't have time to wait for him to think about it, and looked at Jidao and Jifa, "Then I will take him away and ask the two uncles to undo all the seals on him." After saying that, he turned back to Juesheng. He warned, "Don't be suspicious. You have been rescued this time. If you want to go back safely, don't worry about anything. Don't say anything after you go back. Just say that you went out for a wander. Don't drag me and my two junior uncles down." , I think you should have this bit of morality. I don’t want to get too involved in the disputes between the two continents. This time I meddle in other affairs purely out of favor for Senior Sister Yundao. I hope you can take care of yourself when you go back. If Uncle Jidao said, if you are trapped in Puyunzhou again, you will not know how to cherish your blessings."

I got up early to do nucleic acid tests continuously, but I got sick due to the hard work. Alas, the update is a bit slow. Please be considerate. I am just holding on to typing. "Uncle, you are so complimentary. I may not be in the right state of mind, but I am just tired and tired from working too much." Zhixia couldn't help but glanced at Lang Xing. She really didn't have such a high level of understanding. How lucky she was to get to this point. The help of two junior brothers.

Jifa shook his head and said, "My dear nephew, there is no need to be humble. A capable person is a teacher. It won't be long before you can give us guidance. By then, we hope that my dear nephew will not hesitate to give you advice because of our many years of love."

"You think highly of me." Zhixia smiled humbly, feeling really happy in her heart. Because she had only been transformed into a feather for a short period of time, she was not sure about the improvement of her current realm. She needed the affirmation of others to be convinced of these words of Jifa. was what she most wanted to hear.

"Bring the person here." Xinxie said calmly. He was not interested in wasting more time with Jifa and Jidao.

"Please rest in peace, Sixth Immortal Lord." Ji Dao comforted Xin Xie, and then looked at Lang Xing enthusiastically and said, "Little nephew, we sincerely want to invite you to visit the Wuji Immortal Mirror. You are already here today. , why not just go in and take a look.”

Zhixia and Xinxie looked at each other. The Wuji Immortal Mirror was tempting to all the Feather monks, but it was obvious that they had no intention of inviting them in together.

"I really have to go back to Nanjingzhou immediately. I am in a restless mood at the moment and it is not suitable for meditating. I understand the kindness of my uncle." Lang Xing declined politely. This is the truth. Even if he doesn't have to be careful, he has no intention of meditating at the moment. .

Zhixia helped, "He is indeed in a hurry. Master, please wait until he is done with his work and give him a chance." ??

Ji Dao said with a smile on his face, "It's easy to talk. Since my little nephew has no intention of meditating at this moment, he can come at any time in the future. He can enter the Wuji Immortal Mirror whenever he wants, and he can meditate for as long as he wants." After that, he showed a frank look and continued. Said, "We understand what your second senior sister just said. Although Wuji Sect and Zixiao Palace had some minor disputes in the past, as the two pillars of Qianzonghui, we should be as close as possible. As long as our two families live in harmony, Pu Yunzhou can't turn the world upside down, so..." He looked at Zhixia, "My dear nephew, just go and enjoy your leisure time in peace. We will carefully warn the disciples. Small conflicts may be inevitable. After all, we have too many disciples. There are definitely some confused bastards, but this kind of small conflict is not worth paying attention to. We just make sure that the two families don't really get into trouble. "

"Thank you so much to the two uncles." Zhixia's purpose of coming here has been achieved. Ji Dao is equivalent to making a guarantee. Although both sides are very polite in their words, behind this is a competition of strength. Wuji Sect has to accept what will happen in the future. It is a fact that is on par with Zixiao Palace.

Juesheng Xianzun was brought. Before that, Ji Dao made Zhixia and Xinxie invisible. This was to give all the favors to Lang Xing, and secondly, to avoid Juesheng misunderstanding that Wuji Sect was in Zi Under pressure from Xiao Palace, he had to be released.

Juesheng's complexion was gray, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Ji Dao unlocked part of the seal on Juesheng, and then said with a smile, "How offended."

Juesheng was quite calm, because he already knew that he was doomed, and knowing that he would die, there was nothing to be afraid of. However, when he saw Lang Xing, his eyes still narrowed, and he couldn't guess how Ji Dao and Ji Fa had done this kid. I came here to play some tricks.

Jifa explained, "The Eight Immortals were entrusted by others to mediate. We must give this face, so Taoist friends can go back to the south."

Jingzhou, but I hope you will stop trying to attack Du Daozi. Although he was once your disciple, he is now a member of Qianzonghui, and he has made it clear in front of you that he has withdrawn from the disciples, fellow Taoist. If he comes to bother Puyunzhou again, I am afraid he will not be as lucky as he is today. "

Juesheng snorted softly and said calmly, "Just tell me what tricks you want to play." Of course he wouldn't believe what Ji Fa said. This was too outrageous. Even if Lang Xing, a little kid, was pregnant, A closed disciple of the two major sects of Qianxu Palace and Zixiao Palace, he would not have any kindness in the eyes of Ji Dao and Ji Fa. How could he let himself go based on his kindness? Not even a ghost would believe this!

Langxing passed on the scene of the conversation with Fairy Yundao, "I was indeed entrusted by Senior Sister Yundao. The matter of saving Daozi is directly related to me, so I have to take care of it. Since that bastard has committed suicide in I think you don’t have to come to kill him anymore, you have already done your best.”

"You..." Juesheng Immortal looked at Lang Xing with strange eyes. The little guy's serious talk made him feel ridiculous. He took himself too seriously, and Lang Xing treated him very seriously. The title is "you" instead of "you", which makes the airs bigger. But in any case, he was entrusted by Yun Dao to do this. Although he was used by Ji Dao and Ji Dharma, he was still He didn't know it, but he couldn't be harsh on the little baby, so after pondering for a while, he said sincerely, "This matter is beyond your control. They will never let me go because of your favor. Don't Don't worry about this anymore, I'm doing this for your own good. I just want you to do me one last favor. Go to the Immortal Soul Sect and teach me a Dharma."

At this point, he glanced at Jidao and Jifa, and seeing that they had no intention of stopping him, he continued, "All disciples of the Immortal Soul Sect are not allowed to act recklessly, and no one is allowed to come to Puyunzhou without the permission of Immortal Lord Cihang." I take revenge."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Uncle Cihang has passed away."

"What?!" Juesheng was shocked.

"Really?" This news also made Ji Dao and Ji Fa pay close attention.

"Well, not long ago, Shen Qing and I watched him leave with our own eyes." Lang Xing looked calm.

"This is... really unexpected." The old rival left like this, and Jidao didn't know what to think.

"Did he really look away?" Ji Fa asked unconvincingly.

"Look at it and let it go."

"Then..." Juesheng was worried. He didn't know who to entrust to restrain his disciples. He had to make a decision on this matter as soon as possible.

Langxing didn't have time to wait for him to think about it, and looked at Jidao and Jifa, "Then I will take him away and ask the two uncles to undo all the seals on him." After saying that, he turned back to Juesheng. He warned, "Don't be suspicious. You have been rescued this time. If you want to go back safely, don't worry about anything. Don't say anything after you go back. Just say that you went out for a wander. Don't drag me and my two junior uncles down." , I think you should have this bit of morality. I don’t want to get too involved in the disputes between the two continents. This time I meddle in other affairs purely out of favor for Senior Sister Yundao. I hope you can take care of yourself when you go back. If Uncle Jidao said, if you lose yourself in Puyunzhou again, you will not know how to cherish your blessings."

I got up early to do nucleic acid tests continuously, but I got sick due to the hard work. Alas, the update is a bit slow. Please be considerate. I am just holding on to typing.

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