Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2603 If you want to change the pattern, then change it.

Langxing took the Juesheng Immortal Lord and said to the second senior sister with a message from his heart: "All the old monsters in the Wuji Immortal Mirror have been killed. Immortal Concubine Chan suffered some damage due to using the hunting stem bow. Please escort her back to recuperate. Ji Dao and Ji Fa are still in the dark, and they will probably come to you for information soon, so you can just pretend to be confused."

Zhixia suppressed the fear in her heart, but her eyes still flickered, and then she felt relaxed, and the inquiring look in her eyes became stronger. This time it was out of curiosity.

"There are five in total, two in the middle stage of feathering." Lang Xing satisfied the curiosity of the second senior sister.

Zhixia exhaled softly. This time, she no longer had to worry about Wuji Sect harming Zixiao Palace. She could let go with peace of mind. Then the inquiring look in her eyes became stronger again. She really wanted to know the details of the war. Killing five old monsters in one fell swoop, this battle must be so thrilling.

"Let's go." Not wanting to delay any more, Yu Chan pulled Lang Xing and flew towards Nan Jingzhou.

Xinxie looked at the two people leaving and asked Zhixia, "Did Yuchan do something wicked again?"

"Follow me first to take Shao Ling and Yuehong back." Zhixia said with emotion while pulling Xinxie to fly away, "The sky of Puyunzhou has been broken. This person is beginning to show his true nature of stirring up trouble. Xinxie will die. He had just stirred up a war that shocked the world. Before he could go anywhere, he had already started a war that subdued the Spirit Heart Clan. He had just destroyed the foundation of the Wuji Sect. Without him, Yu Chan would not be able to survive. He and Xiaoyao can't get together, and he is the root of all this. Although he and Xinqing don't want to cause trouble, the source of trouble is itself. It's not that the disaster has to be found on them, but that they themselves can cause trouble. Compared with them, It seems like you are not on the same level at all. I really don’t know how much trouble will be caused in the future.”

"The foundation of Wuji Sect is destroyed? How deep is the pool of Wuji Sect?" Xinxie was very interested in this.

"It's much deeper than we expected. Including Jidao and Jifa, they have a total of five in the early stage of feathering and two in the middle stage of feathering. You didn't expect it, right?"

Xinxie secretly took a breath. This strength was indeed far beyond his expectation. He felt that it would be good for the Wuji Sect to have someone in the middle stage of feathering. "Kill them all?" He was a little regretful, and had to admit that the younger junior disciples gathered together. This group of people was so strong that such a battle could be ended on their own without calling him and Zhixia for help.

"That should be the case. Don't you still know Yu Chan's style of doing things?" Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief again. They should be really lucky to have such a junior brother. Speaking of which, this is also the blessing left to them by the master. Fortunately, the master who has been domineering all his life treated him kindly. That little Xunyi.

Xinxie was silent. Zhixia's words that he and his junior brother were not on the same level irritated him. He had always been aloof and arrogant, thinking that he was the most outstanding among the human race, and only a few people like Shen Qing were worthy of him. Now he had to admit that his junior brother gave him a feeling of being beyond his reach. This was the first time he had felt this way, but the feeling of frustration and defeat soon inspired his unwillingness to admit defeat.

The reason why the Little Demon Lord can become the Little Demon Lord is inseparable from his nature of becoming more and more courageous as he becomes more frustrated. Although this time the blow is relatively big and Lang Xing is so unbelievable, it is still not enough to make the Little Demon Lord. The Demon Lord admits defeat. No matter how powerful his opponent is, he will look down on him. This is his way of doing things. This pride and fierceness are the powerful driving force that supports him to go on, and it is also the only driving force, so he secretly determined to surpass Lang Xing, the stronger his opponent, the stronger he becomes. He feels lucky to have an opponent like Lang Xing.

As soon as he entered the realm of Nanjingzhou, Langxing made Yu Chan invisible, and then unlocked the seal of Juesheng Immortal Lord.

"You can go, remember my previous instructions, let the things you shouldn't say rot in your stomach, and don't worry about thanking me." He took out the golden ax that Du Daozi used and snatched the spirit. The scene of the treasure passed, "I will not return this spiritual treasure to the Immortal Soul Sect. Let's settle the matter. As for that bastard Du Daozi, it will definitely be harder to kill after such a fuss. Let him live longer." Let’s live, if I really can’t kill him, I’ll just find an excuse to send him away in the future.”

Juesheng Immortal looked at Lang Xing in confusion, and then looked at the surrounding environment. After confirming that he was in Nanjingzhou, he looked at Lang Xing and said, "Are you sure this is not a conspiracy?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Go back quickly. Yun Dao and the others are worried about you. Anyway, you are safe. Whether there is a conspiracy or not has nothing to do with you. I am sure there is no conspiracy here. If you are worried, just wait and see." Let the situation develop.”

"Don't go back to Puyunzhou yet, you must listen to me." Juesheng Xianzun looked at him with sincere eyes. No matter what, Lang Xing saved his life, and he couldn't watch Lang Xing fall into the fire pit.

"You will understand later. I still have things to do, so I'll take my leave." After finishing speaking, Langxing turned around and left.

"Little Immortal Lord..." Juesheng Immortal Lord called out. Seeing that Lang Xing had no intention of turning back, he hesitated for a moment and then hurried to the Immortal Soul Sect with a bit of panic. He was eager to ensure that he could survive the disaster first. For his own safety, he can only advise Langxing until his heart calms down.

Yu Chan appeared and joked to Lang Xing, "You really have a transcendent demeanor, which is even better than free and easy. I have never seen such a transcendent young man. No wonder I still don't regret being abandoned by you in my previous life. It's really true." I can’t find anyone better than you.”

"Is it over yet? Even if you like to have fun with me, you should at least change your tricks, right?" Lang Xing complained duplicitously, but he could no longer hide the joy in his heart.

"You're already laughing. You're so proud, aren't you?" Yu Chan said charmingly, holding him between the corners of her eyes.

"Hahaha, go to hell!" Lang Xing took the opportunity to vent his inner joy with laughter.

Yu Chan took his arm and said, "If you want to change things, then change it. Let's talk about the wedding. We've all finished what we should be busy with. It's time for you to start making arrangements, right?"

"Hahaha, you have nothing else but this, right?" Lang Xing compared it secretly. The joy at this moment was obviously more real and intense than the joy in Wuji Wonderland. Although the joy is also very good, it is an indescribable feeling. It is always difficult to feel at ease with things that are not sure. Maybe you will have further feelings when you understand it thoroughly, but when you think of those two He looks like an old weirdo, and he is deeply opposed to Wuji Wonderland from the bottom of his heart.

"Let me go to Qianxu Palace with me first." Lang Xing changed the subject in a serious manner.

"Why are you going to Qianxu Palace? I don't want to go." Yu Chan refused with a bit of coquettishness. She didn't want to go anywhere where there were Huayu monks.

"Don't you want to see the wonderful spiritual realm of our Qianxu Palace?" Lang Xing asked with raised eyes.

"Let's talk about it later. I am in urgent need of self-cultivation right now. I can't go anywhere where there is danger." Yu Chan told the truth.

"I'm here to make sure you are safe and secure with your Taoist heart." Lang Xing said proudly, he could definitely do this. Langxing took the Juesheng Immortal Lord and said to the second senior sister with a message from his heart: "All the old monsters in the Wuji Immortal Mirror have been killed. Immortal Concubine Chan suffered some damage due to using the hunting stem bow. Please escort her back to recuperate. Ji Dao and Ji Fa are still in the dark, and they will probably come to you for information soon, so you can just pretend to be confused."

Zhixia suppressed the fear in her heart, but her eyes still flickered, and then she felt relaxed, and the inquiring look in her eyes became stronger. This time it was out of curiosity.

"There are five in total, two are in the middle stage of feathering." Lang Xing satisfied the curiosity of the second senior sister.

Zhixia exhaled softly. This time, she no longer had to worry about Wuji Sect harming Zixiao Palace. She could let go with peace of mind. Then the inquiring look in her eyes became stronger again. She really wanted to know the details of the war. Killing five old monsters in one fell swoop, this battle must be so thrilling.

"Let's go." Not wanting to delay any more, Yu Chan pulled Lang Xing and flew towards Nan Jingzhou.

Xinxie looked at the two people leaving and asked Zhixia, "Did Yuchan do something wicked again?"

"Follow me first to take Shao Ling and Yuehong back." Zhixia said with emotion while pulling Xinxie to fly away, "The sky of Puyunzhou has been broken. This person is beginning to show his true nature of stirring up trouble. Xinxie will die. He had just stirred up a war that shocked the world. Before he could go anywhere, he had already started a war that subdued the Spirit Heart Clan. He had just destroyed the foundation of the Wuji Sect. Without him, Yu Chan would not be able to survive. He and Xiaoyao can't get together, and he is the root of all this. Although he and Xinqing don't want to cause trouble, the source of trouble is itself. It's not that the disaster has to be found on them, but that they themselves can cause trouble. Compared with them, It seems like you are not on the same level at all, I really don’t know how much trouble will be caused in the future.”

"The foundation of Wuji Sect is destroyed? How deep is the pool of Wuji Sect?" Xinxie was very interested in this.

"It's much deeper than we expected. Including Jidao and Jifa, they have a total of five in the early stage of feathering and two in the middle stage of feathering. You didn't expect it, right?"

Xinxie secretly took a breath. This strength was indeed far beyond his expectation. He felt that it would be good for the Wuji Sect to have someone in the middle stage of feathering. "Kill them all?" He was a little regretful, and had to admit that the younger junior disciples gathered together. This group of people was so strong that such a battle could be ended on their own without calling him and Zhixia for help.

"That should be the case. Don't you still know Yu Chan's style of doing things?" Zhixia breathed a sigh of relief again. They should be really lucky to have such a junior brother. Speaking of which, this is also the blessing left to them by the master. Fortunately, the master who has been domineering all his life treated him kindly. That little Xunyi.

Xinxie was silent. Zhixia's words that he and his junior brother were not on the same level irritated him. He had always been aloof and arrogant, thinking that he was the most outstanding among the human race, and only a few people like Shen Qing were worthy of him. Now he had to admit that his junior brother gave him a feeling of being beyond his reach. This was the first time he had felt this way, but the feeling of frustration and defeat soon inspired his unwillingness to admit defeat.

The reason why the Little Demon Lord can become the Little Demon Lord is inseparable from his nature of becoming more and more courageous as he becomes more frustrated. Although this time the blow is relatively big and Lang Xing is so unbelievable, it is still not enough to make the Little Demon Lord. The Demon Lord admits defeat. No matter how powerful his opponent is, he will look down on him. This is his way of doing things. This pride and fierceness are the powerful driving force that supports him to go on, and it is also the only driving force, so he secretly determined to surpass Lang Xing, the stronger his opponent, the stronger he becomes. He feels lucky to have an opponent like Lang Xing.

As soon as he entered the realm of Nanjingzhou, Langxing made Yu Chan invisible, and then unlocked the seal of Juesheng Immortal Lord.

"You can go, remember my previous instructions, let the things you shouldn't say rot in your stomach, and don't worry about thanking me." He took out the golden ax that Du Daozi used and snatched the spirit. The scene of the treasure passed, "I won't return this spiritual treasure to the Immortal Soul Sect. Let's settle the matter. As for that bastard Du Daozi, it will definitely be harder to kill after such a fuss. Let him live longer. Let’s live, if I really can’t kill him, I’ll just find an excuse to send him away in the future.”

Juesheng Immortal looked at Lang Xing in confusion, and then looked at the surrounding environment. After confirming that he was in Nanjingzhou, he looked at Lang Xing and said, "Are you sure this is not a conspiracy?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Go back quickly. Yun Dao and the others are worried about you. Anyway, you are safe. Whether there is a conspiracy or not has nothing to do with you. I am sure there is no conspiracy here. If you are worried, just wait and see." Let the situation develop.”

"Don't go back to Puyunzhou yet, you must listen to me." Juesheng Xianzun looked at him with sincere eyes. No matter what, Lang Xing saved his life, and he couldn't watch Lang Xing fall into the fire pit.

"You will understand later. I still have things to do, so I'll take my leave." After finishing speaking, Langxing turned around and left.

"Little Immortal Lord..." Juesheng Immortal Lord called out. Seeing that Lang Xing had no intention of turning back, he hesitated for a moment and then hurried to the Immortal Soul Sect with a bit of panic. He was eager to ensure that he could survive the disaster first. For his own safety, he can only advise Langxing until his heart calms down.

Yu Chan appeared and joked to Lang Xing, "You really have a transcendent demeanor, which is even better than free and easy. I have never seen such a transcendent young man. No wonder I still don't regret being abandoned by you in my previous life. It's really true." I can’t find anyone better than you.”

"Is it over yet? Even if you like to have fun with me, you should at least change your tricks, right?" Lang Xing complained duplicitously, but he could no longer hide the joy in his heart.

"You're already laughing. You're so proud, aren't you?" Yu Chan said charmingly, holding him between the corners of her eyes.

"Hahaha, go to hell!" Lang Xing took the opportunity to vent his inner joy with laughter.

Yu Chan took his arm and said, "If you want to change things, then let's talk about the wedding. We've all finished what we should be busy with. It's time for you to get started, right?"

"Hahaha, you have nothing else but this, right?" Lang Xing compared it secretly. The joy at this moment was obviously more real and intense than the joy in Wuji Wonderland. Although the joy of love is also very good, it is an indescribable feeling. It is always difficult to feel at ease with things that are not sure. Maybe when you understand it thoroughly, you may have further feelings, but when you think of those two He looks like an old weirdo, and he is deeply opposed to Wuji Wonderland from the bottom of his heart.

"Let me go to Qianxu Palace with me first." Lang Xing changed the subject in a serious manner.

"Why are you going to Qianxu Palace? I don't want to go." Yu Chan refused with a bit of coquettishness. She didn't want to go anywhere where there were Huayu monks.

"Don't you want to see the wonderful spiritual realm of our Qianxu Palace?" Lang Xing asked with raised eyes.

"Let's talk about it later. I am in urgent need of self-cultivation right now. I can't go anywhere where there is danger." Yu Chan told the truth.

"I'm here to make sure you are safe and secure with your Taoist heart." Lang Xing said proudly, he could definitely do this.

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