Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2612 You haven’t seen the bigger one yet

Langxing glanced at the sky again.

"I can't say more about those, let's just talk about simple ones, such as emotions. Whether you say it is a rule or a law, it is not easy to be discovered. For creatures with higher intelligence, , it is innate, invisible and plays a role all the time, and can even be said to dominate us. "

"Do you think emotion is something... similar to mana?" Fairy Yundao blinked her beautiful gray-blue eyes repeatedly. This view seemed a bit unbelievable to her.

Langxing looked at her calmly and said, "This is just a little guess on my part. The rules on the surface are to restrict water, fire, land, wind, and creatures with lower intelligence. Those of us with higher intelligence can It is difficult for us to see the laws that restrict us. Even if we can see them, it is of no use. Just like a fish cannot live without water, can you make yourself an emotionless person? Even if my guess is that it is? Yes, emotions are just one of the laws that limit us. There are higher ones, and there are others that we simply can’t understand.”

"Have you discovered a higher law than emotion?" After asking this question, Fairy Yundao shuddered involuntarily.

Langxing shook his head slightly, "I just said that it is not appropriate to talk too much or even think too much about this kind of topic. It can easily attract divine punishment. What we are talking about is whether the fairy world exists. I think it should exist, but maybe It’s not what everyone imagines, now it’s your turn to share your opinion.”

Fairy Yun Dao was silent for a while, chewing on Lang Xing's novel idea before saying, "I admire your wisdom. At least I have never thought about this. I am ashamed to say that I know more about the fairy world." It comes from a vague feeling.”

"What does it feel like?" Lang Xing listened intently. ??

Fairy Yundao said with some embarrassment, "I can't speak as logically as you. Because I practice soul magic, I occasionally have an indescribable feeling. At first, I thought it was because I was in a trance, or... I encountered some kind of demonic obstacle and later realized something was wrong. If I had to describe it, I can only describe it as my soul leaving my body.”

Lang Xing's eyes were condensed. Ever since he made the guess that the body was a shackle, he and Shen Qing had been looking for a way to get rid of this shackle. Senior Xiaoyao had just asked him to help him understand this matter not long ago.

"I can't say much." Lang Xing's concerned expression made Yundao feel even more embarrassed, "So far, that feeling has only appeared four or five times, and it was fleeting, and I didn't have time to appreciate it too much. Based on this, I made a random guess, maybe the fairy world..."

Lang Xing waved his hand to her and interrupted, "I understand. No need to say more. The less you say about this kind of thing, the better. Just tell me what technique you meditated and you felt that way."

Fairy Yun Dao pointed to his Qiankun bag, "It's the secret technique of immortal soul traveling to the sky. Although its name has the word "traveling to the sky", it never describes the situation that I appeared from the beginning to the end."

Lang Xing has experience with this and explained, "That's because your understanding in this area has caught up with or surpassed the person who wrote this secret book. Understanding it on your own and learning according to the secret book are actually two different things. There is a lot to learn from it." There are indescribable things that cannot be fully expressed even with spiritual thoughts. Therefore, most of the secret books are just a guide to guide you. How far you can go in the future must not be determined by the ending of the secret book.

Limited. "

Fairy Yundao raised her eyebrows and asked, "It sounds like you are deeply touched by what you mean. Have you ever created a technique or spell?"

"So, I have some understanding of the art of restraint, but when I explain it to others, I feel like I can only express 60% to 70%, or even less." "

"Your restraint technique is indeed brilliant." During the Xuan Shui stealing incident caused by Gongsun Chong, she had seen with her own eyes that Lang Xing had casually sealed a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

"It's just a small skill." Lang Xing said politely, and then said thoughtfully, "I know a great immortal who is in the middle stage of feathering. His best thing is soul magic. Are you interested in chatting with him?"

"Middle stage of feather formation?!" Fairy Yundao opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Lang Xing said calmly, "Well, his Taoist name is Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. He loves me very much. I can guarantee that he will not do any harm to you."

"Okay!" Fairy Yundao replied eagerly, even if it was just to see the elegance of the Great Immortal Lord in the late stage of becoming a feather, it was extremely rare.

Langxing glanced at her and said nothing. He was worried about this matter, because it would increase the confidence of senior Xiaoyao to take risks. Regardless of whether there was an accident or he became an immortal as he wished, seniors would leave him. And if this road is opened, Shen Qing, Su Wan and others will follow, so what should he do?

"Is there anything difficult?" Fairy Yundao asked thoughtfully.

"No, Senior Xiaoyao and I have never met each other. I am even holding back on asking him to take my disciples out for a trip. There will be no problem in introducing you to chat with him."

" it because of Su Wan?" Fairy Yundao asked with a somewhat stern expression.

Lang Xing said in embarrassment, "You are too worried. I just thought of something else."

"That's good. Although it is a rare opportunity to meet a great immortal, if there is any inconvenience, I can not see you." Fairy Yundao returned to her former demeanor.

"Convenient, no inconvenience." Langxing confirmed with a calm smile, not losing to Fairy Yundao in terms of magnanimity.

"Your backer is really big enough." Fairy Yundao felt that she was too stupid for provoking Xunlong Immortal Lord with him before. She had such a strong backer and there was no need for her help. At the same time, she also realized that he had It’s not surprising that Master was rescued from Qian Zonghui.

"You haven't seen the bigger one yet." Lang Xing couldn't help but show off, and then urged the spirit crane to rush forward.

"Speak clearly!" Fairy Yundao urged Qingluan to chase after her. She has never chased after someone like this in her life and asked what happened. But the only one who has a backer bigger than the Great Immortal is Hua Hua. He is a great immortal in the late stage of Yu. Does this guy really know the characters in the late stage of Yu? It's hard to say, this guy is so mysterious.

Lang Xing slowed down a little, and after she caught up with him, he said seriously, "There are too many words about rules and laws. Understanding these issues is likely to lead to divine punishment. Thunder tribulation is easy to handle. If you fall into the underworld, Simihai is in a bit of trouble. Say hello to your master in advance. If you get stuck, ask him to come to me. The mind talent I mentioned to you can help. "

"You..." Fairy Yundao was a little speechless. This kid can even wake up people who have fallen into meditation. How many secrets does he have? Langxing glanced at the sky again.

"I can't say more about those, let's just talk about simple ones, such as emotions. Whether you say it is a rule or a law, it is not easy to be discovered. For creatures with higher intelligence, , it is innate, invisible and plays a role all the time, and can even be said to dominate us. "

"Do you think emotion is something... similar to mana?" Fairy Yundao blinked her beautiful gray-blue eyes repeatedly. This view seemed a bit unbelievable to her.

Langxing looked at her calmly and said, "This is just a little guess on my part. The rules on the surface are to restrict water, fire, land, wind, and creatures with lower intelligence. Those of us with higher intelligence can It is difficult for us to see the laws that restrict us. Even if we can see them, it is of no use. Just like a fish cannot live without water, can you make yourself an emotionless person? Even if my guess is that it is? Yes, emotions are just one of the laws that limit us. There are higher ones, and there are others that we simply can’t understand.”

"Have you discovered a higher law than emotion?" After asking this question, Fairy Yundao shuddered involuntarily.

Langxing shook his head slightly, "I just said that it is not appropriate to talk too much or even think too much about this kind of topic. It can easily attract divine punishment. What we are talking about is whether the fairy world exists. I think it should exist, but maybe It’s not what everyone imagines, now it’s your turn to share your opinion.”??.??

Fairy Yun Dao was silent for a while, chewing on Lang Xing's novel idea before saying, "I admire your wisdom. At least I have never thought about this. I am ashamed to say that I know more about the fairy world." It comes from a vague feeling.”

"What does it feel like?" Lang Xing listened intently.

Fairy Yundao said with some embarrassment, "I can't speak as logically as you. Because I practice soul magic, I occasionally have an indescribable feeling. At first, I thought it was because I was in a trance, or... I encountered some kind of demonic obstacle and later realized something was wrong. If I had to describe it, I can only describe it as my soul leaving my body.”

Lang Xing's eyes were condensed. Ever since he made the guess that the body was a shackle, he and Shen Qing had been looking for a way to get rid of this shackle. Senior Xiaoyao had just asked him to help him understand this matter not long ago.

"I can't say much." Lang Xing's concerned expression made Yundao feel even more embarrassed, "So far, that feeling has only appeared four or five times, and it was fleeting, and I didn't have time to appreciate it too much. Based on this, I made a random guess, maybe the fairy world..."

Lang Xing waved his hand to her and interrupted, "I understand. No need to say more. The less you say about this kind of thing, the better. Just tell me what technique you meditated and you felt that way."

Fairy Yun Dao pointed to his Qiankun bag, "It's the secret technique of immortal soul traveling to the sky. Although its name has the word "traveling to the sky", it never describes the situation that I appeared from the beginning to the end."

Lang Xing has experience with this and explained, "That's because your understanding in this area has caught up with or surpassed the person who wrote this secret book. Understanding it on your own and learning according to the secret book are actually two different things. There is a lot to learn from it." There are indescribable things that cannot be fully expressed even with spiritual thoughts. Therefore, most of the secret books are just a guide to guide you. How far you can go in the future must not be determined by the ending of the secret book.

Limited. "

Fairy Yundao raised her eyebrows and asked, "It sounds like you are deeply touched by what you mean. Have you ever created a technique or spell?"

"So, I have some understanding of the art of restraint, but when I explain it to others, I feel like I can only express 60% to 70%, or even less." "

"Your restraint technique is indeed brilliant." During the Xuan Shui stealing incident caused by Gongsun Chong, she had seen with her own eyes that Lang Xing had casually sealed a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

"It's just a small skill." Lang Xing said politely, and then said thoughtfully, "I know a great immortal who is in the middle stage of feathering. His best thing is soul magic. Are you interested in chatting with him?"

"Middle stage of feather formation?!" Fairy Yundao opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Lang Xing said calmly, "Well, his Taoist name is Xiaoyao Immortal Lord. He loves me very much. I can guarantee that he will not do any harm to you."

"Okay!" Fairy Yundao replied eagerly, even if it was just to see the elegance of the Great Immortal Lord in the late stage of becoming a feather, it was extremely rare.

Langxing glanced at her and said nothing. He was worried about this matter, because it would increase the confidence of senior Xiaoyao to take risks. Regardless of whether there was an accident or he became an immortal as he wished, seniors would leave him. And if this road is opened, Shen Qing, Su Wan and others will follow, so what should he do?

"Is there anything difficult?" Fairy Yundao asked thoughtfully.

"No, Senior Xiaoyao and I have never met each other. I am even holding back on asking him to take my disciples out for a trip. There will be no problem in introducing you to chat with him."

" it because of Su Wan?" Fairy Yundao asked with a somewhat stern expression.

Lang Xing said in embarrassment, "You are too worried. I just thought of something else."

"That's good. Although it is a rare opportunity to meet a great immortal, if there is any inconvenience, I can not see you." Fairy Yundao returned to her former demeanor.

"Convenient, no inconvenience." Lang Xing confirmed with a calm smile, not losing to Fairy Yundao in terms of magnanimity.

"Your backer is really big enough." Fairy Yundao felt that she was too stupid for provoking Xunlong Immortal Lord with him before. She had such a strong backer and there was no need for her help. At the same time, she also realized that he had It’s not surprising that Master was rescued from Qian Zonghui.

"You haven't seen the bigger one yet." Lang Xing couldn't help but show off, and then urged the spirit crane to rush forward.

"Speak clearly!" Fairy Yundao urged Qingluan to chase after her. She has never chased after someone like this in her life and asked what happened. But the only one who has a backer bigger than the Great Immortal is Hua Hua. He is a great immortal in the late stage of Yu. Does this guy really know the characters in the late stage of Yu? It's hard to say, this guy is so mysterious.

Lang Xing slowed down a little, and after she caught up with him, he told her seriously, "There are too many words about rules and laws. Understanding these issues is likely to lead to divine punishment. Thunder tribulation is easy to handle. Falling into the underworld." Simihai is in a bit of trouble. Say hello to your master in advance. If you get stuck, ask him to come to me. The mind talent I mentioned to you can help. "

"You..." Fairy Yundao was a little speechless. This kid can even wake up people who have fallen into meditation. How many secrets does he have?

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