Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2631 What a great face

"Then... follow me." Fairy Xiangyun led him to fly forward, while turning her head to look at him suspiciously.

Lang Xing reassured, "I know how difficult it is for Master to get a chance to retreat, but the matter is very urgent. I have already appointed several great supernatural powers to help, but in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, I must ask Master to help."

"Well, who is the enemy?" Fairy Xiangyun felt a little more at ease. It would make sense if she awakened the master because of this.

"It's a force from outside the territory." Lang Xing said casually.

Fairy Xiangyun saw that he had no intention of saying anything and stopped asking any more questions. When she came to the magic circle where Qimu Immortal was retreating, she raised her hand and glanced at Lang Xing hesitantly.

Lang Xing immediately slapped it with his palm, creating a lavender glow on the magic circle.

Fairy Xiangyun quickly stopped him and patted the magic circle twice.

When Qimu Xianzun was awakened and saw Lang Xing standing outside, his anger immediately subsided. He quickly calmed down and opened the magic circle and asked, "What happened?" While asking, he waved his hand to dismiss Xiangyun Fairy. Go down.

Langxing waited for Fairy Xiangyun to exit and then said, "There is an emergency. Fairy Chan and I want to kill some foreign monks. We don't have time to find others. Please help."

Immortal Qimu immediately said, "It's easy to talk, let's go." Lang Xing and Yu Chan looked up to him when they asked him for help, so they had to have a straightforward attitude first. As for the details, they could ask them on the way.

Langxing stopped him and handed over a prepared jade slip, "This time we will kill all the opponents. No one can be let go. I can also invite saints around here. You can help me run away first." Come and invite her."

Immortal Qimu waved his hand and said, "If you feel that there are not enough manpower, there are quite a few late Nascent Soul disciples under my sect. I will just bring them all over."

Lang Xing stared into his eyes and said, "This matter cannot be made public. We can only find the most reliable people."

"Oh, then I will

I understand, don’t worry. "Xianzun Qimu nodded solemnly. Langxing's expression made it clear to him that he was not qualified to be selected in this matter. They really had no choice but to come to him.

"Thank you." He thanked her sincerely and passed on the location of the decisive battle. "Concubine Chan will wait here. You can just take her there directly."

"I can take her there early tomorrow morning at the latest. How many great magical powers does the other party have?" Qimu Xianzun asked as he walked out.

"No more than four, and some disciples with lower cultivation levels."

Immortal Qimu smiled easily when he heard this, and used his body skills to fly away. With the Great Immortal Concubine Yuchan sitting in charge, the other party's strength could not make any waves. There was no need for him to inquire more now.

When Langxing wanted to find Fairy Yundao, he saw that Fairy Yundao had already arrived and was talking to Fairy Xiangyun. Bai Ling, Lin Zhen, and four or two others were also nearby.

"How are you three doing lately?" Lang Xing flew over and greeted Bai Ling and the others with a smile.

Si Liang rushed to say, "Ancestor Qimu was worried about my safety, so he personally took the two of them to pick me up. I don't know how to be grateful. If you and Ancestor can talk, I will definitely help you later." Let me convey my thanks.”

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Okay, you can live here. If you are willing to join the Junlu Sect, I can also help you with a word."

Si Liang waved his hands and said, "Don't push yourself too far. Don't mention it to others. I've already caused a lot of trouble to them."

Bai Ling winked at Lang Xing and expressed her support for his proposal. Lin Zhen looked at Lang Xing with a smile on her face. She had no business interjecting in such matters.

"I'm in a hurry. I'll talk to you when I'm done." Lang Xing

Not daring to delay, he attacked Fairy Yundao.

"Hey! It's so urgent. Please help us thank Uncle Yundao." Bai Ling said as he saluted Fairy Yundao. Lin Zhen and Si Liang followed suit and saluted Yundao.

"No need to be polite, I will tell you more when I have free time." Fairy Yundao flew up to the crane and glanced at Lang Xing suspiciously.

Fairy Xiangyun frowned and watched Linghe go away, then changed her smile and said to Si Liang, "If you are willing to join the Junlu Sect, you will be my disciple from now on. Your seniority is the same as Bai Ling's. Who do you want to worship?" You can make your own choice as Master. Once you have chosen, I will tell you.”

"This..." Si Liang was a little confused and didn't know what to say. How proud is this Lang Xing? With just one word, I was sent to the Junlu Sect, which was a well-known sect in Nanjingzhou!

Fairy Xiangyun turned to Lin Zhen and said kindly, "You can come in if you want. That way, you and Bai Ling will have another layer of friendship."

Lin Zhen thanked him gratefully and said, "Thank you for your kindness, uncle, but I have no qualifications or interest in alchemy, so I won't cause trouble to your uncle. As long as your uncle allows me to practice here with Sister Bai Ling."

Fairy Xiangyun heard that she didn't really want to join the Junlu Sect, so she smiled and said, "It's all up to you. We owe Langxing a debt, but we have nothing to repay him, so we have to give more to you." A little bit of heart, so just feel free to practice here.”

Master has made it obvious that he wants to please Lang Xing, so she naturally wants to help.

After Linghe flew away from the Junlu Sect, Fairy Yundao looked at Langxing with gloating eyes and said, "I heard that you encountered something urgent? Didn't you fall out with the saint?"

Lang Xing said with a serious face, "I can't tell you in detail about this, but I need you to do your best to help me. I want to kill a few people from outside."

The Huayu monks currently have almost enough manpower. It would be best to kill them all without leaving any trace behind, but you have to do your best. I don’t want to see you get hurt. "

Fairy Yundao put away her smile, frowned and asked, "Why did you suddenly get into such trouble?"

Lang Xing shook his head slightly and said, "It's not that they provoked me, it's that I wanted to kill them, because I'm sure they are not good people. I can't tell you the specific reason. To be honest, I invite you to go so unclearly." It makes no sense to fight in battle, but now that I can't ask for any other help, just think of it as repaying my kindness for rescuing my master. After this battle, neither my master nor I owe anyone anything."

Fairy Yundao looked forward and said, "That makes no sense."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I can only say this. If I ask you for help as a friend, obviously there is no way to do things like this. If I drag you into battle without even giving a reason, is this considered a friend?"

Fairy Yun Dao looked sideways and said, "It's not appropriate for ordinary friends to do this. It's okay for best friends. Do you have so many concerns about letting Jiang Xiao help?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "We just agreed before that we could be best friends, but we have to do it little by little."

Fairy Yun Dao continued to look forward and said, "Then it's quite boring for you to mention repaying your kindness."

Langxing smiled again, "I said that because I felt sorry for you. You do what you can. If you are really hurt, I will blame myself even more."

"Well." Fairy Yundao turned around and asked with a playful look in her eyes, "Have you done a lot of such shameful things? For example, you secretly shocked the ancestors of Qianjie Sect before, and this time you quietly Kill a few Huayu monks.”

Lang Xing laughed dumbly and said, "Don't tell me about this. I believe you must have done it too, and you did it more sneakily than me. Otherwise, you should have become famous all over the world with your combat prowess."

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