Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2633 The situation changes

When the two of them arrived at the location of the decisive battle, Qimu Xianzun and Sijia had already laid an ambush in the two invisible magic circles set up by Yuchan.

Yu Chan came out to greet them, pointed at the two invisible magic formations set up on the east side, and said to them, "Qi Mu and Sijia are ambushing on the west side, and you two are ambushing on the east side. I have already made arrangements with them. When the other party enters the encirclement, Qimu will be the first to show up and attract their attention. I will kill them from behind and catch them off guard. You three, don't rush out. They will definitely flee in all directions when they get closer. If you make a surprise attack on them, you don’t need to give me any extra instructions, right? Just act according to the situation.”

Fairy Yun Dao bowed respectfully to Yu Chan and walked towards an invisible magic circle in front of her. Lang Xing had introduced this great fairy concubine to her on the way. This was the first time she had seen the mid-stage Feather Feather. The monk couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart. She really admired the elegance of this great fairy concubine.

Lang Xing called her, pointed to the magic circle at the back, and motioned her to go there, because it should be safer there.

Fairy Yundao looked at Yu Chan hesitantly. She couldn't compete with Lang Xing in front of this great fairy concubine.

Yu Chan nodded to her, and then said to Lang Xing, "The Jingshui Society will lead the Flower Clan to ambush over the Fairy Brocade Region. Don't rush to chase the enemies who are fleeing there. Let them resist. Once the remnants of the enemy here have been cleaned up, I will take you to reinforce her, and you should tell the three of them not to follow her."

Lang Xing nodded and flew towards the magic circle where Sijia was.

Sijia sat in the air with a calm look on her face. After Lang Xing entered the magic circle, she waved to him and asked him to come to her side. Then she grabbed Lang Xing's arm and secretly asked, "Who are you going to deal with?"

Langxing pursed his lips and sent back his thoughts: "An evil sect called the Xunfang Sect. They are the mortal enemies of the Hua Clan. This battle is for a friend of the Hua Clan."

Sijia nodded slightly. Langxing had given him a bottle of spiritual liquid prepared by the Flower Clan. That bottle of spiritual liquid had benefited her a lot. Since she was fighting for the Flower Clan, she should do her best.

Langxing said apologetically, "The situation is urgent and I asked you to come over because I really had no choice. Be careful and do what you can to avoid getting hurt."

"You don't need to ask me about this." Sijia glanced at Lang Xing with a guilty look, "Yu Chan doesn't know about the soul-catching thing, right? She didn't mention it to me."

Lang Xing laughed, "It's okay. I'm very familiar with her now. It doesn't matter even if she finds out."

At this time, Yu Chan entered the magic circle like a ghost and asked with a joking face, "What are you talking about? It's so sneaky."

Sijia, who had a guilty conscience, was startled and quickly released his grip on Lang Xing's arm.

Lang Xing smiled and frowned and said, "You look like a great fairy concubine, okay? How could you come in so sneakily? You invited her here without any explanation. Of course I have to explain it to her. Go, go, hurry up and help you." Go ahead and stop being annoying here."

"You brat, you must be chewing my tongue, I can feel it." Yu Chan said half-truthfully.

"No one chews your tongue. How many evil things have you done to be so suspicious?" Langxing said while pushing her out with a smile, and finally warned, "Stay away from us, I can find you." of."

\u003e When Langxing came back, Sijia showed a convinced expression and continued to hold his arm and muttered, "Sure enough, he is familiar enough. Does Su Wan know?"

Lang Xing glanced at her angrily, changed the topic and asked, "Have you gained anything from your understanding of soul-hunting?"

When this topic was mentioned, Sijia immediately changed his expression, winked at him and said, "It's a great harvest. I'll tell you about it later."

Langxing was very pleased and said, "It's good if you get something. I originally planned to visit you after visiting the Flower Fairy. I have something good to give you. In order not to affect the battle, I will show it to you after the fight is over."

Sijia's lips curved into a sweet expression. No matter what, Lang Xing still had a good conscience towards her.

When the two wanted to continue chatting, Yu Chan sent an urging message, "The enemy will come at any time, so be prepared."

Sijia stretched out his hand and pinched Lang Xing's face, then motioned him to ambush with a smile in his eyes. This was a bit intentional to show Yu Chan that she was not that afraid of Yu Chan. Yu Chan obviously didn't want her to have more contact with Lang Xing, so she had to fight back.

The next step is to wait, because with the Great Immortal Concubine in charge, we are very sure of winning, so everyone is not too nervous.

On the contrary, the great fairy concubine was quite nervous, because she didn't know much about the combat power of Sijia and Yundao, so she could only treat them as slightly stronger late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

After waiting for less than an hour, the other party came. This was beyond Yu Chan's expectation. According to the estimate given by Jingshui Fairy Concubine, the other party would not be able to come until two or three days at the earliest. It was too dangerous. Lang Xing and Yun If Dao were a little late, the battle would not be fought.

There were ten people in total. Fairy Jingshui’s estimate was quite accurate. There were exactly four Feathered Monks, and the other six were from the late Nascent Soul stage. The appearance of these people looked no different from ordinary people, but they were slightly taller. These, regardless of whether they are men or women, are extremely handsome. A group of handsome men and beautiful women with high cultivation together give people a dreamlike feeling. Their bodies do exude a faint dreamlike brilliance. This should be what they all have. The reason for being half of the Flower Clan.

There are four Feather monks, three men and one woman. All three men are wearing dark green robes. One has white beard and hair, and the other has a jade face and black beard. The youngest is handsome and tall, and looks like he is only in his twenties. The woman is wearing apricot yellow clothes. The skirt is tied with an orange-red skirt, her skin is as beautiful as snow, her face is as pink as flowers, and she looks uniquely enchanting in her holiness.

There are thousands of kinds of beauty in women. When it comes to extreme beauty, it’s hard to distinguish between them. For men, spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums each have their own advantages. In Lang Xing’s view, this woman is undoubtedly the equal of Jingshui Fairy Concubine and Yu Chan. A classy stunner.

These ten people stopped a hundred miles away from them. Before Langxing could take a closer look at the woman, Yuchan's spiritual thoughts came over.

"The other party has an old monster in the middle stage of feathering." Following this spiritual thought, she appeared with a gloomy expression. Since the other party has stopped, it means they have been discovered. There is no point in hiding anymore. Why not? Let the opponent take a look at their own lineup, and maybe it will make them feel a little bit underestimated.

Qi Mu, Yun Dao, and S Jia then came out of the invisible magic circle. Their faces were all serious. When they saw each other stop, they realized that something was wrong, so they received Yu Chan's spiritual thoughts before looking. When Yu Chan showed up, they had guessed Yu Chan's intentions, and at this point they had no choice but to bite the bullet. When they arrived at the location of the decisive battle, Qimu Xianzun and Sijia had already ambush in the two invisible magic circles set up by Yuchan.

Yu Chan came out to greet them, pointed at the two invisible magic formations set up on the east side, and said to them, "Qi Mu and Sijia are ambushing on the west side, and you two are ambushing on the east side. I have already made arrangements with them. When the other party enters the encirclement, Qimu will be the first to show up and attract their attention. I will kill them from behind and catch them off guard. You three, don't rush out. They will definitely flee in all directions when they get closer. If you make a surprise attack on them again, you don’t need to give me any extra instructions, right? Just act according to the situation.”

Fairy Yun Dao bowed respectfully to Yu Chan and walked towards an invisible magic circle in front of her. Lang Xing had introduced this great fairy concubine to her on the way. This was the first time she had seen the mid-stage Feather Feather. The monk couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart. She really admired the elegance of this great fairy concubine.

Langxing called her, pointed to the magic circle at the back, and motioned her to go there, because it should be safer there.

Fairy Yundao looked at Yu Chan hesitantly. She couldn't compete with Lang Xing in front of this great fairy concubine.

Yu Chan nodded to her, and then said to Lang Xing, "The Jingshui Society will lead the Flower Clan to ambush over the Fairy Brocade Region. Don't rush to chase the enemies who are fleeing there. Let them resist. Once the remnants of the enemy here have been cleaned up, I will take you to reinforce her, and you should tell the three of them not to follow her."

Lang Xing nodded and flew towards the magic circle where Sijia was.

Sijia sat in the air with a calm look on her face. After Lang Xing entered the magic circle, she waved to him and asked him to come to her side. Then she grabbed Lang Xing's arm and secretly asked, "Who are you going to deal with?"

Langxing pursed his lips and sent back his thoughts: "An evil sect called the Xunfang Sect. They are the mortal enemies of the Hua Clan. This battle is for a friend of the Hua Clan."

Sijia nodded slightly. Langxing had given him a bottle of spiritual liquid prepared by the Flower Clan. That bottle of spiritual liquid had benefited her a lot. Since she was fighting for the Flower Clan, she should do her best.

Langxing said apologetically, "The situation is urgent and I asked you to come over because I really had no choice. Be careful and do what you can to avoid getting hurt."

"You don't need to ask me about this." Sijia glanced at Lang Xing with a guilty look, "Yu Chan doesn't know about the soul-catching thing, right? She didn't mention it to me."

Lang Xing laughed, "It's okay. I'm very familiar with her now. It doesn't matter even if she finds out."

At this time, Yu Chan entered the magic circle like a ghost and asked with a joking face, "What are you talking about? It's so sneaky."

Sijia, who had a guilty conscience, was startled and quickly released his grip on Lang Xing's arm.

Lang Xing smiled and frowned and said, "You look like a great fairy concubine, okay? How could you come in so sneakily? You invited her here without any explanation. Of course I have to explain it to her. Go, go, hurry up and help you." Go ahead and stop being annoying here."

"You brat, you must be chewing my tongue, I can feel it." Yu Chan said half-truthfully.

"No one chews your tongue. How many evil things have you done to be so suspicious?" Langxing said while pushing her out with a smile, and finally warned, "Stay away from us, I can find you." of."

\u003e When Langxing came back, Sijia showed a convinced expression and continued to hold his arm and muttered, "Sure enough, he is familiar enough. Does Su Wan know?"

Lang Xing glanced at her angrily, changed the topic and asked, "Have you gained anything from your understanding of soul-hunting?"

When this topic was mentioned, Sijia immediately changed his expression, winked at him and said, "It's a great harvest. I'll tell you about it later."

Langxing was very pleased and said, "It's good if you get something. I originally planned to visit you after visiting the Flower Fairy. I have something good to give you. In order not to affect the battle, I will show it to you after the fight is over."

Sijia's lips curved into a sweet expression. No matter what, Lang Xing still had a good conscience towards her.

When the two wanted to continue chatting, Yu Chan sent an urging message, "The enemy will come at any time, so be prepared."

Sijia stretched out his hand and pinched Lang Xing's face, then motioned him to ambush with a smile in his eyes. This was a bit intentional to show Yu Chan that she was not that afraid of Yu Chan. Yu Chan obviously didn't want her to have more contact with Lang Xing, so she had to fight back.

The next step is to wait, because with the Great Immortal Concubine in charge, we are very sure of winning, so everyone is not too nervous.

On the contrary, the great fairy concubine was quite nervous, because she didn't know much about the combat prowess of Sijia and Yundao, so she could only treat them as slightly stronger late-stage Nascent Soul monks.

After waiting for less than an hour, the other party came. This was beyond Yu Chan's expectation. According to the estimate given by Jingshui Fairy Concubine, the other party would not be able to come until two or three days at the earliest. It was too dangerous. Lang Xing and Yun If Dao were a little late, the battle would not be fought.

There were ten people in total. Fairy Jingshui’s estimate was quite accurate. There were exactly four Feathered Monks, and the other six were from the late Nascent Soul stage. The appearance of these people looked no different from ordinary people, but they were slightly taller. These, regardless of whether they are men or women, are extremely handsome. A group of handsome men and beautiful women with high cultivation together give people a dreamlike feeling. Their bodies do exude a faint dreamlike brilliance. This should be what they all have. The reason for being half of the Flower Clan.

There are four Feather monks, three men and one woman. All three men are wearing dark green robes. One has white beard and hair, and the other has a jade face and black beard. The youngest is handsome and tall, and looks like he is only in his twenties. The woman is wearing apricot yellow clothes. The skirt is tied with an orange-red skirt, her skin is as beautiful as snow, her face is as pink as flowers, and she looks uniquely enchanting in her holiness.

There are thousands of kinds of beauty in women. When it comes to extreme beauty, it’s hard to distinguish between them. For men, spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums each have their own advantages. In Lang Xing’s view, this woman is undoubtedly the equal of Jingshui Fairy Concubine and Yu Chan. A classy stunner.

These ten people stopped a hundred miles away from them. Before Langxing could take a closer look at the woman, Yu Chan's spiritual thoughts came over.

"The other party has an old monster in the middle stage of feathering." Following this spiritual thought, she appeared with a gloomy expression. Since the other party has stopped, it means they have been discovered. There is no point in hiding anymore. Why not? Let the opponent take a look at their own lineup, and maybe it will make them feel a little bit underestimating the enemy.

Qi Mu, Yun Dao, and S Jia then came out of the invisible magic circle. Their faces were all serious. When they saw each other stop, they realized that something was wrong, so they received Yu Chan's spiritual thoughts before looking. When Yu Chan showed up, they had guessed Yu Chan's intentions, and at this point they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

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