Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2648: A sigh of relief from youth

Zhe Feng stared at the pile of Nascent Soul Stones in silence for a while, then took half of it and pushed the other half back to Lang Xing.

He said with evasive eyes, "This is already too much. I need spiritual stones now. The extra part I took today will be returned to me in the future. You don't have to remember me anymore. You are right about painting shadows." You don't owe me anything. Now I understand that with your identity and status, it would be easy to suppress me, but you didn't do that. The words you just said were sincere enough. I was in too deep. I won’t hold grudges against you from now on, and I hope you can do me another favor.”

Langxing didn't force it, he put away the five thousand Nascent Soul Stones, and then asked, "What can I help you with? Tell me."

"I hope you don't tell Huaying what happened today." There was a look of pleading in Zhe Feng's eyes.

Lang Xing smiled calmly and said, "Well, I'll just tell her that I met you, and help her pay off the debt she owes, so that she won't think about it anymore."

Zhe Feng looked at Lang Xing with a troubled expression. This promise did not satisfy him.

Lang Xing understood what he was thinking, put on a meaningful smile and said, "Don't worry, as long as I don't say more, she probably won't ask more about your current situation. If you don't believe it, we can make a bet and see who the two of us are." Get to know her better."

These words made Zhe Feng feel a little uncomfortable, but he also knew that Lang Xing was right, so he said in a low mood, "Then... thank you very much, let's just say goodbye."

"Hey!" Lang Xing called out and asked, "Are you planning to go back in the late Nascent Soul stage?"

"Well, at least until the late Nascent Soul stage." After Zhe Feng said these words, he regained some of his former pride. Huaying has already reached the late Nascent Soul stage. Going back now will not only make it difficult to win your heart, but will also make others look down upon you.

Langxing smiled and said, "Then this little spirit stone is not enough. I don't want to see you go robbing again. If you want to stay here, I can say hello to the saint and help you plan in the Wanxin Alliance." difference

Well, there is a shortage of great monks here in Yuanyi State. With your cultivation, you will not be treated lightly. You should earn some good reputation here for Qianxu Palace. How about getting the best of all three? "

Zhe Feng rolled his eyes and said, "No need to worry about it. If I need to go to Wanxin League to make a living in the future, I will join based on my ability. I'll take my leave."

"Hey!" Lang Xing called him again, this time with a playful look in his eyes, and said provocatively, "I've said all that needs to be said, but you started to use force to intimidate me from the first time we met, until just now You still want to use force against me, I think it’s time for you to experience how powerful I am.”

Zhe Feng didn't understand why he suddenly changed his face, and said with some sincerity, "I have already stated that I no longer hold grudges against you, and you also said that you don't care about me, so why do you still do it?"

Langxing looked at him and said, "Nothing else, just to let you know that the sky is high and the earth is high, so be prepared to be beaten."

"Then it's up to you." Zhe Feng frowned and put up a posture. He felt that Lang Xing was still holding an old grudge, but he was willing to take the opportunity to weigh how much this kid weighed. Lang Xing's understanding still focused on the spiritual treasure, the ink heart cone, which he used to show off his power in front of the Xuanjie Academy disciples. He felt that as long as he was careful, there was nothing to fear about that spiritual treasure.

"Are you ready?" Langxing asked, then slowly flew forward.

Zhe Feng stared at him closely, ready to neatly subdue him as soon as he activated the magic weapon, but his eyes gradually revealed a look of horror, because he saw that in Lang A figure formed four to five thousand feet away on both sides of the star. The two figures were as solid as real people!

Shadow body technique! As a disciple of Xianlinyuan, he certainly knows this secret skill of his master.

He also knew that the person who had the deepest understanding of this unique skill was Master Si. As far as he knew, Master Si could only condense two figures. Lang Xing could actually condense two figures at such a young age. He was so surprised. Looking at those two figures that looked real, I guess Master Si's understanding was no more than this.

"You know how powerful I am!" With these proud words, Langxing suddenly accelerated, and three figures rushed forward in an outflanking manner.

Zhe Feng felt his eyes blurred, but fortunately he had seen the true reality just now. He jumped up and launched a stream of spiritual energy towards the real Lang Xing. Unexpectedly, the figure passed through the spiritual energy formation without being affected at all. The barrier continues to rush towards him!

Is this a phantom? ! Zhe Feng couldn't believe that he could see it wrong if he just stared.

He is just wrong! With Lang Xing's current skills, playing with him is like an old man playing with a child. The two of them are not on the same level at all.

"Here it is!" The figure on the left fired a burst of spiritual power.

Zhe Feng was hit and flew away. The force was neither light nor heavy. His throat was sweet but not enough to vomit blood. The moment he was hit, he saw a fourth figure, which was a shadow hidden at the very back.

"I'm impressed. I'm convinced." Zhe Feng was really convinced. Not to mention that Lang Xing was no longer entangled with Huaying. Even if he still had to compete with him for Huaying, he was convinced. He was completely defeated in every aspect. , what else can you use to argue with others?

Lang Xing turned around and left proudly. Zhe Feng's guess was correct. He just wanted to avenge an old grudge. Although he said he didn't want to care about it, the humiliation he suffered in his youth was not easy to let go of. Of course, this move It was childish, because he was a child when he was angry. On the surface, he taught Zhe Feng a lesson, but for Zhe Feng, it was an eye-opener. A hundred times a day would not be too many lessons.

Looking at Lang Xing's retreating figure, Zhe Feng silently bowed his hands. This gesture was a respectful farewell to the disciples who were closing their doors. He wanted to return to Qianxu Palace. Only Qianxu Palace could give birth to such a magical person. If he If he wanted to go a long way in cultivation, he still had to borrow the strength of his master. After sighing in his heart, he turned and left. Now was not the time to return to his master.

Bai Xiang saw the master coming back with a happy face, curled his lips and said, "Didn't you say he is someone you don't really want to see? Why are you so happy? You lied to me again."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Your master and I have such a great ability. Not only can I turn enemies into friends and convince my enemies, but I can also make myself feel happy."

Bai Xiang pursed her lips and smiled, holding his arm coquettishly, "Then tell me quickly, what I want to learn most is this skill of yours." This is the truth, although she is not as brilliant as Hu Tian Although she has a sharp eye, she can also feel that Master's ability to make friends is extremely unnatural. In her opinion, this ability stems from Master's understanding of the world, life, and the way of heaven, and is based on this great wisdom.

Lang Xing winked at her and said, "Let's talk about it next time. I can't let you know what happened this time."

Bai Xiang threw away his arm and looked at him with a look of disdain that penetrated his heart. "Is it related to the messy emotions again? I have to warn you, that's it. I always hide this kind of thing from you." , I feel sorry for Master Su."

Lang Xing pushed her on the head angrily, "Is it your turn to take care of me? Yun Dao and the Holy Lady, I, are all innocent. We have a clear conscience and are not afraid of letting her know."

Bai Xiang pouted, "Then why are you sneaking around all day? You think we are all fools."

"Shut up!" Langxing scolded with a smile, "Because you are too talkative, this trip is over." After saying that, he urged Linghe to return.

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