Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2660: The withered and honest boy

Three months later, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord, Jingshui Immortal Concubine, and Yu Chan came back one after another.

After discussing their respective understandings together, Jingshui Fairy Princess took Xiaoyao Fairy Lord and Yu Chan to Xitian Miasa to deal with the disciples of Xunfang Sect. This heartache must be eliminated.

In a deep valley in the Western Miasma, the three of them worked together to open the imprisonment circle that the Great Immortal Master Mo Fang had not set up.

Facing dozens of frightened Xunfang sect disciples and grandsons inside, Yu Chan and Xiaoyao Xianjun did not take action. Neither of them would do such a thing easily.

Immortal Concubine Jing Shui dispatched all these deadly enemies on her own. The more than twenty Qiankun bags she found contained an uncountable number of rare spiritual herbs and a large number of spiritual stones. They spread them out over a large area of ​​over a hundred feet in diameter. This is the wealth accumulated by the Xunfang Sect over the long years.

Seeing so many flower tribesmen who had been poisoned, Concubine Jingshui Fairy said to Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and Yu Chan sadly, "Logically, I should destroy them all. Since they are all dead, I have to let them serve as flowers again." You have made some contribution to the clan, take a look, take what you need, and give the rest to Lang Xing. This will at least make his alchemy friends less likely to kill the Hua clan."

"Then...I won't be polite." Yu Chan selected more than 50 spiritual herbs that are over ten thousand years old. You can't blame her for being greedy. These spiritual herbs collected by the Xunfang Sect are too rare, so you can just take out any one. They were all priceless treasures, and she was restrained enough by only taking fifty or so plants.

After Yu Chan finished selecting, Immortal Xiaoyao said, "I don't need these, give them all to Lang Xing."

Putting away the spiritual grass, Fairy Mirror Water pointed at the small green grass baskets compiled by the two Xunfang sect using their own secret techniques, and said to them, "This should be the flower tribe that they just picked and haven't had time to deal with. You guys hide it first." I will let them go so as not to scare them."

After Yu Chan and Xiaoyao Immortal Lord disappeared, Jingshui Fairy opened the seals on the two baskets. Dozens of spiritual grasses that had not died yet showed their true essence. She waved her hand and let the true essence take her with her. The main body fled as quickly as possible.

There is a light blue plant

The spiritual grass was left behind, and Fairy Mirror Water recognized it. When Xunyi left Xitian Miasma, this spiritual grass followed him far away.

"Do you still remember him? He is no longer here." Jing Shui Fairy Princess passed Xun Yi's figure to it.

The true energy of the light green spiritual grass suddenly became dim, exuding a strong aura of sadness. Its spiritual intelligence was not low, and it could already deeply understand the meaning of life, separation and death.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui passed Langxing's figure to it again, "This person saved you, help me spread his appearance. The Flower Clan will protect this benefactor. He has a deep connection with the previous person. If you see him in the future, be kind to him."

The light green spirit grass passed away with deep sadness. Xunyi was its first human friend and its only one. For more than a thousand years, it had been waiting for this friend to come again, but unexpectedly it would come again. Can't see it either.

Yu Chan appeared, looking at the direction in which the light green spiritual grass was leaving, and sighed, "Even such a spiritual creature is deeply saddened by his passing. It's not easy for us people to forget him."

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui shook her head and said, "Thousands of flower tribes in Western Heaven Miasma have received his favor. The Fruit of Heart and the Fruit of True Wisdom were both obtained when we took refuge here. He didn't rely on my help. He relied on that He got it from his charitable heart. At that time, he only had the cultivation of alchemy. The scene at that time was quite reminiscent of the harmonious coexistence between the human race and the flower race in ancient times. "

Yu Chan said thoughtfully, "It seems that we have taken the wrong path, and we are going further and further down the wrong path. We can't even turn back. He let us know what is the right thing to do."

Immortal Xiaoyao was afraid that the two of them would fall into grief again, so he urged, "Go back. The understanding of the spell can come to an end for the time being, but we still have to talk about soul magic with Yun Dao. This little girl is also quite difficult. I Look at Bi Shen

Not bad. "

Yu Chan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go. Birds of a feather flock together. These little vixens he provoked are so clever that we, the fledglings, have to listen carefully to their opinions."

These words gave Immortal Concubine Jingshui an extra layer of worry, and she worriedly said, "Compared with these others, Su Wan really doesn't have anything outstanding. It's really hard to say where his fate with Su Wan will go."

Immortal Xiaoyao said in a leisurely tone, "You haven't seen Su Wan for a long time, right?"

Fairy Concubine Jingshui raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "It's been a long time indeed. From what you said, could it be that she has changed a lot now?"

Yu Chan said, "The change is not small. I could conclude that she would not reach the late Yuanying stage before. This meeting really surprised me. Not only did she reach the late Yuanying stage, she also stepped into it within two thousand years. She can Those who have entered the late Nascent Soul within two thousand years must be smart people, but I really don’t see anything surprising about her. This is precisely the most surprising thing. It is not accurate to say that she has changed a lot. In fact, it is If there is not much change, a person will definitely change a lot when he enters the later stage of Nascent Soul, but her invariance has become an abnormal change."

Immortal Xiaoyao said calmly, "You are right. In terms of the progress of her cultivation, she must be classified as a genius. I also thought at the beginning that it was impossible for her to enter the late Nascent Soul stage. Although Xunyi and Langxing gave her a lot, It is a great help, but we all know that these alone are not enough for a person with mediocre qualifications to climb all the way to the late Yuanying stage, and it is still a rapid climb, so she must have some magic that we cannot see through. She The magic is hidden in the ordinary, maybe only..." He stopped here.

Jingshui Fairy Princess narrowed her eyes and guessed, "Are you trying to say that only Xun Yi and Lang Xing can induce this kind of magic in her?"

Immortal Xiaoyao remained silent and did not answer, while Yu Chan blinked and her eyes kept flickering.

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui used her spiritual thoughts to say to the two of them, "When I first persuaded Yi'er to let go of my obsession with her, Yi'er told me a metaphor, saying that she is a bone in her body. Without this bone, she is It’s difficult to travel far.”

Immortal Xiaoyao looked up at the sky and said, "He also told Shen Qing this metaphor, and Shen Qing mentioned it to me."

Yu Chan couldn't help but glance at the sky. This topic seemed to make the atmosphere a little weird.

Immortal Xiaoyao mobilized the world in the earth, "Let's go, he wants me to go to the spiritual realm of Qianxu Palace, because he and Su Wan can have different feelings from other people in it, and maybe they can learn from it. Find out some clues.”

"Let's go and have a look too." Yu Chan planned to win over Jing Shui Fairy Concubine again. When face is not enough, it will definitely be enough to win over Jing Shui Fairy Concubine. As long as she and Jing Shui Fairy Concubine both say they want to go, Lang Xing will Will definitely agree.

"I..." Fairy Princess Jingshui hesitated. As a flower fairy, it was a bit outrageous to go to a place like Qianxu Palace and enter a secret realm that was heavily guarded.

Yu Chan encouraged with a smile, "What are you afraid of? With Xiaoyao and I protecting you, is there any place in the world that we can't go to? You can also meet Su Wan by the way."

Xiaoyao Xianjun said, "Just hide in his Qiankun Bag. Even if you just experience the wonderful realm of spirit and void, it would be good." He and Jingshui Fairy Fei already have a deep relationship, so naturally they should take care of the place where they can be taken care of. .

Fairy Concubine Jingshui agreed, "Okay, I'll ask him later, as long as he's not embarrassed about this matter."

Immortal Xiaoyao said with a hint of smile in his tone, "He has nothing to be embarrassed about. This kid seems to be more pedantic than Yi'er, but in fact he sees many things more clearly than Yi'er. The rules and precepts of the sect, he Not serious at all.”

Yu Chan pursed her lips and smiled. Although this brat had a sanctimonious streak that she didn't like, he was indeed not pedantic and was a rotten, honest child.

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