Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2662 Bai Xiang completed the mission

After sending Lang Xing to Qianxu Palace, Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Chan went to pick up Su Wan.

Langxing thought that Yu Chan had not made enough trouble and wanted to stir up trouble with Su Wan. This kind of thing could be stopped for a while, but not forever. The most fundamental thing was to ask Yu Chan not to make things too much, so he had to ask A humble plea.

Yu Chan was so happy that she asked Lang Xing to beg for a long time before agreeing that he would not go too far. In fact, she went to pick up Su Wan just to find a chance to get close to Su Wan. She was afraid that it would be too late to please Su Wan, so why bother? Amelia Su is not happy.

The two mid-stage feathered masters led Bai Xiang to Daiyuan Mountain, chatting and laughing all the way. When they arrived, Xiao Hefeng, who had been in seclusion, came out of seclusion.

Looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Xiao Hefeng blinked and looked confused.

Bai Xiang smiled evilly and said, "Why did you fall asleep? Wake up quickly, we're home."

Xiao Hefeng looked at Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and then at Yu Chan. After waking up, he closed his eyes calmly and muttered to Bai Xiang, "Are you lying to a fool? Don't make trouble, otherwise I will go to my uncle to complain." Your condition."

Bai Xiang moved her lips, she really wanted to tease him again, and she especially wanted to show off the Xiao Hui she just got to him, but this moment was very important to Xiao Hefeng, so she could only endure it for now.

Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Chan looked at each other, and they were thinking about the same thing - this little Hefeng is extraordinary enough. If it were an ordinary person, at this time, he would definitely thank the two great supernatural beings with sincerity. However, he was able to safely choose to consolidate the gains from seclusion first, and he still had the time to choke Bai Xiang. The tone and demeanor when he said this was that of a child, which made it impossible for people to care about him. His etiquette is not good enough. This skill captures the essence of Xun Yi's cross-dressing. If he does it intentionally, he will be as good as Xun Yi in terms of scheming and dexterity. If he does it unintentionally, it will be even more powerful. , this is talent.

Xiao Hefeng does have some talent in this area, and Lang Xing's teaching helped him bring this talent to the extreme. Although he was inevitably nervous and excited when he first saw the two great magical powers in the middle stage of feathering, but from the teachings of his uncle, The superb vision and extraordinary mind he had acquired allowed him to quickly face these two gods-like figures calmly. In this regard, he was even stronger than Bai Xiang. This was the effect of his talent.

Su Wan has been grinding her teeth secretly these days, and You Fang is still in seclusion, so after going to Wutian Valley to see the situation, she hurried back. Lang Xing personally told her to go back quickly and not to continue to teach them. Senior Xiaoyao from Soul Technique waited for a long time, but this bastard disappeared without a trace.

Huang Ying was quite worthy of Lang Xing this time. She deceived Su Wan according to the excuse given by Lang Xing. She only said that he was picked up by Liu Yun, but she rolled her eyes deliberately when telling this lie.

Su Wan knew at a glance that she was lying, and was so angry that she was kicked away without any further questioning. It was embarrassing enough that her disciple had collaborated with others to deceive her, and it would be even more embarrassing if he continued to question her. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. All I have to do is wait to settle the score with Lang Xing.

Unexpectedly, neither the left nor the right came. As I became more and more angry, I couldn't help but start to worry. I wanted to interrogate Huang Ying again, because Huang Ying came to see her after she felt that something was not going well. He found a reason to go back to the Xuanfang Sect to look after the disciples and ran away early.

Just when she was hesitating whether to pursue Xuanfang Sect and ask Huang Ying for clarification, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and others arrived.

After seeing the ceremony, Bai Xiang pulled Su Wan aside with a smile and secretly said, "Uncle, there is a big trouble. You must know that my master knows a flower fairy. That flower fairy has met A very powerful enemy, the other party has

There are several great magical powers who have transformed into feathers, and one is in the middle stage of becoming feathers. The situation is critical, and my master has no time to find too many helpers in his hurry. He just gathers Fairy Yun Dao from the Immortal Soul Sect, and the Holy Spirit from Yuanyi Prefecture. Female, Grandmaster Qimu of the Junlu Sect, and Fairy Concubine Chan. With just these few people, they almost lost their lives in a fight with more than ten people from the other side. "

Su Wan's heart immediately rose and she asked with concern, "What's the result?"

Bai Xiang showed a smile and said, "Don't worry, I won a big victory and killed the opponent cleanly, but they were all injured. Fortunately, the injuries were not too serious. Master Xiaoyao took me there." By that time, they had almost recovered. Concubine Chan and Master Xiaoyao wanted to know more about Yuanyizhou's martial arts, so they asked the Holy Girl to teach them for a few days, and then asked Fairy Yundao to teach about the soul skills for a few days. My master I was worried about your situation and was in a hurry to come back, so I was dragged back by him before we could finish talking. We had to talk while walking, and we haven’t finished talking yet.”

"Little girl!" Su Wan smiled and poked her finger on Bai Xiang's forehead. Bai Xiang's last two sentences were too obvious to sell her master.

Bai Xianghan smiled and said, "That's all I know. They are hiding many things from me. You can ask them later. Concubine Chan lent me Xiao Hui. If you want to see it, come to me later. In addition, there are I have something nice to show you, so I have to leave first." After saying that, she turned around and ran away. She could only help Master so much, and it would be a loss if she said any more.

Su Wan worriedly asked Yu Chan, "Xiang'er said that you and Lang Xing just experienced a dangerous battle. Is everyone safe?"

Yu Chan smiled and said, "It's indeed dangerous. I thought the danger was far away. Fortunately, Langxing showed his great power and solved the mid-feathering one in one go, turning the situation around. This kid is really amazing and boundless." , I never expected the result to be so good.”

Su Wan looked at Xiaoyao Xianjun with a strange expression. Yu Chan's explicit praise of Lang Xing was obviously to tease her. She could only find out the truth from Senior Xiaoyao.

"That's pretty much what she said." Immortal Xiaoyao said perfunctorily. Tens of thousands of years of living alone had made him accustomed to loneliness, and being mixed with this group of people really made him a little uncomfortable.

"Then I'd better go back and ask Lang Xing." Su Wan looked at Yu Chan and said.

This gesture almost made it clear that she didn't trust herself. Yu Chan was amused. She had already learned about Su Wan's softness and strength. Now Su Wan is obviously more confident and confident than before. In the past, she I'm sure there will be some more banter, but now I have to be nicer.

"Then you go ask him, silly girl, weren't you deceived enough by him?"

This silly girl's voice made Su Wan let go even more, and said with a smile, "You can't deceive me so miserably by pointing at him alone. I'm afraid that a group of highly respected people will collude with him, and it will be impossible to guard against it."

Yu Chan looked at Xiaoyao Xianjun and said, "As for you, I have never been close to the four words "virtue and respect".

Su Wan said hurriedly, angry and funny, "You can say this! We respect you, the great fairy concubine, as a highly respected senior, but you tried your best to escape."

Xiaoyao Xianjun knew that Yu Chan wanted to get close to Su Wan, so he helped, "She teases you like this because she is so happy. She is quite relieved to see you and Xun Yi finally getting together." Afraid that Su Wan would feel embarrassed, he He immediately continued, "Let's get down to business. She just gave Xiao Hui to Xiang'er, so let's let her expand her horizons with her."

Yu Chan looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "What are you opening your eyes to? You two still have things to hide from me about your relationship." After sending Lang Xing to Qianxu Palace, Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Chan went to pick up Su Wan.

Langxing thought that Yu Chan had not made enough trouble and wanted to stir up trouble with Su Wan. This kind of thing could be stopped for a while, but not forever. The most fundamental thing was to ask Yu Chan not to make things too much, so he had to ask It was a humble plea.

Yu Chan was so happy that she asked Lang Xing to beg for a long time before agreeing that he would not go too far. In fact, she went to pick up Su Wan just to find a chance to get close to Su Wan. She was afraid that it would be too late to please Su Wan, so why bother? Amelia Su is not happy.

The two mid-stage feathered masters led Bai Xiang to Daiyuan Mountain, chatting and laughing all the way. When they arrived, Xiao Hefeng, who had been in seclusion, came out of seclusion.

Looking at the familiar environment in front of him, Xiao Hefeng blinked and looked confused.

Bai Xiang smiled evilly and said, "Why did you fall asleep? Wake up quickly, we're home."

Xiao Hefeng looked at Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and then at Yu Chan. After waking up, he closed his eyes calmly and muttered to Bai Xiang, "Are you lying to a fool? Don't make trouble, otherwise I will go to my uncle to complain." Your condition."

Bai Xiang moved her lips, she really wanted to tease him again, and she especially wanted to show off the Xiao Hui she just got to him, but this moment was very important to Xiao Hefeng, so she could only endure it for now.

Xiaoyao Xianjun and Yu Chan looked at each other, and they were thinking about the same thing - this little Hefeng is extraordinary enough. If it were an ordinary person, at this time, he would definitely thank the two great supernatural beings with sincerity. However, he was able to safely choose to consolidate the gains from seclusion first, and he still had the time to choke Bai Xiang. The tone and demeanor when he said this was that of a child, which made it impossible for people to care about him. His etiquette is not good enough. This skill captures the essence of Xun Yi's cross-dressing. If he does it intentionally, he will be as good as Xun Yi in terms of scheming and dexterity. If he does it unintentionally, it will be even more powerful. , this is talent.

Xiao Hefeng does have some talent in this area, and Lang Xing's teaching helped him bring this talent to the extreme. Although he was inevitably nervous and excited when he first saw the two great magical powers in the middle stage of feathering, but from the teachings of his uncle, The superb vision and extraordinary mind he had acquired allowed him to quickly face these two gods-like figures calmly. In this regard, he was even stronger than Bai Xiang. This was the effect of his talent.

Su Wan has been grinding her teeth secretly these days, and You Fang is still in seclusion, so after going to Wutian Valley to see the situation, she hurried back. Lang Xing personally told her to go back quickly and not to continue to teach them. Senior Xiaoyao from Soul Technique waited for a long time, but this bastard disappeared without a trace.

Huang Ying was quite worthy of Lang Xing this time. She deceived Su Wan according to the excuse given by Lang Xing. She only said that he was picked up by Liu Yun, but she rolled her eyes deliberately when telling this lie.

Su Wan knew at a glance that she was lying, and was so angry that she was kicked away without any further questioning. It was embarrassing enough that her disciple had collaborated with others to deceive her, and it would be even more embarrassing if he continued to question her. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. All I have to do is wait to settle the score with Lang Xing.

Unexpectedly, neither the left nor the right came. As I became more and more angry, I couldn't help but start to worry. I wanted to interrogate Huang Ying again, because Huang Ying came to see her after she felt that something was not going well. He found a reason to go back to the Xuanfang Sect to look after the disciples and ran away early.

Just when she was hesitating whether to pursue Xuanfang Sect and ask Huang Ying for clarification, Xiaoyao Immortal Lord and others arrived.

After seeing the ceremony, Bai Xiang pulled Su Wan aside with a smile and secretly said, "Uncle, there is a big trouble. You must know that my master knows a flower fairy. That flower fairy has met A very powerful enemy, the other party has

There are several great magical powers who have transformed into feathers, and one is in the middle stage of becoming feathers. The situation is critical, and my master has no time to find too many helpers in his hurry. He just gathers Fairy Yun Dao from the Immortal Soul Sect, and the Holy Spirit from Yuanyi Prefecture. Female, Master Qimu of the Junlu Sect, and Fairy Concubine Chan. With just these few people, they almost lost their lives in a fight with more than ten people from the other side. "

Amelia Su's heart immediately rose, and she asked with concern, "What's the result?"

Bai Xiang showed a smile and said, "Don't worry, I won a big victory and killed the opponent cleanly, but they were all injured. Fortunately, the injuries were not too serious. Master Xiaoyao took me there." By that time, they had almost recovered. Concubine Chan and Master Xiaoyao wanted to know more about Yuanyizhou's martial arts, so they asked the Holy Girl to teach them for a few days, and then asked Fairy Yundao to teach about the soul skills for a few days. My master I was worried about the situation here and was in a hurry to come back, so I was dragged back by him before we could finish talking. We had to talk while walking, and we haven’t finished talking yet.”

"Little girl!" Su Wan smiled and poked her finger on Bai Xiang's forehead. Bai Xiang's last two words were too obvious to sell her master.

Bai Xianghan smiled and said, "That's all I know. They are hiding many things from me. You can ask them later. Concubine Chan lent me Xiao Hui. If you want to see it, come to me later. In addition, there are I have something nice to show you, so I have to leave first." After saying that, she turned around and ran away. She could only help Master so much, and it would be a loss if she said any more.

Su Wan asked Yu Chan worriedly, "Xian'er said that you and Lang Xing just experienced a dangerous battle. Is everyone safe?"

Yu Chan smiled and said, "It's indeed sinister enough. I thought the danger was far away. Fortunately, Langxing showed his great power and solved the mid-feathering one in one go, turning the situation around. This kid is really amazing." , I never expected the result to be so good.”

Su Wan looked at Xiaoyao Xianjun with a strange expression. Yu Chan's explicit praise of Lang Xing was obviously to tease her. She could only find out the truth from Senior Xiaoyao.

"That's pretty much what she said." Immortal Xiaoyao said perfunctorily. Tens of thousands of years of living alone had made him accustomed to loneliness, and being mixed with this group of people really made him a little uncomfortable.

"Then I'd better go back and ask Lang Xing." Su Wan looked at Yu Chan and said.

This gesture almost made it clear that she didn't trust herself. Yu Chan was amused. She had already learned about Su Wan's softness and strength. Now Su Wan is obviously more confident and confident than before. In the past, she I'm sure there will be some more banter, but now I have to be nicer.

"Then you go ask him, silly girl, weren't you deceived enough by him?"

This silly girl's voice made Su Wan let go even more, and said with a smile, "You can't deceive me so miserably by pointing at him alone. I'm afraid that a group of highly respected people will collude with him, and it will be impossible to guard against it."

Yu Chan looked at Xiaoyao Xianjun and said, "As for you, I have never been close to the four words "virtue and respect".

Su Wan said hurriedly, angry and funny, "You can say this! We respect you, the great fairy concubine, as a highly respected senior, but you tried your best to escape."

Xiaoyao Xianjun knew that Yu Chan wanted to get close to Su Wan, so he helped, "She teases you like this because she is so happy. She is quite relieved to see you and Xun Yi finally getting together." Afraid that Su Wan would feel embarrassed, he He immediately continued, "Let's get down to business. She just gave Xiao Hui to Xiang'er, so let's let her expand her horizons with her."

Yu Chan looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "What are you opening your eyes to? You two still have things to hide from me."

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