Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2667 The debt I owe you can only be repaid in the next life.

When passing by Xingpeng's residence, Langxing suddenly regained his childlike innocence and fell in front of a big tree in front of the courtyard.

The big tree was missing a large piece of bark. The big tree in front of his and Xingpeng's residence had this kind of virtue. This was the sin they made when they left messages and insults to each other.

When I wanted to leave a few threatening words to relive my childhood feelings, I glanced at the plaque on the door and saw that Xingpeng's name was no longer there. Then I realized that Xingpeng had moved and this area was for people with low cultivation levels. It was where the disciples of the Xianlin Academy lived. Since he and Lu Gang didn't live much in the Xianlin Academy, they never changed their residence. Xingpeng should have moved to the area where the Yuanying monks lived.

Things have changed and people have changed. Langxing couldn't help but feel a little sad. He glanced at the hilltop where Xingpeng once lived with a nostalgic look, and then flew away in a waning mood.

As we grow up, the imprints of our childhood disappear little by little, and will only exist in our memories in the future.

Thinking back to those days, the appearance of the little villain Xingpeng was still fresh, but the small pendant made him feel a little strange, as if he was in another world, like an old dream.

When they came to the bamboo sea where Huaying lived, Huaying was walking leisurely in the bamboo forest, holding a randomly picked wild flower in her hand. Her face was calm and peaceful. When she noticed the bright star flying over, she stopped and turned her head slightly. He turned around and looked sideways, with a faint smile on his lips.

"You haven't become an immortal concubine yet and you're acting like an immortal concubine?" Lang Xing fell in front of her with a disdainful look on his face, and turned his head to glance at her from the corner of his eyes.

Huaying smiled, then raised her chin and said proudly, "Who is showing off to you? This is my current state of mind." ??

Langxing showed a warm smile, "It can be seen that the level has been greatly improved. Did you gain a lot from your last trip to Puyunzhou?"

Huaying smiled happily and said, "There are actually quite a few. The three great powers all gave me careful guidance for your sake, which made me feel a little flattered. Please go back and express your gratitude for me."

"It's not worth anything." Lang Xing smiled proudly, then took out

Wen Danzi threw the elixir he refined for her, "Aren't you thinking about asking Senior Brother Wen Danzi to refine another elixir for you? This one is the one."

"Thank you." Huaying took the pill with joy, looked at it carefully and put it away carefully, then put on a half-smiling expression and said, "There's no need to remind you in such a hurry, I'll remember it, both of us It’s just a financial transaction.”

Lang Xing laughed angrily, pointed at her and said, "Okay! If you give the gift earlier, you will be able to attract all the gifts. Next time, I will definitely wait until the end to give it!"

Huaying glanced at him gracefully, then asked with a friendly smile, "What have you been busy with during the period of my seclusion? How are you doing?"

Langxing looked at her with twinkling eyes and said, "Fortunately, I went to Yuanyi Prefecture a few days ago and encountered Zhifeng."

Hearing the name Zhe Feng, Huaying's expression was obviously a little embarrassed. She pursed her lips and waited for him to continue speaking without saying a word.

Langxing considered and continued, "I advised him to return to Xianlinyuan. He wanted to wait until he entered the late Nascent Soul stage. I couldn't force him, so I gave him some spiritual stones to help you pay off the debt you owe."

Huaying nodded, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "This debt has always kept me going. After all, it's not as easy for him to get money as it is for you. You helped me resolve a worry. How many spiritual stones did you give him? I'll pay you back." , I must pay for this spiritual stone myself.”

Lang Xing said with an indifferent expression, "I originally wanted to give you 10,000 Yuan Yingshi, but he only accepted 5,000."

Huaying looked at him speechlessly. Lang Xing's generosity really made her don't know what to say. After taking out the five thousand Yuanying Stone and handing it over, she said, "I'll settle the debt with him. I can only settle the debt with you." I’ll pay it back in my next life.”

Lang Xing can hear it

The implication of this sentence made me feel a little uncomfortable, so I silently put away the five thousand Nascent Soul Stones.

Huaying smiled and changed the subject, "How is Xiang'er? Didn't she come with you? I refined some talismans for her."

"Her injury has healed long ago and she is busy practicing. You don't have to worry about her. She is richer than me now and has more treasures than she can even count."

Huaying covered her mouth with a smile and handed a stack of talismans to Langxing, "Your master is lending money in the front, and her apprentice is collecting debts in the back. It is reasonable for her to be richer than you, and I have nothing to do with it." It’s good for her. Let her use these as she pleases. I’ll refine them for her when they’re used up.”

Langxing flicked the stack of talismans with his fingers and said with emotion, "She is more blessed than me. The top-quality talismans carefully refined by the Great Fairy of Xianlin Academy can be used as desired. I wanted to get a few of the top-grade talismans back then." It takes a lot of effort.”

Huaying glanced at him with a smile and said, "It's needless to say that it's so pitiful. I took a lot of trouble to refine it for you. Now and then, who made you miss the good time? It doesn't take much effort for me to refine these now." , naturally it can be used by her as she pleases.”

"How can refining such a top product take no effort? Okay, then I will thank you for her." After saying that, he took out three bulging Qiankun bags.

Huaying narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't need to give me such a big reward, do you? You are too generous now, and you have started giving away the whole bag?"

Lang Xing laughed and said, "These are for senior brother Danzi. They are all rare spiritual herbs. But now that he is ready to devote himself to cultivation, I didn't take them out for fear of disturbing his mind. Please help me collect them first." Just wait until he breaks the mirror and then give it to him."

Huaying took the three Qiankun bags and inspected them. He couldn't help but change his face and said, "Where did you get these? These are priceless treasures."

Lang Xing winked and said, "Killed one

As a sect that specializes in harming the Flower Clan, you can pick something for yourself, so you don’t have to worry about spiritual stones in the future. "

"So many... are you asking for advice?" Huaying looked at him with complicated eyes.

Langxing smiled and said, "I've already set aside a little. It's useless to leave too much. Isn't it best to give him the spiritual grass? What we need is the elixir. As long as we can get it from him happily in the future, Just ask for the elixir."

"This is enough to refine many elixirs." Hua Ying was still reluctant to give up. He had lost too much in this business.

Langxing glanced at her disapprovingly and said, "The question is, can you take so many elixirs? Maybe with one or two more, you will have entered the stage of becoming a feather. By then, the elixirs will be of no use to you. Don't be so obsessed with money and be discerning." Take the long view.”

Huaying still muttered unwillingly, "Then if I can't break the mirror for a thousand years, I don't know how many pills I need to take. I don't think I can give it to him all at once. It's best to give it in batches, so that he can He has been making elixirs for us happily."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Look at your lack of ambition. Shen Qing has already become a feather, and you still want to leave yourself a thousand years of retreat? So you think you are so different from others?"

These words made Huaying startled for a moment, and then there was a determined expression on her face, and she said fiercely, "You are right! I don't believe it! Sooner or later, I will let you see the day when I surpass her!"

"That's right! You have to defend us as the female cultivator from Qianxu Palace and seize the title of the most amazing woman in the world."

"Go away! When did you take the glory of your master so seriously?" Although Hua Ying was stimulated by this provoking method, his mind was still very clear.

Lang Xing laughed loudly. There was no need to say anything more. It was most effective to use Shen Qing to stimulate Huaying. As long as she aroused her competitive spirit, everything would be easy to handle.

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