Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2687 You must rely on some dreams for support

When Sijia came back, although he tried his best to restrain himself, there was still sadness in his expression.

Hearing Langxing's proposal to suspend her travels suited her perfectly, so she nodded in agreement.

Taking advantage of the time he was waiting for his sixth senior brother, Langxing went to visit Yuehong, Shao Ling, Ping'er and others.

Yuehong became more and more peaceful and peaceful, and it seemed to have a somewhat transcendent meaning. It seemed that a new realm had been formed in the previous meaning of silence. This made Lang Xing feel happy, but he did not point it out and chatted. After a while, he said goodbye and left. Yuehong didn't hold back, but walked to the door and watched him go away with a smile.

Ping'er was very happy when she saw Langxing. Seeing him hurriedly taking out the treasures one by one, she didn't stop him, she just smiled with her lips pursed. Her childhood playmates have now grown up, and their friendship is the most innocent. This kind of friendship will not be diluted by the years. If Lang Xing dares to give, she will dare to accept. Instead, she is not as eager to refuse as before, because she has grown up and knows that Lang Xing takes Although these items are all valuable, they are certainly nothing to Lang Xing.

The last thing Langxing took out was an ordinary small stone. He held it up and asked Ping'er, "Does it look like a little rabbit to you?"

When Ping'er saw him making fun of her, she smiled and waved her hands, still the way she had been when she was a child.

After giving the gift, Langxing said with a smile, "I think you are in good condition now. It is different to have guidance from a famous teacher. I still remember how hard you practiced before."

Ping'er smiled calmly and said, "The most important thing for a person is self-awareness. This is what the Seven Immortals said to me. I have always kept it in mind. Considering my qualifications, it is an unexpected blessing to have a baby. Is there anything else I don't know about?" Is it enough? Moreover, Master doesn’t mind that I have embarrassed her, and has repeatedly advised me to calm down and make progress if I can, and be content with it if I can’t. The most important thing is to live a happy life. You are right to have a famous teacher to guide me. "I will never be able to repay Master's love and kindness in full. I am lucky to have such a good Master. This also includes the blessings of the Seven Immortals and the Second Master."

Lang Xing nodded, "Your master is right. After all, only a few people can become immortals. For most people, it is wisest to live happily throughout this life. If you can really be happy every day, then that's it." It's almost like becoming an immortal. Knowing how to cherish blessings is a kind of wisdom. As a disciple of the great steward of the inner sea, your life is better than that of most people. If you can have a peaceful state of mind, then consider this blessing I got it. I usually talk to Master Yuehong more often. I just came from her place. Her condition is so good that I don’t know how to describe it. There may not be only one way to become an immortal. I think she is already there. It’s a bit fairy-like.”

When Ping'er heard this, she winked at him, grabbed his arm and secretly said, "You know, Uncle Hong and I are very good friends. We often visit her, and she loves her like a mother and an elder sister." Cherish me, I owe a lot to her for being in the state of mind I am today. Although I don’t have your brilliant vision, I have noticed her changes in recent years. She is really very different from before. Occasionally She would also talk to me about some insights, but they were just words like "accept destiny" and "go with the flow" that ordinary people often say, but I could see that she believed these from the bottom of her heart. "

Langxing smiled slightly, used his spiritual energy to create a paper kite in the air, and said, "I also said this to Xiang'er. The movement of heaven is like the tide, and we are like paper kites and small boats. If we go with it, we will prosper, if we go against it, we will perish. , this is self-knowledge. Not to mention us, even your second master, sixth master, or even Taishizu, Taishifu, these great supernatural powers, can't resist the trend of heaven. Therefore, although your Uncle Yuehong only has Nascent Soul The mid-term cultivation level, but the realm

It's extraordinary. Talking to her more would be of great benefit to you. "

Ping'er said with a self-deprecating smile, "If we with mediocre qualifications want to live happily, we have to rely on daydreaming. If we want to become immortals, we can only find our own way. I understand this. You don't have to worry about me." , Even if this dream is broken, it doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, I don’t have any hope at all. I just want to leave some thoughts for myself. I have lived a contented life without this dream.”

Lang Xing said with a smile, "People must rely on some dreams to support their lives. Everyone is the same. There are no people in this world who are completely without desires and desires. If you don't have too much hope for becoming an immortal, If you have hope, then put your hope in the next life and accumulate blessings in this life.”

"This seems more reliable to me." Ping'er pursed her lips and smiled, pointing at his nose and said, "You are so qualified and blessed. You must have done countless good deeds in your previous life, so you are here." Such a blessing.”

Langxing smiled and said, "Who knows, it is true that I am blessed. This makes me know how to cherish blessings better than others. I also have a little more awe in my heart than others. I dare not act recklessly, no matter whether reincarnation is true or not." Even if it is fake, I won’t bet that it doesn’t exist, because if it really does exist, I will lose miserably. Speaking of which, this belief rooted in my heart is not taught by Master, and it has nothing to do with the world of cultivation. The teachings from my mother, the stories of karma she told me had a great influence on me. They can be said to be the foundation of all my teachings. Do you think they are funny or not? "

"It's really funny. If you hadn't said it yourself, I wouldn't have believed it. Your greatest magic actually came from the mortal world." Ping'er covered her mouth and laughed.

"Not everyone in the world of cultivation may be right, and not everyone in the mortal world may be wrong. This is what your master told me. He also told me not to talk nonsense to outsiders, so as not to disturb their Taoism. Since you are like this, I should tell you. It doesn't matter." The excuse was made by Fairy Huarui, in order to make Ping'er pay more attention to these words. Since Ping'er's qualifications are not high, he can only go as far as saying more, but it will affect her current calm mood. , then stood up and said, "Just keep this idea in your mind. If you have the chance, you may be able to understand it. I haven't fully understood it yet, so I won't tell you nonsense. I still have something to discuss with Second Senior Sister and Your master goes to Nanjingzhou and will come see you next time.”

"Okay." Ping'er pulled his sleeve, tilted her head and looked at him with a playful look in her eyes and said, "Let me take a closer look, Xiao Zhuo'er, you are really amazing. In a blink of an eye, you have become a well-deserved winner." Close disciple, we are all happy for you."

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "It's nothing serious. I'm just not afraid of Sixth Senior Brother now. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. I'm here with you."

Ping'er smiled brightly and nodded vigorously. Both of them remembered the time when they took Xiao Qingling to wander outside the palace gate and met Xin Xie. That time, they were frightened. Ping'er still She is afraid of the Sixth Master, but having a powerful friend like Lang Xing can make her feel more at ease.

The next morning, Xinxie came excitedly. Although he still didn't know what his junior brother wanted to do with him, good things always happened, and this time was no exception.

Sure enough, after learning the details, Xinxie patted Lang Xing's shoulder and couldn't help but glance at the second senior sister.

Zhixia understood what he was thinking and said with her mind, "You think you owe him too much, don't you? Then just think of it as having benefited from me. When you have the opportunity to repay him in the future, just don't let me talk nonsense to you anymore." ”

Xin Xie didn't say much anymore. Junior Brother and Second Senior Sister cared about him so much when good things happened. He didn't need Second Senior Sister to say anything, but he would also remember this friendship. When Sijia came back, although he tried his best to restrain himself, there was still sadness in his expression.

Hearing Langxing's proposal to suspend her travels suited her perfectly, so she nodded in agreement.

Taking advantage of the time he was waiting for his sixth senior brother, Langxing went to visit Yuehong, Shao Ling, Ping'er and others.

Yuehong became more and more peaceful and peaceful, and it seemed to have a somewhat transcendent meaning. It seemed that a new realm had emerged from the previous meaning of silence. This made Langxing feel happy, but he did not point it out and chatted. After a while, he said goodbye and left. Yuehong didn't hold back, but walked to the door and watched him go away with a smile.

Ping'er was very happy when she saw Langxing. Seeing him hurriedly taking out the treasures one by one, she didn't stop him, she just pursed her lips and smiled. Her childhood playmates have now grown up, and their friendship is the most innocent. This kind of friendship will not be diluted by the years. If Lang Xing dares to give, she will dare to accept. Instead, she is not as eager to refuse as before, because she has grown up and knows that Lang Xing takes Although these items are of great value, they are certainly nothing to Lang Xing.

The last thing Langxing took out was an ordinary small stone. He held it up and asked Ping'er, "Does it look like a little rabbit to you?"

When Ping'er saw him making fun of her, she smiled and waved her hands, still the same as when they were together when they were young.

After giving the gift, Langxing said with a smile, "I think you are in good condition now. It is different to have the guidance of a famous teacher. I still remember how you practiced hard in the past." ??

Ping'er smiled calmly and said, "The most important thing for a person is self-awareness. This is what the Seven Immortals said to me. I have always kept it in mind. Considering my qualifications, it is an unexpected blessing to have a baby. Is there anything else I don't know about?" Is it enough? Moreover, Master doesn’t mind that I have embarrassed her, and has repeatedly advised me to calm down and make progress if I can, and be content with it if I can’t. The most important thing is to live a happy life. You are right to have a famous teacher to guide me. "I will never be able to repay Master's love and kindness in full. I am lucky to have such a good Master. This also includes the blessings of the Seven Immortals and the Second Master."

Lang Xing nodded, "Your master is right. After all, only a few people can become immortals. For most people, it is wisest to live happily throughout this life. If you can really be happy every day, then that's it." It's almost like becoming an immortal. Knowing how to cherish blessings is a kind of wisdom. As a disciple of the great steward of the inner sea, your life is better than that of most people. If you can have a peaceful state of mind, then consider this blessing I got it. I usually talk to Master Yuehong more often. I just came from her place. Her condition is so good that I don’t know how to describe it. There may not be only one way to become an immortal. I think she is already there. It’s a bit fairy-like.”

Hearing this, Ping'er winked at him, grabbed his arm and secretly said, "You know, Uncle Hong and I are very good friends. We often visit her, and she loves her like a mother and an elder sister." Cherish me, I owe a lot to her for being in the state of mind I am today. Although I don’t have your brilliant vision, I have noticed her changes in recent years. She is really very different from before. Occasionally She would also talk to me about some insights, but they were just words that ordinary people often say, such as "accepting destiny" and "going with the flow", but I could see that she believed these from the bottom of her heart. "

Langxing smiled slightly, used his spiritual energy to create a paper kite in the air, and said, "I also said this to Xiang'er. The movement of heaven is like the tide, and we are like paper kites and small boats. If we go with it, we will prosper, if we go against it, we will perish. , this is self-knowledge. Not to mention us, even your second master, sixth master, or even Taishizu, Taishifu, these great supernatural powers, can't resist the trend of heaven. Therefore, although your Uncle Yuehong only has Nascent Soul The mid-term cultivation level, but the realm

It's extraordinary, and it would be of great benefit to you to talk to her more. "

Ping'er said with a self-deprecating smile, "If we with mediocre qualifications want to live happily, we have to rely on daydreaming. If we want to become immortals, we can only find our own way. I understand this. You don't have to worry about me." , Even if this dream is broken, it doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, I don’t have any hope at all. I just want to leave some thoughts for myself. I have lived a contented life without this dream.”

Lang Xing said with a smile, "People must rely on some dreams to support their lives. Everyone is the same. There are no people in this world who are completely without desires and desires. If you don't have too much hope for becoming an immortal, If you have hope, then put your hope in the next life and accumulate blessings in this life.”

"This seems more reliable to me." Ping'er pursed her lips and smiled, pointing at his nose and said, "You are so qualified and blessed. You must have done countless good deeds in your previous life, so you are here." Such a blessing.”

Langxing smiled and said, "Who knows, it is true that I am blessed. This makes me know how to cherish blessings better than others. I also have a little more awe in my heart than others. I dare not act recklessly, no matter whether reincarnation is true or not." Even if it is fake, I won’t bet that it doesn’t exist, because if it really does exist, I will lose miserably. Speaking of which, this belief rooted in my heart is not taught by Master, and it has nothing to do with the world of cultivation. The teachings from my mother, the stories of karma she told me had a great influence on me. They can be said to be the foundation of all my teachings. Do you think they are funny or not? "

"It's really funny. If you hadn't said it yourself, I wouldn't have believed it. Your greatest magic actually came from the mortal world." Ping'er covered her mouth and laughed.

"Not everyone in the world of cultivation may be right, and not everyone in the mortal world may be wrong. This is what your master told me. He also told me not to talk nonsense to outsiders, so as not to disturb their Taoism. Since you are like this, I should tell you. It doesn't matter." The excuse was made by Fairy Huarui, in order to make Ping'er pay more attention to these words. Since Ping'er's qualifications are not high, he can only go as far as saying more, but it will affect her current calm mood. , then stood up and said, "Just keep this idea in your mind. If you have the chance, you may be able to understand it. I haven't fully understood it yet, so I won't tell you nonsense. I still have something to discuss with Second Senior Sister and Your master goes to Nanjingzhou and will come see you next time.”

"Okay." Ping'er pulled his sleeve, tilted her head and looked at him with a playful look in her eyes and said, "Let me take a closer look, Xiao Zhuo'er, you are really amazing. In a blink of an eye, you have become a well-deserved winner." Close disciple, we are all happy for you."

Lang Xing smiled naively and said, "It's nothing serious. I'm just not afraid of Sixth Senior Brother now. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore. I'm here with you."

Ping'er smiled brightly and nodded vigorously. Both of them remembered the time when they took Xiao Qingling to wander outside the palace gate and met Xin Xie. That time, they were frightened. Ping'er still She is afraid of the Sixth Master, but having a powerful friend like Lang Xing can make her feel more at ease.

The next morning, Xinxie came excitedly. Although he still didn't know what his junior brother wanted to do with him, good things always happened, and this time was no exception.

Sure enough, after learning the details, Xinxie patted Lang Xing's shoulder and couldn't help but glance at the second senior sister.

Zhixia understood what he was thinking and said with her mind, "You think you owe him too much, don't you? Then just think of it as having benefited from me. When you have the opportunity to repay him in the future, just don't let me talk nonsense to you anymore." ”

Xin Xie didn't say much anymore. Junior Brother and Second Senior Sister cared about him so much when good things happened. He didn't need Second Senior Sister to say anything, but he would also remember this friendship.

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