Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2704 I’m busy!

"You..." Lang Xing felt a little flattered and didn't know what to say.

Su Wan quickly changed her disdainful expression and said, "Who made you have so many talents and magical powers? God favors you. We cannot accept this. We can ignore the principles you have figured out, but we dare not treat your feelings." Ignored, that’s all.”

Lang Xing laughed happily, "No matter what I rely on, as long as you can believe it, I have memorized everything you just said, and I have to keep my word." He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his lips.

Seeing him like this, Su Wan immediately guessed what he was going to say next. Before she could stop him, Lang Xing had already said it.

"I also feel like we really have a connection."

Because she was on guard, Su Wan said calmly, "It doesn't count as a made-up feeling. Just save some face."

Lang Xing burst out laughing, half-ridiculously, thinking that the Fairy Concubine Yuheng was on another piece of land, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Su Wan was so kind to him, but he hid the Fairy Concubine under Su Wan's nose. Too much It makes no sense.

He said with a sense of guilt, "Well... don't worry, I won't deliberately drag you down, and I will never deliberately hide anything I can help you with. Remember what I told you before, I want to give you a clear guide." What about the road?"

There was a cold light in Su Wan's eyes and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will remember it until my death. You almost destroyed my Taoist heart that time!"

Lang Xing opened his mouth and laughed silently, "You insisted on letting me tell you later. I originally wanted to tell you."

Amelia Su changed her calm expression and said, "Don't say it now, I still don't want to hear it."

Lang Xing looked at her suspiciously and said, "What do you mean? You are determined to stay with me, right?"

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I just said that I don't dare to take your feelings lightly, so I have to be careful. I trust your feelings more than your clear path."

Lang Xing smiled with relief and said, "You are a bit smart, so I'll save it for later."

"Why do I think you are a bit...fashionable? You are either a traitor or a thief, Lang Xing, do you have any evil intentions?" This time, Su Wan looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Ha!" Lang Xing rolled his eyes bluffingly, "I don't understand good people's hearts, so I'll explain it to Shen Qing." After saying that, he came out of the Qiankun Bag.

Shen Qing, who was walking in a hurry, saw him coming out, and hurriedly strengthened the body-protecting divine light a little more, and asked, "Have you coaxed this slave?"

Lang Xing snorted. If it was revealed that Su Wan didn't care at all, Shen Qing would definitely find it boring, so he used this snort to muddle through, and then talked about the strategy he had come up with.

Shen Qing deeply believed in the opinions he talked about, but he was a little reluctant to take credit for himself.

Langxing advised, "Otherwise, I have no other way to introduce you to him. This is a great blessing. You should consider it yourself. I hope you can give up on your own initiative."

Shen Qing glanced at him sideways, and then nodded helplessly.

Arriving outside Wutian Valley, Shen Qing found a place to wait while Lang Xing and Su Wan hurried into Wutian Valley.

Flying to the edge of the valley, they saw Xiyang and Jiangxiao waiting for them boredly.

Jiangxiao said to Nunu in the valley, "No matter how you talk to us, you will ignore us. I only want to see you two."

Lang Xing smiled at them

They waved their hands and flew directly into the valley.

Su Wan opened her protective divine light to cover Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao, and said with her spiritual thoughts, "Shen Qing is coming, remember not to mention Qi Hang Immortal Lord."

Xiyang and Jiangxiao nodded, and Jiangxiao said, "Can you tell us something now? What kind of strange tricks does this bald man have?"

Su Wan shook her head in embarrassment and said, "Let's see how Lang Xing talks to him. You will ask him later, I made an oath with my Taoist heart."

Jiangxiao said helplessly, "Is Xiao Hefeng okay? Did you and Langxing secretly take some elixir behind our backs again? I think your cultivation has improved."

Su Wanxiao glared at her, "Xiao Hefeng is very good. Seniors Yu Chan and Xiaoyao have personally given him some pointers, and his level has improved quickly." After saying that, he took out the Golden Body Pill and Xianyuan Pill that Lang Xing had just taken back. Pass it over.

Xiyang said happily, "Have seniors Yu Chan and Xiaoyao given guidance to him? Lang Xing can really do anything, let two great magical powers in the middle stage of feathering guide such a child."

Su Wan smiled and said, "These two children are really lucky, we..."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Xiao interrupted, "What kind of elixir are these two bottles of? Even I can tell that they are extraordinary."

Su Wan glanced at her contemptuously and said, "You only have so much eyesight. Didn't you say that we secretly took the elixir behind your back? This is what Langxing just got back. There are only two bottles, one is a golden body elixir. One is the Xianyuan Pill. Even if I tell you, you don’t understand. Haven’t you ever taken a Holy Clothes Pill? It is made from the peel of the Golden Body Fruit. This is made from the pulp. Xianyuan Pill. The value is higher than the Golden Body Pill. Lang Xing asked me to keep it, so I can give it to you two."

Jiangxiao couldn't care less about arguing with her, and said with a sigh, "No wonder it's extraordinary at first glance. Okay, okay, we accept this love, you two should keep it and eat it."

Su Wan smiled reluctantly and said, "This is the middle grade. He asked me to wait for the top grade."

Jiangxiao suddenly raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "I said you are so kind. It turns out there are better ones, so you can use some bad ones to send us away."

Su Wan stretched out her hand to grab it and said, "If you don't like it, hand it back. Although it is a middle-grade elixir, it is already a top-grade elixir. The top-grade elixir is not there yet. It is not certain whether it can be refined. For those who can definitely enter the feathering stage." For people who are poor, the difference between middle-grade and high-grade ones is of little significance, so I will serve the middle-grade ones and you can wait for the high-grade ones.”

Jiangxiao hurriedly put two bottles of elixir into Xiyang's hand, then looked at Su Wan suspiciously and said, "I don't believe you when you say there's not much difference. I'll have to ask Lang Xing later."

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to people like you who don't know how to make alchemy. Just ask whoever you believe."

Xiyang held two bottles of elixirs in front of Su Wan and said, "It's better that you keep them first. If the top-grade ones are refined, give us these two bottles."

Su Wan said sincerely, "If you take it early, you will benefit early. There is no need to keep it. Even if the top grade cannot be refined, there will always be mid-grade. You should take it first."

Jiangxiao grabbed the two bottles of pills in his hands again and said to Xiyang, "I have taken the Holy Clothes Pill. The last Yuying Pill in the treasure was also given to me. These two pills are for you."

Su Wan mocked, "That's right, take care of what needs to be taken care of, don't occupy everything, otherwise you will be too busy."

"I've got my hands full!" Jiangxiao choked back with laughter. She didn't expect Su Wan to say such a thing. It's easy to learn bad things but hard to learn well. Fortunately, she was following Lang Xing. If she had followed Xun Yi, , this talker must have been trained to be faster than a flying knife. "You..." Lang Xing felt a little flattered and didn't know what to say.

Su Wan quickly changed her disdainful expression and said, "Who made you have so many talents and magical powers? God favors you. We cannot accept this. We can ignore the principles you have figured out, but we dare not treat your feelings." Ignored, that’s all.”

Lang Xing laughed happily, "No matter what I rely on, as long as you can believe it, I have memorized everything you just said, and I have to keep my word." He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his lips.

Seeing him like this, Su Wan immediately guessed what he was going to say next. Before she could stop him, Lang Xing had already said it.

"I also feel like we really have a connection."

Because she was on guard, Su Wan said calmly, "It doesn't count as a made-up feeling. Just save some face."

Lang Xing burst out laughing, half-ridiculously, thinking that the Fairy Concubine Yuheng was on another piece of land, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Su Wan was so kind to him, but he hid the Fairy Concubine under Su Wan's nose. Too much It makes no sense.

He said with a sense of guilt, "Well... don't worry, I won't deliberately drag you down, and I will never deliberately hide anything I can help you with. Remember what I told you before, I want to give you a clear guide." What about the road?"

There was a cold light in Su Wan's eyes and she gritted her teeth and said, "I will remember until my death that you almost destroyed my Taoist heart that time!" .??.

Lang Xing opened his mouth and laughed silently, "You insisted on letting me tell you later. I originally wanted to tell you."

Amelia Su changed her calm expression and said, "Don't say it now, I still don't want to hear it."

Lang Xing looked at her suspiciously and said, "What do you mean? You are determined to stay with me, right?"

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I just said that I don't dare to take your feelings lightly, so I have to be careful. I trust your feelings more than your clear path."

Lang Xing smiled with relief and said, "You are a bit smart, so I'll save it for later."

"Why do I think you are a bit...fashionable? You are either a traitor or a thief, Lang Xing, do you have any evil intentions?" This time, Su Wan looked at him with suspicious eyes.

"Ha!" Lang Xing rolled his eyes bluffingly, "I don't understand good people's hearts, so I'll explain it to Shen Qing." After saying that, he came out of the Qiankun Bag.

Shen Qing, who was walking in a hurry, saw him coming out, and hurriedly strengthened the body-protecting divine light a little more, and asked, "Have you coaxed this slave?"

Lang Xing snorted. If it was revealed that Su Wan didn't care at all, Shen Qing would definitely find it boring, so he used this snort to muddle through, and then talked about the strategy he had come up with.

Shen Qing deeply believed in the opinions he talked about, but he was a little reluctant to take credit for himself.

Langxing advised, "Otherwise, I have no other way to introduce you to him. This is a great blessing. You should consider it yourself. I hope you can give up on your own initiative."

Shen Qing glanced at him sideways, and then nodded helplessly.

Arriving outside Wutian Valley, Shen Qing found a place to wait while Lang Xing and Su Wan hurried into Wutian Valley.

Flying to the edge of the valley, they saw Xiyang and Jiangxiao waiting for them boredly.

Jiangxiao said to Nunu in the valley, "No matter how you talk to us, you will ignore us. I only want to see you two."

Lang Xing smiled at them

They waved their hands and flew directly into the valley.

Su Wan opened her protective divine light to cover Xi Yang and Jiang Xiao, and said with her spiritual thoughts, "Shen Qing is coming, remember not to mention Qi Hang Immortal Lord."

Xiyang and Jiangxiao nodded, and Jiangxiao said, "Can you tell us something now? What kind of strange tricks does this bald man have?"

Su Wan shook her head in embarrassment and said, "Let's see how Lang Xing talks to him. You will ask him later, I made an oath with my Taoist heart."

Jiangxiao said helplessly, "Is Xiao Hefeng okay? Did you and Langxing secretly take some elixir behind our backs again? I think your cultivation has improved."

Su Wanxiao glared at her, "Xiao Hefeng is very good. Seniors Yu Chan and Xiaoyao have personally given him some pointers, and his level has improved quickly." After saying that, he took out the Golden Body Pill and Xianyuan Pill that Lang Xing had just taken back. Pass it over.

Xiyang said happily, "Have seniors Yu Chan and Xiaoyao given guidance to him? Lang Xing can really do anything, let two great magical powers in the middle stage of feathering guide such a child."

Su Wan smiled and said, "These two children are really lucky, we..."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Xiao interrupted, "What kind of elixir are these two bottles of? Even I can tell that they are extraordinary."

Su Wan glanced at her contemptuously and said, "You only have so much eyesight. Didn't you say that we secretly took the elixir behind your back? This is what Langxing just got back. There are only two bottles, one is a golden body elixir. One is the Xianyuan Pill. Even if I tell you, you don’t understand. Haven’t you ever taken a Holy Clothes Pill? It is made from the peel of the Golden Body Fruit. This is made from the pulp. Xianyuan Pill. The value is higher than the Golden Body Pill. Lang Xing asked me to keep it, so I can give it to you two."

Jiangxiao couldn't care less about arguing with her, and said with a sigh, "No wonder it's extraordinary at first glance. Okay, okay, we accept this love, you two should keep it and eat it."

Su Wan smiled reluctantly and said, "This is the middle grade. He asked me to wait for the top grade."

Jiangxiao suddenly raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "I said you are so kind. It turns out there are better ones, so you can use some bad ones to send us away."

Su Wan stretched out her hand to grab it and said, "If you don't like it, hand it back. Although it is a middle-grade elixir, it is already a top-grade elixir. The top-grade elixir is not there yet. It is not certain whether it can be refined. For those who can definitely enter the feathering stage." For people who are poor, the difference between middle-grade and high-grade ones is of little significance, so I will serve the middle-grade ones and you can wait for the high-grade ones.”

Jiangxiao hurriedly stuffed the two bottles of elixirs into Xiyang's hands, then looked at Su Wan suspiciously and said, "I don't believe you when you say there's not much difference. I'll have to ask Lang Xing later."

Su Wan said disdainfully, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to people like you who don't know how to make alchemy. Just ask whoever you believe."

Xiyang held two bottles of elixirs in front of Su Wan and said, "It's better that you keep them first. If the top-grade ones are refined, give us these two bottles."

Su Wan said sincerely, "If you take it early, you will benefit early. There is no need to keep it. Even if the top grade cannot be refined, there will always be mid-grade. You should take it first."

Jiangxiao grabbed the two bottles of pills in his hands again and said to Xiyang, "I have taken the Holy Clothes Pill. The last Yuying Pill in the treasure was also given to me. These two pills are for you."

Su Wan mocked, "That's right, take care of what needs to be taken care of, don't occupy everything, otherwise you will be too busy."

"I'm busy!" Jiangxiao choked back with laughter. She didn't expect Su Wan to say such a thing. It's easy to learn from bad things but hard to learn well. Fortunately, she was following Lang Xing. If she had followed Xun Yi in the first place, , this talker must have been trained to be faster than a flying knife.

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